How should I use the cardio machines at the gym? I have no idea which setting to choose, etc.

How should I use the cardio machines at the gym? I have no idea which setting to choose, etc.

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  1. 4 months ago

    there are no cardio machines in that picture

  2. 4 months ago

    Just start at the setting you're comfortable with and over the course of weeks/months gradually increase the setting to push yourself

    • 4 months ago

      So I just do the same speed, same setting for 30 minutes?

      Stop being so insecure and just hop on one and mess around with the settings

      I have done so several times. Feels pointless to just frick about without a plan.

      • 4 months ago

        Zone 2 cardio is the level of exertion you want to reach, I think they say 120-180 minutes a week will get you all the juicy long term health benefits of cardio.

        You want to reach zone 2 cardio while on these machines, so exert yourself to that level.

        I have heard zone 2 cardio described as breathing heavily but still able to hold a conversation. You want your heart rate to be elevated but you don't have to absolutely be killing yourself.

        If you are still unsure get on youtube and search "zone 2 cardio examples"

        • 4 months ago

          > I think they say 120-180 minutes a week will get you all the juicy long term health benefits of cardio

          I did a quick google search and found the following:
          >The Physical Activity Guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity—think of it as 30 minutes, five days a week—for all adults, even the elderly and disabled.

          I lift 2-4 times a week for over an hour each session. That would already fill those 150 minutes most weeks. But I guess 30 minutes on the rest days I don't have anything else to do seems reasonable.

          >Zone 2 cardio is the level of exertion you want to reach
          Ok good. I heard about that as well. And I have a fitness tracker that tells me in which zone I am. So I guess I'll just use a setting that gets me to that stage for the majority of the workout.

          • 4 months ago

            Lifting doesn't count as zone 2 cardio unless you're doing some HIIT homosexualry

            • 4 months ago

              Where have I said it does?

              • 4 months ago

                >I lift 2-4 times a week for over an hour each session. That would already fill those 150 minutes most weeks

                You seem kinda weird and antagonistic ngl. I guess I shouldn't be surprised given you are asking how to use a cardio machine.

            • 4 months ago

              My last lifting session was 79 minutes total.
              35 minutes zone 1
              22 minutes zone 2
              17 minutes zone 3
              3 minutes zone 4

        • 4 months ago

          Zone 2 you want to keep between 60-70% of your max heartbeat. You're right, you should be able to speak without gasping for breath

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, I started off doing the treadmill for 30 minutes at level 3, did that for a couple of weeks, then raised the time and level gradually, and started doing other things like the bike as well. There's no point jumping into the highest settings out of some sense of obligation. By starting at the basic settings you will get a sense of what your physical level is at, and by slowly progressing up the settings you can keep track of the changes in your level

  3. 4 months ago

    I normally just click the manual setting, that lets you choose the difficulty level. Then put it on something kinda low like 5 for a bit and see how it feels, if that's too easy after a few minutes pop it up to 7, so on and so forth.

  4. 4 months ago

    Stop being so insecure and just hop on one and mess around with the settings

  5. 4 months ago

    I just get on the stationary bike or the treadmill and make it more difficult until my heart rate is 160-170

    • 4 months ago

      Are you a child?

      • 4 months ago

        Are you fat and/or brown?

  6. 4 months ago

    If you don't know what to do, just stick with a treadmill and walk at about 3.5 mph with a 3% incline. I like to watch anime to keep myself from getting too bored. Aim for atleast 30 minutes, if you have a good show on it'll go by quick

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, best advice is to watch something on your phone while on the treadmill. Time goes by really quickly and you don't even feel the exertion like you would if you were focusing on the treadmill

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