How do you handle your gf/wife gaining weight to the point where she went from attractive to unattractive?

How do you handle your gf/wife gaining weight to the point where she went from attractive to unattractive? Does covert weight shaming actually work or do you just break up / divorce because it’s too late?

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  1. 10 months ago

    You're asking for marriage advice on a site for virgins

  2. 10 months ago

    I would eat that ass like it was my last meal
    In case anybody was curious

    • 10 months ago

      you also frick dudes so I wasn't thanks

      You're asking for marriage advice on a site for virgins


      How do you handle your gf/wife gaining weight to the point where she went from attractive to unattractive? Does covert weight shaming actually work or do you just break up / divorce because it’s too late?

      you make it clear it's not okay and avoid it before it happens

  3. 10 months ago

    >imagine being in a committed relationship in tyool 1999+24
    >imagine being married in tyool 1999+24

  4. 10 months ago

    how about proper communication? instead of covertly shaming her, why not just tell her and offer to work through it together? like, you know, healthy communication instead of some bullshit "covert shaming"

    • 10 months ago

      Does that shit actually work though

      Has there really ever been an instance where some woman let herself go, her man “properly communicated” his concerns to her, and then she turned her shit around and lost weight / got a banging body?

    • 10 months ago

      holy shit you never had a relationship lmao

      • 10 months ago

        Nta but you've never had a functional relationship. Open and honest communication is the bedrock of successful, lifelong marriages.

        • 10 months ago

          I've been with my wife for 14 years and have children
          you don't talk with them like that, women are inherently emotional creatures and a sincere appeal to their logic and objectivity is always, ALWAYS gonna fail
          prove me wrong you sissy homosexual

          • 10 months ago

            women are fricking obnoxious and they cant help but analyze everything every single moment. exhausting to be around

            • 10 months ago

              >he pretends to be a chad on IST

          • 10 months ago

            post ring finger + timestamp and I'll believe you larp

          • 10 months ago

            We married in 2009 and yes, I do talk to her like that. She's learned to identify when she is acting/reacting emotionally and challenge that type of thinking.
            We never argue or fight and each knows exactly what the other expects from them. There is no emotional subterfuge like this "covert shaming". That kind of behavior is for children and men that don't control their household.

            • 10 months ago

              passive aggressive bullshit is immature. find your balls and be direct.

              • 10 months ago

                We married in 2009 and yes, I do talk to her like that. She's learned to identify when she is acting/reacting emotionally and challenge that type of thinking.
                We never argue or fight and each knows exactly what the other expects from them. There is no emotional subterfuge like this "covert shaming". That kind of behavior is for children and men that don't control their household.

                I bet you talked to your landwhales about losing weight it in the most pussy way possible ("I'm just w-worried about health") and got a bunch of promises and half-assed attempts that have been going on for years without results now, but hey, at least she's trying right?

              • 10 months ago

                My wife weighs 125lbs and lifts/yogas 5 days a week. I don't need to say a word about it because I set the example in my house and she knows what I expect from her.
                Frick you and your beta projection.

          • 10 months ago

            This guy gets it. It's kind of like the bell curve IQ meme. The moron says you can't talk to women openly because they're mentally children, the midwit says you should have an open and honest dialogue, the genius understands that the inherent differences in how men and women perceive the world make appeals to logic counterproductive.
            I came to the same conclusion when my wife (then fiance) and I first started living together. Small perceived slights would blossom into full-blown arguments, and my attempts to apologize and defuse the situation made things worse every time. I did some reading into how women vs men view apologies, and realized the best course of action was to stop apologizing (unless an apology on my part was legitimately deserved). Worked like a charm.
            That being said, no idea how to approach the weight loss thing. If anyone figures it out, let me know
            t. happily married with two kids

            • 10 months ago

              Based. My wife is actually a rare INTJ and can be reasoned with. However, being a woman she can never admit she was actually wrong.

              The correct mode of behavior then is to simply raise an argument to the point I've clearly made my case and she has no counter response, then I say "I love you dearly and I'll let you think that over". Then things miraculously change in the next day.

              As for losing weight you can't. You have to choose a wife who is thin and her mother is thin and go with that.

            • 10 months ago

              >I did some reading into how women vs men view apologies, and realized the best course of action was to stop apologizing (unless an apology on my part was legitimately deserved). Worked like a charm.
              isn't that the best course of action with everyone?? why apologize if it isn't your fault?

          • 10 months ago

            I don't believe you

    • 10 months ago

      holy shit you never had a relationship lmao

      >holy shit you never had a relationship lmao
      100%, and when you have your first relationship you will get walked all over if you don't drop this couple's therapy horseshit

    • 10 months ago

      I did this to my wife. It upset her in the short-term but she atleast pays attention now and says she needs to workout but “can’t” find the time…. Babysteps.
      She was a swimmer in highschool but never ran or did weights, miss that body. Damn.

    • 10 months ago

      >how about proper communication?
      doesn't work. tried for years

    • 10 months ago

      no girls don't like it when you're direct with them about being fat

      • 10 months ago

        And so what they don’t like it?

        My gf of 2 years started putting on just a little weight extra 10 pounds. I started packing my bags. She’s now 5 pounds down with 5 more to go. Literally just set the standards and expectations. If she doesn’t meet them you leave. You know your value. The break up is on her if she messes it up. Literally this easy.

  5. 10 months ago

    If my gf had an ass like that, you think I'd be talking to the morons here?

    • 10 months ago

      I have an ass like that and I don't have a boyfriend. I just want someone to eat my ass 24/7.

      • 10 months ago

        post wiener.

  6. 10 months ago

    low test detected

    • 10 months ago

      fat frick detected

      • 10 months ago

        it's funny cuz it's true

    • 10 months ago

      Beat me to it

    • 10 months ago

      >liking obese women means you have high t
      biggest IST cope to ever exist

    • 10 months ago

      Sup fattie

  7. 10 months ago

    her thighs are the size of my waist no cap fr

  8. 10 months ago

    ive literally never had a gf, and my last date was 7 years ago

  9. 10 months ago

    If a woman lets herself go with you then she's taking you for granted, there's no other way of looking at this. If you broke up and she was single again she'd probably get in shape and take care of her looks pretty quickly in order to attract random new men, so why is she not doing this for you?

    What you need to do is start looking at your behavior and see where she's getting the cues for this overconfidence, and start changing them.

  10. 10 months ago

    I told my wife a long time ago when we got married that if she ever went over 130lbs I would leave her

    She has never gone over 130lbs.

    Simple as. Bullying works, criticize openly and encourage good behavior and diet. I have her intermittent fasting and lifting weights plus cardio, 3 meals a day is too much for a woman. She genuinely appreciates that I keep her in shape, even if she gets mad about it sometimes

    The woman in op pic can sit on my fricking face all day though.

  11. 10 months ago

    ricky in the bathtub with a rubber duck

  12. 10 months ago

    as a eurochad, is this picture what americans mean when they talk about the american dream?

    cause I get it

    • 10 months ago

      In a way. Having luxurious things all to yourself is a staple of American individuality. Europe is a crowded heap of betas stacked on each other all sharing the same things and women. It's really repugnant, honestly.

      • 10 months ago

        What a disgusting society america is then lol

        • 10 months ago

          yeah it's so disgusting how we dont have to pack into train cars everyday full of Black folk and sandBlack folk to hobble back to our shitty government housing that reeks of curry from ranjeesh and his 15 children.

      • 10 months ago

        many europeans just don't like to flaunt their wealth, but the western and nordic countries are some of the richest in the world, especially on a per capita basis

        but yes, americans are more hyper-individualistic on average

  13. 10 months ago

    relationships dont exist in the west anymore

    Biologically speaking a man and woman can only be together on the premise that the woman is inferior to the man, but now in the west the women are better than the men, so by default there can be no relationships. What you call a relationship nowadays in the west is merely an act, an illusion, and can be broken off in a splitsecond if the woman so desires it.
    The woman holds ALL of the power and matriarchys have historically always lead to demise of civilization. The best trick israelites played on the white man was to promote feminism, not even a 20 nuclear bombs can cause the devastation that feminism will and have done.

    • 10 months ago

      incel shit

      • 10 months ago

        only beta men use the word incel. its a way to deflect. you are an ncp sheep you are weak you will always do as told, its hardwired into you

        • 10 months ago

          chronically online

        • 10 months ago

          Incels and betas are often one and the same. Incels talk shit behind computers but then don't do shit IRL but tremble and seethe. Or they go on shooting sprees where they may or may not wind up killing someone. This proving that they are fully and completely incompetent.
          Being a beta incel is not a desirable thing.

  14. 10 months ago

    Didn’t read one word. I only clicked to look at that ass now im leaving.

  15. 10 months ago

    I still haven't gotten over the fact that women like that exist and I'll never get to have sex with them

    • 10 months ago

      with a knife as an ally you can accomplish many things my friend

      • 10 months ago

        michel (you)ellebecq

  16. 10 months ago

    Imagine if she took off her panties and sat on your face with her full body weight and her butthole brushed against your lips, imagine how gross that would be lol

    • 10 months ago

      imagine pulling her panties down and licking her pussy and butthole from behind while she grills meat haha that would be crazy

  17. 10 months ago

    You tell her how you feel about it and then it’s her turn to react to it. She will probably use it as source for getting fatter or, as my wife did, tell me she’s happy I realised and she needs help losing it. Most women don’t talk about that shit otherwise of their weird circle, and that weird ass place only wants the worst for everybody.

    >t 16 yr married

  18. 10 months ago

    I'm gonna say it. Too much ass and cankles.

  19. 10 months ago


  20. 10 months ago

    My girlfriend realizes that she has gained weight and literally says she wants to start going to the gym but every time I invite her to go with me she says she too tired or something. She used to be super into biking but doesn't even do that anymore :

  21. 10 months ago

    Tell her you’ll leave if she doesn’t start taking her health seriously. Here’s what she’ll probably say, and what you should say in response
    >omg you would actually leave me for such a shallow reason?
    Yes. Part of the reason I (meaning OP) made you my GF is because of your physical attraction. I go to the gym so I can maintain a good physique, I want the same in my partner. If you don’t respect the way you look, why should I?
    >you know physical attraction won’t last forever, I’m eventually going to get old and fat
    Yes, but being healthy now will go a very long way in slowing aging and future weight gain. Just because one day beauty will deteriorate doesn’t mean I want to see you at your worse now when you’re young
    >I shouldn’t have to put up with this, I’m beautiful just the way I am and you have to accept me for that
    No I don’t. On top of being less physically attractive, the life you are living is unhealthy and even if you weren’t getting fat, is an unattractive trait in a partner. If you don’t want to put in the effort to maintain your health, then I don’t want to maintain this relationship.

  22. 10 months ago

    women can't be changed. just cheat on her and bring her flowers once you've busted your nut elsewhere. She's happy, you're happy.

  23. 10 months ago

    The man sets the tone.
    I started going to the gym 6-7 days a week, so she hired a trainer to learn compound lifts and now she exercises 4-5 times per week.
    I started tracking my calories and eating at a 500kcal deficit, so she started tracking her calories and eating at a 300kcal deficit.
    I started tracking my protein intake and eating 150g per day, so she started tracking her protein intake and eating 80g per day.

    She might not match, but she knows she needs to keep up

  24. 10 months ago

    she gave me two sons, that will forever make her beautiful to my eyes.

    • 10 months ago

      you're not done till you have 6

  25. 10 months ago

    Fire a warning shot. Get nice and lean and then lightly flirt with other better looking girls in front of her. Suddenly she will be doing her lunges.

  26. 10 months ago

    I love girls with muscular thighs and glutes so much
    Why must it be so rare irl

  27. 10 months ago

    >Does covert weight shaming actually work
    >How do you handle your gf/wife gaining weight to the point where she went from attractive to unattractive?
    I don't handle it, I start fat shaming immediately when she starts gaining weight
    it's way too late if she is already a landwhale

  28. 10 months ago

    Incels, I want you to take note of this pic. Besides the girl, what do you see? A nice pool, a well maintained lawn, what appears to be a detached shop in the background.

    What I'm getting at is, if you live in some shitty, unkept apartment - you will never have a girl like this. If you make under $100,000 a year (under $300,000 on the coasts/northeast) you will never have a girl like this. Literally everything I do in life is to the attarct 9+/10 girls.

    I know what you're thinking right now, incel.
    "Wahhh that's so stupid!"
    "Imagine putting this much effort into getting laid!"

    That's cute and all but when your life is in order, you attract females. Getting your shit together and attracting the opposite sex go hand in hand. Literally think of every single positive scenario where you do something that is "good" (losing weight, making more money, maintaining good hygiene, having nice stuff) and every single one of those things makes females attracted to you.

    Literally everything you do should be looked at through a lense of "will this help me get laid"

    • 10 months ago

      Good advice, take notes virgins

    • 10 months ago

      Wait, you mean not showering for a week on end as I play video games won't get me a chick like this? wtf...

      • 10 months ago

        I understand you're being facetious but the reality of the matter this there are actually people who make under $100,000 a year and rent an apartment and wonder why they can't land hot women. The vast majority of people here are not inadequate mates because they are ugly. The are inadequate mates because they are lazy

    • 10 months ago

      100k? I think it can be a bit less depending on where you live, but overall this is some good advice.

  29. 10 months ago

    Honestly this is my greatest fear. Getting hitched with a woman while she's in her prime then blows up like crazy after we get hitched. Is there any realistic way to prevent this? If she treats herself like shit while she's young you know she'll look like shit once youth isn't protecting her.

    My only guess would be to find a girl that takes her health as seriously as I do. But that's a lot easier said than done.

    • 10 months ago

      Are you dumb? Just don't "get le HITCHED". Marriage is a israeli ritual to ensnare betamales.

      • 10 months ago

        Dude you’re so fricking dumb holy shit. Go leave incel

  30. 10 months ago

    imagine being that piece of fabric wedged up her ass all day

  31. 10 months ago

    Work on yourself. Build assets and hide them, legally or illegally, from her.

    Then trade her in for a newer model.

  32. 10 months ago

    Direct, assertive but not hostile. Let her know you don't find her attractive anymore and she needs to start working on that otherwise your relationship will start to suffer. Give her a month or so to see if change happens without you interfering. If it doesn't, take steps to help her with the weight loss and be involved in that. If there's still no progress, then stop having sex with her completely and let her know why.

    At this point the relationship has either completely gone to shit or is faltering, or she'll (hopefully) turn it around. If you have kids, and not having sex with her doesn't do the trick, then you might as well just start cheating and fricking on the side while denying her sex of any kind. Keep the marriage entirely pragmatic and about raising the children and then once they turn 18 you can get divorced to not damage them (too much).

    All the gays ITT who are excusing obese women are worthless "men".

  33. 10 months ago

    >woman was attractive when you weren't in her life.
    >woman is unattractive now that you're in her life.
    You're the problem

  34. 10 months ago

    Post her workout routine
    I want her legs on my gf

  35. 10 months ago

    >foot tattoo
    >a fricking cross
    holy shit her body count must be triple digits

  36. 10 months ago

    >be an architect
    >enjoy every new pound

    Oh look, I cracked the code. Must suck to be a normie terrified of lovehandles or whatever childish shit they do.

  37. 10 months ago

    My wife and I gained 50lbs each over the first 5 years together or so. You handle it by removing all bad influences and losing weight together.

  38. 10 months ago

    Where are you all meeting these women? I’m married and we practically never fight or argue. When I noticed she was gaining weight, I simply brought it up to her, and now she eats less/healthier and exercises. No arguing needed, she admitted she was fat, and now she’s fixing it as I said her looking attractive is important to me.

    • 10 months ago

      Seriously, why do people "fight" in relationships or become totally incapable of communication or whatever? Just talk about stuff

    • 10 months ago

      Report back in 5 years. 100% chance your wife balloons and ends up not caring what you think. I can tell you've been married for less than 3 years.

      • 10 months ago

        100% chance your wife doesn't respect you with that take

        • 10 months ago

          Lmao if you think I'm stupid enough to get married. Let me just hit you with a redpill real quick

          There is statistically a 20% chance your wife cheats on you at some point, a 40% chance your wife not only becomes overweight but obese, and a 50% chance you get divorced. You literally have a 15% chance that you and your wife stay together, she doesn't get fat, and you don't divorce. All for fricking what? So you can frick the same pussy over and over again until she stops putting out? LMAO no fricking thanks

          Getting married is one of the dumbest fricking things anyone can do. There is absolutely ZERO point to begin with and statistically, there is a massive chance it fails.

          • 10 months ago

            Imagine not falling in love and having a family because some nerd cited statistics at you.

            • 10 months ago

              >not falling in love
              What part of that requires marriage, moron? Congrats on immediately exposing your low IQ

              getting married is about having kids you stupid homosexual.
              the goal is to find someone who can roll with the punches and be a good mother.
              i mean good luck with that but that's the goal.

              >getting married is about having kids
              LMAO have fun raising a LGBTQ lefty homosexual drug addict. Did you know 20% of Gen Z 18-24 year olds identify as LGBT? Half have liberal views and hip-hop and rap are the most popular genres.

              There is LITERALLY a 5% chance your child isn't a homosexual/wigger/limp wristed libshit. Have fun with that. All for what? So you can see what half of "you" looks like? Literally ask anyone who intended to have kids why they did and they will simply say "it's just something you are supposed to do". No actual thought goes into it, you're literally an NPC. An NPC who is going to have a fricked moron beta kid LOL.

              Enjoy the literal 1% chance you have a long, happy marriage with a normal family, dumbass. I'll be enjoying doing [LITERALLY ANYTHING I WANT]

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah you're bitter and lonely, we get it. Didn't have to type a whole book about it.

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry, I just find it incredibly fun absolutely shitting on you people. And of course you have no real answer. You digested what I said, pondered a reply and realized you're just too stupid to formulate any rebuttal.

                And the best part is you're still coming back to the thread despite this. Truly unheard of levels of idiocy. Quite literally "yes Master, shit on me more!"

          • 10 months ago

            getting married is about having kids you stupid homosexual.
            the goal is to find someone who can roll with the punches and be a good mother.
            i mean good luck with that but that's the goal.

          • 10 months ago

            Eventually you’ll get old and no one will put out for you anyway. Might be a good idea to not be an incel shut-in and try to make marriage work

          • 10 months ago

            >There is statistically a 20% chance your wife cheats on you at some point, a 40% chance your wife not only becomes overweight but obese, and a 50% chance you get divorced. You literally have a 15% chance that you and your wife stay together, she doesn't get fat, and you don't divorce.

            Tell me you don't understand Stats and are underage b& without telling me... That's not how statistics work....

            >20% chance of your wife cheating.
            That means you have an 80% chance your wife of not cheating.

            >40% chance of your wife becoming obese.
            That means a 60% chance your wife will not be obese (I'm assuming a lower chance with your wife becoming overweight [vs. Obese]).

            >50% chance you get divorce.
            I'm assuming you meant -she initiates- divorce.

            These are separate categories of chances. They don't add up to 85%, dumbass. Yes, there is a chance all 3 can happen and you get fricked. However, it's not added up to 85%... Meaning it's not 15% good marriage or 85% triple-fricked.

            • 10 months ago

              Lmao if you actually think I'm going to read all that shit.... omega cope

              • 10 months ago

                Get dunked on, lmao. Cope.

              • 10 months ago

                Who are you quoting?

  39. 10 months ago

    My wife tried anal the other day because the inside of her butthole was itchy and it turns out she loves it. I'm happy about that but I don't have anyone else to tell

    • 10 months ago

      Are you me?

      Been married 7 years and the other night I put my thumb on her butthole while fricking her and she pushed back into it until it was inside and told me she liked it

      Now I have to frick it…

  40. 10 months ago

    Literally just tell her. Jesus you kids just live exhausting lives. Meanwhile I'm in an 11 year relationship with a jiujitsu obsessed art hoe who has a perfectly functional and sport performance based reason to do glute bridges for high volume twice a week.

    Tell the chick what you want.

  41. 10 months ago

    I dumped my fiance after 5 years cuz while we were engaged she literally told me she had no intentions to lose the weight she gained while i wanted to look my best for the wedding. She went from a 9/10 to a 7/10, saved by the fact that none of the weight went to her face but all to her belly

    • 10 months ago

      You did the right thing

  42. 10 months ago

    Honestly me staying in decent shape keeps my girl motivated enough. I’ll admit the chick in the image is hot as frick but I like the girls I’m dating to be on my same level which is so fun stuff to workout and not obsess super over diet.

  43. 10 months ago

    I did this entirely on accident because I am a spergaloid autist. I was drawing pictures of sword and sorcery women and my wife found them and asked why they were so skinny and fit. I said because I like to draw that. Now she weighs 120 lbs instead of 145

    • 10 months ago

      Boyfriend/Vacation Dick here. I've never been in a meaningful intimate relationship with someone but I live with two roomies who are in a relationship together. However, I pay the frick attention to the people around me in relationships (advice, mistakes, observations, etc.) as well as pay attention to others (especially shit they learned from failures).

      Anyways, my female roomie started to take going to the gym more seriously after she had Lipomodeling done and they transferred her fat to other areas like her ass giving her a BBL. Also prior to this, I noticed at parties and kickbacks when she was inebriated with her girl-friends she'd talk about how they have beautiful features and how she doesn't.

      So I think the key to getting a woman to workout might be a mix of fear & motivation like every other human being. I feel to achieve fear you have to some how indirectly make herself feel like her body is inferior, especially compared to other woman. That can probably be done by doing something as casually as this anon did (). Now for motivation maybe something like consistently getting her nice clothes that she just about can't fit in? I'm trying to think off something other than getting Lipo done that she doesn't want to ruin.

  44. 10 months ago

    Just feed the b***h eggs, tuna, baked chiken and veggies each and every opportunity. Like learn to cook and lazy women will accept what you give them.
    Holy shit, you "people" come to this site and ask the dumbest questions without even the slightest introspection.

  45. 10 months ago

    I've got 99 problems but a balooning woman ain't one.

  46. 10 months ago

    I always say the any time someone asks this question.
    >Continue relationship as normal, dont bring it up at all
    >Bring up old pics of when she was in her prime whether or not they are nudes
    >Fap to it on your home computer whenever she is running late coming home from whatever it is
    >If she texts you shes coming home, even better
    >Put your phone in another room or on the charger to make it more realistic
    >Put in ear buds or better yet, headphones, so you dont "hear her" coming in
    >Let her catch you in the act of fapping to her old pics

    This will force her to consider the fact shes gotten as fat as a cow, or be prepared to see her attempt to win a gold medal in mental gymnastics. Either way, you may not get your answer immediately whether she will change her ways or not, but now the idea of becoming fat has suddenly jutted right on top to her highest priority of thinking at the moment.
    Eventually she will either
    >Think about how far shes fallen and do something about it
    >Not change her ways and get more fat leading to the relationship ending due to her becoming a fat irrational cow on her own merit
    Its a win win for sure. If she tries to tell others she caught you fapping to old pictures of you, whos side do you think theyll take unless theyre fatsos themselves?

  47. 10 months ago

    You lose weight until she sees that you are more attractive than her and can do better. Then, to prevent you from cheating with those women she will lose weight. Works on my machine.

  48. 10 months ago

    My gf is gaining weight. So far it’s been alright, she’s got a nice ass, bigger breasts. But basically it’s at the point where any more would be detrimental.

    She’s complained about self confidence and signed up to the gym recently. However, she still eats way too much goyslop for it to make any difference. I’ve tried to tell her to cut the shit out, but she doesn’t listen. She thinks the occasional gym workout balances out eating slop every day.
    I no longer bother trying to educate her, she doesn’t listen. If she gets fat, she gets fat. I just worry that her self confidence is going to plummet as a result and she slips into even worse habits. I care about her a lot, but you can’t fix someone who doesn’t want to put in the effort.

    • 10 months ago

      youve got to try anon. modern fast food is literally addicting like a drug. you cant blame the person, its this crack-like food that scientists have created to make addicts buy cheeseburgers everyday. then they market to our monkey brains with the best psychological knowledge mankind knows. not helping her is like not helping someone you love to quit smoking crack. never give up.
      maybe youve tried this but one idea i have is to show her all the calories she burns working out, added up, and compare to how much calories are in a single meal. running for an hour only burns like 200 - 300 cals.

  49. 10 months ago

    Cannot believe she shits from that ass

  50. 10 months ago

    Get her on Vivance or some other stim that all the b***hes are on that reduces appetite and be supportive and instruct her eating like an adult to a child
    >t. wife went from 160 to 240 and now down to 180 and still dropping
    Yes, I know, shameful but I love her

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