How do you start going to the gym if you've never been?

>Mid 20s
>6'3 250lbs
>Want to lose weight
>Been eating better
>Been doing basic basic basic calisthenics at home for two weeks
>Start losing some weight
>Figure its time to start actually going to the gym
I know no one gives a frick about who comes in n' out of the gym, but I'm still scared to go.
>Crippling social anxiety
>Hate crowds
>Scared of being approached by gym bros
How'd you guys start for the first time?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Gyms go by prison rules, when you enter you gotta either find the biggest strongest guy and beat his ass, or you find the biggest strongest guy and be his b***h for protection.

  2. 10 months ago

    Dont make me post more fb tier memes

  3. 10 months ago

    I actually think this video helped me start my journey... now, it's for you. godspeed anon. WAGMI.

    • 10 months ago

      Thanks frend
      That was a comfy watch and I feel a little less scared

      • 10 months ago

        No problem, fren... here's another one of my favorites

  4. 10 months ago

    Damn that is a lot of words, ain't reading them all. To start going to the gym you must walk into gym, pay for membership and train here simple as. Nobody gives a shit unless they are paid to do so or have nothing interesting to do in their life.

  5. 10 months ago

    I’m like you. I have a great career and can hide my crippling social phobias and anxieties a lot of times but I have a few that are persistent even into my mid 30s. This includes going to the gym.

    I tried a home gym but that didn’t work well. Now I’m in a house that doesn’t have room so that is out of the question. Luckily my work has a decent gym (surprisingly good setup for weight lifting, not just cardio). I started during COVID restrictions and I was literally the only one there for like 8 months but now there are people, not always but maybe half the time there is one or two people for some portion of my workout.

    I can’t tell you any secret just to commit and go for it: you’ll improve your body and also work on the social anxieties, at least cross off one of them. The fact is most people aren’t watching us, don’t give a shit about us and are focused on their own lives. So it’s all in our heads and we’ve been handicapping ourselves because of some fictitious hypothetical scenario that almost certainly won’t happen.

    My advice: start with a trainer and tell them you’re a noob, intimidated (most new gym people are) and need help. He’ll give you good advice and some confidence, you won’t feel alone and like you’re fricking up and flitting from one station to another worried people are watching.

  6. 10 months ago

    >Figure its time to start actually going to the gym
    Going to the gym is completely unnecessary and I would never go unless I liked it (which I do). A home gym can be had for under $1000 or you can continue your calisthenics journey.

  7. 10 months ago

    I’m gonna be harsh her and say lower your expectations. You’re on the older side and somewhat pathetic right now. You can make some progress but don’t expect your life to be transformed.

  8. 10 months ago

    you can't be brave without fear

  9. 10 months ago

    Just go. Nobody cares. Nobody is staring at you or thinking about you. We only think other people are because we're trapped in our own heads.

    And just use common sense. Break it down by body parts.


    Today I do chest. And so I'll start out on the chest machines and do as much weight as I can until failure at about 10 reps. Do 3 sets of that for each machine.

    Tomorrow I do biceps. And so I'll do 3 sets of 10x on the bicep machines.

    Et cetera until you've hit every major body part.

    And once you feel more comfortable at the gym, then try out the free weights and do regular bench press with a barbell, bicep curls with a barbell, et cetera.

    Or you can simply look up a bodybuilding routine online. Go to and find a highly rated routine and follow it. Or maybe you could try a bodybuilding app that walks you through your entire routine. I've never used something like that because I've been lifting for over 20 years, but I'm sure they exist.

    Or you could simply hire a personal trainer. That's actually a good idea in order to make sure that you maintain proper form and develop a routine from someone that (hopefully) knows what they're talking about.

  10. 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago

    Watch all the older videos of brosciencelife on YT, specifically the videos before Dom got tattoos. Should make the gym less intimidating.
    Which gym do you plan on going to?

  12. 10 months ago

    Buy a pair of headphones. You don’t even need to listen to anything. I literally walk into my gym already wearing them. No one bothers me. You’ll get the occasional “hey are you using that” but that’s about it.

  13. 10 months ago

    Home gym

  14. 10 months ago

    I'm sort of like you in the sense that I'm averse to the commercial gyms, not that I'm anxious or scared of being talked to. Anyway, I tried to force myself into the gym for a couple of years before covid and hated every minute of it.
    Last year I felt like finaly improoving myself so I started going to an OUTDOOR gym nearby. It's perfect, there's rarely someone besides you, and when there are some guys they are total bros. I've made decent progress and I still enjoy every second of it. Try an outdoor gym, buddy. Calisthenics is such a cool way to work out.

  15. 10 months ago

    >How'd you guys start for the first time?
    Stopped reading there

  16. 10 months ago

    Go to a gym that's more of a 'fitness' place than a place for powerlifting etc. The clientele are generally older and almost 100% of the people there are natty.

    Get a good personal trainer to teach you technique and check your form on the main lifts, usually the ones at these places are more knowledgeable (think former competitive athlete etc rather than a zoomer who did a 2 day course) and follow the tried and classic approaches that don't involve bro science or some meme fitness trend.

    >doing basic calisthenics for 2 weeks
    Do this for longer before joining a gym. You need to be at a reasonable fitness level to get your money's worth. Try some cardio too, jogging is good, but maybe walking would be better on your joints at your current weight. Maybe buy some light adjustable dumbbells to practice pressing and curl exercises

    • 10 months ago

      Listen to this anon, OP. Especially the calisthenics part. Gotta make sure your body can still handle pull ups and dips even as you gain weight.

  17. 10 months ago

    Have you tried manning up and stopped being a pussy?

  18. 10 months ago

    >I know no one gives a frick about who comes in n' out of the gym

    Mentally, you know this is true, but you don't feel that it is true. As an actual shrink, my advice is that you imagine yourself going to the gym and everything goes well (emphasis on imagining things going well). The next step would be actually visiting the gym, and you need to set a date and stick to that date no matter what.

    • 10 months ago

      What a cute monkey!

  19. 10 months ago

    Join a martial art club, pick your poison

  20. 10 months ago

    >Crippling social anxiety
    >Scared of being approached by gym bros
    Bro you're there to exercise, not talk about how your shitposting day on 4chinz was.

  21. 10 months ago

    you can simply lose weight by not eating as much, why is that not obvious to everyone

  22. 10 months ago

    >lose weight
    Don't have a goal weight in mind, have a goal body fat %. This is why lifting weights is important, it gains you muscle mass

  23. 10 months ago

    All will be good my man. The big, scary gymbros are only interested in skinny twinks, they won't even notice you. You can drop the soap without any worries whatsoever.

  24. 10 months ago

    Bro, NOBODY gives a shit what you do. You are a npc in a NPC world.
    Everybody else is occupied with their own problems, be it either family or work related or just their own thoughts.

  25. 10 months ago

    You need to be 18 to post here.

  26. 10 months ago

    Literally no one will notice or remember you. You aren't the center of the world, you aren't a celebrity and you aren't some freak. You're just another random person in the gym. Do you remember every random person you walk past in the street? No? Then why would anyone remember you? People are too busy worrying about themselves (just like you are) to notice you.

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