How the fuck do normies cook 3 meals a day and clean up etc.

How the frick do normies cook 3 meals a day and clean up etc. while doing a degree and working simultaneously along with having a social life and still waking up at 6 AM every day consistently?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Normalgays don't cook 3 meals per day, hell it's rare to find a normalgay who regularly cooks 1 meal per day either, they all mostly just order Uber Eats and just eat whatever snacks/drinks around that ordered meal.

  2. 9 months ago

    Cooking a meal takes me like 15 minutes of prep time and if you have done it often enough you can just let it cook and do other shit in the meantime. I also only cook once or twice per day and just make a big enough batch that it lasts for 2-3 meals. I also cook big batches of chicken in the oven, takes 5 minutes to prepare, then I just set a timer and do something else in the hour it cooks.

  3. 9 months ago

    Not being a depressed sack of shit who wastes time on 4chins certainly helps.

  4. 9 months ago

    In my experience, guys who do this "where do you find the time?" bullshit spend literally hours a day playing vidya or watching videos or browsing IST. Hours.

    • 9 months ago

      This was me. Played vidya all day long and never had time to cook a meal.

      It feels like I have oceans of time ever since I dropped vidya. I still waste tons of time at social media, I really need to quit that shit too (frankly including 4chin).

  5. 9 months ago

    They dont. Thats the grift anon, society is not setup for people to live like this anymore. Thats why a lot of people are depressed. They spend shit tons of money on food delivery or fast food, work 10+ hours a day (with commute) and spend what little free time they have sitting in front of screens.

    I just meal prep on the weekends and then eat out towards the end of the week when I am out of meal prepped food.

  6. 9 months ago

    I have a kid, a job, and do most of the housework. Here goes
    6am-wake up, change diaper,put away dishes from day before, cook breakfast
    7am-lardass baby mama gets up and logs in to work from home job. Kid plays with her for 10 minutes
    7:30am-kid’s breakfast, I eat scraps. Make coffee, wash dishes,
    8am-bitch’s breakfast, she complains about it and I throw away more than half and reheat her coffee
    8:30am-take dog on walk with kid, usually takes around half an hour including meltdowns and stand offs
    9am-go to zoo or park, maybe alcoholic in-laws to exacerbate their hangovers
    11am-put down for nap, more of lardass’s dishes, run food deliveries for extra cash and do grocery shopping for salads lardass insists on but never makes for a couple of hours
    1pm-get kid up, feed lunch, get dressed and take to daycare
    2pm-drop kid off at daycare, run home
    2:30pm-take dog out, more dishes, pick up toys, quick shave and dress for work
    3pm-clock in to work, usually late
    10-11pm-clock out
    11pmwalk dog again, feed dog, do RM shit for apt community (trash, clean and stock common areas, shut down pool), shower
    12-1am-lardass wakes up and complains for half an hour that she was exhausted and couldn’t lift a finger to clean or cook for herself, then shows me TikTok videos until I I just pretend to fall asleep
    Kid wakes up about 3-6 times in the night. I rock her back to sleep.

    Now, it sounds like there’s no time for exercise, but my job involves a lot of deadlift and squat movement with light weights (30-70lbs) and the kid is about 30lbs of constantly wriggling and moving danger, so I actually manage to stay on the hood side of skinnyfat despite no real diet or exercise. I’m sure just 15 minutes of dedicated exercise would improve that but that’s just a call I made awhile back to stop wasting energy on anything that isn’t entirely necessary.

    • 9 months ago

      What the frick.

    • 9 months ago

      your wife sounds fat

    • 9 months ago

      sounds like you both hate your lives, not sure why you're bothering to stay together putting your kid through a life with two miserable parents

    • 9 months ago

      Fix your relationship with your woman or leave her before you frick up that kid's life

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Going through a divorce as I type this anon. Pull the plug, it's mentally difficult until it's there and happening l. It's like the jump before the skydive. The jump is where your nerves get the best of you and over think. The free fall is crazy, hectic, but you're glad you did it. The ground is freedom and your new I'm going to be okay moment.

      It is absolutely worth it in the long run, do not stay married to this slob, it will be more years of unnecessary hell. More time for yourself means more time for the things you enjoy.

  7. 9 months ago

    normies have something called a wife. and if she isnt some purple haired c**t, happily takes care of her family

  8. 9 months ago

    You have 16 waking hours you fricking homosexual. Stop procastinating and you will realize there is more time to do things you fat piece of shit.

  9. 9 months ago

    leftovers my niggy, cook in bigger batches, so one meal lasts you 4 days (optimum in terms of balancing batching vs food safety and taste)

  10. 9 months ago

    clean up while you cook

  11. 9 months ago

    I will annihilate anyone who uses the accursed tiktok zoomer trend phrase "meal prep". Call it what it is, COOKING.

    • 9 months ago
      Chud Anon

      People were shaying meal prep before tiktok

  12. 9 months ago

    They aren't terminally online like you

  13. 9 months ago

    Meal prep, dummy. Make way more than you need and put it in the fridge.

  14. 9 months ago

    I fast all day until I get home, and then I make the same simple things every day. Tuna salad, chicken spinach salad, omelet with ham, protein shake.

  15. 9 months ago

    its not hard. just minimize your commute. i found a job 8 mins away and its the best
    >wake up 6 am
    >shitpost for an hour
    >shit, shower at 7
    >get to work at 7:30
    >work until 4
    >gym until 5
    >5:15 get home, 30-40 mins for dinner
    >6-10 free time, study/vidya or go out with friends

  16. 9 months ago

    just fricking cook, is not hard and it doenst take a lot of time you moron.

  17. 9 months ago

    >3 meals a day

  18. 9 months ago

    >4:30am wake up, brush teeth, chug some water, take fish oils and magnesium, fill water for work, and fill mixer with my preworkout
    >5:00 am drive to work
    >2:10 in my truck driving home drinking preworkout
    >3:00ish get home, start workout
    >4:30ish chug protein shake, take shower
    >5:00 make first meal then go on computer
    >6:00 make next meal then go on computer
    >8:00 brush teeth get ready for bed
    >8:30 in bed trying to sleep

    The trick is to not have a life

  19. 9 months ago

    I have one big dinner and snack for lunch, breakfast is a rare treat I make when I get a shared day off with the wife (get weird weekends);
    I let things thaw for dinner throughout my workday or prep the night before, make a main (usually meat) and one or two sides (potato wedges, rice, etc) and cook a frick ton so I have leftovers for lunches for a day or two.

    Pasta is quick and easy (particularly aglio e olio), same with curry; roasts last me and the wife a couple days of leftover lunches or lazy dinners (especially with home made gravy), and cooking in general is a hobby of mine so I don't mind spending an hour or two putting together a delicious meal for the woman I love and I to share.

    Social life is a little lacking so we keep touch with our friends over social media; but we both work full time and I'm also a full time student so it is what it is for now. I encourage my wife to go out and hang out with her friends but she's a homebody by nature; we managed to get out for a show last night and it was a great time

    I fricking suck at waking up at 6:00; I try for 6:30 and get out of bed for 7:00; just enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee in silence and hang out with my dog before the day begins.

    It's a willpower game mostly.

  20. 9 months ago

    >How the frick do normies cook 3 meals a day
    they dont
    the average person doesnt even cook 1 meal a day

  21. 9 months ago

    They dont.
    They eat junk food, pre made food and fast food.

  22. 9 months ago

    if you're really pressed for time, then you should start doing sunday mealprep, and otherwise focus on cooking simpler meals that don't wreck your kitchen. doing the dishes is a pain when you've had a long day, so I would recommend getting into the habit of cleaning dishes as you cook whenever possible

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