How the fuck am I not losing weight on this diet?

How the frick am I not losing weight on this diet, IST?

>Breakfast: 2 cups of oatmeal, small handful of berries
>Lunch / post-gym: 1 protein shake with water, 30g protein
>Dinner: 200g chicken, some frozen vegetables, one small cup of pasta
>Evening: 4 crisp bread slices with peanut butter

I lift heavy for 90 minutes early in the day, then swim for 30 minutes in the evening
There is no way I'm not burning more calories than I eat, why the hell am I not losing weight?
>5'8, 80kg currently (want to get to 75kg)

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  1. 12 months ago

    cut the bread and peanut butter, if you can. replace it with anything less calorie-packed.

  2. 12 months ago

    ditch the peanut butter for eggs

  3. 12 months ago

    You nuggets not going to mention anything about the 2 cups of oats he's having for breakfast? That's almost 200g of oats. How many calories is that? Like 700 or something c'mon

    • 12 months ago

      I thought oats couldn't make you fat?

    • 12 months ago

      If what OP says is right he should have a tdee of 3000 or even higher, 700kcal from oats won't hurt there. But since I trust thermodynamics more than OP he"s probably not counting calories correctly or at all.

    • 12 months ago

      Dunno if he means dry or cooked or even a coffee cup because OP is a moron, but 2 cups of uncooked oats is 1200 calories

  4. 12 months ago

    >why can't I solve a math problem without math

  5. 12 months ago

    Well you're eating a shitload of calories moron. Do you not have a scale or count your macros?

    1 slice of whole wheat bread with a table spoon of peanut butter is like 150 calories and you're eating 4 of them

  6. 12 months ago

    >small handful of berries
    >small cup of pasta
    >crisp bread

    your a homosexual dude and your lifting heavy for 90min lol yea right

  7. 12 months ago

    >4 meals day
    well there's your problem

    you're going to want to cut that shit out OP

    just eat once at like 4-7pm

  8. 12 months ago

    >2 cups oats
    >1 cup pasta
    >4 breads slices (probably each with 100kcal of peanut butter)

    Learn portion control and you’ll be fine

  9. 12 months ago

    Lifting weights does not burn as many calories as you think it does. Swimming is good but 30 minutes is not very long, considering that you're 99% not going at a high intensity.

    Add 2 hours of extra walking per day and you will get results.

  10. 12 months ago

    Start counting calories properly
    I used to be in the same boat, thought I had good portions of everything, but when I actually began counting, I found out I was overeating

  11. 12 months ago


  12. 12 months ago

    Be honest with yourself re: the following:
    >ice cream
    >donuts, pastries in general

    I couldn’t make progress until I significantly minimized alcohol (even easier when it’s cut out completely), and cut cycled through allowing myself only one of the other items.

  13. 12 months ago

    Don't eat at night, something about circadian rhythms. Sauce, oldest cure in the world hendricks

  14. 12 months ago

    >one small cup
    moron, a cup is an actual measurement. just how much food are you eating?

  15. 12 months ago

    Stop eating breakfast
    Stop eating bread
    Sfop eating pasta

  16. 12 months ago

    Dude why are you eating 2 cups of oatmeal and 4 pieces of bread? Also "crisp" bread? What are you gay?

  17. 12 months ago

    homie eats half a loaf of bread and day and wonders why hes fat

  18. 12 months ago

    Cut the pasta and oatmeal and bread. Glycemic spikes raise blood insulin levels, raised insulin levels signal the body to consolidate fats (because we've got easy carbs to run on for now, so we'll save these fats for later). You can probably eat a lot more - and better - food and lose weight. Replace grains with whole foods and especially meats, eggs, cheese, and butter.

  19. 12 months ago

    Lol so to add to what everybody else already said. CARBS MAKE YOU FAT stop listening to homosexuals on Youtube.

    Oats, Bread, Pasta, any sweets, and sodas or juices ARE CARBS.

    You dont need to Keto but minimize sugars. Eat meat, cheese, fish etc. And be very careful with the sides. If rice or potatoes etc. Just eat a small amount once a day. Replace sweet drinks with carbonated water with flavor, coffee, tea, or regular water. Thats it.

    Nuts and peanut butter are low on carbs and technically good for you but theyre already incredibly dense in calories. You can have them as a snack or desert.

    Fast, instead of the 4 meals a day bullshit that women tell you, you need to FAST. You could start with two meals a day or one meal a day complimented by protein shakes. Intermitent fasting works well.

    For exercise cardio is much better than weights. Increased muscle mass also increases your total weight. Lifting is important so you dont look like a skinny homosexual, but if youre a ball of lard then start with walking, jogging, and push ups. Try to build up for a 5K. Theres plenty of apps on the google store to go from couch to 5k and track your progress. If youre new and overweight go for one day on one or two days off.

    Good luck. Also remember slow and steady keeps the way off. You have to build a new life style is not something you can do for 3 months and then quit because youll be fat again.

  20. 12 months ago

    >peanut butter
    And on top of that you are a manlet. You are doing everything wrong

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