How long to fix

Realistically, how long will I take to fix this? I've been going to the gym for about a month doing GSLP, counting calories staying around 2100 and eating 180g of protein a day.
500 c deficit

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  1. 2 years ago

    So 308 days from today on until you hit a normal BMI

    • 2 years ago

      What are these numbers? also should I cut by more ? Trying to reach 80kg before I start eating in a surplus.

      • 2 years ago

        based on your weight and a healthy goal weight (176lbs at bmi 24.5), with your caloric deficit of 500 calories a day, equaling 3500 calories a week or roughly a pound of fat, it will take 44 weeks to lose 44lbs and get to 176lbs.

        • 2 years ago

          How do you calculate this? Might want to up the defecit cause thats slow as frick

          • 2 years ago

            it's as simple as taking your daily deficit and multiplying it by 7 to equal a week. Let's say it's 750, theoretically you will lose 1.5lbs per week, just take your current weight and subtract your goal weight to get the difference, 30lbs for example. You will have to diet for 20 weeks at 1.5lbs a week/750 calorie deficit to lose 30lbs. If you're super fat you can do a pretty big deficit like 1500-2000 calories but it's not sustainable for most people and you'll feel like shit the whole time

            • 2 years ago

              Forgot to add that it's commonly accepted that a pound of fat is equal to roughly 3500 calories, keep that number in mind. So for example a 750 calorie deficit per day is equal to 5250 calories a week which is 1.5x 3500

              • 2 years ago

                Im currently doing stock standard GSLP which is just deadlift/squat, bench/OH Press and chinup/rows. How can I be sure this is enough and that I am actually burning enough?

              • 2 years ago

                If your goal of lifting is burning calories youre already doing it wrong. Exercise is for training your body. Diet is for controlling your body mass.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon stop being a brainlet.
            1kg of body fat has 7000kcal(some say it's 7700kcal), you need to burn 7000kcal to lose 1kg of fat.
            So if you eat 7 days in a row in a 500kcal deficit you have 3500kcal burned at the end of the week.
            So you would burn 1kg of fat in 14days.

          • 2 years ago

            Dont. Weight loss takes time. Deal with it. You'll be thankful when you can actually maintain the diet instead of going back to your old habits and getting fat again in 6 months.

          • 2 years ago

            If you're in a 700kcal deficit you will need 220days of deficit to reach your goal, which is still 7 months and 10 days

          • 2 years ago

            Literally stop eating. It's called fasting. Also stop eating carbs you don't use. PROTIP: you can work out for hours and hours on an apple and two donuts...

            • 2 years ago

              Can I still weight lift while fasting?

      • 2 years ago

        20 = 20kg you have to lose
        7700 = 7700kcal are 1kg of bodyfat
        154000 = 154000 are 20kg in kcal
        500 = Your daily deficit

      • 2 years ago

        You should go lower than 70 kg tbh. Im 6'2, currently 78 kg and have to drop to 70 to be ripped. Thats the base to build from. You carry WAY more than you think. I'd wager you are closer to 45% bf than 40%.

    • 2 years ago

      2-3 years.

      Weightloss is rarely linear in practice in the long term, even with meticulous dieting.

      • 2 years ago

        >Weightloss is rarely linear in practice in the long term, even with meticulous dieting.
        Only when you're near a healthy BMI, the last few kgs are always the most stubborn

        • 2 years ago

          I think you need to re-evaluate your diet every 2 months if you're trying to lose weight.

          • 2 years ago

            Gee I'm 4 months overdue then and have lost 5kg too much without re-evaluating my diet.

            • 2 years ago

              You lose weight, you get more active, your BMR changes. Sometimes you run into a wall, which is probably hormonal, so you may need to change what you eat instead of only how much.

              Regularly reevaluating your diet on a cut is important.

    • 2 years ago

      based on your weight and a healthy goal weight (176lbs at bmi 24.5), with your caloric deficit of 500 calories a day, equaling 3500 calories a week or roughly a pound of fat, it will take 44 weeks to lose 44lbs and get to 176lbs.

      20 = 20kg you have to lose
      7700 = 7700kcal are 1kg of bodyfat
      154000 = 154000 are 20kg in kcal
      500 = Your daily deficit

      Anon stop being a brainlet.
      1kg of body fat has 7000kcal(some say it's 7700kcal), you need to burn 7000kcal to lose 1kg of fat.
      So if you eat 7 days in a row in a 500kcal deficit you have 3500kcal burned at the end of the week.
      So you would burn 1kg of fat in 14days.

      2-3 years.

      Weightloss is rarely linear in practice in the long term, even with meticulous dieting.

      here's someone starting at similar weight and height, and having great results, this is what you can expect if you fast/psmf

      • 2 years ago

        Timeline for this? It's good but I want to know how long it took.

        • 2 years ago

          it's literally written on the pic

          • 2 years ago

            Lol my b. Ty. I'm not that familiar but is the general idea just really low cals with mostly protein?

  2. 2 years ago

    >eating 180g of protein a day.
    it's 1g per pound of lean mass, you can drop that down to the 120-150g range and be fine, might make your diet a bit easier

    • 2 years ago

      I head that 1gram per cm is decent if you dont know your lean bodyweight. Is 500 a decent amount to cut by to reach 80kg or should I cut more?

      • 2 years ago

        keep it at a level that you can stay consistent with. 500 is ok.
        i like to do occasional fasting days while eating normally in between, but i'm not counting calories so our situations are different.

        • 2 years ago

          Whats the benefit to fasting days? Faster progress I assume?

  3. 2 years ago

    >Realistically, how long will I take to fix this?
    At what you're doing; close to a year like other anons said, but it isn't as simple as CICO. The body doesn't work like that, different CI will affect the body's metabolism and its CO number. So I have no idea how you're calculating CO and if you're considering your body's metabolism (which at your age is average ~1800cal/day). But you need to be running at least at 1000 calorie deficit and doing HIIT.

    Most important thing to do when cutting this hard is to keep track of your electorlytes and salts. You're also running too high on protein, you need to cut that in half, avoid all processed sugars and vegetable oils, fruits and milk is fine, but limit your sugar intake as much as possible (anything that ends in -ose is a sugar). Cut out all PUFAs and stop eating processed foods. If you decide to eat grains, eat the ones with as few anti-nutrients as possible. There's much more too it because this shit is complicated, if you want to speed up the process try and find a competent trainer. GL fatass, I'm a skelly so I'm in the opposite position as you

    >t. medschool dropout.

    • 2 years ago

      Half seems like a lot no? I'd still like to make progress in strength while cutting. Why half?

      • 2 years ago

        >Why half?
        You're trying to cut, not bulk. Lose the weight first. You only need 1g of protein per kilogram of weight to maintain muscle mass (rough estimate). Protein is about 4kcal/gram. So you cut out 90 grams of protein and you drop another 360 calories almost doubling your deficit. Also if I didn't make it clear last post you should STOP GSLP and do HIIT instead. But of course, make sure you don't have any pre-existing cardiovascular conditions before starting HIIT. Just find a good trainer who can help you with all this and it'll be possible to hit your goals in 6mo, but it won't be easy.

        • 2 years ago

          >You only need 1g of protein per kilogram of weight to maintain muscle mass (rough estimate). Protein is about 4kcal/gram. So you cut out 90 grams of protein and you drop another 360 calories almost doubling your deficit.
          Did you ever went on a cut?
          Because without high protein you will have hunger all the time. I would rather eat a high protein diet on a cut than having the additional 360kcal that I would most likely binge eat back.

          • 2 years ago

            >Did you ever went on a cut?
            I fast pretty regularly doing 16/8 and on occasion a whole days fast. It's not my fault you have no self control.

            • 2 years ago

              >I fast pretty regularly doing 16/8 and on occasion a whole days fast.
              I don't eat anything after 8pm and only start eating at 1pm the next day.
              The longest I have gone without any solid calories are 2weeks.

              • 2 years ago

                >The longest I have gone without any solid calories are 2weeks.
                How were your poops?

              • 2 years ago

                First 4 days no poop, just farts.
                Then 1 normal shart to get rid of the remaining stuff in my system. After that you don't have anything in your system, so you're only peeing and have a frick ton of insomnia because your body thinks it's starving, so it keep you awake so you go hunt and feed it some shit.
                Which you won't do.
                Obviously you have the constant symptoms of fasting, one day sharpened mind and senses and the next day you feel like dog shit, it also can change from the hour.
                But after 7 days you have sharpened smell and all food smell and look delicious.

        • 2 years ago

          Surely I can do both GSLP and HIIT? I'd like to continue weight lifting but I primarily want to lose weight. I dont care about getting as skinny as I can be I just want to get to a reasonably healthy size before i start trying to get bigger.

          • 2 years ago

            Its possible, you're muscles are going to have a hard time repairing themselves if you're not taking in surplus protein. You could try to cut and just take the essential amino-acids, hoping your body will metabolize the rest. But IIRC, the consensus is its better to cut or bulk, not try to do both at the same time (i.e lose fat, gain muscle). I could be wrong about that, its been a long time since I've talked to nutritionists and PTs.

  4. 2 years ago

    looks cuddly

    • 2 years ago

      Girlfriend agrees

  5. 2 years ago

    Be hungry

  6. 2 years ago

    I’m an inch shorter than you and started at over your current weight. I was able to drop to a 22 bmi in 8 months through really diligent exercise and a calorie allowance of 1200 a day, eating about 100g of protein. My advice to you is to cut faster while your motivation and discipline are at their highest and focus on weight loss before you focus on muscle retention/gain. The sad truth is that you’re a flabby fricker, just as I was, with not a pound of muscle on you. Once you’re skinny you’ll be in a position to actually notice hypertension. Being a fat moron is bad for your health and watching weight fall off is a good motivator so the faster you lose it the better.

    If somebody comes in here saying something to the contrary, preaching about body recomposition or whatever, than ignore them. It is possible, but you’re so fat that it would take years before you could tell if you’re actually doing it properly, and if you’re not, that’s months and months wasted on being a fat as.

    • 2 years ago

      1200 a day jesus. I will cut more though. What exercise(s) did you do while cutting?

  7. 2 years ago

    The best way to do anything you want to do regarding fitness is to avoid this board. Anyone discussing a 'calorie deficit' especially in ranges in the hundreds should be ignored entirely. These morons have absolutely not the first idea of what they are discussing. You will not be able to gauge your energy expenditure and intake via counting calories. Forget some shit online calculators and forget reading labels. Just eat real fricking food. If it didn't exist 1000 years ago don't eat it

    Stop eating a mixed macro nutrient diet - stop eating carbohydrates entirely should be your goal. Focus on eating one to two closely spaced meals per day. Don't eat for the rest.

    Start a 3 day a week full body routine. High volume workouts are shit ignore them.
    Don't do steady state cardio. You are trying to build muscle that in turn will assist in energy use.
    Don't follow the scale rather take weekly photos in the same lighting conditions to access progress. Good luck

    • 2 years ago

      literal moron, dont listen to him, i was on a strict 1000kcal diet for 2 months, not even eating some days, and i dropped from 85kgs to 76kgs, doing full body every other day, and recomped bretty good for 2 months tbh, chicken and broccoli do work in fact, and i enjoy them, but you really need to find the spices you like,

      • 2 years ago

        Oh I'm the literal moron. Tell us how you counted 1000kcal with any level of accuracy. Tell me how much of that 1000kcal was converted to ATP. Did you measure your feaces to see what wasn't used? Tell me how you measured your energy expenditure. Tell me the tools you used to adequately Measure your body composition prior to your dietary changes and after. Was that the only thing you changed in that time. Go frick yourself.

        • 2 years ago

          you are actually moronic if not baiting hard, then im a fool
          >Tell us how you counted 1000kcal with any level of accuracy.
          cant you type "200 grams of chicken breast how many calories" into a searchbar you mongoloid? or just download my fitness pal and track calories there? do i really have to spoonfeed you information like a idiot baby?
          >Tell me how much of that 1000kcal was converted to ATP.
          why would i want to know how much of those calories were converted to ATP you dumb monkey? you eat less, you weight less, thats all you need to realistically know
          >Tell me how you measured your energy expenditure.
          you can, again, just search for a calculator, there is a link everytime when /fast/ or /fat/ threads are up
          >Tell me the tools you used to adequately Measure your body composition prior to your dietary changes and after.
          my mirror and bodyfat % calculator. if i look better in a mirror than a week or month before, then im happy, when i see my bodyfat going down, i know im COUNTING MY CALORIES RIGHT you dumb Black person thats all you need to know to lose weight

          • 2 years ago

            Ah so you are actually a total moron so arrogant yet so wrong. They always seem to go hand in hand. You know calories on nutritional labels are up to 20 percent off? Protein is stated as the same calories as carbohydrates but most will be used to restore your amino acid pools therefore not be oxidised for energy. This is without mentioning the thermic effect of protein also. Great you used an online calculator to measure your energy expenditure no where near accurate and exactly my point that you'd be so far off from actually being close to thinking you can measure calorie deficits in the 100s. And you proved my point about just monitoring progress in the mirror over time as per my initial post. Dunning Kruger monkey if you weren't so arrogant you'd learn something.

    • 2 years ago

      post body before and after you applied your advice

  8. 2 years ago

    a few weeks if you eat nothing but chicken and multivitamins and fiber pills and drink only water

  9. 2 years ago

    3 straight of months of fasting or 2 years of hard cutting (1000kcal+) assuming strict adherence.

    Never gonna hit a lean weight on a 500kcal deficit. Check for why.

    • 2 years ago

      Specific kind of fasting? new to fasting but I am open to trying.

      • 2 years ago

        77 days without any food

    • 2 years ago

      Straight up lying

    • 2 years ago

      If you aren't autistically weighing your food, it's easy to consume more calories than you think.

  10. 2 years ago

    eat 1500 kcal a day and you'll be good in a year
    >muh protein
    eat 1500 kcal of eggs, whey, meat

  11. 2 years ago

    To just look average? 8 to 12 months

  12. 2 years ago

    this is literally me
    besides the fact i'm eternally bloated and I have loose skin from when I had 120kg. i have 90 now

  13. 2 years ago

    a year and a half.

  14. 2 years ago

    Two years of diet, exercise, lifting, and adhering to life like a man and you will have a decent body. Then you can build on it slowly and maintain forever.

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