how the FUCK do i grow my forearms

nothing fricking works. my biceps are huge but my forearms are tiny. please help. i look like a fricking homosexual

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  1. 7 months ago

    do forearm exercises
    wont elaborate

  2. 7 months ago

    Eat food
    Become a plumber
    Turn pipe.


    • 7 months ago

      What's your bodyweight and deadlift
      Get to 200+ lbs and a 500 deadlift like you should anyways and see what happens

      Wow very practical
      Maybe also start rock climbing and become a chef
      It's useful to suggest new careers and hobbies to people who want to grow one muscle

      • 7 months ago

        >become a chef
        knead dough for wrist gainz

    • 7 months ago

      >Turn pipe
      You can turn MY pipe homosexual ;* And by pipe I mean my phallus bro. Just to be clear. Please call me back...

      nothing fricking works. my biceps are huge but my forearms are tiny. please help. i look like a fricking homosexual

      When it comes to forearm training the exercise order is the most important thing besides the obvious basics of push hard and be consistent. You want to work the brachioradialis first to help warm up the extensors and flexors. It also won't affect the rest of your forearm training. Reverse curls and hammer curls are great for this. Next do forearm extensions of some kind. I like standing barbell extensions the most. You can do rotational work after that if you want to. It's optional but will give you a more well rounded look to your forearms. Then after that you can work the flexors at the end. These muscles are harder to tax, and also harder to recover from in a session, and all other forearm exercises hinge on these being usable. If you can't grip anything you're fricked and should call it a day. Start out your flexor work with a heavy carry or hold. Farmers carries are a solid choice. If you don't have access to a lot of weight then you can use fatgripz to get more out of less. After that you do your wrist curls. I like to do a standing barbell wrist curl personally. You still get a good pump and stretch from it and towards the end of the set you can cheat a little bit to get even more gains. That should be good. If you still want to put more stress on them then you can do some crush grip work or some heavy holds for time. It's best to either put forearms on a back day or arm day. You could give it it's own session if you're that desperate. Either way you don't want to do an arm or back day the day after smoking your forearms. Use this to put together a good forearm routine.

    • 7 months ago

      >get a shit job just to get a physique

    • 7 months ago

      >reverse cable curls
      >rice bucket
      >wrist roller (or anything that twists your forearm muscles like turning a wrench)
      add a few sets at the end of every workout

  3. 7 months ago

    Forearm workouts+genetics. A lot of it is genetic

  4. 7 months ago

    gettin your deadlift to 6 plates

  5. 7 months ago

    Deadlifts, reverse curl, towel pull ups... I just tie an old judo belt around a wooden beam and climb it up and down to failure. Great for both grip and forearms.

  6. 7 months ago

    if you aren't getting forearm pumps then you're not trying in the first place

  7. 7 months ago

    I measured my forearms and arms and my forearms are 13 inches and my arms are 15 inches without pump. I do reverse curls, have started implementing behind the back curls but the main thing I do is add twisting movements to my dumbbell exercises. If I do ohp I twist to the top then twist back down. I do the same with db bench press. I've always done this

  8. 7 months ago

    I isolate forearms everyday. It’s probably the most important muscle along with biceps and chest for getting laid

  9. 7 months ago

    Reverse curls, farmer's carry, heavy BB shrugs, dead hangs, wrist curls. Lots of volume, short rests

  10. 7 months ago

    One good thing about having small biceps and triceps is it looks way better compared to my forearms.

    • 7 months ago
      From the slums of bhingari hello sirs


  11. 7 months ago

    get smaller hands

  12. 7 months ago

    Make or purchase a wrist roller

  13. 7 months ago

    Who is Lee Priest?

  14. 7 months ago

    All of these frickers are slightly wrong. The forearm excercises they give will grow your forearms yes. But you want to build the tendons in your arms or you´ll Just end up a wristlet.

    You´ll need to do loads of excercises that require your wrists to stabilize your entire body. Think of pull-ups, muscle-ups, all isometric hangs (eg. deadhangs, perfect hang), dips, handstands, handstand pushups, planche variations, etc. Also plyometrics where the impact on your wrists are exponentially greater than any lift like explosive pushups. Tendons and bones do grow but it´ll take longer than muscles to grow.

    About a year ago I could touch my index finger with my thumb with some space left, literal wristlet, now there´s almost an inch between them. You´re forearms will follow automatically.

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