How does it feel to be obese?

How does it feel to be obese? I was underweight for most of my life and later I managed to put on muscle and become somewhat of an athlete but i was never close to obesness and im very curious how does it feel to be this big and heavy? is it actually manageable to live with limited mobility and a lot of fatigue I assume it is otherwise everyone will be forced to lose weight and how bad does it effects you sexually? There is s lot of posts online talking about being obese but they mostly talk about their social experience not how being obese physically like

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  1. 4 months ago

    Imagine giving up on yourself. Then giving up on all the little things throughout your day.
    >you drop something on the floor. Can't reach it so you leave it there
    Do that enough times and eventually you get roaches
    Get fatter and more things become impossible. Wiping your ass becomes a thing of the past. Now you have to shower after a shit. Eventually you get too fat for that too.

    The inevitable end is you being so fat you can't get out of your bed. Your flesh begins to rot. Fusing you to your mattress as you continue to shit and piss where you sleep.

    I wouldn't wish it on anybody. It's a life of hell. You've mentally checked out by 400lbs so I guess it doesn't matter to you.

    • 4 months ago

      mentally checked out but still have energy to shove 6000 calories down their throats?
      Bulking is fricking hard and I don't know how morbidly obese people do it. Food does not taste good past a certain point.

      • 4 months ago

        Dopamine from food is the last worldly pleasure they can enjoy

      • 4 months ago

        obesity can develop with an excess of 15 calories not 5000

        • 4 months ago

          Frick off lmao

          • 4 months ago

            you wouldnt understand, twink

      • 4 months ago

        There is an obesity epidemic. Bulking is not "fricking hard." You have an obvious skill issue.

      • 4 months ago

        They aren't bulking.

      • 4 months ago

        shutup c**t

    • 4 months ago

      >Now you have to shower after a shit.
      I do that anyway. Can't stand the thought of just scrubbing my ass with toilet paper after taking a shit and not also cleaning it with water and soap.

  2. 4 months ago

    imagine playing your favorite video game but all of the buttons except the directional movements are broken and to top it off you are playing on 500 ping.

  3. 4 months ago

    It sucks because it makes you automatically ugly. If you’re obese since childhood you have no frame of reference for just how shit your life is and how poorly you get treated. Once you lose the weight, many go through an adjustment period of people treating them like humans for once and some take it better than others. The other crazy thing is you really dont realize just how fat you are until you start making good weight loss progress

    • 4 months ago

      >The other crazy thing is you really dont realize just how fat you are until you start making good weight loss progress
      I lost 30 pounds one summer when I was away working at a summer camp and all the people I came back to were like "no way you had that much to lose!"

  4. 4 months ago

    You physically feel heavy. Kind of like you're wearing a weight vest all day long. You especially feel it when you get up from a chair or when you have to be standing for a long time. If someone bumps you you feel almost like a wall from how little you move. Your joints are usually pretty sore from carrying around all that weight but not to a debilitating degree. Breathing deeply can be hard sometimes when you're obese because the fat compresses your lungs and diaphragm. You're definitely stronger than others when you're obese because your leverages are great but your endurance is trash. Waking up in the morning feels harder because you usually sleep shittier from being so big.
    t. used to be 350lb at 5'11" as a lardass and 290lb as a strongman

  5. 4 months ago

    it's pretty bad
    t. obese but working on it

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Everywhere you go you feel like a worthless piece of shit, but because it's true that you're obese because of your own laziness, you feel even worse and have massive regrets.
        You don't want to go outside because you might see people, anyone, and guaranteed they'll be healthy so you feel terrible.
        Dating is completely out of the question as no one would want to love me as I'm obese.
        These horrible feelings manifest in using food as a comfort, something I only recently realised I was doing and have stopped, but it's very hard.
        Basically it's hell, not to mention the physical component of just moving around, you then sweat way faster and humidity fricks you faster.
        I'm not so fat I can't walk or ride a bike at least, so like I said, I'm working on it, but it's tough.
        t. 140 kg

        • 4 months ago

          I love you homie. You gonna make it. I used to be 300 lbs and it’s definitely worth the pain and gain to get shredded and yoked

  6. 4 months ago

    I used to be overweight, not obese though. My top weight was around 210 or so, pushing 220. It felt terrible. You constantly feel ugly and old (because you ARE ugly and all the fat is aging you prematurely). You eat all kinds of calorie dense slop, like chocolates, pastry, shit like that. The fact that I used to eat all that stuff makes me recoil now. You don't wear t shirts because of your massive protruding man breasts.

    • 4 months ago

      I still keep a tshirt around to remind myself. Best part is I couldn’t even fit that tshirt at my heaviest. Sometimes i wear it to the gym and its like a dress fr

    • 4 months ago

      How tall are you?

      • 4 months ago

        6'4 but back then I was 6'1

  7. 4 months ago

    As someone who has been obese for almost his entire life, I have a skewed idea of what normal is. I lift and walk so I overcame certain physical limitations. I have more endurance than many people lighter than me and I am more flexible than anyone would ever guess. I can do certain things like stand up without using my upper body at all. Take a look around you and see how many people cannot even do that. I still weigh ~450 lbs.

    Here is my experience:

    - I assess every chair or couch. Can I sit in it without getting stuck? Will I bend it outward? Will I break it? This affects my public outings.

    - When I tie my shoes I bend over. I cannot kneel and tie them with my leg between me and the shoe.

    - It's true what they say about wiping your ass. I can wipe my own ass but that comes from my unusual flexibility. I would still rather be thin or athletic any day.

    - When I walk through tight spaces or among large crowds of people, my brain is not always calibrated to my body size.

    - Women. The beautiful ones are to be seen but not touched. Smile once and then look away. The others are fat and they are all too happy to wallow in it and deny reality.

    - The mind of an obese person is broken. It developed a voracious appetite, the dark mirror of underweight men who want to gain muscle. I would only wish this on my worst enemies.

    - Eating is to the obese person what a fifth of scotch in the morning is to an alcoholic or masturbation to a coomer. The problem is moderation, addiction, and fighting yourself to overcome.

    - When I eat, I can be satiated. My broken brain wants another bite. The taste and the texture are such sensual pleasures. I can even be full and a part of me still thinks that.

    • 4 months ago

      > So why don't you lose the weight fatty?

      - When I try to lose the weight I am beset by all manner of temptation. Food is the hardest drug of all because everyone peddles it. Everyone.

      - People don't take your weight loss efforts seriously. They might be right after a few failures.

      - How do you lose weight anyways? There is so much conflicting information out there. More than one of them actually works. What's worse is when something works and you lose three figures of weight and then it just... stops. You try to "trust the process," but days become weeks and then weeks become months and you stay on that plateau. You enter what I will call "diet fatigue." You lose faith. You quit. You slide back into your old habits. You take that offered food from your friends after all. They kept on keeping on. They're not trying to lose weight so they can keep it going indefinitely and so they won, you lost.

      - I have lost >120lbs more than once in my life. And how does my body repay me for that previous year of diligence? By regaining all of the weight in less than three months.

      - I know that I am supposed to change my lifestyle, not just go on a diet. It does not matter when you are as obese as I am. There is no difference between changing your eating habits and a diet. The correction so severe either way.

      Truth be told, I lost a lot of weight before more than once. I can do it again. I have to believe that I can. I did it twice, but I am tired boss, I am so tired.

      • 4 months ago

        Sounds like you need to get rid of your fat "friends" and just start walking more

    • 4 months ago

      250lbs here since I can remember. Fat kid, fat teenager, fat adult, now I'm 30. Not fat enough to turn eyes in the street or get visible looks of disgust but fat enough to be invisible to women and be a forever alone virgin.

      Can relate to this anon

      > So why don't you lose the weight fatty?

      - When I try to lose the weight I am beset by all manner of temptation. Food is the hardest drug of all because everyone peddles it. Everyone.

      - People don't take your weight loss efforts seriously. They might be right after a few failures.

      - How do you lose weight anyways? There is so much conflicting information out there. More than one of them actually works. What's worse is when something works and you lose three figures of weight and then it just... stops. You try to "trust the process," but days become weeks and then weeks become months and you stay on that plateau. You enter what I will call "diet fatigue." You lose faith. You quit. You slide back into your old habits. You take that offered food from your friends after all. They kept on keeping on. They're not trying to lose weight so they can keep it going indefinitely and so they won, you lost.

      - I have lost >120lbs more than once in my life. And how does my body repay me for that previous year of diligence? By regaining all of the weight in less than three months.

      - I know that I am supposed to change my lifestyle, not just go on a diet. It does not matter when you are as obese as I am. There is no difference between changing your eating habits and a diet. The correction so severe either way.

      Truth be told, I lost a lot of weight before more than once. I can do it again. I have to believe that I can. I did it twice, but I am tired boss, I am so tired.

      in many ways. Obviously I'm not as addicted to food because I'm not as fat as him, but the issue is essentially the same. I've tried losing weight so many times, so many failures, and the more you "win" the worst the rebound. Once I went as low as 210lbs and they bounced back to 260lbs and barely remember how. It's like I become a different person and lose all my eating inhibitions. You have no idea how much something like this kills you inside.

  8. 4 months ago

    I don't enjoy life. That's how it feels. Being fat makes you angry, bitter and negative.

  9. 4 months ago

    It's damn near mandatory at my size.
    I'm 5'1", and I need every extra pound I can get in order to not be bowled away by: Wind, Dogs, Doors, basic lifting and carrying duties, etcetera.

  10. 4 months ago

    It sucks. I've been fat my whole life and it's something that I don't like and yet I don't have the drive, willpower or position to change. Being fat is like being a crippled person or someone who has negative value in terms of people seeing you. You are seen as damaged and they treat you differently, just like how people treat people who are in wheelchairs or someone who is clearly mentally ill and is thrashing around. You are lesser than everyone else, even if most don't think this consciously.

    I just turned 25. I am 6 foot 5 inches tall and I am roughly 450-500 pounds. I carry my weight really well and I don't have any health problems that I am aware of yet, however that can and will change at a drop of a hat. I have a worry that I will frick myself over both short and long term with an injury or my body giving out and developing health issues because I carry so much weight on me at all times.

    The reason why people become like me are largely 3 reasons, with each having more or less prominence within them personally.
    1. The human nature of wanting to eat all the time because we are hard wired to want to eat all the time because humans have always starved historically, and now with the industrial revolution we have so much food that we cannot control ourselves and we give into our primal greed.
    2. Environmental factors. Things like family, upbringing, education, class and prominent things that are mostly done to us as children to young adulthood. If you have a bad family or upbringing, you are more prone to being exposed to bad things than people who come from good families who teach their children better.
    3. Coping mechanisms. Tied to 2 but not fully, eating is a comfort for almost all of us. We love eating food that tastes good, and if we have struggles or problems in our lives, we cope and deal with them with habits and mechanisms to deal. Some drink, some become sex addicts, some smoke, and some resort to eating.

    • 4 months ago

      Eating is my biggest cope because I do not have a good life. I do not know how to drive, I have unhealthy parents that rely on me to take care of them, one is a ham planet who cannot even wipe their own ass and relies on me and my other parent to provide everything for them. For me, this has transpired every since my early teens, and I am still at home to this day. I do not have any friends or connections outside to help me and I have been (un?)knowingly been kept at home because I am a free nurse for my parent. My other sibling was the favorite and got to work during high school and they left when they could. They are 2 years younger than me and are getting married this year. I live a very unhappy life and I have so many things I need to do to improve my life and yet with no help, support or network of others, I have been spinning my wheels in mud, trying to get out of one mudpit only to get lodged in another.

      So really, most days I feel like why should I bother because every time I have tried to get myself set up and actually try to live my life, I am only met with failure, frustration and the sad reality that I am a fat fricking loser. So at this point, why not just do something that comforts me and eat pizza, mac n cheese or whatever I can get my large and fat hands on? I know I need to stop, but it is comfort, one of the few I have in life. I have so many number 1 priorities but I cannot get out of this rut I am in. Fate dealt me a shitty hand with a family member to get injured and sick and I have been around it for over a decade

      • 4 months ago

        Im not writing this to make people feel sorry for me. Im just listing what I have gone through in the clearest and not emotionally charged as I possibly can so you could understand what happens to someone for them to become fat. Becoming fat is like forging chains, 1 at a time around you. You eat a little more, you indulge on junk food and you eat more than you burn off, you gain weight. And in my case I have been doing this for years. And it is not fun. I consider myself really lucky because I dont have aches and pains or any other noticeable medical conditions you get for being so heavy, but that luck is going to run out and its always in the back of your mind. You are seen as lesser of a human because you have an addiction to food, and it is one of the worst addictions because it is so easy to see, much more than most drug, porn and alcohol addicts. You are not attractive to the opposite sex. I have never had a kiss, girlfriend or any friendship last long enough for someone I could ever consider to be my best friend. I wear a heavy suit around my body at all times to remind me I am a terrible person who copes with their situation with food and like all good things, they come to an end. The reaper always comes to collect and I don't know if I will be able to lose weight. I don't know if I will live a happy life because I am so miserable all the time. So I eat and the problem snowballs on. I have larger issues in life so I put off eating right.

        To anyone out there with an actually loving support network of friends, family and loved ones, PLEASE DO NOT GET FAT. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. PLEASE WORK OUT. PLEASE EAT A BALANCED DIET. AVOID SEED OILS, PROCESSED FOODS AND ANYTHING THAT PACKS ON THE POUNDS. Do not become another horrible piece of shit like me who wonders if it is too late already for me in life and it never even really began. Being fat is wearing your sin of gluttony around you at all times, and EVERYONE will see it.

        • 4 months ago

          I wish you the best, anon. I hope you will eventually find a solution, just keep moving forward.

      • 4 months ago

        Id kill your parents tbh but its probably too late for that anyway. Abusive parents should have to look their kids in the eyes while they flay them

  11. 4 months ago

    >how bad does it effects you sexually
    1. You get out of breath faster so can't pound for as long.
    2. The bodyfat literally gets in the way if you have too much of it, some positions become uncomfortable.

  12. 4 months ago

    I'm gonna be honest here. The penguin walk is fun and comfy.

  13. 4 months ago

    I used to be very underweight and then did a 5 year bulk. I started at 6'1 115lbs and bloated up to 240lbs. At 240lbs I still had better cardio than I did as a sedentary skeleton but felt much more sluggish than I did at 200lbs. If you work out and bloatmaxx your strength will go up a lot at the cost of cardio and aesthetics. I had to eventually start cutting weight because my blood pressure was too high and I got constant nosebleeds when doing my daily cycling 😀

  14. 4 months ago

    I was 300+lbs from age 16 until very recently (6'4", 27yo). Generally speaking unless you become fat later in life, you don't really notice just how much you're missing out on until you lose part of the weight. Joints were constantly in some amount of pain, it sucked to get out of bed or a low car, energy levels were constantly sapped. I dropped 110 pounds in the last year and a half, from 320 to 210, and once i was about 50 pounds in it shocked me how much of a difference I felt - less pain, more energy.

    • 4 months ago

      Holy shit how

      • 4 months ago

        I just counted calories lol, used myfitnesspal and then loseit, weighed everything I ate that wasn't pre-packaged. For the first 50 pounds I still ate a raspberry filled jelly donut from the bakery every single day. It turns out that calories in calories out actually works, whodathunk
        Tbf though I am on my feet all day, so I'm sure it would be significantly harder if I had a desk job, I just ate to an insane excess for a very long time.

    • 4 months ago

      Nice anon. Have you tried losing weight before this or is it your first time?

      • 4 months ago

        I never really cared about losing weight honestly, it took waking up one day, complaining about my knees hurting, and then not being able to remember the last time they DIDN'T hurt for me to want to make a change. I've been given the facts all my life about organ failure, joint problems, etc, and just didn't give a shit because that was tomorrow's problem and I had issues to deal with in the moment. In the end the impetus must come from you.

        • 4 months ago

          I think it takes that critical moment of realization, whatever it may be, to make us actually do it rather than make half assed attempts. For me

          >avoiding mirrors
          >avoid seeing yourself shirtless or naked ever, even in your own home
          >avoid having your picture taken
          >tacitly accept being sexually unwanted and unlovable and form your sense of self as a nonsexual being
          >shape your life around sitting and eating
          t. obese in middle and high school

          it was the first time I stepped on a scale and saw a number starting with 3, in the 200s I could cope about being not THAT fat, big boned or whatever the frick my mom called me, but getting into the 300s was a crystal clear moment of holy shit I'm going to die an early death if I just accept this

  15. 4 months ago

    Former skelly here. Got big, fell off and got fat, now cutting hard.
    I've never been massively fat but even being slightly into the obese category by BMI is uncomfortable as frick. Feeling like you have to shit all the time but you can't. I'm talking intestines feel like they're gonna rupture from being so full of poop and gas. Every single day.
    It's harder to breathe, unironically feels like there is less room in your body for your lungs to inflate.
    Plus you look disgusting, obviously, but my gyno becomes more and more apparent to bigger I get and it is truly revolting. I got so used to saying things like "I hate myself" in the mirror that I blurt it out randomly throughout the day like a tourettes tick.

  16. 4 months ago

    >avoiding mirrors
    >avoid seeing yourself shirtless or naked ever, even in your own home
    >avoid having your picture taken
    >tacitly accept being sexually unwanted and unlovable and form your sense of self as a nonsexual being
    >shape your life around sitting and eating
    t. obese in middle and high school

  17. 4 months ago

    Most obesity is hormonal.

    Fittards will never acknowledge this because is funner and more convenient to think that other people are worse than you.


  18. 4 months ago

    It sucks

  19. 4 months ago

    > easily winded
    > fat rings touch each other
    > bending over stopped short
    > sweating
    > swinging mass while running or walking
    > slow
    > can’t see dick without mirror

  20. 4 months ago

    >can't see your dick unless you bend over
    >can't walk a mile without huffing and puffing
    >always in a bad mood because fricked of hormones
    >hard to wipe your own ass
    >waste a lot of money on food
    >always fully aware that you will die early and could get a heart attack at any moment
    wait nevermind that's roidtrannies, carry on boys

  21. 4 months ago

    I grew up chubby but I was considerably stronger and more well built than my peers. If only I lifted more in middle and high school I'd be glad, but I did martial arts so I just felt like I could beat the shit out of anyone with ease while being weak and lazy.

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