How do you deal with clearly unhealthy people who often drink and smoke and proclaim to be the "real men" and obviously get jealous whenever...

How do you deal with clearly unhealthy people who often drink and smoke and proclaim to be the "real men" and obviously get jealous whenever you (a fit person who respects himself and decides to do something about his body) do literally anything?
Shit is sort of like pic related but not on that extreme level, why do people pick on you for being fit? Is it bad to take care of yourself?

I understand being jealous but why the frick do you feel the need to drag others down, not that I care but still I don't want to be looked at like I'm some alien because I take care of myself.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Ignore them lmao, biting at your heels is a coping mechanism.

    • 9 months ago

      may be but all I want is to be treated like human

      the only legitimate reason to hate homosexuals is that they made taking care of oneself gay. hence, why all the unhealthy and self-proclaimed "masculine" "men" rip on others for actively trying not be a disgusting slob.

      truth but still how the frick do you talk someone back? I personally just get heavily disappointed in someone like that and go on with my life.

      you need to ascend brother. idk at some point you just ascend past them so hard it's like they are staring into the sun, fitizens are in disagreement where that point is some say 1/2/3/4 others say this others say that. Just keep working hard and you HAVE to do what's necessary for you to keep improving if you have to abandon everyone so be it.

      I somewhat reached that point after bulking and still I plan to be better, thanks for the advice.

      • 9 months ago

        >may be but all I want is to be treated like human
        Only humans can treat you as human. Animals can't.

      • 9 months ago

        >all I want is to be treated like human
        I call BS, because it is 100% the human experience for people to seethe when others do better than them. You're being treated like a superior. A superior they can't get anything from by supplicating, at that.

        If you want to be treated nicely and as part of the group, you must bring yourself down to their level. Period.

    • 9 months ago

      Ive dealt with this a lot and it took some trial and error but the only way to win at this game is truly just ignore it. Don’t JUST ignore it but appear as if you’re completely unaware, oblivious, indifferent, remain aloof. And continue to do you. Strive for perfection. If it’s at a job busy your ass while keeping to yourself, only politic and network with the boss, they’ll seethe as you dust them. Other settings just play the aloof card.
      This does several things. 1.) they continue acting how they are and make no personal growth 2.) they won’t ever get fit. So essentially in 5+ years they’ll be obese weak and aged while also being bitter at the world. It doesn’t matter what you have in life, that combo will make anyone miserable.

      Basically the more you allow them to behave that way, the deeper they seethe.

      Albeit I do not believe in turning the other cheek as I have learned certain things need to be dealt with immediately or else people like this will only get worse and worse. It makes lesser people feel good when they believe theyre beating up on someone they perceive as better and face no repercussions. I think the best way to go about this is to politely press them, only if it’s in front of others though so they make a fool of themself and it gets the message out to all
      >fatty talks shit, says you’d settle an argument with arm wrestling
      >what do you mean? Why do you think that?
      >Uh um uh —
      They either end up complimenting you out of fear or they double down and still out of fear start insulting you. At which point you’ve won. If they insult you simply
      >uh… wow okay well I hope you can overcome whatever you’re going through
      Pressing with politeness in front of others destroys them, most people are not confrontational so usually they’ll fold. Others witnessing this will make them respect you if you did it right. And if they insult, others will lose respect for the fatty. The goal is to highlight their weakness.

      • 9 months ago

        >Basically the more you allow them to behave that way, the deeper they seethe.
        That's the problem though. I, like OP couldn't care less but they eventually decide to start sabotaging you after manufacturing X or Y excuses in their heads. It's happened multiple times to the point where I can actually, physically see the warning signs. The overly long glances. The sBlack personing when you make a mistake. The talking behind your back. That's the start.

        It's why I only work management now. So I can keep these insects in line. Their npc brains automatically subordinate to authority so it doesn't trigger the chain of seethe that usually goes down. Then it's smooth sailing as long as you crack the whip every once in a while.

        If you are stuck in the wagie position, where you're forced to consider the slime as co-equals (at least on paper), the best method I've found is to ask them questions about their lives and pretend to think that they're "cool".

        Then their lizard brains will revert to attempting to please you and gain your favor. The problem is they'll start wanting to get closer and closer. They're like addicts seeking what they can't have. Eventually if you stave off their cravings long enough they turn even more bitter than before. It works for a while but you can't win forever.

        • 9 months ago

          I’ve seen it in every which way man I get it, that’s why I added how to properly deal with it at the end. You have to nip it in the bud immediately otherwise you get the following situation
          >weak/fatty/in whatever way inferior person starts fricking with you, talking shit, talking behind your back out loud for you to hear
          >you ignore because who cares right? Who would feel anything from some seething weak person?
          >they go harder and harder testing where the boundary is continually pushing it, start spreading bullshit about you to other co workers and management and any bosses
          >finally after months of this they catch you on a really bad day when you have deeper life bullshit going on, you snap at them
          >you get in trouble for it now. All their shit is overlooked, they’re made to be the victim because they’re weaker, you get punished
          I had this happen at a job once where it was full of soi manlets and 3 guys in particular, 5’, 5’2”, and 5’6” all got off on doing that shit to me. It made them feel big because at the time I was 6’2” 210. They believed I was scared of them even though my default was zero response. One day the 5’ got me on a shitty week and I threw him over an aisle and called him a homosexual while management watched. Nothing happened luckily.
          At another job same shit, one of them was a manager. He’s berate me because no one respected him and I always turned the cheek so it gave him a sense of reclaimed power. Told him he needed to “simmer the frick down” and I got written up so I told him to lick my butthole clean before he goes home to kiss his wife and kids and quit.

          NOW I find just being confrontational but calm, collected, and polite is an effective way to nip it in the bud. But it needs to happen immediately.
          >ask them about their lives say cool
          It doesn’t always work. If you’ve let them do their shit for too long they already dislike you and it won’t change anything. Same shit, you have to do that early on.

          • 9 months ago

            Yes I think you're right. Especially in taking action quickly. I never really thought about it that way I just kind of did it automatically past a point, but it's true you need to set the standards early on. Mode of conduct and all that.

            The process is very tiring though. The simpletons have a very tribal mindset. They think they're challenging the top-dog. In their primitive mindsets they think 'beating' you will make them move up on the social ladder. That's really why you gotta stay in positions of authority where you can shut them down and make them fear you.

            I don't know what kind of work you do but if you're muscular and good looking it's VERY easy to schmooze in with any "female boss". They instinctively subordinate to powerful males but only if you show some interest. Like my above post you tease them with something they can't have until they give you what you want.

      • 9 months ago

        >Basically the more you allow them to behave that way, the deeper they seethe.
        That's the problem though. I, like OP couldn't care less but they eventually decide to start sabotaging you after manufacturing X or Y excuses in their heads. It's happened multiple times to the point where I can actually, physically see the warning signs. The overly long glances. The sBlack personing when you make a mistake. The talking behind your back. That's the start.

        It's why I only work management now. So I can keep these insects in line. Their NPC brains automatically subordinate to authority so it doesn't trigger the chain of seethe that usually goes down. Then it's smooth sailing as long as you crack the whip every once in a while.

        If you are stuck in the wagie position, where you're forced to consider the slime as co-equals (at least on paper), the best method I've found is to ask them questions about their lives and pretend to think that they're "cool".

        Then their lizard brains will revert to attempting to please you and gain your favor. The problem is they'll start wanting to get closer and closer. They're like addicts seeking what they can't have. Eventually if you stave off their cravings long enough they turn even more bitter than before. It works for a while but you can't win forever.

        I’ve seen it in every which way man I get it, that’s why I added how to properly deal with it at the end. You have to nip it in the bud immediately otherwise you get the following situation
        >weak/fatty/in whatever way inferior person starts fricking with you, talking shit, talking behind your back out loud for you to hear
        >you ignore because who cares right? Who would feel anything from some seething weak person?
        >they go harder and harder testing where the boundary is continually pushing it, start spreading bullshit about you to other co workers and management and any bosses
        >finally after months of this they catch you on a really bad day when you have deeper life bullshit going on, you snap at them
        >you get in trouble for it now. All their shit is overlooked, they’re made to be the victim because they’re weaker, you get punished
        I had this happen at a job once where it was full of soi manlets and 3 guys in particular, 5’, 5’2”, and 5’6” all got off on doing that shit to me. It made them feel big because at the time I was 6’2” 210. They believed I was scared of them even though my default was zero response. One day the 5’ got me on a shitty week and I threw him over an aisle and called him a homosexual while management watched. Nothing happened luckily.
        At another job same shit, one of them was a manager. He’s berate me because no one respected him and I always turned the cheek so it gave him a sense of reclaimed power. Told him he needed to “simmer the frick down” and I got written up so I told him to lick my butthole clean before he goes home to kiss his wife and kids and quit.

        NOW I find just being confrontational but calm, collected, and polite is an effective way to nip it in the bud. But it needs to happen immediately.
        >ask them about their lives say cool
        It doesn’t always work. If you’ve let them do their shit for too long they already dislike you and it won’t change anything. Same shit, you have to do that early on.

        Yes I think you're right. Especially in taking action quickly. I never really thought about it that way I just kind of did it automatically past a point, but it's true you need to set the standards early on. Mode of conduct and all that.

        The process is very tiring though. The simpletons have a very tribal mindset. They think they're challenging the top-dog. In their primitive mindsets they think 'beating' you will make them move up on the social ladder. That's really why you gotta stay in positions of authority where you can shut them down and make them fear you.

        I don't know what kind of work you do but if you're muscular and good looking it's VERY easy to schmooze in with any "female boss". They instinctively subordinate to powerful males but only if you show some interest. Like my above post you tease them with something they can't have until they give you what you want.

        Jesus Christ, you 2 are homosexuals. Ask me how I know neither of you 2 look like you lift?
        >ask them about their personal life
        If you lack authenticity then it's going to eventually show. And when they figure it out, they don't wanna be around you
        >just get into a position of power
        What a bunch of fricking neurotic dweebs you 2 are. If being in power is the only way people "like" you then you are a c**t. Simple as.
        >everyone is trying to 1up you
        If you are as high and mighty as you say then you're still somehow an insecure b***h. Chances are they are nervous and making awkward normie humor around you.

        Frick I hate nerds so goddamn much.

        • 9 months ago

          It’s kind of funny that you clearly actually believe you’ve made a point yet you decided to argue against points I never made while replying to me
          >position of power
          >you 2 are dumb
          I never said anything about this. You never touched on a single point I made. But that’s neither here nor there I’m focused on
          >If you are as high and mighty as you say then you're still somehow an insecure b***h. Chances are they are nervous and making awkward normie humor around you.
          ask me how I know you’re small. You’re either a manlet or some Zoomer who’s just past his 2nd year of lifting and thinks he’s big.
          Cool I hate geeks and that’s exactly what you are, crying because two strangers you’ve never met have an entirely different experience than you. 90% chance you’re some neet who doesn’t even leave his home.

          • 9 months ago

            >he expects to go through and analyze every argument
            No homosexual. These were the ones in both your circle jerk that stood out
            >"n-no you!"
            >neet who doesn't leave his home
            You remind me of some homosexual YouTuber that got posted here a bit. Either way, if you are going out then how are you this much of a b***h? Lighten up already, homosexual.

            • 9 months ago

              >getting this mad over replies on a basket weaving forum while claiming to not be a b***h
              >no please don’t retaliate to my ad hominem with the same thing it’s not fair because it’s true in my case!
              Yeah you’re totally not a b***h
              >still didn’t touch on a single point I made
              >just even more MAD (you know, like a little b***h) that I called him out on not being intimidating enough for people to passive aggressive bullshit at
              I thought so

              • 9 months ago

                >>just even more MAD (you know, like a little b***h) that

              • 9 months ago

                No. I'm not the one typing out essays over bullies.
                >muh intelligence
                Tip your fedora harder
                >not having a body to be intimidating
                This fricking guy. IOYK

  2. 9 months ago

    the only legitimate reason to hate homosexuals is that they made taking care of oneself gay. hence, why all the unhealthy and self-proclaimed "masculine" "men" rip on others for actively trying not be a disgusting slob.

    • 9 months ago

      I draw the line between taking care of yourself and buying all sorts of gay ass vanity products like skincare, manscaping, hair gel all that shit.

      It all looks like a massive cope for insecurity about your appearance. Just keep your beard decently tidy and don’t reek

      • 9 months ago

        Gotta clip my eyebrows, they seem to have a life of their own they way they grow if don't take care of them once every 1-2 months. I'm not kidding, if I don't do that they get long enough to reach my eyes.

      • 9 months ago

        skincare is worthwhile im gonna look like a god at 40

      • 9 months ago

        >vanity products
        >skin care
        >hair gel
        You're the exact guy he was talking about

    • 9 months ago

      Women did that. They made taking care of yourself feminine and said all men are pigs which made men pigs. Not our problem.

  3. 9 months ago

    you need to ascend brother. idk at some point you just ascend past them so hard it's like they are staring into the sun, fitizens are in disagreement where that point is some say 1/2/3/4 others say this others say that. Just keep working hard and you HAVE to do what's necessary for you to keep improving if you have to abandon everyone so be it.

  4. 9 months ago

    One of the early lines from Meditations is something about not caring about the critique of men who cannot even meet the standards they hold you to

  5. 9 months ago

    It's a bit like how people will start testing you non stop as soon as they learn you're vegetarian or vegan even if you don't make a fuss about it. Or even things like being into ecology. They consider that you take the moral high ground and feel challenged. I don't have to deal with that but from what I see you just have to take it and don't let yourself stranded from what you think is good for you. People actively trying to sabotage your life are not friends anyway

    • 9 months ago

      >They consider that you take the moral high ground and feel challenged.
      THIS. Some people were traumatized developmentally and ONLY see the world in terms of who is winning and losing. Just remember when someone puts you down for "no reason" there's a very real reason: THEY FEEL LIKE SHIT AND ARE COPING. THIS IS HOW THEY COPE. By not seeing it for what it is, and responding to the words instead of the SOCIAL ACTIONS they represent, you feed into it.

      You respond to these "people" by showing them a mirror.

      Here are a couple example responses from OP, these are shit but hopefully give you the idea:
      >"well well nice of you to join us there protein shake"
      >What kind of person goes straight to name-calling in the workplace? What are you, four years old?

      >"hey, i'll bet anon over there probably wants to settle the debate by arm wrestling"
      >Where did that even come from? This is about engineering resources. What are you even talking about?

      They'll try to turn it back on you, but it's just cope and once you learn to observe the behavior and not internalize it ("observe, don't absorb" is the mantra) you can socially backhand fricks like this very easily. Keep in mind, this only applies to people who are PATHOLOGICALLY like this, not people who make one innocent joke every once in a while, don't do this to anyone but a real shitbag or you'll be the shitbag. But to the shitbags, making them reflect on their behavior is fricking kryptonite. I have my own greentext story:
      >married to BPD b***h for 4 years
      >can't go to gym, see family, even do handstands outside the house without her threatening to kill herself from being away from me
      >constantly puts me down and blames shit on me
      >eventually wise up to it, start turning things back on her
      >within a couple months, SHE PACKS UP HER SHIT AND LEAVES (remember she would threaten to kill herself if I left)
      >now happily divorced
      These "people" need to be put in their place, but you don't do it by sinking to their level.

  6. 9 months ago

    Everyone who sees them act this way immediately recognizes it as the seething cope it is and quietly cringes. This is one of those games where the only winning move is not to play.

    • 9 months ago

      would consider this as the best solution until you get to the point of literally workplace harassment, and nobody will give a shit because you're oh so big and strong and shit

      • 9 months ago

        just give them the look of simultaneous disgust and amusement. you know youre better than that person and that person knows that he is lower than you, so you just brush it off with a "good one, you must have practiced that for a while"

        • 9 months ago

          You sort of broke the rule of playing the game you described yourself by even replying to colleagues.
          If I were to say anything It'd be something like "you aren't even 1/4th of what I am" but still everything can be turned into a mockery, gives me vibes from elementary school because of some people's mentality and actions.

          • 9 months ago

            >If I were to say anything It'd be something like "you aren't even 1/4th of what I am"
            you are trolling right?

            • 9 months ago

              could say the same about
              >"good one, you must have practiced that for a while"
              it sounds like you're wearing fedora meanwhile telling someone that they aren't even slightly of what you are could only make them more jealous

              • 9 months ago

                I am not that anon.

          • 9 months ago

            >"you aren't even 1/4th of what I am"
            Anon, she's definitely at least close to his weight, if not heavier.

      • 9 months ago

        just give them the look of simultaneous disgust and amusement. you know youre better than that person and that person knows that he is lower than you, so you just brush it off with a "good one, you must have practiced that for a while"

        If you quip back you are part of the game and anything you say can be "too far". Just shut it down; "I don't appreciate the comments on body, I won't ask again", then immediately report it to HR. Don't let it fester, just because they are unprofessional it doesn't mean you should be too.

  7. 9 months ago

    rape is always the answer

  8. 9 months ago

    >”nice of you to join us there protein shake”
    >”don’t call me that”
    >continue meeting

    • 9 months ago

      She calls it you again in the next meeting.

    • 9 months ago

      How do you deal with clearly unhealthy people who often drink and smoke and proclaim to be the "real men" and obviously get jealous whenever you (a fit person who respects himself and decides to do something about his body) do literally anything?
      Shit is sort of like pic related but not on that extreme level, why do people pick on you for being fit? Is it bad to take care of yourself?

      I understand being jealous but why the frick do you feel the need to drag others down, not that I care but still I don't want to be looked at like I'm some alien because I take care of myself.

      >”Nice of you to join us, protein shake.”
      >”Excuse me, but I am deeply uncomfortable because of your comments made at the expense of my appearance.”
      >complain to HR first

      Beat them at their own game.

      • 9 months ago

        this. you can call some goober friend or acquaintance that but if it's a coworker it's dangerous territory. rules of engagement are different in the workplace

  9. 9 months ago

    The problem isn't that you fought back, the problem is that you fought back too late here.

    Normies act according to expectations. McFlurry developed the expectation that she can insult you with impunity. Allowing 3 breaches without a response basically means that you accept a behavior being done to you. Its like training a dog. You let a dog do something three times they assume they can do it every time.

    Its exhausting dealing with people because you always have to check them the second they step out of line. Don't be like Aurelius, whose wife slept around on him constantly. He lived in an internal world in purity of spirit but allowed people to take him for a ride. He was constantly praised for being noble and smart while everything was taken away from him, and why commodus turned into a shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Great answer.
      I made so many mistakes when dealing with folks.

    • 9 months ago

      Alright then how do you react when you notice it?
      Even if you say "do not do this" to some people they'll keep on going, unironically Chris Chan's psychologist gave him a pretty good advice by "not showing the button that other people will press to make him angry", if I stay quiet then it will keep on happening. The frick do I just do lmao.

      • 9 months ago

        Start insulting them if you tell them to stop and they continue to press.

        You also have to look, at least the part, of a person willing to go a distance they do not want to go down. I look physically fit, and when I give the warning and they continue I just stare at their eyes and call them useless disgusting pigs.

        Sometimes they break eye contact and try to laugh it off but if you don't crack a smile and continue with an almost autist stare to insult them they will begin to see that you mean it.

        And that's the thing. You have to mean it. You have to believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that this person is useless disgusting flesh. Most people do the insult and joke thing because they are insecure and want to a.) both tear you down and b.) not get called out. That's why they use the joke moniker.

        Its another thing entirely when a guy flat out says he hates your guts without even hiding behind a joke or a laugh. The insecure person at this time would basically say "aye, take it easy, it was just a joke" or something along the lines. Just say I told you twice Im not taking it as a joke, you are a grown ass adult, you chose to test my patience, you deserve every insult I am giving you you fricking slob. Frick off and don't talk to me unless you apologize.

        If they come to apologize, don't apologize for insulting them. At best, say you regret not being sincere enough in your objections before escalating but you do not ever apologize for what you believe was necessary for defending yourself.

        • 9 months ago

          Usually what i do is three steps

          >Listen, I don't appreciate that behavior

          >Again, I asked you to stop, please stop.

          >Alright you skunk rot pussy...etc.

        • 9 months ago

          Jesus that's hard. I wish I could be like that. I'm going to try that next time. Good thing I can read people really well, and I have a very good memory for shit they do, which I silently judge and then store in my brain to snap back at them when the conflict inevitably happens.

          • 9 months ago

            Sound like a woman

        • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Remember that Scorpion jacket greentext? Just do what Don Draper would and keep it rolling. They're Campbell, you're Draper.

      • 9 months ago

        HR you moron. These dumb bawds need something to do, protecting chad from a hambeast is something they will want on that list.

        For real, consider your company culture, if its some turbo tech israelite company HR is a free win button. Though smaller places full of machomen boomers might make going to hr a non option as you will be shamed or hated for complaining.

    • 9 months ago

      >Its exhausting dealing with people because you always have to check them the second they step out of line.

      I have the same thing. Either I'm sensitive about being wronged, which I doubt, or people are really just apes and too rude for their own sake. If I would check people for everything they did, I become the overassertive bad guy.

      I just don't interact with people anymore. Evil can only start devouring itself when there's nothing to destroy anymore.

      • 9 months ago

        >I just don't interact with people anymore. Evil can only start devouring itself when there's nothing to destroy anymore.
        This is the same conclusion I've reached. Vaxx cattle aren't even worthy of basic consideration.

    • 9 months ago

      they really should bundle your last paragraphs in with every copy of the Meditations.

    • 9 months ago

      Aurelius' problem was that he was trying to compromise on a philosophy that requires complete devotion. Strict adherence to Stoic philosophy should lead one to a very sparse and ascetic lifestyle, similar to what you'd see practiced by Buddhist monks, Stoicism's closest philosophical neighbor. Seneca had this problem as well, while Epictetus lived a life more proper for a Stoic and left behind writings far superior to either of these politcians.

  10. 9 months ago

    >How do you deal with clearly unhealthy people
    there is your problem
    you think they're human
    they're not human

  11. 9 months ago

    I don't listen to the advice or judgement from men who can't bench press more than me

    • 9 months ago

      >meesta anonymoos that smudge on your lung is a tumor
      >yeah come back to me when your shoulders and maxilla are wider kid

      • 9 months ago

        >Evolution of a French man.jpg

  12. 9 months ago

    Legitimately work in a career field where talking shit to your peers is the norm. Once that’s locked in just say whatever you want outside of that. Remember they can’t stop you.

  13. 9 months ago

    didn't you go to elementary school? the odd kid gets picked always, so now you are the weirdo in a sea of whales

    in my own experience go passive-aggresive and tease em whenever you can, 2 of my favorites were

    >hey you going to the vendor machine? tell you what whoever gets there first pays!
    >whoa, careful there anon! lemme pick that box for you (skinny guy picking up a small box)

  14. 9 months ago

    ITT; a demonstration, but not explanation, of the sperg's inability to comprehend a chirp.

  15. 9 months ago

    >How do you deal with clearly unhealthy people who often drink and smoke and proclaim to be the "real men" and obviously get jealous whenever you (a fit person who respects himself and decides to do something about his body) do literally anything?

    You seem to put a lot of value on how people perceive you, just don't care, that's all

  16. 9 months ago

    >itt i develop even more depression
    I hate the average 2 faced normie Black person so goddamn bad. At this point I automatically assume every single 1 is fricking with me. Why not? The grand majority already are full of shit.

  17. 9 months ago

    just ignore them

  18. 9 months ago

    >how do you deal
    >implying its my problem
    I might have a few smug smirks and chuckles at the utter absurdity of such a situation, but beyond that it immediately labels that person as a complete waste of time who should be ignored

  19. 9 months ago

    >being this upset at being called mr protein shake

    • 9 months ago

      >being upset at being called mcflurry

  20. 9 months ago

    yeah dont give a shit about these people, projecting insecurities at someone who is achieving something they can't or aren't willing to do. it's petty, but it feels good to mog these kind of people.

  21. 9 months ago

    Happened to me recently as well, I’ll green text
    >be me, barber
    >young (25), muscular, clearly take care of my heath, have a skincare routine and upkeep my appearance
    >start at barbershop
    >my chair is next to this attractive Latina girl (cosmetologist but can still cut men’s hair)
    >single and same age as me
    >pretty much everyone else in the shop has been shut down by her
    >she’s immediately into me, talking about my muscles, wants to get drinks with me after work
    >just existing next to her infuriated everyone
    >they keep walking across to our side of the shop to strike a conversation with her, I guess trying to mark their territory or something
    >they keep trying to flex random things and act all cool to her in front of me
    >don’t care about any of that, took the self improvement pill ages ago
    >just there to make money and hit the gym after

    Things have kinda settled down and I’m not trying to have beef with the other barbers in the shop, but by this point her and I have a little flirty work relationship and it I can tell it irritates the crap out of everyone else who tried getting with her.

  22. 9 months ago

    Unless they are injured and unable to lift and lack access to a cardio option, regard their opinions as you would those of a child.

  23. 9 months ago

    so glad I dont have to worry about stepping around glass in my country. we openly call refer to fatties as fat man or fat girl.

  24. 9 months ago

    My family is like this. They always need to comment on what I'm doing or eating

  25. 9 months ago

    lol how do incels respond to that, doesn't that disprove the halo effect?

  26. 9 months ago

    no idea why being called protein shake would aggravate someone, personally I'd just flex and laugh
    that person is really such a loser inside that he is getting pushed around and bullied by a bunch of fatties

    • 9 months ago

      >personally I'd just flex and laugh

    • 9 months ago

      >personally I'd just flex and laugh
      You either take those people as friends or you are just a slave. It wont be a one time laugh, remember that the pic related had enough because this shit has been happening a lot to him, saying something like "Don't call me that" is the best solution because they can't really backlash you.
      Those "people" will keep on going and going until it stops being funny for them and will see you as an idiot.

  27. 9 months ago

    A wolf cares not for the opinion of sheep. I'm not sure if anybody ever talked shit to me as it doesn't even register as a dig.

  28. 9 months ago

    >yeah I used to lift in the past but not anymore
    Fae humility is also not a good trait, people will think you're fricking with them.

  29. 9 months ago

    I don’t do anything. They fell for the marketing that smoking and drinking makes someone manly and I pity them.

  30. 9 months ago

    What really bothers me is they are always watching you to catch you 'slip up'.

    These fricking homosexuals will make dozens of mistakes a day that will frick with the company, but you bet your ass the very first time you slip up they're on you like hyenas.

    Then when they do they give you that smug, sly-eyed face. Like "I caught you not being perfect" type of look. All normieBlack folk do this and it makes me want to strangle them. It's gotten to the point where I only take managerial roles so they can't frick with me anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      >Like "I caught you not being perfect" type of look.
      Just say "haha oops" or something, just show you're not ashamed of slipping up.

      • 9 months ago

        >just show you're not ashamed of slipping up.
        I don't play social games. I couldn't care less what these insects think.

        • 9 months ago

          You are only allowed to refrain from social games when you have nothing to lose
          If you own your own business, fine
          You are a wage slave
          An animal
          Behave or lose your job

          • 9 months ago

            Modernity is the biggest failure conceivable for allowing posts like this to be thought up and actually typed

            • 9 months ago

              You know it's true
              I can call someone I'm doing a busines deal a fricking Black person and tell them to kill themselves
              Maybe I lose a little money
              You do that once you're fricked
              An actual cuck licking the ass of the corporate vessel that owns your body and soul

              • 9 months ago

                Not reading your post. Seek Jesus Christ.

                >I don't play social games. I couldn't care less what these insects think.
                Clearly you do or you wouldn't call them insects. And I'm not talking about "playing the social game", just not actively refusing to play along.
                And if you are really always trying to be perfect it reeks of insecurity.

                I've seen bullshit like this many times. You're trying to "win" an argument. You are actively playing the social game, only it's anonymous and therefore useless.

              • 9 months ago

                >I've seen bullshit like this many times. You're trying to "win" an argument. You are actively playing the social game, only it's anonymous and therefore useless
                And you just come across as moron who acts tough to hide how much of an insecure little b***h he is.

              • 9 months ago

                >still going

              • 9 months ago

                >I can call someone I'm doing a busines deal a fricking Black person and tell them to kill themselves
                You have to be underaged to think you can do that and continue to get any fricking business lmfao, word of mouth is a thing moron.
                Just because you don't go outside and talk to other people, doesn't mean everyone does.

              • 9 months ago

                >I can call someone I'm doing a busines deal a fricking Black person and tell them to kill themselves
                Do it phaggot, remember to post pics of the email trail

        • 9 months ago

          >I don't play social games. I couldn't care less what these insects think.
          Clearly you do or you wouldn't call them insects. And I'm not talking about "playing the social game", just not actively refusing to play along.
          And if you are really always trying to be perfect it reeks of insecurity.

        • 9 months ago

          Did you read your own post? Your care greatly what they think. To the point its affecting what jobs you take. It runs your life lol

          • 9 months ago

            Jesus Christ, you 2 are homosexuals. Ask me how I know neither of you 2 look like you lift?
            >ask them about their personal life
            If you lack authenticity then it's going to eventually show. And when they figure it out, they don't wanna be around you
            >just get into a position of power
            What a bunch of fricking neurotic dweebs you 2 are. If being in power is the only way people "like" you then you are a c**t. Simple as.
            >everyone is trying to 1up you
            If you are as high and mighty as you say then you're still somehow an insecure b***h. Chances are they are nervous and making awkward normie humor around you.

            Frick I hate nerds so goddamn much.

            >5 hours later
            >is STILL trying to get a rise

            You are literally the problem we're discussing. No (you)'s for subhumans.

            • 9 months ago


              No. I'm not the one typing out essays over bullies.
              >muh intelligence
              Tip your fedora harder
              >not having a body to be intimidating
              This fricking guy. IOYK

              >nah uh you!
              The post
              >is the one throwing a temper tantrum over something that has nothing to do with him
              >still has not mentioned a single point I made and has presented zero argument
              I rest my case

              • 9 months ago

                >argues like a dweeb
                >wonders why he gets bullied at work
                It ain't your body. Of which you should post already.

        • 9 months ago

          >I couldn't care less what these insects think.

          What compels you to lie?

          • 9 months ago

            Not him, but I assume the insults themselves have no effect. It's more about the sheer audacity of a fatty trying to put anyone else down.

  31. 9 months ago

    Kinda funny but also humble bragging
    >I'm tall as frick and ONLY working up to 2/3/4/5

  32. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Me on the right

    • 9 months ago

      nice little rageface webcomic

    • 9 months ago

      Found McFlurry

  33. 9 months ago

    The massive amount of insecure incel cope itt is amazing. Please share more of your day dreams you will never act out irl.

  34. 9 months ago

    "Alcohol? Sorry that's bad for you. Want some coke?"
    Then snort a line

  35. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >Standing on his toes even after JUSTING his bone integrity

  36. 9 months ago

    >How do you deal with clearly unhealthy people who often drink and smoke and proclaim to be the "real men" and obviously get jealous whenever you (a fit person who respects himself and decides to do something about his body) do literally anything?
    don't talk about what you're doing. just do it. never share. don't talk about progress, don't talk about the work out, don't talk about the diet. just go about your business. anyone says anything to you, you give em the old IST tried and true "wii fit and zumba haha" and move the convo along to something else.

  37. 9 months ago

    You’re a liberal sissy real men smoke and drink booze for high T
    You’re just a liberal sisssy I bet those smokers lift heavier than you

  38. 9 months ago

    same energy as when baldies on IST SEETHE at you for having long hair, the amount of yous dedicated to pure bald seethery is off the charts, they will be itt as well

  39. 9 months ago

    I ain't gonna lie, anon did mess it up.
    Comments on being fitfrick don't ever have negative connections, while commenta on being fatfrick always have negativity attached to it.
    Thus when she made that remark, yes it wasn't in good sport, but since it was commented regarding an objectively positive attribute, it didn't really had any weight behind it.
    But when he retorted, it was about a negative attribute, so it was in bad faith.
    Its just like when chicks race which of them are the uglier and one of them ends it with a "yeah i guess i am the prettier one"
    Only solution is to not play this game, fatfricks can only seethe, other activites would consume too much calories to worth them

  40. 9 months ago

    honestly anons, don't flatter yourself too much...

    most people don't give a damn about you.

  41. 9 months ago

    I figure most people are either jealous or need to cope by thinking you have some extreme diet or lifestyle. I figure you should just smile, you shouldnt get your jimmies rustled by weaklings and fatties. I kinda enjoy the dirty looks some people give you just by being muscular and goodlooking. Just smirkmaxx and stop caring about ppl talking behind your back. Seek validation from within yourself

  42. 9 months ago

    they aren't jealous. they know you're easy to wind up.

  43. 9 months ago

    I simply allow them to destroy themselves.

  44. 9 months ago


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