How much variation do you have in your main core lifts (deadlift, squat, press)?

How much variation do you have in your main core lifts (deadlift, squat, press)? I feel like I have too much and debating if I need any.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Awe bunny

    • 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    >awww-provoking image
    Didn't read the topic sorry, just came in for bunny

    • 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    Cute bunny
    I will either swap out or add another variant of a core lift if I feel like I'm lagging behind, or if I want a change of pace.
    Like instead of swapping out my bench for incline bench I'll just add incline bench as an accessory if I feel like my upper chest is lagging behind my lower chest.
    Or I'll swap out the bench for dips and do those instead, just to change it up a bit.

    But I never do more than 2 core lift/variants for a muscle group in a single routine.

    • 10 months ago

      oh my goodness gracious

    • 10 months ago

      Right now, I'm free-balling a lot of my exercising. I'll do a plyometric exercise like a lunge, pullup or pushup, dip, jump or sprint. Then, a main lift like a deadlift. But instead of conventional, I'll try a single leg or deficit. I don't want to threaten my gains by taking too long off from my main lifts but also don't want to desensitize myself to them, plateau or become bored of them. I just try do something heavy and fast every day that involves a lot of muscles.

  4. 10 months ago

    cute rabbit op

  5. 10 months ago

    This picture goes hard
    Love from Earistan
    I love bunnies so much it's unreal

  6. 10 months ago

    I only vary the core lifts every 3-6 months on average. However, I rotate assistance work every 6-8 weeks on average. So, if I'm doing normal deadlifts at the base for a good run, I'll do something like 8 weeks of:
    >RDLs, 3x10
    >Good mornings, 3x8
    >single-leg 45 degree hyperextensions with all glute focus, 3x25
    >seated banded leg curl, 4x10
    That would be one block of assistance work, then, I'd eventually change assistance to something like 8 weeks of:
    >sumo stance RDLs, 3x12
    >Dimmel deadlifts, 3x20
    >glute/ham raises 3x12
    >Swiss ball leg curls lying on floor, 3x20

  7. 10 months ago

    I don’t do any really. Just standing press, bench, row, deadlift and the rest is just cardio and general endurance stuff like pull-ups/push-ups, etc.

    • 10 months ago

      Do you feel like you stall on them or feel like you're just perfecting the movement instead of lifting the weight (stupid sounding question I know)

      • 10 months ago

        Not really, but I treat lifting as a long term project with little mind paid to noticeable progress. I’ve gotten to 185/285/365/405 like this (I have pretty bad knee problems from fighting for israel) and have always been generally strong and looked good.

        • 10 months ago

          tank u 4 ur cervix

          • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          I like to estimate my progress off of my PRs, I think I'll just try to stay in the realm of doing a variation close to the original movement (High bar squat --> Single leg high bar squat --> Anderson squat) So this way I'm still working the same movement goal and muscles but with an additional challenge. Single leg work and pin work seems to be the best way to add variations.

  8. 10 months ago

    at the moment, I'm running barbell squats and deadlifts on separate days and i'm using two variations, so on the day I barbell squats I'll do RDLs and on deadlift day I do hack squats. it has been working tremendously.

    as far as barbell bench, i fricking hate it, so I replaced it for dips on one day and low incline dumbbell press on the other.

    as far as how long I'll keep going like this, essentially until these movements stall for two or more sessions. I use dynamic rep ranges, so I'm constantly hunting for PRs on them, and they've been good to me.

  9. 10 months ago

    I don't deadlift, besdies that I don't like doing a heavy less movement that isn't normal squats.

    I'll do incline dumbell press if it's available

  10. 10 months ago

    imo, doing widely different exercises that step further and further away from the main lift just enters accessory work. like step ups or weighted jumps as a replacement for squat work. just tinker with the main lifts

  11. 10 months ago

    worry more about muscle groups you're trying to hit instead of the movements, i dont mean isolations either.

    instead of doing squat, hinge, pull, push

    do legs, arms, trunk or back. If you centered your training around those 3 body groups and focused on hitting them as hard as you can with the best exercises like squat, bench, deadlift. you'll have an easier time auto-regulating variation because it'll just come down to how hard you want to work the body group and which way you want to.

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