How much do you weigh? What's the fattest thing you've ever done? >Be me. >Last year

How much do you weigh? What's the fattest thing you've ever done?
>Be me
>Last year
>Going through a bad breakup
>Order pizza every day for 2 weeks
I've lost all of that weight since, but that was definitely a low for me.

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  1. 6 months ago

    I used to drink like 2 liters of chocolate milk or soda, eat about half a kilo of candy/chocolate, a big bag of chips, on top of my usual 5 meals in the lead up to final exams of high school.

    • 6 months ago

      That was every day for a few weeks btw. I weigh about 85-88kg now. I fluctuated between 67-70kg back then.

      • 6 months ago

        is that you, Lord Diabeetus?

    • 6 months ago

      The "drinking calories" thing is a brutal habit. I'd be willing to bet that most people who are overweight right now, wouldn't be if they weren't drinking calories. It really adds up.

      • 6 months ago

        chocolate milk is a pretty good high calorie drink, i lost a lot of weight drinking at least a liter per day, filling, tastes good, has about 35g protein and 700 calories, more efficient source of protein than nuts which are toted as such

        • 6 months ago

          >more efficient source of protein than nuts which are toted as such
          What does this even mean

          • 6 months ago

            He is saying that milk is a better source for proteins than nuts, which are known for being a good source of protein. The efficiency may also be related to the fact that animal proteins, which are found in milk, have a higher amino acid profile than nuts making them a more efficient protein source as well.

        • 6 months ago

          Samuel Sullivan Sulek

      • 6 months ago

        Does milk count?
        I love milk and drink at least 1 or 2 cups of 2% a day. It's so high in calories though for not much protein.

        • 6 months ago

          You need calcium. A diet without milk is really difficult for supplying enough calcium without a supplement or something.

          • 6 months ago

            btw, to add to this - most multivitamins don't have calcium. you'd have to get that in a separate supplement.

            • 6 months ago

              You need calcium. A diet without milk is really difficult for supplying enough calcium without a supplement or something.

              if you're not eating ossobuco once per week, you're not training. you need to be sucking bone marrow at least once every five days

  2. 6 months ago

    The shit people come up, I swear. You go to the grocery store right now, and like 95% of the stuff not in the refrigerated section already has sugar of some form in it. Then they do stuff like OP's pic. "W-why are Americans so obese?" truly a mystery.

    • 6 months ago

      almost anything in a plastic bag or box is garbage, filled with sugar, processed crap, and only the lord knows what else. american grocery stores are so massive but only 5% of the store like you say has any actual food like meat and vegetables and fruits and milk and eggs. the rest is a stocking space for cookies and soda and microwave meals

      • 6 months ago

        its orchestrated. i have to resort to processed boxed food because i can't afford utilities. i have a stove that i could cook with, but i can't afford to pay a gas bill, so i have to cook with a low energy microwave that is basically an ez bake oven since rents so high.

        • 6 months ago

          >the ez bake oven
          americans cannot be defeated, they will always persevere even with no utilities

          • 6 months ago

            2 more hours the brownies will be ready, i hope youre hungry

        • 6 months ago

          I know it's a meme at this point, but a decent size air fryer will work wonders for you. I have one for my idiot kid since he's too young to use the 'big. appliances. You'd be surprised at how well that thing handles meats. Sausage, Hamburger patties, hot dogs, chicken thighs, fish fillets, stuff like that. Comes out better than it ever would in the microwave. About on par with baking/stove frying

  3. 6 months ago

    whats is that, the official dish of Atlanta or something?

  4. 6 months ago

    I made mac n cheese once. Just wanted to feel american for a moment. Definitely the fattest I've felt and spent a good 6 hours sweating and struggling to breathe after eating it. It was pretty good.

    • 6 months ago

      >made pasta and cheese
      >struggled to breathe
      Americans confirmed invented spaghat

  5. 6 months ago

    Once ate half of a duck with a shitload of dumplings and felt like dying.

  6. 6 months ago

    65kg now
    was about 80kg in college solely due to full sugar monster energy, booze and breakfast wraps. But about a year after getting out due to the chinese flu, I got back down to a healthy weight for my height and my body feels a trillion times less miserable.

  7. 6 months ago

    Unironically 135 pounds

  8. 6 months ago

    185 pounds

    Idk. Probably eating an entire family bag of chips or fritos in 1 sitting, or eating half a tub of ice cream in 1 sitting.

  9. 6 months ago

    137kg was my worst. I am currently around 110kg cutting. I would just eat non stop. Monster for brekfast. bacon and suasage roll, then burger for lunch then huge dinner and snack between

  10. 6 months ago

    I stopped drinking liquor every night (4 to 5 drinks) and lost 10lbs(180lb -> 170lb) in a month just doing nothing. So I guess drinking that much is the fattest thing I've ever done. Most food grosses me out, along with the act of eating. I normally eat the same autistic meals every day mashed potatoes/rice/pasta as a side, with lean protein source such as 98% lean beef, chicken breast, or salmon. I round it off with baby carrots and broccoli since I don't know much about other vegetables. I do that for lunch and dinner because I do not know how to cook anything else. For breakfast I always have a smoothie that is half a bag of spinach and some frozen fruit, and I fill my thermos with coffee.

    I don't eat takeout because its way too expensive and I need the money for my hobbies such as nice clothes(/tip/), car parts(AW11 MR2) or furniture for my house.

  11. 6 months ago

    I am 185lbs now but down from 220lbs of lard, I still eat like a fat ass everyday. People are shocked by what I eat and how I look like I do but I'm active enough to eat anything I want.

  12. 6 months ago

    I uniroically want to try that pizza

    • 6 months ago

      Me too brother

  13. 6 months ago

    At my worst I was around 490lbs (a literal flesh golem)

    Now I'm sitting around 280lbs and have about 90 left to lose.

    • 6 months ago

      The Lord is on your side brother, I know you will lose those 90 pounds

      • 6 months ago

        WAGMI anon, here's just a small 3 month window of 330 to 295

        • 6 months ago

          nobody can stop the blessed train now that it's in motion, the pounds will just keep falling off as long as you keep it fueled with willpower and dedication, we will all make it

        • 6 months ago

          go for this build, good work

          • 6 months ago

            Frick yeah, anon.

    • 6 months ago

      I am sending you my energy. You can do it anon.

  14. 6 months ago

    This time last year I was 245 lb (5'7 manlet), and for like two weeks I'd eat one of those packages of the 1/2lb Reeses peanut butter cups every day. I'd scoop out the filling, eat it like an animal, and I'd melt down the chocolate shell and pour it over ice cream. Two weeks, I did this on top of my normal unhealthy eating habits.

  15. 6 months ago

    I’ve gotten my shit back in order but I do have fantasies about doing something when I’m done cutting and have my old peak peak physique again.
    >order 2-4 large pizzas
    >couple tubs of ice cream
    >pile of burgers
    >whatever other fat frick shit I think of
    >surround myself with this food lay it out on coffee table
    >get a pump, get lighting perfect do everything right to look as cut and big as I can
    >take pictures of self eating a few bites
    >go donate the pizza to some bums, save the boxes though
    >throw half the ice cream away
    >give away 3/4ths the burgers, put rest into meal prep in fridge & fit it into macros maybe leave 1-2 out for picture
    >take another set of pics so it appears I’ve eaten 10,000+ calories in a single sitting
    >make some Instagram posts claiming I eat like this every single day and it’s just a matter of genetics and work ethic
    Purely because I unironically have people who don’t want me to succeed and they’ll seethe no matter what should they ever see me when I’m done, but if they see this shit they would lose it.
    I mean genuine bucket crabs who would act personally offended by my desire to lift or not drink or not eat shitty foods, people who got genuinely mad if they found out I was at the gym as if they lost something from, literally talking shit to me about it and sulking it never made sense. These same few people would also turn around and tell others that they were responsible for any successes I had they’d claim responsibility with nonsense logic or flat out lies. All the while they’ve gotten fatter and fatter. So I really wanna do this just out of immature spite and because I think it would be funny. I don’t even have any desire to eat this shit. I simply want to see how these bucket crabs react to this. And that’s if I even care to waste my time and money on this little project when the time comes.

  16. 6 months ago

    I used to eat so much fast food and candy, and other junk like that. I never was fat but that stuff is so bad for you even if you don't gain any weight. With restrictions on cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, stuff like fast food and soda should be restricted in some way because in america 75% of people are overweight and it's a serious problem, more widespread and extreme than alcohol or cigarettes. I only eat real food now, and I hope other people will do the same

    • 6 months ago

      >but that stuff is so bad for you even if you don't gain any weight
      How so? Most food people eat nowadays is just refined carbs with seed oils and a huge amount of additives all the same.

  17. 6 months ago

    checked. fattest thing i've ever done was order a large pizza and eat the entire thing over the course of 2.5 days. it was a meat lovers with extra onion. least gluttonous IST poster probably.

  18. 6 months ago

    I am currently hovering right around 200 lbs at 6'3. At my fattest (high school) I would take my allowance money, ride my bike to the grocery store, and load up on chips, candy, and soda, most notably 2 of pic related
    per the nutrition label:
    28 servings per container at 90 calories per serving, 22 grams of carbs (supposedly only 13 grams of sugar but I don't believe it, let's say 20) * 56 comes out to 5040 calories per week of just gummy worms, 1120 grams of sugar. I'm amazed I didn't get the beetus

    • 6 months ago

      he almost got you but you fought him off

  19. 6 months ago

    >How much do you weigh?
    140 lbs.
    >What's the fattest thing you've ever done?
    Right before I went on a diet I splurged "one last" time.

    I ate three pizzas from three different stores. I went to Burger King and ordered 10 hamburgers. I bought family-size bags of potato chips, ben and jerries, haagen dasz, rolos, M&Ms, Reese's and a rotisserie chicken. I planned to go to the gym afterwards but didn't. I ate everything except the rotisserie chicken and then sat on the toilet shitting myself while downing shots of vodka and the rest of my wine.

    I was so bloated I looked 12 months pregnant. I went to lay down in bed and got into the missionary position. I moaned like I was going into labor and clutched my stomach as I focused on breathing so I wouldn't die. Blood sugar was probably astronomical.

    The next day I birthed the most monstrous shit imaginable and got my first episode of hemmerhoids. I spelt most of the day and ended up fasting. The day after I went on another binge.

    • 6 months ago

      >focused on breathing so I wouldn't die
      Surely that's an exaggeration.

  20. 6 months ago

    >currently 145lbs, 5'11
    >fattest ever? 195lbs
    >gained 45lbs during a 90 day jail sentence, went in healthy at 150, sober, consistent gym
    >ate like a fat frick, ran the block's store, 3 trays a day and unlimited sardines, mackeral, noodles, OCP's
    >prior to that, during covid while I was addicted to H & fet, I would get an unquenchable desire for sweets,
    >I remember one time specifically, sitting in my car, high as balls, and devouring an entire box of little debbie OCP's
    >opiate metabolism wouldn't shit it out for weeks
    >Been racking up GBP's (goodboy points) and SBP's (soberboy points) for over 3y now so don't tweak out you old boomer "hang every tattoo haver, every person convicted of any crime, but dont infringe on my e-girl rights" gays

    • 6 months ago

      kek most guys i know who went to jail lost weight, could see how it happened though. what did you do and how is life now fren?

  21. 6 months ago

    >What’s the fattest thing you’ve done
    Ordered dominos, ate a whole pizza, puked most of it up, repeat with Popeyes, repeat puking and finished off with some shawarma and coke which I held down

  22. 6 months ago

    Peak weight was 220.
    Drank a pint of vodka and binge ate fast food every night. Decided to lose weight when I realized I was about to graduate from overweight to obese.

    • 6 months ago

      Alcohol aside, how does one afford to eat fast food everyday? Even with a decent job, where do fatsos get money for this? I make good money, but for me going to Wendys once per month is a luxury.

      • 6 months ago

        It's an addiction. You will find a way to afford it even if you're broke.

        • 6 months ago

          This is what doesn't make sense though. With other addictions though, you hustle, running around stealing and stuff. How do you do crime if you're fat and immobile?

          • 6 months ago

            Stole from mom's purse.
            Truly the lowest of low points in my life. Even lower than getting arrested.
            It's OK though, that was a long time ago and just yesterday I helped her put up Christmas decorations, cleaned up her yard.

            • 6 months ago

              *steals 5 bucks out of moms purse*
              *repents in hard labor forever*
              i see you and respect you. good tidings to you and your mom anon

            • 6 months ago

              I've been there, I was in active addiction for a long time and betrayed the trust of anyone who gave me a chance, I finally feel welcome around family again but I wouldn't blame them for never trusting me again.

  23. 6 months ago

    when I was in my most stressful semester of college I was waking up at 7 AM, doing classes until 2, coming home and doing homework until 5, then prepping papers for the next day of my job. I was probably eating 2 frozen pizzas a day. I finally looked in a mirror one day and just thought "what the frick, you look terrible" and weighed myself. 219 lbs, way fatter than I normally was. This was before I ever started lifting.

    I'm 196 currently fighting depression from being unemployed for 6 months due to strikes but at least I'm not nearly as fat and lifting regularly.

  24. 6 months ago

    >What's the fattest thing you've ever done?
    Your mom.

    C'mon guys, you're slipping.

  25. 6 months ago

    I weighed 157lbs when I weighed myself a couple weeks ago.
    I've eaten whole pizzas by myself before and chased them with whole tubs of ice cream. Granted, I was 19 at the time and my metabolism was much faster than it is now.

  26. 6 months ago

    M 185cm, 80kg

  27. 6 months ago

    im 32 and ive never weighed above 140 lbs nin my life. im probably in the mid to low 130s right now. i dont care about eating. im severely depressed. i want to kill myself.

    • 6 months ago

      Go watch supersize vs superskinny and eat something homie.

  28. 6 months ago

    I cut really hard in the two weeks before thanksgiving and ate so much on thanksgiving that I felt like I was going to puke. First time that's happened since I used to hit the buffet in high school.

  29. 6 months ago

    I don't weigh myself often, last was 98kg at the end of August at 5'6. I weighted 109kg in January but that was after ~1 year of getting my diet and lifestyle under control, at my heaviest I was probably pushing 120. At my fittest when I was younger I was maybe 60-70kg

    Fattest thing I've ever done was probably get a packet of bourbon biscuits, put a load of them in a bowl and then pour milk over it and ate it like cereal. It was disgusting and partly one of the things that made me really want to get my shit together

  30. 6 months ago

    >How much do you weigh?
    Currently 230 but previously 270 (@ 6 ft)
    >What's the fattest thing you've ever done?
    My carb addiction led to me, when hungry, just going to the pantry, grabbing a tortilla, spreading butter on it, throwing it in the microwave, and just eating it like that

    • 6 months ago

      pounds not kilos

    • 6 months ago

      I used to have like 4 or 5 large flour tortillas with butter dripping out of them just as the side dish with eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, cheese and then top it all off with two bowls of cereal. Then wondered why I was tired and needed to go back to sleep.

  31. 6 months ago

    10,000 calorie binge: pastries, chocolates, cookies, lost weight the same week i did this somehow

    • 6 months ago

      I don't know how people can enjoy that crap. Fruit tastes better and you feel infinitely better eating it.

      • 6 months ago

        i'm a big fan of fruit too i just also like pastries, chocolates and cookies

        • 6 months ago

          >i just also like pastries, chocolates and cookies
          seems like wasted calories

      • 6 months ago

        pastries and cookies are good, you just need to eat them in moderation and only occasionally

      • 6 months ago

        >Fruit tastes better
        Cope. Hope your spandex-wearing ass gets ran over soon.

        • 6 months ago

          What's really hilarious is I got nothing to do with your shit but I'm so high IQ I can clearly deduce that you think I'm Durianrider and you are the ketoschizo.

  32. 6 months ago

    Currently weigh 209.4, trying to cut to 160 by June.
    Fattest thing I've ever done:
    >5th grade
    >Eat ice cream directly from the tub multiple times a week
    >Interchangeably order pepperoni pizzas and eat the entire thing myself every day for weeks at a time

  33. 6 months ago

    Used to stash sweets and even ice cream under my bed. Got busted when it started to stink and mom and dad removed all the moldy shit under there.

  34. 6 months ago

    Oh my God, what in the frick is that?

    • 6 months ago

      My breakfast you jerk.

  35. 6 months ago

    I want to eat OPs pizza so bad

  36. 6 months ago

    >How much do you weigh?
    218 now, 253 at heaviest about a year and a half ago
    >What's the fattest thing you've ever done?
    spent a good 6 or so months locked in my room ordering cookies to my door every night and only going outside to stock up on nutella that i would down by the jar.

  37. 6 months ago

    >What's the fattest thing you've ever done?
    Ur mom

  38. 6 months ago

    >what's the fattest thing you've done
    My phone says I took 86 steps today

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