How long to go from 150kg 30% bf to 110kg 15% bf?

If I'm eating 2.5k calories a day and going to the gym 3x a week following fit's greyskull?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Don't look at numbers, just try to eat more healthy and move a little bit more. If you go too hard you might burn yourself out

    • 12 months ago

      The problem is that even eating healthy I end up eating too much, so tracing calories is a must for me, plus I just want to know what kind of progress I can expect, can I get there in like 2 years?

  2. 12 months ago

    >asking such beginner questions
    Yep, I'm thinking you're closer to 50%

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe? I'm a fat frick, the body fat percentage calculator just says it's 30%, it's not like I got it professionally measured.

  3. 12 months ago

    If you are that fricking fat just give up and die. 150kg? That is like 330lbs, how do people get to that point?

    • 12 months ago

      Is having to lose 100lbs really a life ender?

      • 12 months ago

        for the average fatty? yes

    • 12 months ago

      Is having to lose 100lbs really a life ender?

      No need to be so dramatic, it's possible.

      On Jan 1st I was 332lbs(151kg). Pretty steady and continual loss since then, and I started in late November over 350.

      • 12 months ago

        You got from 330 to 270 in just half a year? How's the manboob situation? Did they go away for you yet? That's my most immediate concern tbh. Also what's your diet like?

        • 12 months ago

          nah they haven't gone away for me yet but I have weird manboob genetics. I got fit when I was a teenager and they were the last things to go for me.

          In terms of diet, I haven't been particularly strict. I don't count calories, I just only eat meals I've made myself, with a few snacks on the side (sometimes some peanut butter or chocolate here and there).

          I burn a ton of calories a day with cardio though (I go hiking/running in the mountains).

  4. 12 months ago

    >150kg 30% bf
    You're at least 50% bf

    • 12 months ago

      Okay, let's say I'm like 40-45%, how long to get down to 15%?

      • 12 months ago

        At least one year of clean diet, no cheat days, working out 5x a week, plus 1 hour of cardio every day.

        • 12 months ago

          Only a year? What if I go to the gym 3x a week and eat 2.5k calories a day?

          • 12 months ago

            Yes, if you follow an appropriate clean diet with enough protein, avoid sugar, keep the calories under control, and work hard. It's more difficult than you think though, you will be drove insane at certain points by the cravings. Then it's all up to control your mind.
            >What if I go to the gym 3x a week and eat 2.5k calories a day?
            Then the process will be much slower. It might take several years.

            • 12 months ago

              3x a week to the gym
              under 2.5k calories a day
              200g protein a day
              more walking/playing ddr+other cardio daily
              Is that enough to get it done in 2 years?

              • 12 months ago

                yes, as long as you actually track your calories properly and don't bing eat every 2nd day the way other fatties like Boogie do

              • 12 months ago

                >don't bing eat every 2nd day the way other fatties like Boogie do
                that is very hard to do to be fair

  5. 12 months ago

    Even if those stats were true, you are asking for 22.5kg fat loss and 17.5kg muscle gain
    If 5kg of muscle gain per year is the max one can achieve, you will need 4 years.
    So get to work and don't worry about stats.

  6. 12 months ago

    You're not going to get there on greyskull.

    • 12 months ago

      Why not? What's wrong with greyskull? Not enough reps?

      • 12 months ago

        Greyskull is pretty much just starting strength. Doing starting strength in any form is a shit program, even for a beginner. Do you want to be a powerlifter? Then there are better programs. Do you just want to look good? Then there are way better programs.

        • 12 months ago

          Would it work if you just made it higher volume?

  7. 12 months ago

    >110kg 15% bf
    never lmao

    • 12 months ago

      Is it that impossible?

      • 12 months ago

        It's about the stats that prime Arnold had, he was 100 kg on stage and 110-115kg in the offseason at low-mid teens bf%

        • 12 months ago

          There is no way Arnold was in the double digits on bodyfat.

          • 12 months ago

            off season for sure he was. He weighed 220ish in pumping iron on stage iirc, and veered towards 230-235 stage weight at his biggest. Off season you can add about 20-30 lbs to that, seeing as he was never that extremely cut nor bulked. Anyway, 6' 240 lbs 15% is pretty damn big, the natty limit at that height is about 210 range at a legit 15% (not underestimated like lots of guys do) and around 190 lbs at sub 10% after losing the water weight

            • 12 months ago

              Would 100kg(220lbs) at 15% be possible? I don't know if it's an autistic fixation or what but I don't want to go under 100kg. If not natty then what would you need? Would you need to blast hardcore shit or could you do it if you got regular trt to have regular 1960s man test levels?

              • 12 months ago

                for 6' height and at a true 15% probably not, but you can probably be 100 kg 20ish% bodyfat and delude yourself into thinking you're 15%, sure
                you're not tall enough to be 100+ kg without having some fat on you

              • 12 months ago

                Is it strictly tied to height or does frame matter? Because I have a very wide frame and thick bones and no it's not just fat, my frame is large regardless of being fat if that makes sense? Like my wrists are 23cm and my neck is a bit over 50cm despite not having much fat on my neck.

              • 12 months ago

                if you're this delusional before even starting to cut I can imagine that you're gonna fail to even get below 130 kg
                imagine being morbidly obese but still somehow having the ego that you think you do not want to get to sub 100kg, NGMI

      • 12 months ago

        It's ridiculous naturally unless you're over 2m, or on gear.

  8. 12 months ago

    Go for a run fat homie lmao you don't need 2500 kcal fat boy try 1500

    • 12 months ago

      I tried 1.2k calories a day but I literally couldn't stay awake, also running seems like a bad idea at my weight, walking is probably better, maybe swimming.

  9. 12 months ago

    someone who was at 330lbs, ~150kg, and is now down to 270lbs, 122kg, heres some advice
    first things first, you need to manage your hunger. easiest way to do this is some form of intermittent fasting, start with 16:8, as in just eat 2 meals each day with minimal snacking, then either move onto alternate day fasting or one meal a day. this will sort out your hunger problems very quickly
    next start eating healthy, as in primarily your diet should consist of protein+veg with some fruit and maybe a very small amount of nuts and dairy, I do this without counting calories everyday, but I pretty much eat the same thing everyday: 1 Chicken Breast and 1 Chicken Thigh cooked in a pan, Half a head of Brocolli and about 100g of Green Beans steamed and finished with some sesame oil in the pan, and for desert some squirty cream with a load of blueberries/strawberries

    i'd stopped dieting for a bit but started up again 7 weeks ago at 300lbs, now down to 270 and its been going great, I even fricked up one day last week, had a big takeaway after i'd eaten for the day, turns out it helped me then fast for the next 3 days and lose even more weight
    wagmi op, just put the frickin effort in and dont be a homosexual worrying about exact numbers all the time

  10. 12 months ago

    >150 kg
    >30 % bf
    That is literally elite level muscle mass. You are fricking moronic.

    • 12 months ago

      Okay, then it's 42%, sorry I got it wrong.

      someone who was at 330lbs, ~150kg, and is now down to 270lbs, 122kg, heres some advice
      first things first, you need to manage your hunger. easiest way to do this is some form of intermittent fasting, start with 16:8, as in just eat 2 meals each day with minimal snacking, then either move onto alternate day fasting or one meal a day. this will sort out your hunger problems very quickly
      next start eating healthy, as in primarily your diet should consist of protein+veg with some fruit and maybe a very small amount of nuts and dairy, I do this without counting calories everyday, but I pretty much eat the same thing everyday: 1 Chicken Breast and 1 Chicken Thigh cooked in a pan, Half a head of Brocolli and about 100g of Green Beans steamed and finished with some sesame oil in the pan, and for desert some squirty cream with a load of blueberries/strawberries

      i'd stopped dieting for a bit but started up again 7 weeks ago at 300lbs, now down to 270 and its been going great, I even fricked up one day last week, had a big takeaway after i'd eaten for the day, turns out it helped me then fast for the next 3 days and lose even more weight
      wagmi op, just put the frickin effort in and dont be a homosexual worrying about exact numbers all the time

      I always manage to somehow overeat when I don't track calories, the lowest I got down to was 290lbs, bounced right back when I stopped counting.

  11. 12 months ago

    150? jesus fricking christ man, control yourself, doesn't matter how long does it take, just start rigth now, today, now.

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