How do you lift a 2.5 ton block 100+ feet in the air without a crane?

How do you lift a 2.5 ton block 100+ feet in the air without a crane?

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  1. 5 months ago

    By moving it along all the other blocks you've already laid down so you don't have to lift it

    • 5 months ago

      make the outside perimeter in to a ramp as you are building it up

      Water, magnets, rolling them on logs etc. Also, could we have a 6th sense? A higher-power telekinesis maybe? ehh, it's just too hard to guesstimate. Would love to go back and time and see how they did it. It's cool to see live anon. Was there a couple of years ago. Surreal. Had a full-blown panic attack inside the pyramids because I thought the walls were going to cave in lol

      I visited Machu Picchu over the summer and the guides believed we had a 6th sense regarding our ancestors. Machu's even more surreal than the pyramids, because they had to carry the stones up a steep frickin mountain and build a city. THere's just no way logistically that could work.

      >Unironically believing made up fake history

      Next you'll be telling me they actually used stone tools to Chisel stone as well lol. It's already been proven that they predate all the estimates ~~*scientists*~~ claim was in line with technological development. Not to mention the precision with which some of these stones are cut is litterally laser pointer.

      So either, they are lying about history. As in the past peoples were much more advanced then they let on; In order to feed the propaganda of "end of history" and humans only develop forward(Scientisim type shit as opposed to actual sciencel). Or they are simply covering up that humans are much older than they claim and this is from a much older civilization.

      • 5 months ago

        So they had laser pointers to cut the stone?

        You didn't say how they built them dumbass. You're lucky this is a chinese internet board or I'd frick you up in person, nerd.

        • 5 months ago

          >reading comprehension
          >being this fricking stupid

          You think I know how they built them? I said that the "experts" don't know either and they make fake shit up. Pyramids are not the only one, there are several other megaliths(Pyramids included) in which this is not only the case; But they cannot even be replicated or constructed with modern engineering methods.

          • 5 months ago

            I'm asking YOU how they built them, not the scientists, dumbass. I don't need an explanation on why the "experts" don't know. That's irrelevant. once again, you're lucky this is a Chinese internet board

            You have a terribly stupid mind. He's saying is that the stones are cut as precisely as we cut with lasers and so some sort of advanced technology must have existed.
            Personally I think dudes were just shit hot with the chisel. They weren't technologically advanced, we're just extremely physically regressed.

            Shut up DYEL

            • 5 months ago

              You have to be 18 or older to post here.

              • 5 months ago

                Shut up Lucifer.

              • 5 months ago

                >moron calling me lucifer

                Does the reality of the situation somehow inspire doubt in whatever moronic beliefs you hold?

        • 5 months ago

          You have a terribly stupid mind. He's saying is that the stones are cut as precisely as we cut with lasers and so some sort of advanced technology must have existed.
          Personally I think dudes were just shit hot with the chisel. They weren't technologically advanced, we're just extremely physically regressed.

          • 5 months ago

            Even with maximum skill and gorilla physique it would be impossible. We're talking nanometer precision. There are even some stone roads in S. America with some preserved section in which it is the same.

      • 5 months ago

        >As in the past peoples were much more advanced then they let on
        Its possible that human civilization has been through planet-wide collapse at least twice before.

      • 5 months ago

        >so upset that black kings created the pyramids that he has to cope with moronic conspiracy theories.

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        cringe moron

        • 5 months ago

          0.05 cents deposited to your PayPal account

  2. 5 months ago

    make the outside perimeter in to a ramp as you are building it up

  3. 5 months ago

    Ancient Egyptians were fricking JACKED and could all bench 3pl8

  4. 5 months ago
  5. 5 months ago

    alien technology

  6. 5 months ago

    Water, magnets, rolling them on logs etc. Also, could we have a 6th sense? A higher-power telekinesis maybe? ehh, it's just too hard to guesstimate. Would love to go back and time and see how they did it. It's cool to see live anon. Was there a couple of years ago. Surreal. Had a full-blown panic attack inside the pyramids because I thought the walls were going to cave in lol

    I visited Machu Picchu over the summer and the guides believed we had a 6th sense regarding our ancestors. Machu's even more surreal than the pyramids, because they had to carry the stones up a steep frickin mountain and build a city. THere's just no way logistically that could work.

  7. 5 months ago

    they had cranes

    • 5 months ago

      That makes sense.

  8. 5 months ago

    I like this explanation:

    • 5 months ago

      Love this theory.

      unlike these dumbasses

      You have a terribly stupid mind. He's saying is that the stones are cut as precisely as we cut with lasers and so some sort of advanced technology must have existed.
      Personally I think dudes were just shit hot with the chisel. They weren't technologically advanced, we're just extremely physically regressed.

      >Unironically believing made up fake history

      Next you'll be telling me they actually used stone tools to Chisel stone as well lol. It's already been proven that they predate all the estimates ~~*scientists*~~ claim was in line with technological development. Not to mention the precision with which some of these stones are cut is litterally laser pointer.

      So either, they are lying about history. As in the past peoples were much more advanced then they let on; In order to feed the propaganda of "end of history" and humans only develop forward(Scientisim type shit as opposed to actual sciencel). Or they are simply covering up that humans are much older than they claim and this is from a much older civilization.

    • 5 months ago

      My ancestors

    • 5 months ago

      >I like this explanation:

      How do you lift a 2.5 ton block 100+ feet in the air without a crane?

      It would only take 40 slaves each pulling less than 1pl8 to lift a 2.5 ton block, put even more underneath once its off the ground and it's like 50 guys carrying 100 pounds each. If you make a mistake slaves will get crushed but I am sure they didnt care too much about that

      I think modern gays are just too weak and moronic to imagine human bodies achieving physical and mental feats

      You would be surprised at how much work a group of men can accomplish

      • 5 months ago

        With enough whips and manpower shit is ez.
        People seem unable to comprehend the fact that with enough people and determination(work or no food gaygit also *cracks whip*) can get anything done, plus we are comparing the standards of modern men to over 2000 years ago where even slaves would mog us strength wise but no it must mean they had UFOs and shit

        >Boss said to push rock to top of staircase
        >I guess I'll get behind and push while you pull?
        literal chimp mentality

      • 5 months ago

        this. when I was in highschool my dad and his coworkers built a garage from scratch in like two days.
        I worked in an auto plant and we had a pully system that we used to dip 2 ton machinery parts in to giant vats of cleaning material and people got so good at dropping those in the liquid and pulling them back up that it looks impossible as a newbie.

  9. 5 months ago

    >this was built by israelites
    how can weak gentiles even compete?

  10. 5 months ago

    It's pretty amazing to think that people are so stupid that they honestly think the Ancient Egyptians just pushed the blocks and then used reed ropes and copper pulley systems to lift and move several tons of sandstone, limestone, and even the GOLD CAP that originally was on the
    Great Pyramid. These people have no basic understanding of leverage and have obviously never worked a real job.

    >Bro dirt ramps
    So they built mounds of dirt 500ft high? How did they move all that dirt? Where did it go?

    • 5 months ago

      >how did they move all that dirt
      one grain at a time

  11. 5 months ago

    semen retention

  12. 5 months ago

    you pick it up.
    then put it down.

  13. 5 months ago

    With enough whips and manpower shit is ez.
    People seem unable to comprehend the fact that with enough people and determination(work or no food gaygit also *cracks whip*) can get anything done, plus we are comparing the standards of modern men to over 2000 years ago where even slaves would mog us strength wise but no it must mean they had UFOS and shit

  14. 5 months ago

    It was all those poor little israeli slaves that never existed

  15. 5 months ago

    it requires a lot of craftsmanship, sure, but couldn't you just......slowly build wooden platforms, gowing up, workers ascend the wood, slowly but surely with the bricks, lay the bricks, until it's all in place, and then.... deconstruct the fricking wood? I mean, we have like insane cyberpunk cities now that just werk that the average moron has no idea how a building is constructed yet there it is.
    the pyramids never seemed that mindblowing to me or anything. yeah it would take long and take a lot of beaners but here we are.

    • 5 months ago

      Ah yes, Egypt is known for it's vast forests and wooden constructions

      dumb fricks don't realise these things were generational projects that took a hundred+ years from start to finish
      when you have a lot of time, a reliable flood plain farming cycle that gives you a massive labour surplus for months every year and a basic understanding of ramps, levers and pulleys you can stack a lot of rocks on top of each-other

      The "Official" story is that the Great Pyramid was constructed in 20 years
      one guy moving giant stone blocks by hand. imagine what you could do with an army of slaves

      >Look this Engineer uses his extensive knowledge of leverage and lift advantage
      >Clearly that means a bunch of knuckle dragging malnourished slaves could do it
      You people are so moronic, you clearly aren't even reading or comprehending what anyone is saying. The whole "slaves just did it" thing was completely rewritten a long time ago, they had skilled workers making the pyramids but we still don't know how they did these things using pre-Bronze Age tools.

      • 5 months ago

        Libya was well forested at the time

  16. 5 months ago

    They used mammoths

  17. 5 months ago

    dumb fricks don't realise these things were generational projects that took a hundred+ years from start to finish
    when you have a lot of time, a reliable flood plain farming cycle that gives you a massive labour surplus for months every year and a basic understanding of ramps, levers and pulleys you can stack a lot of rocks on top of each-other

  18. 5 months ago

    one guy moving giant stone blocks by hand. imagine what you could do with an army of slaves

  19. 5 months ago

    levitation magic

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