How do you treat Sciatica? Last week I thought I pulled a back muscle, but oddly on the right side of my torso.

How do you treat Sciatica?
Last week I thought I pulled a back muscle, but oddly on the right side of my torso. It then "spread" down to my thigh and now it's centered there.
It really hurts after I stand for a few minutes, and lifting the right leg also hurts.

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  1. 6 months ago

    I had sciatica a long time ago from fricking up a deadlift. only take one bad lift when youre in a rush and dont warm up. went home, then went to my gfs house and had a bunch of sex at high intensity which made it worse. I kept exercising and running for another week or two until suddenly it was so bad i couldnt walk or get out of bed. had to do physical therapy. i have some small scar tissue in my back allegedly according to some people that have massaged it.

    To this day, if i get a flare up every other year or so, i use the same stretches my PT taught me. a lotf of sciatica is just muscle tightness putting pressure on the sciatic nerve and that tightness can be the only problem or sometimes that tightness is caused by other issues elsewhere like the back.

    regardless the two stretches i would say to do are lay on your back, and gently carefully and only slightly pull your knees very carefully ypwards towards your chest. dont worry about how high you go. less is more when youre hurt. just listen to your body and see if you feel any relief. do maybe 3 sets and hold for 10 seconds at first. dont aggravate it more.

    second is for the area in your buttcheek you sit on. lay on your back again. keep one foot on the floor. bring the other knee towards your chest but pull it diagonally ever so gently to the opposie shoulder. keep your back and shoulder on the floor. you will feel a stretch in your buttcheek in the area that aggravates the sciatic nerve. again go fricking slow. less is more. dont worry about how far it is. you might hardly be able to do this at all at first.

    third stretch is basically the same one as the second but you can do a similar stretch in a chair. ill continue in my next post.

    • 6 months ago

      stretch one should look like this. idk who the guy is just wanted you to have a visual.

      this is for the lower back

    • 6 months ago

      stretch 2 should look like this. this is for the area of your butt the sciatic nerve runs through. if the area is tight here there is achance stretching this will stop the pain going down your leg.

  2. 6 months ago

    if you sit on a chair, have both feet planted on the floor. lift one of your feet, so the outside of your ankle is resting ontop of the kneecap of the leg with its foot on the floor. if youre tight and have sciatica you might not be able to do it this way and may need to do the lying version. i would highly reccomend that.

    with your the outside edge of your ankle on your opposite kneecap, the bent legs knee should be around hip level. this is the side youll be stretching. straighten your back. stabilize yourself so you dont fall. and lean forward even if its only a single inch. the more you lean forward the more you will stretch the area in your buttcheek that might be causing your sciatica.

    for every single one of these stretches, you need to be cautious. because it can give you relief if you do them gently, even with what seems like a pathetic ROM. you can gain ROM with these stretches over weeks as your sciatica lessens.

    • 6 months ago

      3rd stretch should look like this at

      keep in mind, i have no idea if you have a slipped disc or anything. lots of things can cause sciatica. so if you are going to do any of these stretches, dont do them very far. use them to test the water and evaluate the severity/sensitivity of the area.

    • 6 months ago

      >like a pathetic ROM
      It's funny you mentions that, since I was trying to isolate the problem and compared it to old computer troubleshooting.
      Is it the RAM that's giving the error, or one of the ROM chips controlling or accessing the RAM?
      Is it my hip or back muscle being injured, or something else interfacing with them, like the sciatica?

      • 6 months ago

        Gary if that is your true name are you the OP or just some random dude? lol.

        there are a lot of issues with the body that are very chicken or the egg and the term thats used is primary or secondary. its kind of interesting to look into because some disease markers can be primary and benign or they can be secondary and warning signs from underlying disease. kind of obvious stuff i guess but a lot of the body is trouble shooting.

        • 6 months ago

          >Gary if that is your true name are you the OP or just some random dude? lol.
          Only 2 poster so far, I'm the OP. Gary is my alias so I can search the archives later. But if I namegay in the OP it gets less replies.

        • 6 months ago

          >warning signs from underlying disease
          I have Parkinson's, and the flaying spasms have caused a couple back pulls, which I first thought happened here.

  3. 6 months ago

    anyway OP good luck. my writing is sloppy because im tired. but lots of things can be causing the sciatica. a bulged or herniated disc could cause it. a slight strain or tear you ignore in your back that you allow to get worse might eventually hurt so bad like in my case it locks up and the tightens is secondary and that can be what causes the sciatica. so for me what fixed it was rest and these stretches. if i had rested soon enough idk if i would have gotten to the point ineeded to see a PT. but once shit got that bad those stretches done every other day or so fixed me after a while but it took months for me it was that bad. but i also was moronic and was sprinting and shit after the back injury at full intensity ignroing it.

    • 6 months ago

      >my writing is sloppy because im tired
      Never mind that. You're doing good work soldier. Thank you.

      • 6 months ago

        >Gary if that is your true name are you the OP or just some random dude? lol.
        Only 2 poster so far, I'm the OP. Gary is my alias so I can search the archives later. But if I namegay in the OP it gets less replies.

        smart and understandable. good luck with your back shit dude. not to scare you or anything but for me to make a full recovery took me about 6 months. the last 3 months or so was me being able to walk further distances without having to hobble or limp walking around. i dont think thats going to be what happens to you, but they originally thought i had slipped a disc. the back ending up being fine, but there was some scar tissue so i had obviously injured something and ignored it, aggravated it more, ignore it, and it got worse. then once i was bedridden, i think what happened is it slowly tightened up more and more. and it was a constant back and forth battle with me trying to work out around it for months finding what i could do without aggravating it. once i started doing those stretches regularly things started to slowly improve.

        my advice i have is kind of general but i tell a lot of people here when theyre injured, if they cant workout for a week or two sometimes the best thing to do is just read up on nutrition. introduce more things into your diet that people think help with repairing things. double up on stuff like fruits and veggies. eat lots of clean protein. get lots of vitamin c from natural sources like lemons and oranges which your body uses to repair tissue and create collagen.

        im rambling but every time i get hurt, me being a lazy ass and eating shitty food just makes the progress slower. and like magic whenever i go all out on what i put in my body it feels like things heal much faster.

        • 6 months ago

          Thanks, I will heed your advice.

          • 6 months ago

            >warning signs from underlying disease
            I have Parkinson's, and the flaying spasms have caused a couple back pulls, which I first thought happened here.

            im sorry to hear youre dealing with that dude. there are a lot of people here dealing with their own injuries or disease or both so a lot of people empathize and enjoy sharing useful knowledge.

            im a firefighter now, but i had a lot of problems with my body randomly appear when i was finishing college. getting this job was a massive uphill battle because even though i look strong to some people, im basically at 1/3rd strength compared to before. sometimes more like 1/4th.

            only reason i mention that is i have a lot of empathy for people struggling with their body and its stupid bullshit holding them back. all we can do is arm ourselves with knowledge and play our cards the best we can. even if its an uphill battle.

          • 6 months ago

            let us know if things get better or worse the next week or two also, hopefully i see it. i hope the stretches make things better and not worse. just be conservative.

            • 6 months ago

              >let us know if things get better or worse the next week or two
              I will thx. I'll be Gary.

  4. 6 months ago

    Mcgill Big three strechtes

  5. 6 months ago


    Jane fonda style lying side leg lifts

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