how do YOU train legs?

I've put a lot of thoughts into my upper body routine and have been treating legs as an after thoughts. So how do YOU train legs? ie, in the context of aesthetics, what particular muscles and exercise do you prioritize? SS chuds and powershitters specifically never even train their gluteus medius (hell, many never learn how to activate their glutes at all so theyve still got a flat ass despited all the leg work). So I'm thinking of something based around actually working the glutes like hip thrust and abductions. It's more of a "women" lower body workout but hey, they know whats up more than pancake ass mass monsters

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  1. 7 months ago

    exercise bike 6 days a week. one day a week i do cossack squats and split squats. nothing heavy...max weight is like two 53lb kettlebells for front squats.

    • 7 months ago

      what kind, like HIIT or cardio? Did doing this gift you with a better ass?

      Machines and squat+deadlift

      what machines

      • 7 months ago

        I have a concept 2 bike. I do everything from 30s sprint intervals to 40000m liss. Cossack squat is a great ass builder

  2. 7 months ago

    Machines and squat+deadlift

  3. 7 months ago

    I was very overweight for a long time (still am) and now my glutes, thighs & calves are absolutely huge. I squat and deadlift once a week, and train the exercise bike most days I go to the gym. I don't have a 'leg day'

  4. 7 months ago

    >in the context of aesthetics
    calves every other day
    Big upper legs are not aesthetic. Just do more uphill cardio and hiking to get some definition. Maybe max out the good girl/badgirl machines for injury prevention and alternate back extensions and ghd.
    If you have a flat ass nothing beats hip thrusts.

    • 7 months ago

      >If you have a flat ass nothing beats hip thrusts.
      Hip thrusts are a mediocre glute exercise because it only loads the contracted portion of the glutes. Exercises that load the stretched portion of a muscle are far better for hypertrophy.

      Bulgarian split squat is the king of glute exercises because of this.

      • 7 months ago

        >Hip thrusts are a mediocre glute exercise because it only loads the contracted portion of the glutes
        Only if you are doing it wrong. You watch too much youtube and it shows.

        • 7 months ago

          No, there are studies that show that squats are more effective than hip thrusts for glutes:

          >The HT worked the glutes through ~45 degrees of ROM (~135-180) and overloads the glutes at short muscle lengths. On the other hand, the full-ROM BS works the glutes through a larger ROM and overloads the glutes in their lengthened position, when the hips are flexed in the hole which can result in more mechanical tension and create more muscle damage(12). This is key since mechanical tension has been proposed as the primary signaling variable for muscle hypertrophy (16)with muscle damage also being a proposed mechanism(14).
          >Squats are going to lead to greater strength and hypertrophic gains to the glutes compared to hip thrust when those exercises are performed in exclusivity.

  5. 7 months ago

    what if we like doing hip thrusts tho because they feel good and also think they’ve notably improved our other low body movements?

    • 7 months ago

      There's nothing wrong with that. Hip thrusts aren't useless. They can be great to further exhaust your glutes after squats or deadlifts, like an AMRAP. I just wouldn't use them as my primary glute exercise.

  6. 7 months ago

    Does anyone do stair climber I will do 1500 steps at around 50 steps a minute pace. It takes me roughly half an hour.

    It’s not going to give you a big ass, but I’ve noticed there were times that I didn’t fit leg day in due to my schedule, but I was still doing stairstepper cardio and noticed some improvements in my machine numbers anyway

    • 7 months ago

      Amazing I go 100 steps/min for 20 min

      • 7 months ago

        100 steps
        /minute is unreal, I’m working on keeping steps the same (1500 because I don’t wanna be doing cardio for an hour due to simply time constraints). Even doing 60 is not sustainable for me for more than a few minutes because heart rate goes north of 180 and I just have to go back down

  7. 7 months ago

    bump; my gym has a plate-loaded hip thrust machine, one of those kick-back unilateral ass machines, roman chair, reverse hyper i never use any of it tbh

  8. 7 months ago

    monday heavy squats and RDLs.
    wednesday light high volume front squats
    saturday deadlifts and bulg split squats

    works for me. I tend to super set them with other upperbody stuff hence the weird/random placing. eg. OHP and front squats come after another with same weight.

    • 7 months ago

      oh yeah and thursday calves. 20-30 reps followed by MYOREP sets every 20s

  9. 7 months ago

    Used to do back squats but for the past 2 weeks I’ve had too much shoulder pain to tolerate them. So now I do BSS once a week along with trap bar deadlifts instead of squats, and another day of regular deadlifts and BSS once a week and ride an exercise bike every other day.

    • 7 months ago

      Why bike? Exercise bike is the laziest cardio you could choose

      • 7 months ago

        I love doing spin classes on my Peloton. Only form of high-ish intensity cardio that I legitimately enjoy doing. Having some hot b***h yell at you to go faster is fun.

        • 7 months ago

          Fair enough

  10. 7 months ago

    walk in real life, not the treadmill
    walk up AND down mountains (or use a stair climber i guess
    leg press machine
    bike riding(real or fake)
    do this thing alot
    anyone who says squats and deadlift is mentally moronic
    those are full body workouts NOT leg workouts
    if you are doing leg day do leg day, if you are doing arms do arms, dont say "well squats uses the legs so i can do it on leg day :)" its a full body workout.

  11. 7 months ago

    bss feel kinda weird on a bench at the gym but idk where else to do them. does that weird feeling go away as you get used to them?

    • 7 months ago

      You might need something lower than the bench. Your back knee should be able to hit the floor, or get close to hitting the floor, without feeling like you're stretching too much.
      Does your gym have plyo boxes or anything?

    • 7 months ago

      My gym has a box like pic related. I turn it on its side and wrap a yoga mat around one of the red support legs so that I can use it to rest my ankle during BSS.
      I've also seen some people use the smith machine with a bar pad wrapped around for the ankle rest.

      Either option is much better than a flat bench imo.

  12. 7 months ago

    my leg day is
    hip thrusts
    hip abductions with the standing machine thingy
    leg extensions
    leg curls
    calf raises
    and yes I'm trying to get a big ass
    so far it's given good results

    • 7 months ago

      Why are you trying to get a big ass

  13. 7 months ago

    kindly explain how to squat to depth without "activating your glutes"

  14. 7 months ago

    1st legday
    Leg Press
    Leg Extensions

    2nd leg day
    Hack Squats
    Leg Extension
    Leg Curls

  15. 7 months ago

    Just do the appropriate exercise for each muscle group like you do with the upper body.

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