how to build bulletproof (non-injurable) shoulders?

how to build bulletproof (non-injurable) shoulders?

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  1. 6 months ago

    let me know when you find out

  2. 6 months ago

    1. Have good genetics.
    2. Have good shoulder mobility.
    3. Have strong rotator cuffs.
    4. Have good scapular retraction control.
    5. Have proper push/pull ratio in lifting. Pull THRICE as much you push. Pull horizontally twice as much as vertically. Every warmup band pull apart counts as overall volume.
    6. Lift with perfect form.
    7. Have a great posture. (Sometimes I feel it's easier to punch God.)

    • 6 months ago

      Pretty good advice

      I think hot yoga is working for me too

    • 6 months ago

      Good post.

    • 6 months ago

      What the frick I row like 80kg you think I should be benching 240kg???

      • 6 months ago

        He’s talking about frequency/volume. Tbh though you should do more like 3:2 pull:push

      • 6 months ago

        He means volume you donkey

      • 6 months ago

        he clearly meant sets not weight you baboon

    • 6 months ago

      really curious about your view on push/pull ratio. I just automatically assumed it should be 1:1, why do you recommend so much more pulling?

      • 6 months ago

        NTA but it's not set in stone, see

        >Pull THRICE as much you push
        I push way more than I pull, my shoulders are golden (I am still disproportionally strong at pull-ups, rows and deadlifts compared to everything else)
        skill issue

        I am probably just lucky to an extent, but I also have good posture and kinaesthetic sense, good posture is a choice

    • 6 months ago

      >Pull THRICE as much you push
      I push way more than I pull, my shoulders are golden (I am still disproportionally strong at pull-ups, rows and deadlifts compared to everything else)
      skill issue

      • 6 months ago

        >(I am still disproportionally strong at pull-ups, rows and deadlifts compared to everything else)
        So you pull more? What is the issue then? Or it's just a 'humble' brag?

    • 6 months ago

      the same as with every joint:
      1. master the reverse patterns (heavily neglected, see shoulder<>rotator cuff)
      2. enhance your flexibility (take an objective assessement of your current status, do a gap analysis based on research)
      3. do CONTROLLED, strength based movement patterns, that does not mean to chase new PR every session
      4. dont neglect muscles that seem uncorrelated but are active in the whole movement pattern end-to-end (i.e. tibialis for knee flexion etc.)

      for shoulders:
      1. learn pull ups in a controlled version (lat pulldowns -> chinups/pullups -> weighted if at least 10 normal GOOD FORM pullups)
      2. FULL ROM anterior shoulder presses(stop at clavicle, shrug at top), CONTROLLED behind the neck presses (they are not dangerous if you work on flexibility and use adequate weight, which you 100% should if you want bulletproof shoulders)
      3. develop conjunctions, bicep <> shoulder via front raises (hands pronated and fully stretched), include side raises, incline bench for chest<>shoulder, exercises like rack pulls for trap<> shoulder
      doing 3434279 x featherweight will not bullet proof you in the long run at all, but at the same time dont progress too hastly and compromise form

      This is my current routine. Can you advise on how to optimize the push/pull ratio:

      Day 1
      Barbell squats
      Preacher EZ bar curls
      Cable rows
      Katana extension
      Cable lateral raises
      Decline crunch

      Day 2
      Barbell OHP
      Reverse curls
      Hammer curls
      Pull ups
      Leg curls
      Leg extensions
      Cable flies
      Neck curls
      Neck extensions

      Day 3
      Romanian DLs
      Machine standing calf raises
      Ring push-ups + Converging chest press (though might swap with incline bench press)
      Bayesian curls
      Leg press
      Tricep rope cable push down
      Hanging knee raises

      During warm ups I do DB shoulder rotations, banded shoulder dislocates, and "Lock 3" shoulder stability routine. I also stretch everyday, shoulders included.

      PT says I have slightly weaker external rotation on my left side, particularly when overhead, but otherwise says I have good shoulder stability/mobility

      • 6 months ago

        >3 days

        • 6 months ago

          Coming off an injury and need to build up working capacity again. I do cardio and rehab two days/week. The ideal would be a 5-day split or 6-day PPL.

          That said, a 3-day split is perfectly acceptable for gains if you train hard and progressively overload. Being elitist about your training split on a cambodian basket weaving message forum won't fill the void your daddy left when he stopped remembering your birthday

          • 6 months ago

            Sheesh did I strike a nerve or something? I posted a gif, a number, and a word, calm down
            You asked for advice on your autistic routine and I think you should add more days, if you can't handle criticism on here, don't post, weak ass little b***h

      • 6 months ago

        Not him, but I agree with his tips on the push/pull ratio. Looking at the routine as it is (no mention of volume by exercise), you’re neglecting back exercises. There’s literally one day (day 1) where you do horizontal pulls, aside from your shoulder warmup

        I’d add in a horizontal pull everyday. Pick your favorite(s)

      • 6 months ago

        please tell me you just made it up to epictroll IST, you fricking moron

  3. 6 months ago

    OHP, chin ups, and face pulls (200 reps per week or thereabouts)

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      OHP hurts my shoulder 🙁

  4. 6 months ago

    Facepulls, band pull aparts (the kind rotate out), and lateral raises that tilt up at the end of RoM or Lu raises because they're just a more natural to do correctly. Remember to go slow on the eccentric and not just try to rep spam.

  5. 6 months ago

    You cannot escape shoulder injuries.

    • 6 months ago

      every doctor will tell you to simply stop working out.
      every gym bro will give you a list of band exercises that don't do shit

      My shoulder hurts when I bench. What do?

      Shoulder injuries are white people cope because their small frame was never designed to put on muscle

      • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          >good ol chippy pie look at that
          Being fat in not an excuse to look big you are fat and will probably die from from a heart attack or bowl cancer like all whites do because they are weak and stunted

          you just got mogged by post below
          you just mogged the post above
          >luke and tom stoltman eddie hall big z mateusz brian damn weak whiteboys huh

          >whites have to cope with roids and die young
          Samegay cringe

      • 6 months ago

        or white people sports. thanks (american) football for the shoulder dislocations and labrum surgeries. def gonna have early onset arthritis and my flexibility is donezo but I can pick up my kids and bench 315 without any pain after years of rehab

      • 6 months ago

        you just got mogged by post below

        you just mogged the post above
        >luke and tom stoltman eddie hall big z mateusz brian damn weak whiteboys huh

      • 6 months ago

        White people are the biggest people on earth you moronic Black person

        • 6 months ago

          Looks like this little white clitty boy needs a lesson in BBC basics 101

          • 6 months ago

            have a nice day unironically you waste of meat

          • 6 months ago

            you're not funny

          • 6 months ago

            have a nice day troony. You will never be a woman

    • 6 months ago

      watch me

      • 6 months ago

        what's the ooint if the bar if yyou already censored your face?

        • 6 months ago

          he doesn't want russia to track his location via image triangulation

      • 6 months ago

        This moron legitimately believes this is a good weapon. He doesn't know that this is wildly impractical and couldn't protect him from anything because it's so unwieldy. He legitimately believes he could one hit KO a bear by crushing its skull (lmao). A literal sharpened stick of equal or lesser length is unironically a better weapon

  6. 6 months ago

    every doctor will tell you to simply stop working out.
    every gym bro will give you a list of band exercises that don't do shit

  7. 6 months ago

    My shoulder hurts when I bench. What do?

  8. 6 months ago

    I started doing halos with a plate since a year because my shoulders kept injuring and the bone coming out of its socket and they improved dramatically

  9. 6 months ago

    the same as with every joint:
    1. master the reverse patterns (heavily neglected, see shoulder<>rotator cuff)
    2. enhance your flexibility (take an objective assessement of your current status, do a gap analysis based on research)
    3. do CONTROLLED, strength based movement patterns, that does not mean to chase new PR every session
    4. dont neglect muscles that seem uncorrelated but are active in the whole movement pattern end-to-end (i.e. tibialis for knee flexion etc.)

    for shoulders:
    1. learn pull ups in a controlled version (lat pulldowns -> chinups/pullups -> weighted if at least 10 normal GOOD FORM pullups)
    2. FULL ROM anterior shoulder presses(stop at clavicle, shrug at top), CONTROLLED behind the neck presses (they are not dangerous if you work on flexibility and use adequate weight, which you 100% should if you want bulletproof shoulders)
    3. develop conjunctions, bicep <> shoulder via front raises (hands pronated and fully stretched), include side raises, incline bench for chest<>shoulder, exercises like rack pulls for trap<> shoulder
    doing 3434279 x featherweight will not bullet proof you in the long run at all, but at the same time dont progress too hastly and compromise form

  10. 6 months ago

    YTFWLs iykyk

  11. 6 months ago

    For me it was the following in no particular order: ring dips, ring face pulls, band pull-aparts, skin-the-cat/german hangs.

    I was already doing full ROM pull ups + t bar rows but I dont know if/how much those contribute.

    Also I've become far less injury prone since supplementing collagen daily. A lot of anons will say it's a placebo but I see a change.

  12. 6 months ago

    I think muscle ups and immense amounts of calisthenics made my shoulders healthy. I’ve broken both ankles both wrists and lots of other stuff but my shoulders are really healthy still . My buddies who only lift and don’t care about pull-ups have no ROM lol but they don’t play sports much so they won’t get hurt prolly

  13. 6 months ago
    Himbo Chad

    Band pull aparts, face pulls, ohp

  14. 6 months ago

    >non injurable
    Total memes marketed by grifters and morons.
    Now that's more like it.

    As with any muscle group, you have to train using graded exposure to both intensity and range of motion, and you have to train a variety of ranges of motion in order to build resilience to injury. Spamming the most "optimal" movements or wrapping yourself in a giant ball of athletic tape and bands and shit to somehow ward off injury is a great way to get really good at one movement under extremely controlled circumstances and then visit snap city while doing a completely normal activity that incorporates your shoulder.

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