How many of you have actually gone through a 100lb weight loss? Any tips would be much appreciated.

How many of you have actually gone through a 100lb weight loss?

Any tips would be much appreciated. I'm trying to reach my goal in one year.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Not quite 100 pounds but I did lose 80 pounds in 1.5 years doing OMAD (still ate like shit just ate less). Then I gained 35 pounds because across the next 3 years because I have no control of my life

    • 3 months ago

      I lost 100lb in a bit under a year. It's a struggle but it's doable. You need a fixation to use as a stress reliever instead of food. I used weight lifting. You should be looking into volume eating so you can stay full while eating less food. Cardio is a lot less important than you'd think but it's a useful tool if there are weeks you overate or something. I ate 5 meals a day and I exclusively ate high volume or highly satiting foods and I aimed to lose around 1% of my bodyweight per week. A little more or less was fine

      Anon i went from 325 to 203 in a little under a year in a half. Its doable but the biggest things I could tell you are:

      -Restrict alcohol
      -Big breakfast, smaller lunch, tiny dinner
      -cut out drinking sodas and you can still drink diet sodas but don't have to many a day
      -cut out sweets and breads as much as you can.
      -it doesn't matter what style of nutrition you pick just pick something you can stick to. Im not a huge fan of keto but it can work.
      -stay consistent
      -move more if that's weight lifting or running just move more. You can pick something to hyper focus on later.

      Any major loose skin?

      • 3 months ago

        None really tbh. I picked up weight lifting 4 years ago. Im at 19.2% bf atm and have been below 20% for about 2 years now. My love handles are the last thing hanging onto me. Shooting for around 15% by the end of the year.

      • 3 months ago

        losing only 40lbs in six months has put loose skin on my arms, but I skipped everything but leg day. If I point at the mirror it's pretty noticeable under my upper arm, but in any other position or with sleeves on there's nothing bad yet.
        what I did: cardio, averaging 400-500 calorie deficit, gradually improving the quality of what I ate so that two large meals a day was enough.

      • 3 months ago

        I had stretch marks but no loose skin.

        • 3 months ago

          Based. Did you do anything to prevent it? Mind if I ask what age you were when you lost all the weight?

      • 3 months ago

        Be sure to stay hydrated throughout your weight loss to lower the loose skin

  2. 3 months ago

    I lost 100lb in a bit under a year. It's a struggle but it's doable. You need a fixation to use as a stress reliever instead of food. I used weight lifting. You should be looking into volume eating so you can stay full while eating less food. Cardio is a lot less important than you'd think but it's a useful tool if there are weeks you overate or something. I ate 5 meals a day and I exclusively ate high volume or highly satiting foods and I aimed to lose around 1% of my bodyweight per week. A little more or less was fine

    • 3 months ago

      How long and intense was your weight lifting?
      I might just start out with a pair of dumbbells for 5 days a week. How big of a caloric deficit were you in?

      • 3 months ago

        >How long and intense was your weight lifting?
        It varied but normally it'd last around an hour and a half. I'd be doing around 20 working sets per session and each set would be to failure
        >I might just start out with a pair of dumbbells for 5 days a week
        That could work to start with. Just be sure to do a split if you want to lift that frequently so you're giving your different muscle groups some rest time between sessions
        >How big of a caloric deficit were you in?
        Started at nearly a 1500kcal deficit and ended at around a 1000kcal deficit. Although around every 20lb I lost I had to drop my calories by another 100-150kcal though because of the smaller body size

        Any major loose skin?

        >Any major loose skin?
        None whatsoever. I got so fricking lucky. I was dreading the loose skin but decided to go through with the weight loss regardless of if I got loose skin or not

        • 3 months ago

          >None whatsoever. I got so fricking lucky. I was dreading the loose skin but decided to go through with the weight loss regardless of if I got loose skin or not
          Absolutely based. Did you do anything at all to prevent any? Right now I'm taking collagen and using a moisturizer every day after showering. There is already a noticeable fade in my stretch marks. Starting weight is a big factor I think, I was 300 at my absolute heaviest, now I'm 280. I also know that age is a major factor. I'm 25, so let's hope that isn't too late.

    • 3 months ago

      >You need a fixation
      I feel like this is why people get fat in the first place, and why they struggle to lose it. Like, not eating is supposed to be the easy part, it literally gives you more time in your day to enjoy yourself.

  3. 3 months ago

    Anon i went from 325 to 203 in a little under a year in a half. Its doable but the biggest things I could tell you are:

    -Restrict alcohol
    -Big breakfast, smaller lunch, tiny dinner
    -cut out drinking sodas and you can still drink diet sodas but don't have to many a day
    -cut out sweets and breads as much as you can.
    -it doesn't matter what style of nutrition you pick just pick something you can stick to. Im not a huge fan of keto but it can work.
    -stay consistent
    -move more if that's weight lifting or running just move more. You can pick something to hyper focus on later.

  4. 3 months ago

    you should just enjoy life, you stress eat because you have these moronic goals that are unachievable and when you inevitably fail you go back to your old habits and binge eat 7k calories of twinkies, just fricking think "oh i feel like walking right now" "oh i think i could hit the gym right now" and go do it, you are simply a slave that thinks beep boop my workout hours are 8-9 must drink pre workout at 7:30

    • 3 months ago

      Kek I appreciate the advice but that's definitely not me. I'm already 20 pounds in.

  5. 3 months ago

    Don't eat until 6pm. Then slice of a piece of the toast you cooked on the weekend and reheat it over rice in the rice cooker so the fat drips down and seasons the rice.
    Go to the gym three days a week. 5x5 or any other basic program is fine.
    Figure out whatever it was that led you to become a fatass and fix it or you'll relapse and gain all the weight back.

    • 3 months ago

      >The toast

    • 3 months ago

      >Figure out whatever it was that led you to become a fatass and fix it or you'll relapse and gain all the weight back.

      Don't neglect this bit. I've lost 40-60 pounds six or 7 times now with my highest weight being 260 where I am now. It's easy to get fat again.

  6. 3 months ago

    I have. Clean eating+cardio. Also I didn't use a computer or mobile phone at the time.

  7. 3 months ago

    >I'm trying to reach my goal in one year.
    do it slower, unless you don't care about loose skin

  8. 3 months ago

    One year is doable but don't set a massive goal for it, just be patient and form better eating habits. It's super simple but takes time. You didn't put those 100lbs on overnight, they won't come off overnight.

    T.lost 100 lbs exactly. I lost 70 over a year, the last 30 after taking a few months off when i got my first job.

    • 3 months ago

      Mind if I ask what your starting weight was?

  9. 3 months ago

    Consistency is the most important part. 100lbs in a year is doable, assuming you’re very obese. It’s roughly 2 pounds a week - 1000kcal/day deficit. Start by doing that every day, then figure out how to keep it up on weekends, holidays, birthdays, travel, work, etc. that’s the hard part. You have to incrementally change everything in your life to become healthier.

  10. 3 months ago

    My dad dropped 100lbs after I got him an apple watch for his bday a few years ago. The watch would congratulate him for achieving x amount of steps per day. Eventually he became obsessed with hitting the steps and started jogging almost every day. Slimmed down from 270 to 165 and he's 5'9". Lot of loose skin but he can run marathons now and refuses to eat non whole foods.

  11. 3 months ago

    Just crossed 100# last week. The biggest - maybe the only - thing you need to do is identify the part of you that uses food for comfort, and kill it.

    • 3 months ago

      Something about this really resonated with me, thank you anon. Going to screenshot and look at it as a reminder to myself

    • 3 months ago

      Frick yeah bro
      Down 40 lbs myself nd the best thing I ever did was whisper
      >a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
      Everytime I almost made a mistake
      Calories cannot enter your body without your consent, motherfricker!

  12. 3 months ago

    I lost 60 pounds in 3 months with Keto. I was on an 800 calories a day diet with 5 days of cardio a week.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds like hell but I salute you. 3 months isn't that long in the grand scheme of things, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Loose skin?

      • 3 months ago

        no loose skin thankfully, never quite approached that territory

        Damn those are insane face gains if that's you. How do you feel, are people treating you differently?

        yea halo effect is real

    • 3 months ago

      Damn those are insane face gains if that's you. How do you feel, are people treating you differently?

    • 3 months ago

      Keto's amazing, I also lost 60 but got 40 back because you need good habits
      Now I've almost lost the 40 again

  13. 3 months ago

    Find a good beginner lifting routine and stick to lifting. Have a binge day? Still go and lift. After lifting consistently for a few years I’m eating more calories now than I did when I was 100 pounds heavier .

  14. 3 months ago

    I did lots and lots of walking everyday in addition to OMAD. You just wanna keep active and busy yourself so not thinking of food all day. OMAD is cool because when you're finally ready to eat at the end of the day you can have a huge meal and don't go to bed hungry.

  15. 3 months ago

    not 100 lb yet, but I went from 270 to 220 in about a year just intermittent fasting (basically eating 2-3 meals with no snacks). completely stalled on weight loss since I started hitting the gym to put on muscle before I try to lose it again so I don't look like a floppy mess with elephant skin

  16. 3 months ago

    I did and I'm too lazy to talk about it but alot of cardio, lifting, high protein low fat healthy carbs, 1500 calories or less a day while still hitting 1 gram of protein per lbs in lean mass and steroids like tren.

  17. 3 months ago

    fast 1-2 days a week
    work out on days you do eat while only eating twice a day

  18. 3 months ago

    I've lost 175 lbs in a year.

    >eat at a reasonable deficit
    >strength train with progressive overload
    >cardio for larger deficit
    >load most calories at night to not go to bed hungry
    >get adequate protein intake
    >low carb is unnecessary
    >low fat is unnecessary
    >going vegan is unnecessary
    >don't do cheat meals/days if you're a food addict


  19. 3 months ago

    Have you tried eating less?

  20. 3 months ago

    I've done it twice, not a full hundred but 80-90ish.
    Ground turkey+hot sauce and metrx bars, and then fasting with eating whatever the second time. Lots of walking at first and then running later on once it becomes feasible.

  21. 3 months ago

    One of my friends lost 40 kg in 9 months this year. Basically just starved himself to death, his cals were like 1500 max for a few months. Then he'd hit a goal and might frick around for a week. Slowly increased his exercise, but I think it was his diet discipline mostly.

  22. 3 months ago

    290 > 150lbs over the course of 15ish months

    stir fries and soups are your friends. you can eat to fullness every day and still not break 1200 calories if your meals are veggie and broth heavy. I recommend using cronometer to track your meals. I aimed for around 1200 calories a day but that's fairly low for most people so you may want to start off closer to 1600

    apart from that, lift so you don't look like a skinnyfat sack of shit when you reach your goal weight. I do strong lifts 5x5 but SS and PPL programs work. do cardio if you want to, but you may want to try something slower and lower impact like trail walking or hiking rather than running

    overall just know that it's going to take over a year and you're going to plateau several times, but so long as you maintain a consistent calorie deficit you'll be good

  23. 3 months ago

    I've lost 15lbs in 2 months on a -500 calorie deficit and lifting 3 times a week. You have to be really precise with the calorie counting. Small bowl of oats for breakfast, chicken/turkey breast with rice/potatoes/veggies almost everyday for dinner, protein shakes for supper. It just works.

  24. 3 months ago

    I lost 75lbs over the course of four years and have kept it off for three years now. My tip: don't set a goal, but build your systems and fundamentals.

    Learn how to cook healthy meals. Get into a habit of exercising on a fixed schedule and sleeping well. If you live healthy, the weight loss will happen automatically. If you plateau, take a step back and adjust the system. Maybe it's time to reduce what you eat. Maybe it's time to increase the amount you work out. Eventually you'll reach a balance point where you'll be a weight you're okay with, on an exercise schedule you can stick to, eating a diet you enjoy enough you can maintain in perpetuity. Once you get to that point, just keep living it.

    Systems vs goals is a big thing in life and can work with more than just weight loss.

  25. 3 months ago

    I’m down 35. My advice
    >count calories and eat at a deficit
    >consider omad
    >don’t drink your calories
    >Exercise 6x a week, just do something, lift, run, if you don’t have the energy just burn 70 calories on the stationary bike
    >it’s a marathon not a sprint
    >learn to cook and use a smoker or bbq if you have it to expand your palet while still eating healthy
    >get an accountability buddy. This is what I did. I’ve always been a confident person and a chad but I had a few kids and got fat so I literally had my friend text me every day saying someone is gunna frick that hot wife of yours you fat gaygit get your shit together you worthless wienersucker you’re en embarrassment to your son and stuff like that

  26. 3 months ago

    I lost 55 lbs in three months, if that counts. I became my own version of David Goggins before coming to know of the guy's existence. I just followed this rule of thumb: anytime I felt too lazy to do something, I just jumped on that shit straight away and did it immediatelly. I became a mad man regarding discipline. Went from gasping for air in the first minute of a jogging session to being able to run for hours.

  27. 3 months ago

    >aim for 1-2 lbs a week.
    >weigh ins twice a month maximum
    >consume average 2000kcal a day. Look into calorie cycling
    > 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass.
    >50g on weekends, into protein cycling
    >1 rest day a week. Strength training or cardio every other day swimming, jogging, boxing etc
    >drastically reduce refined sugar. No processed carbs.

  28. 3 months ago

    anyone here get a tummy tuck? Want one but don't know if I want to drop 12k on it. Not muscular (yet) so its an ugly stomach, lost 90lbs at 5'7 225-140 right now

    • 3 months ago

      the rule is: surgeries only after getting (and staying) ripped

  29. 3 months ago

    i did it pretty easily

    you just walk alot from like 300 -> 230

    then at 230 start lifting and doing calishtenics to avoid loose fast/skin

    people say i look amazing so i think its pretty recoverable, considering i was fat for years too

    • 3 months ago

      This is the dilemma I'm in. At my size now (280) it's still pretty difficult for me to do pretty much any strenuous exercise. I've thought about just dieting until I'm more easily able to do things, then go hardcore on the lifting. My only concern is that, despite never lifting regularly in my life, I have some fairly big muscles in my biceps just naturally. I'm concerned that if I wait to workout my all of my muscles will just eat themselves.

    • 3 months ago

      Same as you. Lost my job so walked every day, down to 220 from 330. Cut out snacking after dinner and roughly tracked my cals just so I was aware of how much i was eating. Even though i didnt avoid birthdays i stopped eating takeout at home or in my car. No flappy skin yet but maybe im starting to tell where i might gave some in another 15-20lbs

  30. 3 months ago

    Lost 80 in four months, /fast/ is the way. Look up Cole Robinson and Snake Diet. The faster you get to a healthy weight the better.

    • 3 months ago

      >Look it up
      >First step: "buy my supplements!"

  31. 3 months ago

    I didn't have 100lbs to lose but I went from 88kg to 70kg in 6 months.

    Tips are everywhere on Google. Tips are mostly pointless, you know what you need to do (eat less, exercise more) so just do it.

    Tips regardless:
    -count calories, you would be surprised how bad certain things are and it makes it easier to say no to treats when you realise you could alleviate so much more hunger with a second dinner for the same calories
    -similar to the first one, learn to accept the feeling of hunger and see it as progress
    -bad drinks are the easiest way to slip up, no sugary drinks or alcohol.
    -try to 'plan' when you will experience hunger, for example to be hungry during work when your mind is distracted anyway and to go to bed hungry so you can sleep through the hunger
    -learn to accept/expect failures/slipups. Do not completely collapse and give up when they happen or completely punish yourself for them. Just try to do better tomorrow.
    -treat it like a game somewhat (if you like games), keep trying to push yourself further and further (but don't ignore key nutrients)

    • 3 months ago

      >learn to accept/expect failures/slipups
      I don't get how people can slip up or fail at weight loss. A slip up is something you have no control over. Stuffing your face with junk takes
      >order/buy it
      >drive home/wait for it to be delivered
      >cook/unpack it
      >eat it
      It takes preparation and time, you could have stopped at any time and it was a concious decision

      • 3 months ago

        That's not what I meant but yeah, +500 cal intakes due to small slipups in consciousness (such as eating some shared junk at work, beers at a get together, one piece too many of a cake etc.)

        Not every slip-up requires a long drawn out process, it can just take 5s of zoning out or giving into your cravings. Even so, in your example, not everyone is in a financial situation where they 'could' just not eat something after they made a bad purchase, even in your example its mostly just a few seconds of relapse into a poor diet and not really a conscious decision.

  32. 3 months ago

    Find work that is like food. Walk a mile whenever the work thwarts you. Use the thinnest shoes you can get, and walk toe-first to engage more of your core. Train flexibility so your body gets used to holding onto your skin flabs tighter. Drink a lot of water with iodized salt in it. Supplement creatine. Eat fruits, vegetables, and meat first, eat whole grains second. Grains aren't evil, but they get dosed wrong most of the time because of how trivial they are to eat. Find some awkward utensil you can use, like chop sticks, so you have to work to eat, and prepare food that's enjoyable to eat that way. It's all about finding YOUR balance.

  33. 3 months ago

    Eat only Proteins and some vitamins, body makes fat on his own.

    Eat protein powder atleast 120g + another 100-200grams protein from meat or Substitution like Soja.

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