How full of shit is?

How full of shit is IST?
>Rarely see anyone bench above 75kg
>Seen a 2 plate squat maybe once
>Barely seen anyone OHP and when they do it's nothing over 40kg
>No one ever deadlifts
>No one filming themselves
Most people just do lat pulldowns and leg press. Yet IST would have you believe MFers are pulling 1/2/3/4 within a year.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    IST is mostly full of shit but I see everything you mentioned every day.... and I go to a small shitty gym

  2. 2 years ago

    My weak dyel 3pl8 diddly literally gets mired. I look like shit and actually have girls ask me for diddly advice.

    Then again it's a commercial gym so standards are low?

    i have body dysmorphia from IST anyways

  3. 2 years ago

    I did a 80 days squat challenge one time. My PR were 100kg yet at day 25 i squatted 150kg in shoes and 140kg barefoot. So having people get good gains in a year become believable to me, i just wasn't going heavy enough.

    • 2 years ago

      post challenge I can squat 100kg

  4. 2 years ago

    It is standard IST belief that being truthful of how hard you work = incel cope. There's a screenshot espousing this that is posted in normie/women lifting standards threads. IST's most recent survey showed that 75%ish of IST hasn't hit 1/2/3/4.

    Assume height, age, weight, strength numbers, time-frame to get to strength numbers, and routines are a lie unless your gut tells you it seems truthful

    • 2 years ago

      >IST's most recent survey showed that 75%ish of IST hasn't hit 1/2/3/4.
      Unironically, can I sub out squat and deadlift? I'll hit a 5pl8 squat before a 4pl8 dead lmao

    • 2 years ago

      the survey was fricked with

  5. 2 years ago

    You go to an old person or high school zoomer gym probably. It is pretty rare to see people doing more than 1/2/3/4 in a commercial gym but that’s because the guys taking it seriously are all in private gyms or are athletes using advanced facilities leased out for their team

    • 2 years ago

      This. I lived in another country and people there were asking me if I roid. I can barely do 2 plates on bench press. Once the gym was closed for the holiday and I went to the one in 300m from it. Everyone there was super jacked and roiding. 18 years old squating 4 plates, etc.
      Now I'm in another country, tries two gym. One - all dyels, just one guy with shitty form deadlifting 4 plates. In the other, half dyel, half can squat 2 plates.

  6. 2 years ago

    >How full of shit is IST?
    Quite thoroughly
    There isn't much reason to post here (or or anywhere else) if you actually lift and have grown out of the noob stage, because any sound advice or observations you try to give will be drowned out by bullshit and incel threads. Hardly any of the >people who make roid bait threads and police the 1/2/3/4-in-a-year thing are active gymgoers, they're self hating sloths who just want to demoralize.

    • 2 years ago

      >they're self hating sloths who just want to demoralize.
      gatekeeping is based, it filters the population

      • 2 years ago

        Not when the gatekeepers are worse than the people they are trying to demoralise.

  7. 2 years ago

    6'3", NW0, $200k+, 2/3/4/5 is literally the bare minimum on IST

    • 2 years ago

      I got 3 out of four. Good enough

  8. 2 years ago

    I used to go to one of the more expensive gyms in the city. Everyone was a dyel, never seen anyone deadlift more than 2 pl8s or bench more than one.

    Then I switched gyms to a cheaper one. When I came there I could feel the atmosphere was more intense. In the mornings when I come, there are usually these 2 autistic guys that deadlift a shitton and can squat over 3 pl8s. I bet they browse fit too. They just look like it.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot to add one of them does oly lifts with the really wide bars that you can't warp your hand around. Kinda insane how much weight he can handle on that

    • 2 years ago

      Very full of shit but at least people here don't underestimate the effort needed for a great physique. You'll see everywhere, particularly on social media, fitness "guides" that bullshit you into thinking you'll go from skinnyfat to ripped in 6 months just by doing 20 crunches a day. People on IST, when not baiting, at least tell you to be patient and wait a couple of years for your goal physique, since changing and bettering your body isn't something you do overnight.

      At least in my city expensive gyms are mostly full of people that don't know shit about fitness or musclebuilding, or don't care. Hoes, rich broccoli-haired zoomers and morons that only go to use the treadmills comprise 90% of people there.
      I go to a much cheaper, neighborhood type gym and a third of the guys here are jacked. I thinks its maybe because morons go to the expensive gyms thinking more expensive=more machines=getting fit faster, when it's obviously not true.

  9. 2 years ago

    I was squatting next to a dude doing 405 front squats yesterday supersetted with weighted pull ups, and another dude doing 315 power cleans. There were also some dudes benching 135 behind us, and some other dudes squatting 115 not even to parallel. Point is, it varies. There's strong dudes in the gym, and there's weaker dudes in the gym. But with proper programming and diet, anyone can get respectable lifts like 1/2/3/4 (probably with an even heavier squat if you can hit the other 3 targets.

    • 2 years ago

      i don't think that was the point. of course it varies, the point was to discuss that how common x actually is.
      if i just randomly go to the gym after work and not specified time not knowing who will be there´, out of randomly selected idk, maybe 20-30 people in there, chances are that not a single one will be moving 1/2/3/4. Not one.

      and there are some really big looking dudes at my gym, not powersharters but as in look like borderline roidtrannies even. but they aren't moving any kind of weight. last time i saw them they were doing 40-50kg OHP for reps. and deadlifts? i'd say that i see someone deadlifting maybe once a month, could be less could be more.

      again i know that it varies, and in some hardcore gyms, even just some countries, cities etc. the culture might be different but overall going by the majority, someone loading up 1/2/3/4 is extremely rare and while it is theoretically possible to achieve in 6-8 months the truth is that most people never achieve it despite lifting for years and years.

      • 2 years ago

        I see 2 and 3 all the time at my gym (LA Fitness). 4 is rare, and I've NEVER seen anyone else do 1pl8 OHP.

        • 2 years ago

          >I've NEVER seen anyone else do 1pl8 OHP
          for some reason people neglect doing ohp. im the only one doing it at my gym

          • 2 years ago

            Ohp can cause some problems if you don't stretch your shoulders.
            also you have to make sure you practice good form ohp specifically or forever screw yourself.
            Bench zoomies can get away with shitty form.
            I prefer ohp dumbbell press standing/sitting. Much better results on shoulders

            • 2 years ago

              funny cause bench gave me more problems than ohp. fricked shoulder, wrist. the only problem i have with ohp is lower back but this is me egolifting kek

  10. 2 years ago

    >Do people lie anonymously on the internet?
    Holy shit, really? How old are you?

  11. 2 years ago

    >Yet IST would have you believe MFers are pulling 1/2/3/4 within a year

    This is mostly ISTbros lifting 1/2/3/4 after 3 years of lifting but rationalizing it for themselves "THEORETICALLY I could have done it in one year IF..." but no one actually doing it.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Yet IST would have you believe MFers are pulling 1/2/3/4 within a year.
    Yeah this is the biggest bullshit posted here. 1/2/3/4 isn't possible without years of strength training, unless you're roiding.

    • 2 years ago

      3,4 can be done in 1 year for sure. 2 might take two years though.

    • 2 years ago

      weakcel cope

      • 2 years ago

        It took me 8 months to hit 1/2/3/4. When I started, I had never lifted before. I was a 145 lb twig when I started. I'm shitty at sports and nowhere near genetically gifted, so I can confidently say that 99% of men can do the same. You're probably just undisciplined and don't eat and sleep enough.

        roidtrannies cope

        • 2 years ago

          Lmao I'm natty. If you think what I did takes roids you're not gonna make it.

    • 2 years ago

      The reality is that 1/2/3/4 takes anywhere from 1-3 years depending on who you are and is a decentg goal that squarely puts you past "beginner".

  13. 2 years ago

    my fatass dyel brother who plays pokemon go all day literally looks like this frickin pepe

  14. 2 years ago

    There is a small subsection of people who actually lift on fit and it's in a specific thread. There's another subsection of lifter who look good and it's in another specific thread. Last but not least there is a subsection, though very small, that both lifts and looks good. It's hard to know if it's real though cause the jannys always delete it.

    • 2 years ago

      >There is a small subsection of people who actually lift on fit and it's in a specific thread.
      who do you lift for thread
      >There's another subsection of lifter who look good and it's in another specific thread.
      >Last but not least there is a subsection, though very small, that both lifts and looks good. It's hard to know if it's real though cause the jannys always delete it.
      Coinslot thread

  15. 2 years ago

    It took me 8 months to hit 1/2/3/4. When I started, I had never lifted before. I was a 145 lb twig when I started. I'm shitty at sports and nowhere near genetically gifted, so I can confidently say that 99% of men can do the same. You're probably just undisciplined and don't eat and sleep enough.

  16. 2 years ago

    What is 1/2/3/4 ???

    • 2 years ago

      frick off

    • 2 years ago

      1 plate plate-press
      2 plate bench
      3 plate squat
      4 plate deadlift

      frick off

      Take your insulin.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Don't tell them dick head

      • 2 years ago

        >plate press

      • 2 years ago

        bear in mind this is 1rm with no regard to form or bodyweight.

      • 2 years ago

        45 pound ohp
        90 pound bench
        135 pound squat
        180 pound dead lift

        • 2 years ago

          Damn, I already made it to 1/2/3/4 without even realizing it!

        • 2 years ago

          The bar has weight too you idiot.

          • 2 years ago

            You realize he’s also missing a whole other side of the bar right? 90lbs+ 45 still ain’t 2pl8

    • 2 years ago

      Lurk more before you post stupid frick

  17. 2 years ago

    IST has quite a few autists that are willing to research and execute the optimal ways to gain strength and muscle. And with no life, they have plenty of time to dedicate. Most normies don't dive so deep into lifting.
    That said, you're full of shit. Any normie who was a high school athlete can squat and bench those numbers.

  18. 2 years ago

    I suggest you get deep into a hobby (not necessarily lifting). You will be surprised how unfocused and stupid most people are.
    For example, I'm into playing guitar, lifting and playing chess.
    I know several people that:
    >have been playing chess for years and can't break 1000 rapid on
    >have been playing music for years and still sound like beginners
    >have been lifting for years and still have shit stats like you mentioned

    You have to actively avoid getting complacent in whatever hobby you're into. I'm not even talking about autistic 24/7 devotion here, just be intelligent, do your research and you can easily surpass 90%+ of people in whatever you do.
    Never compare yourself to these people.

    • 2 years ago

      Complacency happens at every level too. I have a graduate degree in classical guitar and you see players stall during undergrad, grad or after their studies. Being able to fight complacency is an undervalued skill.

  19. 2 years ago

    Jeez what kind of pussy ass gym are you going to? I go to a chain gym in the UK and every single session there someone squatting over 100kg and deadlifting over 100kg. Admittedly I rarely see anyone approach that on bench.

    Obviously this is not high by any lifting standard, but you must be going to a pre-school gym

  20. 2 years ago

    I see guys record their lifts and take selfies while flexing in front of everyone in the mirror daily. My gym is also flooded with scrawny zoomers, though, so perhaps it's different elsewhere.

  21. 2 years ago

    I see a few people benching 2pl8+ at my gym but they look like they’re very experienced natty. Ive seen OHP too but just short of 1pl8. I see 2pl8+ squats quite often, but most I’ve seen anyone deadlift is 3pl8

  22. 2 years ago

    >How full of shit is IST?
    You need to realize there's a zealotry surrounding the big 4 lifts as it if were some sort of sacred goal. The board is disproportionately oriented towards strength training and the sentiment keeps being reinforced. Fitness on this board equals big numbers, fitness in real life means health, balance, energy, athleticism. The people you see in real life all have their own goals, maybe they're just supporting another activity like a sport, maybe they're doing rehab, maybe it's just a fun activity. The ISTizen however sees this and thinks they're a bunch of dyel normie homosexuals because they don't fall under his tiny definition of what exercising is.

    • 2 years ago

      Possibly the realest thing that will ever be posted here

    • 2 years ago

      Are you all going to gyms conducive to powerlifting, where you would find people doing 1/2/3/4? I go to a relatively small gym in a big, rich metropolitan area, so people take this shit seriously. I’ve seen someone do a 6pl8 squat and go on to do a 4pl8 bench in the same day. I saw another guy do 5.5pl8 squat for doubles. I’ve seen at least a dozen people do >2pl8 bench, and a handful do 3pl8. Ohp is the rarest, I’ve only seen two people do 1pl8.
      If you are all going to gyms in smaller towns where 90% of people are there for cardio, classes, dance fitness, rehab, sports stuff, etc, you won’t aee it as frequently as me, as pointed out

      • 2 years ago

        That’s crazy I smashed full sets of 1pl8 OHP before I hit anything else for even a single

  23. 2 years ago

    I pulled 1/2/3/4 at 15. At 21 pulled 2/3/4/5. Fell off the wagon after college and now have a bum knee I'm rehabbing but currently ?/3.5/3/? Because i don't have high enough ceilings to ohp and am trying to stay off deadlift til the knee heals

  24. 2 years ago

    1/2/3/4 is 100% achievable within a year for most lifters. These are not impressive numbers but are the bare minimum to not look dyel. You shouldn't compare yourself to the average person at the gym but the average person that's put in 1 year of consistent and focused training.

    • 2 years ago

      average person that put 1 year of consistent and focused training absolutely does not llift 1/2/3/4.

      again, im not saying it's impressive or elite goal, i think its achievable in 6-8 months but people just don't understand what average means. being average is not good, being average means nothing. what you are thinking of average is literally perfect training and nutrition with not a single day missed for 1 year straight with perfect form, routine, mentoring etc.

      1/2/3/4 is reached by like sub 5% of people that have religiously went to the gym for indefinite time period.

      • 2 years ago

        This, seen exactly one guy on YT fitness that stuck to his program and bulk 100% when starting to work out and it shows. Dude looks better than most of natty youtubers who worked out for 5+ years despite having worked out for 3ish years.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, Jeff Cavaliere's protege has been training consistently under Jeff's tutelage for about 5 years, and while he looks pretty good, he is still barely above 1/2/3/4 from what I recall

  25. 2 years ago

    >Rarely see anyone bench above 75kg
    saw this yesterday. I'm dyel and bench 70kg
    >Seen a 2 plate squat maybe once
    saw this yesterday. same guy, manlet but pretty fit.
    >Barely seen anyone OHP and when they do it's nothing over 40kg
    saw this yesterday. I'm dyel and ohp 40kg
    >No one ever deadlifts
    saw this yesterday. everyone deadlifts here
    >No one filming themselves
    this is true, but we're autistic in Sweden

    t. this was at SATS btw

  26. 2 years ago

    Idk what gym you go to but I've trained at 3 different ones in my area and I've literally seen less than 5 people (male) bench under 1pl8 for reps, the most common range is 80-90 and I see plenty of c**ts pushing more than two plates. I've even seen a 5'5 absolute unit of a dwarfmaxed bloatchad do 4 plates for 5 reps once.
    >barely seen anyone OHP
    I'll concede this although I've also seen this skinny sub 70kg guy c&j 90 kgs once. I glanced at him getting ready and I was like hmph sub 2pl8 deadlift, then he clean and jerked it and I just didn't look in his direction again.

  27. 2 years ago

    Started lifting this week but browsing fit since 2010. My bench is 35 kg/75 lb 3x12. I'm obese.

    • 2 years ago

      You should probably just stick to stronglifts 5x5 or something. 3x12/4x10 kind of programs are for bodybuilding, you need to build some strength first, my friend. If you can do 35 kgs for 12 reps across 3 sets you should be able to lift 42.5 for 5, maybe even 6. That style of training will give you greater cns gains which will in turn enable you to give your muscles more of a training stimulus.

  28. 2 years ago

    I don't record myself to prove something because I don't give enough of a shit to bother
    Might sound like cope but I'm being real honest here

  29. 2 years ago

    Well now you got no excuse not to be the strongest guy in your gym now.

  30. 2 years ago

    I go to a pretty big gym

    >I see doing barbell OHP at all maybe once a month
    >Guys seem to Deadlift more than Squat for some reason. I think 100-120kg would be where most lifters are at, it's quite rare to see someone doing more than 3 plates. Girls Squat often but it's usually about 1 plate at max, hardly ever see guys doing it, and usually it's a dyel who's likely following SS or SL or something.
    >Obviously everybody Benches, but it's very rare anyone is working with more than 80kg. Most people are at 1 plate.

    I'd say it's a small minority who even use barbells outside of the Bench. I'd say 4 out 5 lifters are using machines or dumbells (usually curls or lateral raises from I can see). Honestly, girls are more likely to use barbells (RDLs, hip thrusts, glute bridges, squats).

    1/2/3/4 would easily make you among the strongest at my gym and to pretend that it's common to reach that in a few months is typical demoralizing bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      Your gym is piss weak. Being the strongest at your gym is like being the smartest in special education.

    • 2 years ago

      you have a gym full of pussy homosexuals, not going to lie. if I was there, I'd mog the living frick out of you. I'd smash 400lbs on the floor and you'd be quivering with fear, you weak fricking homosexual.

  31. 2 years ago

    >How full of shit is IST?
    What do you mean? Not everybody has the same goals.
    see anyone bench above 75kg
    I don't bench.
    >>Seen a 2 plate squat maybe once
    I don't squat.
    seen anyone OHP and when they do it's nothing over 40kg
    I don't OHP
    >>No one ever deadlifts
    I did deadlifts as my main exercise for a few years, then stopped because I had a repetitive strain injury.
    >>No one filming themselves
    I hate zoomers so fricking much. You Tik Tok homosexuals.

    Turns out it's different strokes for different folks and IST isn't one person. I only care about taking care of my body now and keeping my body well in the healthy weight for BMI. I no longer lift at all. I do dips, rows, chins, and bulgarian split squats. If you reach my age, 40, and you can do it without being fat then you're already in better shape than 99% of the people around you.

  32. 2 years ago

    strongest lifts I've seen at my gym are 300kg deadlift, 270kg squat, 260kg bench

  33. 2 years ago

    Well you're european. You have to understand, Europeans are naturally going to have low test as a group than people from the Americas or even the Aussies, since they're the people who decided to stay home during the age of exploration (ie total fricking pussies).

  34. 2 years ago

    >Well you're european. You have to understand, Europeans are naturally going to have low test as a group than people from the Americas or even the Aussies, since they're the people who decided to stay home during the age of exploration (ie total fricking pussies).

  35. 2 years ago

    145 OHP
    200 bench
    325 squat
    315 deadlift

    this has taken me a few years starting from DYEL and figuring most of it out on my own with no spotter

    • 2 years ago

      follow up to this post:
      I hit squats today
      135, 185, 225 for reps
      245, 275, 295 for singles

      I did lmao1pl8 OHP with a bench and smith machine and as I looked around the gym I didn't see anyone moving crazy weight today and nothing above the 295 I hit earlier. granted this was a slow easy sunday with minimal traffic but the point is that people don't lift very heavy on average

  36. 2 years ago

    I'll tell you what's happening here. They played high school sports and had stress free lives and dedicated damn near the entirety of said year to developing their athleticism. No shit you ain't gonna get it in a year when you're outcoached, don't have friends depending on it, work full time, and aren't dedicating your life to it. But that doesn't make it impossible. 16 year olds in small towns across America have been proving it possible for years.

  37. 2 years ago

    I only ever do lateral raises and biceps curls. Anything else is just too difficult.

  38. 2 years ago

    We don't film ourselves working out because we have nothing to prove to anyone but ourselves. Posting your workouts on the internet is cringe and zoomer behavior.

  39. 2 years ago

    I imagine most here weigh twenty or thirty pounds less than their max bench.

  40. 2 years ago

    OHP is bad for your shoulders

  41. 2 years ago

    This thread and the people in it make me feel better about my shitty lifts

  42. 2 years ago

    IST is full of shit.

  43. 2 years ago

    Stop going to planet fitness. Only weak people go there for the free donuts and pizza.

    • 2 years ago

      >free donuts and pizza.
      do americans really?

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