How good is Trenbolone?

How good is Trenbolone?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I hate how it became such a meme.
    But honestly, its fricking great at both bulking and cutting.
    Gives an incredible grainy, vascular look with very rounded shoulders and giant traps and strength just goes through the roof.
    When cutting it actually prevents fat from being stored and preserves muscle mass like no other.
    Libido is incredible but it also kills your cardiovascular health so even tho you wanna keep fricking, 5 minutes into it and youre gasping for air.
    Then you get to experience the side effects, one of the few injectables that will mess up your liver values, worst fricking acid reflux ever and makes sleeping at night almost impossible.
    Mentally it can also wreck you, personally, it made me very anxious, self conscious and extremely paranoid that my gf was cheating on me.
    Overall, a fun compound but a lot of very prominent side effects so imo not worth it

    • 1 year ago

      how much were you blasting?

      • 1 year ago

        I've used it in 2cycles.
        First time i was using tren E at 500mg/week with test E at 500 too, almost went insane that time. Not a single day without getting into an argument with my gf bc I was obsessing over her past or thinking she was cheating.
        But I was also very strong.
        Second time was at 50mg/ED tren A. Def a much better experience, used it for a cut and looked great with it. Still had me very anxious and sweating at any slight inconvenience

        Tren is not hepatotoxic
        But it does frick you up in other ways, depending on person

        It was for me, my liver values were fricked for a while when I used it. Also explains why I felt bloated as frick and had acid reflux

        this but not
        >Mentally it can also wreck you, personally, it made me very anxious, self conscious and extremely paranoid that my gf was cheating on me.
        this is bullshit imo, tren just made me not give a frick about anything other than women, eating and sleeping. And holy frick, I was a raging fricking butthole if I was hungry. Honestly 10/10, it lives up to the hype.

        I guess it just exacerbated my personality, i've always been a bit shy and tren made it worse

        • 1 year ago

          I got acid reflux after like 5 months kek, it's waking up in the middle of the night coughing with heartburn that I hated. The simple fact tho that you could sleep 2 hours and workout hard asf in the gym is incredible, even more so if you sleep 8 hours. Great compound, the mires you get are non stop, vein city with graininess. Frick dude, summer will be fun this yea.

          • 1 year ago

            just sleep on a chair, moron

    • 1 year ago

      Never touched the stuff but have always been curious about steroids if there ever comes the day I decide to make the leap I'll be somewhat familiar. Across the board I see/hear Tren is one of the more dangerous ones because of kiver toxicity but largely due to behavioral affects.

      • 1 year ago

        Tren is not hepatotoxic
        But it does frick you up in other ways, depending on person

    • 1 year ago

      this but not
      >Mentally it can also wreck you, personally, it made me very anxious, self conscious and extremely paranoid that my gf was cheating on me.
      this is bullshit imo, tren just made me not give a frick about anything other than women, eating and sleeping. And holy frick, I was a raging fricking butthole if I was hungry. Honestly 10/10, it lives up to the hype.

    • 1 year ago

      this pasta again

      • 1 year ago

        100% organic experience by me
        Try it yourself and see how it goes, maybe you wont get it as bad.

        I got acid reflux after like 5 months kek, it's waking up in the middle of the night coughing with heartburn that I hated. The simple fact tho that you could sleep 2 hours and workout hard asf in the gym is incredible, even more so if you sleep 8 hours. Great compound, the mires you get are non stop, vein city with graininess. Frick dude, summer will be fun this yea.

        I had to sleep on my side with several pillows below my armpit to keep the acid from getting on my throat.
        Might use it again this summer too, can't say it wasnt fun

        • 1 year ago

          Wait you can prevent acid from reaching your throat, damn. I'ma try that

        • 1 year ago

          just mentioning I've seen this before

          • 1 year ago

            you mind read or sumthing?
            Cause its the first time i've typed that

  2. 1 year ago

    Real good
    But the sides can be brutal in some people

  3. 1 year ago

    Very good at bulking, cutting, and strength
    Very bad for side effects and will almost certainly cut a few years off your life

  4. 1 year ago

    Tried it for around 3 weeks on a very low dosage. Felt lethargic, major stomach cramps, constant disturbing dreams and constant wake-ups during the night. I stopped using it because I couldn’t justify all of the annoying side effects. My abs looked pretty good 3 weeks in but not enough to continue using the drug.

    My favorite go-to is testosterone and winstrol. The test will give you the mass and the winstrol will give you the hard and dense cosmetic look. No nasty side effects like tren either. Will give you a similar look to tren, obviously just not as powerful.

    I would never try tren again. Unless I went into a literal bodybuilding competition - which I never plan on doing.

  5. 1 year ago

    Tren ace is good. Methyltren is boarderline poison for your liver etc. Tren base is great preworkout. Overall I wouldnt use it ever again. If youve got access to real drugs use primo or var, even winny is better than tren as the sides are less harsh. Harsh drugs arent worth anything. Id prefer to be stricter with diet etc.

  6. 1 year ago

    Turns me into a raging homo.

    I hope i was kidding

    • 1 year ago

      whatd you do

      • 1 year ago

        Even low dose of tren and low dose of test nade me frick a shemale and also i fricked like two twinks or smt.

        Was a straight guy before.

        That shit is potent fr

  7. 1 year ago

    On a cycle right now 600 test E per week and 400 tren E per week at this level im able to keep the mental sides mostly in check but I'm definitely easy to set off. A minor slight could make me act like a total butthole so mindfulness is important. Also wake up several times through out the night nearly every night even with other sleep aids. My blood feels thick as frick when ever I do any cardio so my run times are going to shit but my lifts are all going up and I'm burning fat very quickly

  8. 1 year ago

    the mental sides aren't worth it. I became a rapist and my fists became drywall missiles. I have done about 10 tren cycles and I wouldn't call even the best one worth it just from the mental sides. Also got wild limpdick here and there and some of the worst heartburn I've ever had. Prami makes you feel like a zombie which sucks but caber is nice at least

    • 1 year ago

      I forgot the inability to sleep and night sweats too, those are exactly as bad as someone cold turkey quitting hard alcoholism

      • 1 year ago

        wtf I'm an alcoholic? I recently decided to stop drinking due to financial and lifting reasons and I've been sweating like crazy and waking up a lot for 3-4 nights in a row now.

  9. 1 year ago

    How much musculature you lose after going off roids completely? Or once you go roid you never come back?

  10. 1 year ago

    The GOAT a little will go a long away

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