How does this happen?

How does this happen, IST?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Oldgay with bad genetics and shitty training most likely.

    Don't get old.

    • 3 months ago

      fpbp, 38 and still trying to build muscle naturally but doing bulks and cults like a juicer.
      even funnier is he used to be an athlete and one of the first convos a serious athlete has with their friends is about taking enhancing compounds

      • 3 months ago

        im 36 and im 205 lean, i dont understand why that guy has problems i just started lifting 20 months ago and my physique is great, i even lost 80 lbs and didnt have loose skin problems

        dude is just a moron who isnt holding himself accountable for making sure the lifts he is doing are actually challenging

        • 3 months ago

          or maybe he's looking at people who actually have results and are bodybuilders and isn't doing the "my looks have changed in the mirror surely everyone will notice" cope

  2. 3 months ago

    Probably a negative T count and doesn't eat protein because its bad for the environment

    • 3 months ago

      I bet he's eating beans and lentils, and has taken zero steps to improve his hormones because "test is just bro science." Reddit is full of dumbass goobers that can't even manage the basics.

      • 3 months ago

        This plus he also probably doesn't actually push himself at all. I see it all the time, people who, as soon as they feel any resistance whatsoever, just sit there at that weight. It's got to feel hard, like really fricking hard and then you do it anyway that's how you grow. If you just stop as soon as there's the least bit of resistance and effort required you'll get no where.
        This is way more common with women, but being reddit, ya know they're not exactly "men".

  3. 3 months ago

    some people just have these genetix
    im the same
    lifting for a while
    bench from just the bar to 85kg 5x5, can die neutral grip chinups with 20kg attached 3x6. yet i looks completely skinnyfat and no real difference from my starting photos excpet a bit bigger arms

    • 3 months ago

      So what is the solution? What should a person in that position do

      >doesn't do cardio for conditioning
      >does piss all for 5x5
      >doesn't control the negative on the lift
      >doesn't train core (compounds hit it bro trust me)
      >doesn't do isolations
      >shit diet and sleep
      >gives up before he even really progresses
      man benches 185 and wants you to blame his genetics, it's good progress from being a complete beginner but holy shit do some work

      • 3 months ago

        You motherfrickers told me NOT to do cardio, I wanted to train for a 5K but you guys said that’s way too much running to be doing every other day

        • 3 months ago

          >you motherfrickers
          Wasn't me fatty. You can train for a 5k if you want but it will cut into your lifting, or just do like 30-60 minutes of cardio every day and feel good all the time. If you really like running, prioritize that over lifting, who gives a frick what your SBD is if you're healthy and happy because you pursued the fitness goals you actually wanted to?

          >>does piss all for 5x5
          is this pro 5x5 or anti 5x5? I'm kinda moronic. guilty of not training core directly myself tbh, but always been on the fatter side so seems sorta silly

          I train core for health so I don't snap my shit, it's worth it even if you're fat. And 5x5 is fine if you're actually controlling the weight the entire time, but many people just say "point A to point B dude" and don't consider that losing tension in over half the lift will maybe result in... less hypertrophy? What? Working your muscles less doesn't grow them as much? Wild. 5x5 works 3x10 works, 1x20 works, it all works if you train hard and don't half ass shit.

          I’m new to the gym what are some isolations and core stuff I should do?

          Train leg raises from a lying position and really focus on engaging your abs during the motion. Over time progress to hanging leg raises, a ton of guides to stuff on youtube, if you see something you like better than leg raises that seems consistently recommended train that, if you hate your training you'll probably skip it. For isolations it's about what you want to focus, but you can't go wrong with curls and skullcrushers for arms, pushdowns are good too. Look around and see what you like, and don't skip your rows. Most importantly, Keep It Stupid Simple. The more complicated and gimmicky some shit is, the less effective, idc what some biomechanics homosexual read on his science based fortune cookie last week, it's shit

          • 3 months ago

            >Keep It Stupid Simple
            good advice simpleton

        • 3 months ago

          You should have ignored them. Cardio on non lifting days is fine. A 5k takes what, 25 minutes for an amateur, no way is that overtraining

          • 3 months ago

            NTA but I'm trying to get my 5K to 20 minutes. What's a good time on that?

        • 3 months ago

          There's nothing more stupid in terms of fitness than not doing cardio. Cardio is even more important for your health and overall well-being than lifting. Plus it helps you keep lean. The only people against cardio are bloatlords who simply don't have the stamina.

          Though I recommend rowing or swimming instead of running for most people. Better for your knees.

      • 3 months ago

        >>does piss all for 5x5
        is this pro 5x5 or anti 5x5? I'm kinda moronic. guilty of not training core directly myself tbh, but always been on the fatter side so seems sorta silly

        • 3 months ago

          Absolutely train core anon. It’s not just so you can see them. Lifting and not doing abs is a great way to get anterior pelvic tilt. And a strong core helps you transfer force and control tension, making it far easier to direct the tension to the target muscles and avoid joint pain

      • 3 months ago

        I’m new to the gym what are some isolations and core stuff I should do?

        • 3 months ago

          do Cable Ab Crunch instead of leg raises as your main ab work - its more fun and much much easier to overload
          Better yet try both to see which one YOU prefer.

      • 3 months ago

        To be fair his genetics ARE bad. But yeah idk what it is with guys getting duped by this rippetoe shit that dominates places like Reddit.

        • 3 months ago

          >barely gain weight
          >didnt gain strength
          >isnt comfortably squatting 4+ plates
          If he'd been "duped" by ripplebreasts he'd be doing all these things instead of spinning his wheels, bulking and cutting doing some gay bodybuilding split

      • 3 months ago

        you don't need to train isolate your core if you do proper training

        • 3 months ago

          you do need some isolation if you want to be a sick c**t
          >inb4 you post some dyel body to prove my point further

          • 3 months ago

            why did you feel the need to remind me of Indians in your post
            it's not even relevant and I was having a nice day

    • 3 months ago

      >bench from just the bar to 85kg 5x5

      This is good genetics you absolute moron.

  4. 3 months ago

    you're such a lazy homosexual why not post the fricking pictures you wiener sucking gay c**t

    • 3 months ago

      After writing about non responders I think this guy might actually just be a moron. He’s clearly got bad genes but he’s also clearly doing a moronic program. No surprise he’s on Reddit.

      • 3 months ago

        he hasn't trained his abs ONCE

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah and he’s fat. If he was truly getting after it at the very least he would have lost some body fat

          • 3 months ago

            6 feet 155lbs is NOT fat.

    • 3 months ago

      >What I looked like at my lowest cut 145lbs

      >What I looked like when I bulked to 172lbs

      Oh wow, oh kek, I was not expecting this much of a laugh from this thread. I have no words. I feel a bad for this guy but holy shit some people are beyond help kekekekekekkkkkkkkk

    • 3 months ago

      Those numbers aren't incredible after 3 years but they also aren't completely terrible. What's most surprising is how little his physical appearance changed despite being much stronger (I assume) than when he started.

      • 3 months ago

        >but they also aren't completely terrible
        Not even memeing but they are pretty terrible for a 180-200lbs man with normal test levels.
        I bullshitted around doing gay splits and not eating enough for years (like this guy MUST have been doing) but as soon as I actually did SS and Texas Method properly by lifts blasted past this, even as a 70kg manlet twink

      • 3 months ago

        I was repping his maxes within 3 months of training. The vax probably killed his balls. Many such cases.

      • 3 months ago

        i repped within a year of training when i was 14 and 130 lbs . it is absurdly low for 3 years.

    • 3 months ago

      Has to be bait

    • 3 months ago

      >What I looked like at my lowest cut 145lbs

      >What I looked like when I bulked to 172lbs

      This guy DON'T lift. Full stop.

      Hard gainers and non responders exist, it’s been proven. Idk why America and the west has such a fricking weird concept of genetics. Things that clearly are not genetics they think are ‘great genes’ and things that clearly are due to genetics (ie black peoples low intelligence and high crime rate) they will fight you to the death to prove that they aren’t. There is a phenotype that simply does not respond to weight training. They can get stronger but they only gain very modest amounts of muscle mass. Everyone has seen someone like this- thin limbs, no chest, skinny with no muscle definition. They can spend unlimited time in the gym and not see results

      >Hard gainers and non responders exist
      Very rare. Very. 99% of such cases are due to bad digestive system functioning or hormonal unbalance and/or fricked precursors.

    • 3 months ago

      arms and upper pecs very slightly bigger... probably guy does cico, eats ~~*healthy*~~ fats and is strict form nazi.

    • 3 months ago

      You just know that with that kind of body he goes to see every single marvel movie.

      I see guys like this at the gym. Do 2 sets of 40kg bench press twice a week.

    • 2 months ago

      >What I looked like at my lowest cut 145lbs

      body hair is so disgusting holy shit, shave

  5. 3 months ago

    >What I looked like at my lowest cut 145lbs

    • 3 months ago

      >first time he actually approaches being skinny is his leanest cut
      lmfao, moron is just a fatass who doesn't actually train hard and prolly eats like shit

    • 3 months ago

      How tf is this 6 foot at 145 pounds?

      • 3 months ago

        It's not, he should look like a skeleton at that height but he doesn't so he's lying out his ass

      • 3 months ago

        He's lying about his height for sure, I'm 5'7 155 right now and I look better than him at 19% bf

    • 3 months ago

      Meanwhile, I look much different at 145 lbs.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah you look like a gay who doesn't understand how a belt works

      • 3 months ago

        >mogged by door knob
        many such cases

      • 3 months ago

        why is your belt unbuckled? this isn't your local bath house, son

      • 3 months ago

        you look like shit even at 5'4

  6. 3 months ago

    I know this kind of people. Their working sets' intensity is on par with people's warm ups. They go in, work out at RPE 2-3 and then wonder why it doesn't trigger any growth mechanism

    • 3 months ago

      This is what I was gonna write. Go in, do the thing without even breaking a sweat, no intensity, no tension, no load, no trying to feel anything at all in your muscles. Nothing. Then reeeeeee why nothing happened I did the magic 3x8 as experts said.

  7. 3 months ago

    >What I looked like when I bulked to 172lbs

    • 3 months ago

      He forgot to lift

    • 3 months ago

      keep it up king looking good

    • 3 months ago

      You remove the hairs and it looks like a female with shitty boobs. Pretty sure he doesn't train and eat correctly. Probably low test too

    • 3 months ago

      Idiot fell for the BLOATMAXX meme

    • 3 months ago

      There's no way a dude that ends up looking like that on a bulk is as textbook as he claims to be on

      Some people just lie.
      You could try to find what the issue is in what he posted but you would be wasting your time since if what he posted was true there would be some change visible.

      • 3 months ago

        you're such a lazy homosexual why not post the fricking pictures you wiener sucking gay c**t

        Yeah this he has to be lying, you dont have strength gains and have 0 musculature change

    • 3 months ago

      I can hear Rippetoe licking his lips

    • 3 months ago

      He is 100% lying about his lifts. Ive been seriously lifting for 3 months (was doing some moronic dumbbell exercises before) and my lifts are worse than his, but I am the exact same weight and height with more muscle. He probably does not push himself to failure and is embarassed about his actual lifts.

    • 2 months ago

      You can't actually bulk unless you're doing something to keep insulin sensitivity high. Pushing yourself in the gym will work, but just going through the motions not so much

  8. 3 months ago

    Hard gainers and non responders exist, it’s been proven. Idk why America and the west has such a fricking weird concept of genetics. Things that clearly are not genetics they think are ‘great genes’ and things that clearly are due to genetics (ie black peoples low intelligence and high crime rate) they will fight you to the death to prove that they aren’t. There is a phenotype that simply does not respond to weight training. They can get stronger but they only gain very modest amounts of muscle mass. Everyone has seen someone like this- thin limbs, no chest, skinny with no muscle definition. They can spend unlimited time in the gym and not see results

    • 3 months ago

      some people just have these genetix
      im the same
      lifting for a while
      bench from just the bar to 85kg 5x5, can die neutral grip chinups with 20kg attached 3x6. yet i looks completely skinnyfat and no real difference from my starting photos excpet a bit bigger arms

      So what is the solution? What should a person in that position do

      • 3 months ago

        Find a hobby that isn't body building

      • 3 months ago

        I would give up or take steroids. He’s clearly got a terrible program though. I’d do a bodybuilding focused program not whatever squat and deadlift focused shit he’s obviously doing

      • 3 months ago

        3 options

        >1. give up
        understand there are a wide variety of ways to stay fit, improve your health or attract people without changing muscle mass. Giving up may also mean training for its other benefits while giving up on getting bigger

        >2. optimised, evidence-based regimen
        perfect your training in-line with current evidence, optimise nutrition and recovery, and slowly eke out the minor progress a low-responder can get. Accept that this 'hard/smart work' probably is only 30-40% of the picture, the rest being genetics. Accept you will do twice as much work than others for half the return. Find out What Lies Beyond Effort.

        >3. pharmaceutical help
        Go beyond training and nutrition optimisation and accept you have to take risks to achieve things that others don't or won't need to. Take increasingly large amounts of gear and ancillaries and accept you may have to for the rest of your life. Accept you may still only resemble an average trained person at the end of it all.

        What to choose and how far to go are individual, but for every case the person should also stop comparing themselves to others, detach themselves from desires and look deeply at the sources of their motivations. This route often ends up at Option1, just for different reasons.

      • 3 months ago

        Both the persons you're answering to are lying. That's the bodybuilding equivalent of lard elementals telling you they have big bones.
        The redditor clearly eludes talking about how much weight he uses, it's clear he doesn't use enough and that's what's stalling his progress.

        • 3 months ago

          A 16 ounce can left him aching

      • 3 months ago

        become a runner or cyclist and have fun

      • 3 months ago

        >no cardio
        >low weight low reps
        >bad programming
        >bad dieting
        Literally anything would be better. 50 pushups/day would at least give him some pectoral development

      • 3 months ago

        exercise for real

      • 2 months ago

        i can garantee you that it's just their program being shit + them not lifting at the right intensity & volume.
        How can you expect to make natty gains if you're not in the gym lifting for at least 10 hours a week?

    • 3 months ago

      Eh, while "non-responders" do exist, they are incredibly rare. Most guys who look like this either train wrong, eat too little or have bad T levels that need fixing.

    • 3 months ago

      >Hard gainers and non responders exist
      like a genetic disease? I have never heard about a non responder unless it was in a context of some genetic muscle wasting disease where your spine curves cause muscles cant support it, op guy looks like an regular basedman
      >ib4 he low test
      women existing disprove this, ive seen women make more progress in 8 months than this guy in 3 years

      I think he is either baiting to prove "lifting doesnt work" just straight up baiting without malicious intent or didnt progressively overload at all

      You motherfrickers told me NOT to do cardio, I wanted to train for a 5K but you guys said that’s way too much running to be doing every other day

      we have a dedicated general just for rooning bro

    • 3 months ago

      Read this and wanted to hug you
      Been here 4 years and it’s very frickong rare you see someone acknowledge these hard facts

      Picrel is me after just 4 years lifting. I do not respond. I started at 22 I’m 27 now

      >just eat more
      >just eat less
      >lift HARDER
      >lift lighter
      >do this
      >do that

      Stfu. I’ve done almost everything aside from gear I DO NOT RESPOND to training
      You are a gem Anon, cue everyone now telling me CICo and losr weight. I’m tired.

      • 3 months ago

        post lifts, please
        did you at least gain strength?

        • 3 months ago

          Gonna be honest anon I don’t lift, it’s strictly body weight exercises. And running

          >did you get stronger
          Yeah. I can do almost 50 push ups hood form and 10 pull ups despite my skinnyfat form. Should I drop the calisthenics?

          • 3 months ago

            >only does 50 pushups
            >still eats like shit
            >why am I not ripped?
            If you’ve been doing bodyweight exercises for 4 years and can only do 50 pushups without stopping you haven’t been trying. From your flabby sides and b***h breasts I assume you drink fairly often and eat a lot of processed foods.

            I’m not trying to be I’m trying to make you take an honest look at yourself. What’s your diet like? Do you do cardio? What’s your routine of bodyweight exercises? Literally no one here no you and we’ll all forget about this thread once it archives. There’s no point in lying to us but more importantly don’t lie to yourself. Either be honest or you actually do have a freak genetic condition and need to see a doctor and get TRT.

          • 3 months ago

            Natty lifting won’t be enough let alone bodyweight with klinefelters. Hop on trt and lift 2 hours a day with a bro split. If you don’t see results in a year start blasting the kitchen sink.

          • 3 months ago

            > Stfu. I’ve done almost everything aside from gear I DO NOT RESPOND to training

            > Gonna be honest anon I don’t lift, it’s strictly body weight exercises. And running

            Fricking unbelievable. Tried everything apart from actually lifting.

      • 3 months ago

        You have klinefelters. Hop on trt and eat a paleo diet.


      • 3 months ago

        People are afraid of the harsh truth that genetics imply: namely that it's not their hard work that causes their success but rather genetics and luck (right winger hate this), and that there are people who can trained/rehabilitated as functioning members of society due to their innate low intelligence or high aggression (left wingers hate this).

        • 3 months ago

          >people who *can't* be trained/rehabilitated
          is what I meant

      • 3 months ago

        Hard gainers and non responders exist, it’s been proven. Idk why America and the west has such a fricking weird concept of genetics. Things that clearly are not genetics they think are ‘great genes’ and things that clearly are due to genetics (ie black peoples low intelligence and high crime rate) they will fight you to the death to prove that they aren’t. There is a phenotype that simply does not respond to weight training. They can get stronger but they only gain very modest amounts of muscle mass. Everyone has seen someone like this- thin limbs, no chest, skinny with no muscle definition. They can spend unlimited time in the gym and not see results

        Okay for you and the hardgainers redditors: what's your squat, deadlift, and how many pull ups you can do from dead hang without momentum and also how many strict push ups you can do from chest to the ground to the top of the movement?

        • 3 months ago

          not them, but do you even grasp the term NON-RESPONDER? How are they gonna get stronger if they don't (or barely) respond to training?

          • 3 months ago

            Non-responder is a myth. Some people respond more poorly than others but there is no healthy human who will simply not respond to hard training.

            • 3 months ago

              Just like anything in life there's a lower part of the bell curve. Why would response to training be the one magical exception?

              • 3 months ago

                Because even the very bottom of the bell curve is so far ahead of where lazy moron “non-responders” are it’s laughable
                The only non-responders we’re their mothers to the abortions they should have had rather than create such a pathetic excuse of a human being

              • 3 months ago

                at the bottom of the bell curve in this graph, they LOST 5% muscle cross section area. some people are such low responders that when they stress their muscles hard in a workout, they muscles break down and never grow back bigger, so working out hard for them makes them lose muscle due to muscle damage.
                it's like when some people workout super hard and get rhabdo, their muscle just disintegrate.

              • 3 months ago

                >some people are such low responders that when they stress their muscles hard in a workout, they muscles break down and never grow back bigger, so working out hard for them makes them lose muscle due to muscle damage.

              • 3 months ago

                at the bottom of the bell curve in this graph, they LOST 5% muscle cross section area. some people are such low responders that when they stress their muscles hard in a workout, they muscles break down and never grow back bigger, so working out hard for them makes them lose muscle due to muscle damage.
                it's like when some people workout super hard and get rhabdo, their muscle just disintegrate.

                Personally I doubt there are really true non-responders. At best I would suspect low-responders. Increasing contractile tissue mass in some way or another is a fundamental adaptive ability in human beings. I would suspect everyone will grow a little bit from exercise. However, before someone can find out whether or not they really are a hard-gainer they need high enough training intensity (no more than 1RIR from failure or to muscular failure especially if not used to training to failure) in the first place. I suspect that a good number of "low responders" are just people who train at low intensity and they'd have the average response to training if they just trained harder.

                Easy gainers v. hard-gainers is purely a matter of fiber type proportions. Type 1 fibers don't grow very much at all (though they'll still grow), 2a fibers grow a little bit more, and 2x fibers grow a lot.

                People with high proportions of 2x fibers will start bigger and stronger than average and they will grow more than average. You can put them on a basic 5x5 program and they'll big fast if they're loading correctly.

                The true low-responders just have much higher proportion of type 1 fibers. They still have type 2a and 2x fibers that will still grow if trained with the requisite intensity. They are just built for endurance activities. They might benefit more from lighter weight with a higher rep range, slower cadence, and with restricted rom (or even zero movement) to guarantee their muscles are constantly loaded to exploit this.

                As for the people how lost muscle mass in whatever study the graph is from. It may just be the methodology used in the study that was bad for them and they really needed a different method of training.

            • 3 months ago

              >genetics and upbringing control and influence maybe 90%’of your potential and future
              >somehow weight lifting and diet / hormones / body makeup are exempt from this
              Based moron

              • 3 months ago

                Provide genetic evidence for people who literally do not respond at all to exercise.

              • 3 months ago


                Read this and wanted to hug you
                Been here 4 years and it’s very frickong rare you see someone acknowledge these hard facts

                Picrel is me after just 4 years lifting. I do not respond. I started at 22 I’m 27 now

                >just eat more
                >just eat less
                >lift HARDER
                >lift lighter
                >do this
                >do that

                Stfu. I’ve done almost everything aside from gear I DO NOT RESPOND to training
                You are a gem Anon, cue everyone now telling me CICo and losr weight. I’m tired.

      • 3 months ago

        Post like this scare the shot outta me
        If this guys telling the truth (probably not)
        What do you even do at this point? I’d rather die than live stuck in that vessel no offence.. I guess I’d blast the kitchen sink and end it on a good note
        That is not a life

        • 3 months ago

          in the next post down he says he doesn't lift weights, only does some calisthenics and running
          so he's lying, he hasn't tried anything, he's probably never even gone to failure on a set, just gives up when it gets uncomfortable
          it's a mental thing, and maybe not having the mindset is because of genetics, I don't know, but I have no sympathy

          • 3 months ago

            Even doing calisthenics and running for 3 fricking years would have him at least otter mode
            You guys just can’t accept people like him are genetic defects
            In ancient Sparta he wouldn’t have made it off the mountain

            • 3 months ago

              >You guys just can’t accept people like him are genetic defects
              Or the infinitely more likely option of him lying. Why are you taking everyone’s word at face value when that means there are tons of genetic exceptions and mathematically that doesn’t make any sense?

              Post body.

              • 3 months ago

                why would he be lying about THAT?

              • 3 months ago

                >why would someone lie about the effort they put in to make themselves feel better
                >someone would go on the internet and LIE? Never
                Is this your first day on the internet or what? Do you think all the fatasses out there really do eat 1500 calories a day and run 3 miles but somehow break the laws of thermodynamics with their “genetics”? Or are they lying?

              • 3 months ago

                what is he lying about then?? and for what purpose?

              • 3 months ago

                I literally already answered you. He’s lying about being lazy. Just like the gay in the OP. Now answer my question about butterhuffers.

      • 3 months ago

        Before you guys sperg out this is literal bait by a schizo who spams /cbt/ with these images.

        • 3 months ago

          That’s pear newbie, and he’s looked like this for years

      • 3 months ago

        Your form is simply off anon, if you would listen to science based guys like Jeff or Mike you would be huge by now. You need to focus more on the end ranges and true full ROM or you are leaving almost all gains on the table. If you don't do lengthened partials and use every inch of ROM available to you you might as well stay home.

    • 3 months ago

      >dk why America and the west has such a fricking weird concept of genetics.
      it's mainly guys who lift weights for bodybuilding purposes who are delusional. so many guys actually believe that if they trained and ate and took the same or more drugs than ronnie coleman et al, they can get to the same size as a pro bodybuilder. they are so deluded, I've never seen anything like it. guys who run long distance never think they can ever roon a marathon in 2 hours, guys who spint don't think they can ever get sub 10 seconds in 100 meters. so why do guys who workout think they can get pro bodybuilder size if they just did this and that. like that's the only thing holding them back and not their trash tier muscle building genetics (95% of guys are trash tier) so fricking delusional and moronic.
      they are walking around with ideas in their head like "if I do this new high tech routine I can finally unlock those gains, or if I eat this new diet or take that new supplement I can discover the secret to huge gains" but they stay forever dyel and delusional for years and even decades, as everything they try yields mediocre results.

      • 3 months ago

        Agreed. It’s almost unbelievable

    • 3 months ago

      imagine using exceptions to claim you can't gain weight or muslce because you're just a little homosexual who doesn't know what he's doing or is afraid to actually force yourself to eat more

  9. 3 months ago

    Why do these moaners never post their diet, routine and training intensity.

    I can already tell you his total weekly volume is miniscule and his intensity is that of grandma.

    Remember kids 20 weekly hard sets at (near) failure for gains.
    I was doing only 10 hard sets for chest and wondered why I wasn't improving. Upped it to 20 and now I'm gaining steadily.
    It's always a volume and intensity problem.

    • 3 months ago

      this. he's clearly not lifting hard enough. People THINK they know what lifting hard is, but they're slacking. its either that or dude should just get his T looked at

  10. 3 months ago

    He didn’t eat. You can’t build muscle if your body is starving.

    I don’t think it’s hormones or anything. Even women can build muscle

    • 3 months ago

      did you not see his "bulk" to 172? he def ate, looks like ben and Jerry's and onions though

  11. 3 months ago

    Don't understand why people don't just do SS/SL. Literally impossible to not make gains. Instead they all do some 5 day a week moronation when they're noobs.

  12. 3 months ago

    Powershitting. No volume, no muscle.

  13. 3 months ago


  14. 3 months ago

    Low test.
    Most men have clinically low test.

    • 3 months ago

      What’s regular test?

      How do you check or fix it?

      • 3 months ago

        You can order a test kit online then send it back in to be analyzed. Go to the doctor or change things in your lifestyle to fix it

  15. 3 months ago

    By "lifting", without making the weight on the bar go up.
    By looking like that after adding 20lbs of bw, it is clear he did not lift heavy nor progress.
    Notice no description of his actual "lifting" program.

  16. 3 months ago

    he is clearly not going hard. and has not. ever

  17. 3 months ago

    Doesn't use enough weight compared to what he can lift

  18. 3 months ago

    Looking at his "bulked" picture and his manboobs and horrible fat distribution he does look like he's low test but he also cut once for no reason and bulked way too hard when he got to his "biggest".

  19. 3 months ago

    That dude is either drinking all the fricking time, he's a soigay who eats no protein, he has clinically low test, or he doesn't know how to train. It's impossible to actually try and do that poorly.

    • 3 months ago

      I’m genuinely wondering what this guy did so poorly, he obviously is doing something wrong with his routine, even on a low-protein diet he’d gain more than 0 muscle over 3 years. Maybe he thinks that “failure” means the first hint of resistance? Like maybe he sets the weights to super light amounts and the second he feels a little trouble he stops and concludes that is the sign his muscles will grow?

      Hi 1RM numbers show he's just not pushing himself, basically at all.

  20. 3 months ago

    Not reading all that and not looking at any pics
    Read the headline so i assume he just forgot to do the part where you lift heavy

  21. 3 months ago

    >6' 155lbs
    Why was he even attempting to cut lmao

  22. 3 months ago

    I’m genuinely wondering what this guy did so poorly, he obviously is doing something wrong with his routine, even on a low-protein diet he’d gain more than 0 muscle over 3 years. Maybe he thinks that “failure” means the first hint of resistance? Like maybe he sets the weights to super light amounts and the second he feels a little trouble he stops and concludes that is the sign his muscles will grow?

    • 3 months ago

      probably this
      some people can not create intensity in their lifts
      you can tell they have soft minds and just put the weight down at a point when their movement speed hasn't even slowed from the resistance, no sweat, no pain, no nothin'

      • 3 months ago

        I met a few people like that at basic. The hopeless bunch did everything in their power to get a medical and go home.

      • 3 months ago

        They aren’t fricked in the head enough, they had easy lives, all the biggest guys are mentally ill.

  23. 3 months ago

    I don't even have to read it to know it's something profoundly stupid and gay.

  24. 3 months ago

    >1RM on Deadlift 300 Squat 220 Bench 180.
    He's clearly gotten stronger it just hasn't shown up... anywhere lmao

  25. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >Bench 180
      I REFUSE to believe he’s going to overload/failure. I absolutely refuse to believe it. There is no fricking way he is gaining that little.

    • 3 months ago

      >I take finasteride
      yep there is your answer

      • 3 months ago

        t. baldcel subhuman

        • 3 months ago

          struck a nerve huh

        • 3 months ago

          Post body

    • 3 months ago

      >deloading every 5 weeks
      Wtf are they shilling on reddit?

      • 3 months ago

        Deloading on the 5th week is recommended. You can go eternally until you stall and then you will deload, but doing it every 4 weeks is ok for the mind and muscle recovery.
        You should know this by now, buddy.

        • 3 months ago

          I deload every other week for good measure, I'll never even see snap city from afar

    • 3 months ago

      How the frick doe this dude have higher test than me?

      • 3 months ago

        this is the "test spike" that finasteride shills talk about
        your test goes up because your DHT goes down
        looks like it didn't work out for this guy lol

      • 3 months ago

        he is lying, anon

        • 3 months ago

          it is literal bloodwork results

      • 3 months ago

        because numbers aren't everything you super gay.

    • 3 months ago

      >le RIR
      >autistically counting everything
      people like this never step on the gas, at all
      morons throwing weights around are stronger than homosexuals like this 100% of the time

      • 3 months ago

        Agreed, but I'm not surprised, coming from a 38yo reddit user. They love to do that shit. I heckin love science!

      • 3 months ago

        >people like this never step on the gas, at all
        I think you’re right. I find that I get stuck on the same weight and reps because I’m so focused on hitting the target reps that I don’t want to risk failure. It’s moronic and it’s holding me back. Tomorrow I’ll push myself harder and not take baby steps all the time.

    • 3 months ago

      finasteride fricks some people up more than you realise
      this guy was probably dependent on DHT to make gains and then castrated himself

    • 3 months ago

      >300 deadlift
      >220 squat
      >180 bench
      There it is
      Show me a "I've lifted for x years and haven't gained muscle" and I will show you someone with shitty numbers
      >could this guy be genetically shit tier and unable to gain any strength or muscle no matter how he trains?
      >if he added poundage to his lifts, through any means necessary, would he build more muscle than he has now
      I guarantee it

      • 3 months ago

        my bench is 150 and i've been lifting for 12 yrs 🙁

        • 3 months ago

          150 kilo is incredible, hombre, mentón arriba

        • 3 months ago

          1RM? As a male? Have you tested your testosterone?

          • 3 months ago

            yes. its because my front delt was removed in surgery lel. i can actually db press 110 reliably with that arm but u put a barbell in my hands and i straight up can't OHP more than 65lbs or bench more than 150ish

            >shoulder frickin shits, hate em

            • 3 months ago

              why did you get a deltoidectomy?

      • 3 months ago

        this guy be genetically shit tier and unable to gain any strength or muscle no matter how he trains?
        Very likely

        >>if he added poundage to his lifts, through any means necessary, would he build more muscle than he has now
        >>I guarantee it
        >this idiot should have just grew more in order to grow. If he woulda grew more then he would a grew
        fitizens are so fricking stupid

        • 3 months ago

          You're the one that can't figure this shit out. Stay smart and scrawny

          • 3 months ago

            I'm doing just fine on progress you moron. Some people just aren't so lucky and have shit genetics

            • 3 months ago

              I'm sure you are, big guy.
              I've never seen this "shit genetics". I see a ton of shit effort, though.

        • 3 months ago

          A 220lbs one rep max squat after 3 years is so abhorrently bad that it's obvious to anyone ITT who lift, so maybe not you. He probably did some gay 6-day PPL where you squat twice a week so frequency to learn the lift was never a problem. He's mentally incapable of pushing himself, squatting is the best give away for this because it's mentally the hardest lift to push. It never feels easier despite getting stronger, you just move the bar faster at the previous weights.

          • 3 months ago

            220 squat and 300 dl after three fricking years is just pathetic.

            • 3 months ago

              I've been lifting for 3 years and 1 month. My current 1RM's are 155 OHP, 245 bench press, 305 squat, 375 deadlift.
              Is it fricking over?

              • 3 months ago

                that's solid progress. Maybe slower than normal, but you're basically right where expected.

              • 3 months ago

                OK, this makes me feel a lot better. I recently went from 230 down to 218 (I tried 3000mg L-carnitine for 30 days and accidentally did a mini cut) and my numbers stayed the same and went up in some cases.

          • 3 months ago

            You stole this reasoning from my post the other week. I was meming btw.

            • 3 months ago

              Frick back squats seriously. Not worth the risk. I just do deficit trap bar squats instead. Much safer.

        • 3 months ago

          Are landholders also fat because trash tier genetics? Yes or no

          • 3 months ago

            *lardgolems. That’s why I get for phoneposting during a shit

          • 3 months ago

            Maybe like 1 in a million of them that has some kind of extremely rare genetic defect that forces them to route 90% of their caloric intake to fat creation and prevents them from burning it when they don't intake enough calories such that if they stopped eating they would actually die from malnutrition. Almost all of them this wouldn't be the case though. No matter how much you think those outliers don't exist, they do.

            • 3 months ago

              Thank you for finally agreeing with me dumbass. You agree that the frequency of actual outliers is extremely rare and does not match the frequency of people claiming to be outliers. Which means they are lying.

            • 3 months ago

              Thank you for finally agreeing with me dumbass. You agree that the frequency of actual outliers is extremely rare and does not match the frequency of people claiming to be outliers. Which means they are lying.

              Adding pic to prove my point

      • 3 months ago

        Completely unscientific babble that you are spewing here anon, moving heavy weights has only marginal impact on muscle growth. As long as you are in proximity of failure with immaculate form you will make the best gains. If your form is bad and your stimulus to fatigue ratio is off you could bench 400lbs and have no upper body muscle to speak of.

        • 3 months ago

          Youre a fricking moron

    • 3 months ago

      everyone posting shit like this on the internet, in this much detail, is mentally ill and doesn't lift
      autistic neurotic soulless subhumans

    • 3 months ago

      Case solved. Reddit pussy. Someone who did his homework in school and would be really good at essays and thinks he can use his ''big'' brain to think through problems. I've seen these types and they just don't put effort into the actual lifting. You will never see this guy sweat in the gym, you will never see him lift something that is physically painful. They just move comfortable weights and maintain their physique and then go on reddit to look at data sheets and pop science articles.
      I see these people all the time. I will be busting my ass, out of breath, sweating having to wipe the sweat out of my eyes, and these guys are just there chilling writing in their notepad or tracking their lifts on the phone. Their physiques never chance. I see the same guys for years and they're moving the same weights, never once pushed themselves.

      • 3 months ago

        >sweat in the gym,
        >busting my ass
        >out of breath,
        >wipe the sweat out of my eyes,
        Do some cardio you mong. That's the reason you are sweaty and out of breath, not your superior exertion (and 3-5min rest)

    • 3 months ago

      this guys just made up those numbers on the spot

    • 3 months ago

      60lb bulk and he still squats less than 3pl8.
      You should at MINIMUM be adding a lb to the bar for every pound of body weight you gain.

    • 3 months ago

      I've been lifting for less than a year and my numbers are better than that. I've been a real pussy about adding weight too. what sort of dogshit program is he following?

    • 3 months ago

      His lifts suggests he never fricking lifted, 3 years for abject beginner numbers. He is 100% sandbagging all of his training, "RIR" and "RPE" is meaningless when you don't know what failure is and all of the programming in the world doesn't matter if you don't step on the gas at the appropriate times.

    • 3 months ago

      this Black person must be lying through his fricking teeth

    • 3 months ago

      I just don't get it, what he did is scientifically sound. How could this possibly not work?

    • 3 months ago

      >It helps develop reproductive organs and masculine characteristics in men. It also boosts libido and sexual health. Besides that, some researchers believe that DHT may support blood sugar control, mental health and cognition, bone and muscle strength, and immunityIt helps develop reproductive organs and masculine characteristics in men. It also boosts libido and sexual health. Besides that, some researchers believe that DHT may support blood sugar control, mental health and cognition, bone and muscle strength, and immunity.
      >These data show that DHT causes hypertrophy in skeletal muscle and that exercise has a synergistic effect on DHT-induced hypertrophy.
      Hamstringing himself.

    • 3 months ago

      This is such a meaningless stat to give if you're looking for advice, it's purely an ego thing to make yourself seem stronger than you really are.

    • 2 months ago

      Found the problem lmao. What the frick was he thinking?

  26. 3 months ago
    natty lifting does nothing

    natty lifting does NOT build muscle

    it cant fill you up temporarily with more blood, glycogen, inflammation and water in the muscle, which can be mistaken for growth. But natty lifting does not build or grow actual contractile tissue

    its roids or nothing

    • 3 months ago

      with roiders, training does nothing apart from maintaining the muscle mass that the roids provide. When a person starts taking roids, their muscles start growing and getting stronger before their next workout. Then at the workout they find they can suddenly do an extra rep. it's not the training that made them bigger or stronger, it's the roids. The training is simply maintaining the mass that the roids give them while they sit on the couch the rest of the day. The roids are allowing them to lift progressively heavier weights from workout to workout during their cycle, the growth is caused by the roids alone in the many hours between workouts, and the workouts themselves simply demonstrate the strength that is solely built from the roids. The training is simply cementing the roids gains they are getting from sitting on the couch. That's why you can have two identical twins training the same way, one takes 500mg the other takes 1000mg and the latter will be bigger and stronger after a while, even though they are using the same intensity in the gym.

      • 3 months ago

        Tom Platz and Lee Priest are on record for taking very small amounts of vitamin S.

    • 3 months ago
  27. 3 months ago


    Huh that’s a good point. Bro is probably XXY and it just isn’t something that would show up on any of the tests he’s taken. RIP in piece.

    • 3 months ago

      If it was just him falling for the ripplebreasts meme he’d at least be benching 225 after 3 whole years.

      • 3 months ago

        Stop calling me out

  28. 3 months ago

    He forgot his weekly test injections

  29. 3 months ago

    He is just a pussy moron who doesn't hold himself accountable.
    I guarantee he didn't try to beat each of his previous workouts workouts by doing extra reps, sets or weight.
    I started out as a skinnyfat dyel and in 2 1/2 months I'm already benching 85kg, ohp 55kg, squatting 115kg as my working sets.
    My upper abs are already showing without cutting, I'm just eating high protein at around maintenance and getting hella noob gains.

    He didn't eat or train properly, he needs a personal tard wrangler to hold him accountable. It's all mental.

    • 3 months ago

      I worked out for 6 months last year. Haven't worked out since June. Went to the gym a few days ago and did 55kg ohp for 5. I bet in a few weeks I'll beat this guy's max bench for reps. I have no idea how someone can train for 3 years and not be jacked.

    • 3 months ago

      I have to disagree, I don't see how you can achieve the figures you did in 2 and a half months if, for example, you started with the empty bar on the bench press and the 10kg bar on the OHP. It's literally mathematically and physically impossible.

      And that's where you realise that saying you start off skinnyfat doesn't really mean anything, because some people start off with a lot more strength than others for a similar initial body (what is the reason for this differential, anyway? good question).

      Oh yes, and I should point out that like you, during my first 2 months I ate on maintenance, having cut out all the unhealthy foods. I managed to go from skinnyfat to skinny during that period (I got rid of the belly fat that was starting to form basically), but I very quickly started to stagnate on the main compound exercises (especially the bench press, where I stagnated 2 months after I started lifting at 40kg), which I managed to overcome by starting to bulk (I was 63kg 175cm)

      • 3 months ago

        Believe it or not mate. A lot of untrained men can bench 1 plate, ohp 40kg, and squat 80kg on their first gym session.

        • 3 months ago

          I should have been more specific in my post: I think it's possible to achieve these expenses in 2 months, but it's not possible for everyone. Clearly, if you have a very weak initial strength base with the figures I've given, I don't see how you could achieve your figures in just 2 months. After 1 and a half years of lifting I still don't have them.

  30. 3 months ago

    >6' 145lbs
    >pretty old
    >boomer so he definitely watches the worst content on lifting you can get
    He doesn't eat and since he doesn't eat he definitely doesn't train effectively so I know this post is a dogwhistle for that righty "YOU HAVE TO BECOME A ROID troony BECAUSE I'M A GAY homosexual" but it's all his fault.

  31. 3 months ago

    >how does this happen
    by not telling the truth

    • 3 months ago

      Why don’t you believe him?

  32. 3 months ago

    DHT is the most important hormone for men

    • 3 months ago

      Wait Finasteride kills dht?

      What about minoxidil

      • 3 months ago

        >take minoxidil
        >die of heart attack

      • 3 months ago

        Yep, it lowers your DHT as well as your dick

      • 3 months ago

        Minoxidal has nothing to do with DHT. It was being investigated as a blood pressure drug and hair growth was a side effect

        • 3 months ago

          >take minoxidil
          >die of heart attack

          Yep, it lowers your DHT as well as your dick

          So I just have to accept I’m going bald?

          • 3 months ago

            Brother, it's literally just hair. Get a wig of it bothers you that much. Me? I'm going aerodynamic.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, Finasteride blocks the conversion of Testosterone to DHT, decreasing DHT levels. However, this also increases Testosterone levels by the same amount that DHT levels are decreased (since the conversion is blocked), and since Testosterone is the more anabolic of the two hormones, Finasteride should theoretically slightly IMPROVE your ability to gain muscle (though the effect is probably too small to measure), certainly not harm it.

        • 3 months ago

          Test also converts to estrogen, wouldn't the blocked amount be converted into estrogen instead?

  33. 3 months ago

    I was years without gains as well. It was mostly low-T, a shitty diet and not pushing myself with lifts.

  34. 3 months ago

    These people are asking the wrong question. Looks are subjective and based at least partially on frame, genetics and a lot of other stuff. The real question is: ARE YOU GETTING STRONGER? Are you progressing? That's where you must focus. If you want to look good you're just a homosexual and you should kys but it's easier to just buy nice clothes, voila you look good now

  35. 3 months ago

    I love that with zero research and a bad diet got me better results than this reddit book worm.

    • 3 months ago

      The key difference is you actually lifted and pushed yourself. I doubt he did the former. I know he didn’t do the latter

  36. 3 months ago


    At least his cut worked between August 20th and Made with Frames.

  37. 3 months ago

    At 183cm, he could get to 85-94kg. That would be his muscular zone. This guy is 70 kilos and even cut down to 65, borderline auschwitz mode, and even his heaviest weight of 78 kilos still easily puts him in the green BMI zone. Bro you never bulked, you just got to your natural bodyweight after becoming borderline underweight again. Get to 83kg in 3 years and stay there and you'll be fine, even if it's too much fat for you at the start.

  38. 3 months ago

    >You are wasting your time staying in such low weight at your height. Perma bulk to at least 200lbs and then cut.
    What a stupid fricking comment jesus christ. This is why I can tolerate IST but not reddit, at least when u guys say something moronic, I can tell myself you're joking/trolling.

  39. 3 months ago

    Bad diet and bad routine. If he actually wants to gain muscle he would need to bulk up to 200lbs and stay there for at least 2 years then cut. He needs to eat at least 180g of protein a day during that whole time.

  40. 3 months ago

    I'm working on a theory that you cannot gain (or at least gain very, very, VERY slowly) muscle if you don't experience failure.

    • 3 months ago

      It's like that. People who think they're training hsd srr usually failing due to mental blocks and could be handling much greater loads. I noticed that when my gym sent theur dumbells for maintenance and they came back mislabeled. When I used them yeah, they felt heavier, but I still was able to handle them because in my mind I should've been able to rep out those weights.

      • 3 months ago

        >usually failing due to mental blocks
        This is huge. Some people can get through them and some can’t. I think playing competitive sports growing up helps with it. Personally I know I struggled squatting 3 plates the first time even though I could get 295 4-5 times. It was a mental thing of worrying about dropping it. Once I got over it and tried the weight really wasn’t bad

    • 3 months ago

      It’s not failure, it’s progressive overload. If you do x reps with y weight and fail your next rep during a session, then for the next 3 years do the same thing every week without increasing weight or reps, you’re not going to grow. It’s as simple as that. Now obviously leaving nothing on the table is the most surefire way to make sure you are breaking shit down, but you have to be able to recover too.

  41. 3 months ago

    People who don’t make gains aren’t actually pushing themselves to be better. I guarantee you he thought he could bench 135 for 5x5 for 3 years and his muscles would magically grow to the size and strength that could lift 225 for 5x5

  42. 3 months ago

    doesn't push himself. simple as.

  43. 3 months ago

    I bet a 1000 bucks this guy never goes above rpe 2

  44. 3 months ago

    This guy probably has the same problem as I have. Used to be fat and I dread gaining weight again so bulking is tough, mentally speaking. I go balls to the walls and try to milk what I can at my current weight but I know I should just get fat and then cut.

    I tried doing that and it got me good results and I'm currently cutting back to 150 before I get some weight back again. I'll try to go to 175 for the first time since I first lost weight to see if I can finally make some gains. Being a manlet is a curse.
    >92/154/188/? x 10 currently

  45. 3 months ago

    it's because he takes finasteride

  46. 3 months ago

    He fell for the natty psyop

  47. 3 months ago

    Marfans syndrome

  48. 3 months ago

    I’m 38 and I’ve been lifting for 18 months and I feel like I’m in this boat. Well not this bad because I’ve definitely gained muscle and definition but also fat (made the mistake of doing SS and eating everything in sight for the first bit).

    I look in the mirror and think “almost two years for this?!” But I was starting with very little muscle mass so I’m more or less working my way up to average and then we’ll see what happens from there.

  49. 3 months ago

    Too much volume => not enough intensity => loses all muscle when he cuts way too low

  50. 3 months ago

    Not training hard enough.

  51. 3 months ago

    >Bulking and cutting
    Meme unless you're blasting gear
    Just take the perma-lean pill.

    • 3 months ago

      what are your lifts?

  52. 3 months ago

    creeped on his previous posts. He says he "never sweats when lifting weights". Found the fricking problem. He's lying to himself and everyone else when he says he does 0-2 RIR. Nobody hits failure consistently on a regular basis and never sweats

    • 3 months ago

      Agreed. He’s been spinning his wheels twice a week in the gym and spending more time researching eXeRcIsE sCiEnCe, then wondering why he isn’t seeing gains.

    • 3 months ago

      yh this fricking guy is just lying and copeing to himself he's not actually training properly not eating correct, hes not doing progressive overload it's complete horse shit

    • 3 months ago

      >he sweats a lot and he’s also a lot stronger…
      Hmmm interesting

      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Agreed. He’s been spinning his wheels twice a week in the gym and spending more time researching eXeRcIsE sCiEnCe, then wondering why he isn’t seeing gains.

      >powershitters coping that they are sweating up the joint

      being obese and moving weights also has nothing to do with building muscle. if you wanna get huge you need to listen to exercise science no matter how much you mock it

      • 3 months ago

        >h-having a 700kg+ total has nothing to do with big muscles, its just um.. it just doesnt ok?!
        >working hard goes against the science!
        Sounds like fake-natty pump-chaser cope 2bh lad

  53. 3 months ago

    A pituitary tumor or other type of brain tumor located near the pituitary gland may cause testosterone or other hormone deficiencies.

  54. 3 months ago

    > Lifting:

    >4-6x/week. 14-18 sets/muscle/per week. 0-2 RIR. Each muscle train 2x per week. 2-3 minutes rest. Tried different programs for 6 months at a time including PPL, UL, Full body, and customized. Different rep ranges from 4-6 to 12-15, but most often in the 8-12 range. Deload every 5 weeks. Always attempt progressive overload, but when you can't gain muscle, it's very tough over the long term. Feel recovered between workouts. 1RM on Deadlift 300 Squat 220 Bench 180. I've done a lot of research on programming and confident mine is solid. Even if mine isn't great, I should have still gained some muscle.

    Bet his “1RM” numbers aren’t even real
    They look like they came out of some bullshit calculator

    • 3 months ago

      bro what do you mean, if I do 20 reps on the chest press with a certain weight I can obviously calculate my max competition bench from it. these calculators are science based and accurate to +-2lbs

  55. 3 months ago

    I'm a bit like the guy in the Reddit post and in some of the posts on this thread, I'm 25 and I started weight training a year and a half ago, in September 2022, and I have to tell you that the results are far from amazing. I'd like to say that after a year of practice (August 2023), a lot of people on the forums were telling me "it's not normal not to feel your muscles after 1 year of practice, so you must be doing something wrong". So I chose to adopt a mind/muscle connection-oriented routine (also known as "proprioception") based on low loads and slow tempo for 4 months, but it didn't help me much. I resumed a classic routine in January 2024, taking 1 month to make up the strength I'd lost with the proprioception routine. But as a result, compared to when I started, my physique hasn't changed much. Even though I've put on 8kg (65kg -> 73kg for 1m75) and my loads have increased, I still have beginner's loads and a lot of people tell me that I need to wait until I'm even stronger to see my muscles develop.

    I should point out that I'm starting bodybuilding with NO background in sports (apart from compulsory sport at school of course), and I have the impression that this is a crucial factor, but I'm not sure.

  56. 3 months ago

    Why do these people not just roid when everything they try fails? Are they moronic or poor? We've had the medicines to treat their problems for 60 years.

    • 3 months ago

      you cant cure having trash genes

      • 3 months ago

        You can it's called roids.

        • 3 months ago

          no you can't lmao your response to androgens is governed by your genes still, you cannot escape it

          • 3 months ago

            Post body

  57. 3 months ago

    so what was the verdict of this thread

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        pee pee poo poo

  58. 2 months ago

    He didn't lift heavy, didn't manage stress, didn't eat enough fat/too much protein, drank alcohol, fapped excessively, didn't do cardio, ate sugar etc etc etc
    He probably needs to gain fat and continue lifting also since he's been a spooky skeleton his whole life

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