How long does it take to fix this?

I thought my belly was fat, but after careful diet and exercise for over a year I wonder if what I have is this pelvic tilt. I lowered my BMI to borderline underweight and I've been building muscle and everything but my belly remains bulging and enormous it's like the size of the entire planet.

Please, can someone tell me how long it might take to fix this by stretching every day?

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  1. 7 months ago

    What did the doc recommend you so far?

    • 7 months ago

      ...I didn't go to the doctor about this... would a physician refer me to someone that could help me with this?

      • 7 months ago

        What did the doc recommend you so far?

        Last time I went for a physical they actually told me that I don't need to lose weight, but I have this belly that just always sticks out

        • 7 months ago

          Your doctor is wrong. You need to cut.

      • 7 months ago

        >old people ellipses
        You should go to the doctor, anon.

  2. 7 months ago

    Am I just completely fricked? Goddamn it!!!

  3. 7 months ago

    Alright guys I'm just going to do the stretching, starting TOMORROW
    I'll let you know if it can be fixed just in case any of you are WONDERING since nobody else knows the answer to this question okay YOU'RE WELCOME

    • 7 months ago

      What's wrong with today?

    • 7 months ago

      Don’t ask these homosexuals, they’ll just tell you you’re fat even at sub 10% bf or that you didn’t work abs enough.
      Some people just look pudgy no matter what they do. It’s really just genetics and how you store fat. I store all my fat on my stomach and face, it’s really unfortunate, but it is what it is.
      Take Nate Diaz for example, guy is a literal pro fighter and looks like this, he is in better shape then almost anyone on this board and could beat the frick out of 99.9% of them, but insecure roid trannies will still talk shit about his physique.
      The anons on this board are unironically mentally ill.
      My advice;
      >lift 5 days a week 1 hour
      >run 5k five days a week
      >do 100m sprints 1 day a week
      >do yoga every night before bed (this helped a lot)
      >20 min calisthenics daily
      And if you think it’s posture related then just start standing like a marine in formation, mindfully practice that stance and march around instead of walking, it sounds stupid but women are attracted to it strangely, yoga should help that too.

      t. former zogbot infantry gay with great posture

      • 7 months ago

        Alright guys I'm just going to do the stretching, starting TOMORROW
        I'll let you know if it can be fixed just in case any of you are WONDERING since nobody else knows the answer to this question okay YOU'RE WELCOME

        Also, if you’re not exaggerating the size of your stomach and it’s really a distended pot belly and not just some case of body dysmorphia, you should probably go to the doctor.

      • 7 months ago

        do you still eat goyslop/zogchow as a civilian?

        • 7 months ago

          Zog chow was literally just chicken legs, rice, and veggies when I was in. You would get a different colored chicken thigh every meal
          >bbq chicken
          >lemon chicken
          >roasted chicken
          But they all tasted the same.
          But unironically zog chow was actually pretty healthy.

    • 7 months ago

      and tomorrow
      and tomorrow
      never comes

      • 7 months ago

        untill it's too late

  4. 7 months ago

    Apt is tight legs and hips. Do bodyweight squats and sit at the bottom position for 3 sets of 30 seconds to start. Gradually increase time. Next peel your shoulders back and lift your head up, practice that all the time, it will gradually become more natural. Pro tip: if you can see your feet when walking, you're holding your head to low.

  5. 7 months ago

    Don't obsess over stretching. Tight muscles are a symptom of poor posture, not a cause of it. What causes it is muscular weaknesses. For APT you have weak glutes and/or jammed up hips. I bet you can't do pic rel position (harder than it looks). You should be able to hold this easy peasy for 60 seconds.

    • 7 months ago

      >What causes it is muscular weaknesses
      Unless it's a neurological problem.

  6. 7 months ago

    Poor posture wasn't made in one day, it won't be fixed in a day, it requires consistency. It can be fixed really quickly though, if you do the right exercises. Kelly Starrett's videos and his book really helped me. He's on instagram and youtube as The Ready State

    • 7 months ago

      Define how quickly

      • 7 months ago

        6 months

      • 7 months ago

        For some parts of my body, I felt a massive difference after 1-2 sessions of doing the exercises focused on those areas in Starrett's book

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Go ahead and pirate his book like I did, just sharing useful exercises

  7. 7 months ago

    How about you just fix your posture, instead of hoping that it will be resolved on it's own after lifting/stretching?

    • 7 months ago

      you can find stretches and exercises to fix it on youtube. ones like this are really good.

      you also want to get into the habit of autistically checking your posture whenever you stand / sit. it feels uncomfortable at first when you sort of suck in your abs but it'll become second nature eventually.

      ...I didn't go to the doctor about this... would a physician refer me to someone that could help me with this?

      I would recommend a couple sessions with a physio. they can show you how to do the stretches and exercises properly and put you on the right path.

  8. 7 months ago
  9. 7 months ago

    do pilates, there’s a lot of focus on ticking your pelvis and keeping it there while doing the exercises. Stretching won’t do a thing, you need to activate the muscles in your hips that hold your pelvis on the correct position

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