how do you cope with a fucked day?

how do you cope with a fricked day? i’m trying to stop being a fat piece of shit and already ate more than i promised myself i would

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  1. 12 months ago

    Do better tomorrow.
    Tell that inner voice to shut up. I know it's difficult.

  2. 12 months ago

    I just spiral and try again tomorrow

  3. 12 months ago

    One healthy day in a month doesn't make you lose weight. One bad day in a month won't make you make you gain weight. Calm down brother

    • 12 months ago


      how do you cope with a fricked day? i’m trying to stop being a fat piece of shit and already ate more than i promised myself i would

      Go for a walk OP, you may not be able to burn the calories but you can still do good things to help make up for it

      • 12 months ago

        ty that helped a bit

  4. 12 months ago

    Go do low intensity cardio until you burn all the excess calories.

  5. 12 months ago

    I just lift and remember that I'm 3 times as strong most if not all men where I live so it doesnt matter it will pass but my strength will not

  6. 12 months ago

    That’s why eating disorders exist, they help to right our wrongs.

    Vomit and start again new

  7. 12 months ago

    You're weak willed.

    • 12 months ago

      Nothing you can do after you fricked up. Remember how shitty you feel and tomorrow when you want to eat like a fatass, just remember how much you regretted it.

      If the desire to eat like a fatass overwhelms that reminder to the point where you "don't care", you're fricked.

      how can i strengthen my will?

      • 12 months ago

        It's all about Discipline. Losing weight isn't going to happen unless you're committed and disciplined, so just fricking get used to being hungry, and be at peace with it, find something else to occupy your time, try IF or OMAD if it helps, it helped me. I promise after sticking with it for a while and you start seeing progress, you'll get used to it

  8. 12 months ago

    Nothing you can do after you fricked up. Remember how shitty you feel and tomorrow when you want to eat like a fatass, just remember how much you regretted it.

    If the desire to eat like a fatass overwhelms that reminder to the point where you "don't care", you're fricked.

  9. 12 months ago

    Weigh yourself everyday morning and log the weight. Every single morning. No exceptions. Even after you frick up.

    It will keep you accountable and stop a bad day from spiraling into a bad week or month.

  10. 12 months ago

    Tomorrow awaits. You probably do better when you aren't home all day.

  11. 12 months ago

    you get up and try again

  12. 12 months ago

    You end the day with a healthy, filling meal and try again tomorrow.

  13. 12 months ago

    Realistically it's probably going to take a health scare for you to figure it out.
    Being fat isn't even bad though. Your life is twice as awesome and with technology you live to 65 years, so that's 65 * 2 = 130 years of life basically. Your sleep apnea will keep you awake so you get more shit done, meanwhile the healthnut will strive for 8 hours of beauty sleep and waste a third of his potential in the land of nod. I know I'm on IST saying this but it's literally true, it's not really true that 67% of Americans are obese it's more like 33% haven't figured out how sick it is to eat cookies all day.

  14. 12 months ago

    use that extra energy think what you could be doing instead of putting yourself in situation where you are habitualy eating.
    overeating is just another obsessive-compulsive behaviouer, you fight it like you would any other addiction. read up on how to drop acohol/ stop smoking and apply that methodology.

  15. 12 months ago

    >how do you cope with a fricked day? i’m trying to stop being a fat piece of shit and already ate more than i promised myself i would
    I use a concept that I learned from the Human Meme Wes Watson.
    It's simple : Use your inner dialogue!

    To be specific :
    - You have a Workout to do today, or another objective to achieve.
    - Did you achieve it ?
    - If you didn't achieve it : Call yourself "a Btich"'.
    - If you did achieve it, then tell yourself "You're no a b***h today".

    It worked pretty well for me.
    If I didn't do my daly workout : "You're a little b***h Anon!"
    If I did do my workout "Today, you weren't a little b***h".

    Keep calling yourself "a b***h" in your head, until you do what you're supposed to do.

    I do this less often these days, because I've leveled up my discipline and do my workouts almost every single day.
    But if one I'm lazy and don't do my workout, you can sure as sht I'm going to call myself a b***h, to myself, using my inner dialogue.

    Inner dialogue is quite powerful.$
    Some people do an alternative version of this that is "visualizing".
    You can look into that as well.

    Here, some Wes Watson motivation

  16. 12 months ago

    Hey anon. One suggestion I have is not doing too much at once. Instead of diving straight into OMAD or something extreme, i would start with intermittent fasting, with a manageable window of 8 hours a day. So maybe 10am-6pm can be your daily window where you have 1-2 meals with a good calorie count.

    Make a schedule for your day as well. If you dont go to the gym, walk for an hour or more every day. Listen to a podcast or something. Walking is very underrated.

    Good luck man, i went from 230lbs to 185 in a few months doing this. you can do it!

  17. 12 months ago

    I thought this thread was going to be about dealing with events beyond your control.

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