How do SEALs and special forces types get so jacked with the insane amount of cardio they do?

How do SEALs and special forces types get so jacked with the insane amount of cardio they do?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Cardio kills gains
    Why do people still believe this bullshit?

  2. 10 months ago

    They all lift weights and use steroids alongside their insane cardio regiment

  3. 10 months ago

    >recruit only hunks and chads and thads
    >gee gosh golly how come there are only swole hunks chads and thads in that unit!

  4. 10 months ago

    >insane amount of cardio they do?
    Cardio doesn't kill gains you idiot.
    It strengthens the heart and it's ability to circulate blood, increasing strength and recovery.

    • 10 months ago

      >Cardio kills gains
      Why do people still believe this bullshit?

      How do SEALs and special forces types get so jacked with the insane amount of cardio they do?

      Steroids. If you’re serious about being a seal you need to at least do a few test cycles. Some guy just died during hell week and his mom blamed the steroids. If you have even decent genetics then the physical entry requirements aren’t that crazy at all once you take gear into consideration. Can’t really speak as to the stuff like sitting in water or whatever though

      • 10 months ago

        SLEEP. EAT. AND. LIFT. steroids. SEALs.

        totally not the vaccine bro

        Most special forces look completely DYEL. Endurance, cardio, marksmanship, survival skills, close combat ability, and occasional short-burst feats of strength can all be achieved very satisfactorily with a smaller, leaner body type. Even carrying in the field is usually achieved by team lifts or dragging.

        There are few benefits to hypertrophy in the armed forces and many downsides, including being less able to fit in armoured vehicles, not meeting standard sizing for uniform and protective gear, and requiring more calories to maintain.

        The ripped soldiers you sometimes see are the guys who choose to spend all their downtime working out on base. They don't represent the majority.

        >t. hasn't met any SF, SEAL bois
        Seriously, most of the ones I've met are juicing hard, why not too when you don't get any deployments.

        • 10 months ago

          Its a positive culture there. There won’t be anyone beta men trying to get you to not take it. Its generally do or dont. I know guys who blasted for years but when they came home they pretended they didnt for one reason or another. My best friend took multiple cycles but he straight up wont admit it for some reason, I really dont care either, he knows iv taken it several times.

          • 10 months ago

            You’re a ranger, bro, no one cares.

  5. 10 months ago

    This is a picture from a gay porn site not SEALs.

    CIA ops fighting deep behind lines without cover and plausible deniability look like this.

    • 10 months ago

      And this is an actual Mossad hit squad just before assassinating a high value target.

      Hollywood isn't reality.

    • 10 months ago

      And this is an actual Mossad hit squad just before assassinating a high value target.

      Hollywood isn't reality.

      Some lifter zoomer at work is desperate to be a zogbot cos he wants to be le epic government assassin. His face when I explained that zog assassins aren't jacked chads parkouring rooftops in Dubai to get the best sniper shot, they are balding inconspicuous doughy manlets who will scratch you with a needle while letting the gay target anally penetrate you after seducing him in a bathhouse in some russian shithole

  6. 10 months ago

    Living on base, its hard to get fat and if you are fat its either because you got fricked up or you have a seriously bad drinking problem. You have perfectly balanced meals and most dudes encourage each other to lift every day, not to mention the mandatory 5 miles a week minimum

    • 10 months ago

      >American goyslop MREs
      >perfectly balanced meals

      • 10 months ago

        do you actually think active duty eats MREs more than even 5% of the time?

      • 10 months ago

        Are you moronic? They dont serve you MRE on base lmao. If you’re deployed you’re not maintaining your conditioning unless they got you doing some pretend shit. The chow hall is lit and you can get amazing stats there

      • 10 months ago

        MREs are for deployments where you're burning 8000 calories a day in desertistan

  7. 10 months ago

    because cardio doesn't kill gains, only fatass morons believe that. the more cardio you do the more protein you can eat too

  8. 10 months ago

    unlimited free food

  9. 10 months ago

    They're all on gear.

  10. 10 months ago

    Most special forces look completely DYEL. Endurance, cardio, marksmanship, survival skills, close combat ability, and occasional short-burst feats of strength can all be achieved very satisfactorily with a smaller, leaner body type. Even carrying in the field is usually achieved by team lifts or dragging.

    There are few benefits to hypertrophy in the armed forces and many downsides, including being less able to fit in armoured vehicles, not meeting standard sizing for uniform and protective gear, and requiring more calories to maintain.

    The ripped soldiers you sometimes see are the guys who choose to spend all their downtime working out on base. They don't represent the majority.

    • 10 months ago

      Yet, the most based SF soldier of the modern age looks like a literal gigachad

  11. 10 months ago

    They exercise and train multiple times per day. That’s why their bodies are so fricking broken by the time they separate with their dd214 or in a coffin

  12. 10 months ago

    bottom left looks like miami dolphin legend Dan Marino

  13. 10 months ago

    Seals do high intensity calisthenics, high intensity cardio and high intensity lifting.
    >but but but but crossfit doesn't work

  14. 10 months ago


  15. 10 months ago

    SF are the biggest god damn losers with a God complex you will ever meet. Dudes with borderline down syndrome get millions of dollars worth of equipment to just get flown in the cover of the night, have a reaper hovering overhead and a C-130 circling above giving you real time updates while you put on your $30,000 NVGs to just sneak into some goat herder’s hut and put a bullet in his brain. These drama queens have no idea what real, sustained combat is like, then they start crying and demanding immediate EVAC within a minute of it being hot. Explains why these losers get wiped in major engagements with five or more targets

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah but who getting laid and whos getting overweight from combat injuries.

  16. 10 months ago

    a lot of them bulk up after completing the qualifications to become whatever spec ops they are

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