how the frick do i lose weight as a hikineet? what exercises could i do in my room?

how the frick do i lose weight as a hikineet? what exercises could i do in my room? has to be ones i dont need any equipment for. also, diets are out of the question. at best i could do one meal a day, and then just eat whatever my mother cooks for me for dinner.

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  1. 3 months ago

    >also, diets are out of the question
    I'm assuming this is because your mom buys unhealthy food and you have no money to buy your own, right?

    • 3 months ago

      yes, exactly that

      • 3 months ago

        You're going to have to track your calories to a T, then.
        Eat the unhealthy food as long as you're in a calorie deficit, and throw in some light exercises too.

  2. 3 months ago

    stop eating, squats, pushups, curls. if you're not super fat do sit ups/legs lifts

  3. 3 months ago
    asian women appreciator

    Losing weight has a lot to do with diet. You can go to a TDEE calculator and check how much you need to eat per day. There is also a website called 'musclewiki.' If I am being honest, if you want to lose weight cardio is the way to go.

    • 3 months ago

      You're going to have to track your calories to a T, then.
      Eat the unhealthy food as long as you're in a calorie deficit, and throw in some light exercises too.

      Not really. If you want to lose weight and do nothing, you have to be calorie tracking city
      But if you are doing exercises, you can focus less on your diet and more on just doing more exercise
      If you eat consistently around the same amount doing 1 hour of cardiovascular activity youll definitely lose weight
      only have to track calories if you want to keep the weight loss without exercising

      • 3 months ago

        This isn't entirely true. OP is already overweight, he needs to track his calories to prevent overeating.
        The first thing overweight people do when they start exercising is eat more than they were previously due to a influx of ghrelin.

  4. 3 months ago

    Ok I gotchu anon
    Pushups are lifemakers
    Can't do pushups?
    Wall pushups - increase the incline to make them harder if they are too easy
    "Suicides" or also burpees are an extreme cardiovascular exercise where you drop down into a pushup, push backup and then jump up to your feet
    You will find those are not fun. but very effective
    Situps are really good as well
    should be enough to get you started anon

    • 3 months ago

      I thought suicides were like short distance incremental sprints, usually done on a basketball court, football field, or wrestling mat. Burpees do make me suicidal, but they're not suicides, yeah?

      • 3 months ago

        Maybe different colloquialisms, or I may have got them mixed up
        When I was in school footy we did suicides, but I actually think you may be correct
        My mistake
        Although burpees make me suicidal too anon

  5. 3 months ago

    Get a rubber band (takkmethod), kettlebell(12-16kg) and do double burpees. (burpee with two pushups. Do 1 hour each day, get a timer for breaks. Do a different exercise every day but always 1 hour each day.

  6. 3 months ago

    how do you even gain weight as a hikkineet? when i was in high school i'd sit inside all day playing vidya and drinking diet coke and i never got the urge to eat so i became anorexic.

    • 3 months ago

      some people eat when they're bored and people eat more if they're distracted (like having doritos or other garbage in front of them while watching netflix). it's not hard for neets to get fat as shit if they have mommy and daddy to buy them snacks for them to binge on all day without thinking

      • 3 months ago

        yeah i guess for me it's because my parents weren't home that much and i was too busy playing vidya to get myself food half the time so i just learned to barely eat lmao

  7. 3 months ago

    The main driver of weight loss is going to be a good low calorie diet. But keeping a steady habit of cardio will help burn some additional and keep your metabolism from adapting to your low cal diet. A good search item for you would be "Prison cardio", if you can go into a backyard or something then I recommend jump rope. But yeah most importantly you have to learn how many calories you're eating and what your mom is serving you. Get involved in the cooking process, your family will appreciate it and you'll be able to more finely control your diet.

    • 3 months ago

      also I recommend you get some form of measuring your heart rate so you can ensure you're doing good cardio. An arm or chest based strap would be best, but using a simple app on your phone would work too, some of them work just by holding your camera up to your wrist. Additionally a food scale and a good calorie per gram resource to look up foods on would make cooking and learning how many calories are in your dishes to be really simple

  8. 3 months ago

    In terms of exercises, start with basic push-ups, squats, and stretches. If you're not using any weights, do Qigong---it's a Chinese martial art and meditative practice. I found it when I needed to take a break from lifting and running after a minor injury, and it's actually incredibly refreshing and physically effective.

    Here's a link to the routine I used:

    I recommend this one highly. It will be difficult at first, but stick with it, and you will see improvement in your mind and body.

    Otherwise, I hate to tell you, but diets, not exercise, are what help you lose weight, anon. Practice intermittent fasting until you're able to fast for at least one day a week. Not only will it help you build discipline in other areas of your life, but the physical benefits are well-known and documented.

    If you can't buy your own food, try and persuade whoever does buy you food to buy you at least one or two healthy items. Frozen chopped spinach, broccoli, other veggies, these are all usually pretty cheap in almost any grocery store you walk into. They're also full of great vitamins and essential nutrients.

    Pursue a routine of some calisthenics, qigong, fasting, and healthy eating, and a I guarantee---with discipline---you will have lost weight.

    • 3 months ago


      can you speak more about your experience with this, and what it did for you? I looked at the video awhile and I just don't seem to understand the purpose. it looks interesting though.

      also since were dumping room based exercises on OP. OP, you should get into handstands. There's a whole system of progressions you can look up if you're not strong enough to do it right now. it's a great exercise for your shoulders, and something you can do when you're recovering from pushups or other body weight exercises which rarely target the shoulders.

      • 3 months ago

        I actually wanted to get into calisthenics via handstandmaxxing or some shit so I could break dance
        sounds funny but im serious
        wanna link the progression?

        • 3 months ago

          while I didn't watch this one myself Chris Heria is a good resource for calisthenics

          What kind of break dancing do you want to do? It'd probably be a really good way to burn calories in your room, and it sounds fun too, don't be embarrassed about it. If anything it's smart.

          • 3 months ago

            Well I'm a jhobbymaxxer
            I am learning a language
            Learning guitar
            and I thought knowing how to breakdance would be sick
            non specific something like the show off version of capoeira (which is like brazilian dance fighting, used to be a martial art but now is for show and usually staged)
            or like normal black people disco breakdance

            • 3 months ago

              it's rare to see a Neet take this level of initiative, I'm just curious if you have this much energy and direction why are you a hikkineet? Also if you want someone to share progress with you can add me dc I love this kind of shit

      • 3 months ago

        I practiced the routine for a little over a month, almost every day. I combined this with walking as well

        how the frick do i lose weight as a hikineet? what exercises could i do in my room? has to be ones i dont need any equipment for. also, diets are out of the question. at best i could do one meal a day, and then just eat whatever my mother cooks for me for dinner.

        , which I forgot to mention OP.

        It may not look challenging, but the routine functions as a progressive overload. You begin by stretching and centering your breath, and the later exercises have you in stress positions, like deep squats, where you have to maintain composure. It's a great, light full-body workout and always left me feeling winded in a good way.

        If you've never done it before, I'd highly recommend. Try it for a week or two and see what you think. There are plenty of other routines as well, though I believe the one I linked includes some of the most common exercises.

  9. 3 months ago

    Take stimulants. Meth will absolutely delete your appetite and increase your body's metabolism. Caffeine is a good choice. I don't understand how so many people are obese despite the prevalence of stimulants.

    Get a gym membership and go 3-4 times a week at least. Cut out processed food, junk food, and refined sugars from your diet. Control portion sizes. You don't have to eat everything each meal. If you're serious about it and make it your new lifestyle, you can do it and will look like an attractive chad. You have time so that's a huge advantage to make it happen.

    • 3 months ago

      telling neets to do meth lol. Just in case any naive dense morons are reading this, don't fricking do meth. Also coffee hardly raises calorie consumption, but having some right before exercising will make you go harder at it and make better gains. Just don't always use it, otherwise the body develops tolerance and you lose it's benefits. think of it as maybe a boost you can use in your workouts every 3 days or so.

      • 3 months ago

        >"i dont want to go outside but need to lose weight, help anons"
        >do meth bro
        fourchan moment

      • 3 months ago

        >"i dont want to go outside but need to lose weight, help anons"
        >do meth bro
        fourchan moment

        Name a better drug for decreasing appetite

        • 3 months ago

          Caffeine has appetite suppressant qualities without the life-ruining qualities of meth lmao

  10. 3 months ago

    diet is literally 98% of losing weight, either you stop eating a lot even if its unhealthy just eat less, or go and throw it up, people will say its bad but at least you will be losing weight and tricking your moron brain into not overeating

  11. 3 months ago


    >ok i'll check out some stuff to track calories then. what exercises would you recommend?
    What's your height and weight? If you're too heavy then some exercises are out of the question because you might injure yourself.

  12. 3 months ago


    i read some of the replies here and if you want to go to exercise route you are gonna have to do A LOT of exercising if you want to keep the same diet, for example 1 hour running at a high pace which requires a lot of breath training and good endurance is only like 600 calories, 600 calories is like 100grams of potato chips.

    The absolute easiest and laziest way to lose weight is to just eat less even if it is unhealthy food the other option is healthier food or an actual diet but you said that isn't an option

    also big disclaimer exercising also cost energy and makes you hungry don't forget that

    • 3 months ago

      > exercising also cost energy and makes you hungry don't forget that

      e z solution for this, exercise in the morning before you eat anything. Then you're drawing directly from your fat stores, that way you can use your breakfast for your brain and other tasks.

  13. 3 months ago


    Are you already anorexic? How much do you weigh OP? Is your family just hyper sensitive to weight loss attempts because they're all fat or something?

    Some dumbbells would also be a very smart investment for you since they're really versatile and you can get good exercise in for your whole body with just two of them

  14. 3 months ago

    Alcoholism made me very thin because I don't feel hunger anymore. I'm not sure if I'd recommend it though because the withdrawals are a b***h.

  15. 3 months ago

    Keep the fat intact and get sprty.

  16. 3 months ago

    >how the frick do i lose weight as a hikineet?
    stop eating
    exercise does not burn a significant amount of calories unless you are exercising a lot, and i'm assuming that asking you to exercise for 2 hours every single day would be quite a lot to ask for

    if you want to get into exercise/lifting i would recommend getting some adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable bench and yoga mat, then you can do the big compound exercises in your room easily and you can just follow a modified 5x5 stronglifts until you figure out what you're doing

  17. 3 months ago

    >Diets are out of the question
    Anon, your caloric intake is the number one thing which governs fat.

    You should just try to eat less. Or not at all. You are a hikkineet, you can just not eat. It doesn't matter if u don't eat bc you don't have to work.

    If I was NEET, I'd just starve myself for a few days, eat some food, tgen repeat. That's what I did in my short term wagie job when it didn't mater how I performed.

  18. 3 months ago

    >how the frick do i lose weight as a hikineet
    Calorie deficit
    If you eat 500 less cals a day than your maintnance you lose 1 lb a week. Use exercise to boost your TDEE
    >what exercises could i do in my room?
    There are a million youtube videos of no equipment at home exercise routines. Pilates in bed even. Jumping jacks, situps, pushups, planks. Did you even look?
    Go for a daily run. Even a walk will help immensely if you dont want to run.
    >also, diets are out of the question. at best i could do one meal a day, and then just eat whatever my mother cooks for me for dinner.
    Count calories and avoid foods that have poor nutritional value. No sodas, chips, etc.

  19. 3 months ago

    what's it for? do you prepare for like a military test so that you can leave neetdom?

  20. 3 months ago

    Literally just eat less. It doesn't matter if you spend 16 hours a day sitting in a chair playing videogames if you don't eat you will lose weight

  21. 3 months ago

    Stay away from wheat for a while and refrain from eating snacks. Lost nearly 30 pounds doing so. 4-7 months ought to be enough.

  22. 3 months ago

    I thought a bit more about your situation OP. If you just keep eating the way you currently are and do at least an hour of cardio each day you should lose a pound a week. one pound is 2000 calories.

    For a hikkineet, I'm thinking something like a dance dance revolution mat would be a good e z way to get that cardio in, something I used to do was play blastion on my vr system for cardio, I highly recommend that

    here's a quick example of blastion so you can get an idea. play this for 2 hours, eat what you're currently eating. you will lose weight.

    • 3 months ago

      wait I guess the trick with this is you would have to know how many calories you are currently eating, if you're lazy and just eat randomly you will end up eating more naturally after you start exercising.

  23. 3 months ago

    Diet isnt "just eat salads", moron. It's "stop eating so much junk food" and "having a balanced diet". Also you can exercise without buying equipment like doing push ups and going for long walks or do jogging.

  24. 3 months ago

    I got one of these with three leg extensions and it's pretty fun and allows for a few variety of exercises. Doing about 400kcals a day means you weigh about a lb less every nine days.

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