How do you think you'd fare in the Germanic forests as a Roman legionnaire during Ancient times with your current physique?

How do you think you'd fare in the Germanic forests as a Roman legionnaire during Ancient times with your current physique?

Do you think your muscle mass will be a problem because of the lack of food?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I would just eat the other legionnaires. I'm kinda convinced they'd be fine with sacrificing say the bottom 5% to feed the rest of the army.

  2. 12 months ago

    Why didnt Romans wear neck protection? They could mass produce mail, so they definitely had the tech. A cut to the neck can kill you in seconds.

    • 12 months ago

      Think about the foot protection too. They were in a big shield scrum alot of the time and you think you'd just start poking spears at their basically unprotected feet at some point.

      I dont think roman legionnaire were as muscular as the legend, media and culture portray them. maybe just ottermode.
      the thing is it would have been impossible to maintain alot of size with their restricted diet and excessive caloric depense (rucking especially)
      I think roman legionnaire were technic specialist of war. they knew how to fight and kill. they knew the art of war. they were basically mercenaries when you look deep.
      they were ottermode and thats it. functional muscles, big cardio, and war experts. killing machines basically.
      I think they had a body like picrel, which makes the most sense to me.

      It all comes down to paid professional/mercenaries and a great understanding logistics and military engineering.

  3. 12 months ago

    I dont think roman legionnaire were as muscular as the legend, media and culture portray them. maybe just ottermode.
    the thing is it would have been impossible to maintain alot of size with their restricted diet and excessive caloric depense (rucking especially)
    I think roman legionnaire were technic specialist of war. they knew how to fight and kill. they knew the art of war. they were basically mercenaries when you look deep.
    they were ottermode and thats it. functional muscles, big cardio, and war experts. killing machines basically.
    I think they had a body like picrel, which makes the most sense to me.

    • 12 months ago

      >restricted diet
      Not having big Macs doesn't mean people can't eat.

      • 12 months ago

        >roman legionnaire was in a constant caloric surplus
        >with their daily caloric expense, which could be around 3k5 calories
        you have to be a complete moron if you think soldiers ate as much as this.

  4. 12 months ago

    The funniest part about the Teutoburg massacre is that even if someone survived, they would probably be punished for cowardice or treated like pussies for escaping.

    • 12 months ago

      That was pretty common though all the way up to the Japs in the Pacific.

      • 12 months ago

        >get drafted against your will
        >have shit luck and your whole squat gets blown up
        >you somehow survived in once piece
        >find your way back home
        >get ostracized and called a coward for not dying
        It's an evil world we live in.

        • 12 months ago

          Since the dawn of humanity, men as always been seen as disposable and their value is revealed in their death.
          Always been like this.

          • 12 months ago

            >get drafted against your will
            >have shit luck and your whole squat gets blown up
            >you somehow survived in once piece
            >find your way back home
            >get ostracized and called a coward for not dying
            It's an evil world we live in.

            yea i mean there are like 10 billion screaming disgusting filthy people now
            imagine being 1 of 10 billion and thinking that an individual life is worth something

            • 12 months ago

              survive instinct makes every human think he matters and is special.
              while yeah, its not the case and if you disappeared in this exact second the world would still go around.

        • 12 months ago

          Bro there was a motherfricker on Iwo Jima who lived in a cave stealing food until fricking 1949 basically underneath American air base.

    • 12 months ago

      That was pretty common though all the way up to the Japs in the Pacific.

      I would just eat the other legionnaires. I'm kinda convinced they'd be fine with sacrificing say the bottom 5% to feed the rest of the army.

      • 12 months ago

        What about decimation?

      • 12 months ago

        Decimation was used in the field.
        Nobody knew what the frick happened in teutoburg until after everything settled down.

  5. 12 months ago

    I would fight the romans and sacrifice them to wotan

  6. 12 months ago

    >as a Roman legionnaire

    Why fantasize about being the dude that slaughtered your ancestors?
    (unless you're italian)

    • 12 months ago

      In the 2nd century the legions were pretty much 56%.

  7. 12 months ago

    >How do you think you'd fare
    Very poorly. The bright side is that food back then was soooo much better than the goyslop we have today, therefore - assuming a little bit of patience from my superiors and fellow legionaires, and ofc the ability to speak Latin fluently - in a few weeks, months top I'd be able to fit in.
    Being 20 cm taller than the average Legion soldier of the time, there is a good chance I won't be assigned to combat duty.

    • 12 months ago

      Those bastards had to be hard as frick back then they'd give your soft ass that shovel and tell you to start digging for about a week straight and your ass would book-it so fast.

      If it was me I'd seriously consider going back and distilling liquor and try to make whiskey. You'd get rich as frick; from what I can tell you don't see actual quality distilled spirits until like 1000AD

  8. 12 months ago

    Romans were moronic, they genuinely believed that Germans hunted moose which had no knee joints by digging up tree roots until the tree is about to fall over so when the knee-less moose leans against the tree to sleep it falls over and can't get back up.

  9. 12 months ago

    Considering they were on average 5'11 in roman feet which is ~5'8, I'd be a tall fricker so idk if I could be in the main phalanx

  10. 12 months ago

    I would do great. Camping innawoods in the frost is my hobby. I often spend 2-3 weeks all alone doing it, living off the land.

    Of course you can't be a roid troony. Same is true for modern military. I probably ate 1k calories a day when I was doing frick all day but observing and data collecting.

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