How to cure ADHD? Lifting and cardio did not work.

How to cure ADHD? Lifting and cardio did not work. I also tried meditation, visualizing, scripting, alarms, to do lists, multivitamins, every variation of timer. pomodoro, dopamine detox, getting sunlight, cold showers, endless list of nootropics, autosuggestion, "just do it bro!", getting rid of all electronics. Nothing helped at all. Still cant start tasks. Anything else I can try?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Have you ever considered that there isn't really anything wrong with you?

    • 11 months ago

      I'm a 24 year old virgin who hasn't left the house in 6 years and is incapable of doing basic tasks. Should I really consider that?

      • 11 months ago

        you could leave the house right now and go for a walk or something. You're the one stopping yourself

        • 11 months ago

          Stfu man. You don't understand ADHD, don't act like you do cause u read someone else say it's fake lol

          Op, get on meds if you can. A low dose stimulant. ADHD is caused by low dopamine and highly correlated with other disorders. Meds do help. You just get people taking way too much and it pretty much becomes something else at that point. Also, there are ADHD counselors who can help you. You will have this forever. Good news is there are a lot of succesfull people with it.

          • 11 months ago

            My sister has the same problem and took all the different meds and none of them worked for her. Her therapist said there was nothing they can do for her. My cousin took meds and they messed up him mentally.

          • 11 months ago

            hey OP

            just popping in to say low dose stimulants dont work and im 34 and still not leaving my house

            have crippling ADHD and videogames stopped giving me any hint of entertainment 2 years ago.

            If i could give you any advice its to quit porn forever and immediately seek out an attractive prostitute. Once you drop the virgin shit a big weight is lifted. However it wont fix long term lonliness.

            you will have to get a job and it will have to be with younger people. I suggest summer camp counciller or something. Grow your network and add people to your phone.

            If you reach your 30s and you are still where you are , its over. women are completely fricking ruined and 20 year old girls dont want anything to do with a 30 year old "just figuring stuff out"

          • 11 months ago

            I'm a 24 year old virgin who hasn't left the house in 6 years and is incapable of doing basic tasks. Should I really consider that?

            Have you ever considered that there isn't really anything wrong with you?


            How to cure ADHD? Lifting and cardio did not work. I also tried meditation, visualizing, scripting, alarms, to do lists, multivitamins, every variation of timer. pomodoro, dopamine detox, getting sunlight, cold showers, endless list of nootropics, autosuggestion, "just do it bro!", getting rid of all electronics. Nothing helped at all. Still cant start tasks. Anything else I can try?

            Gen Z thinks mental health disorders are real because the pain of realizing they had shitty parents who gave them cocaine when they were in 7th grade so they could pay attention in math class is too traumatic for them. They need to learn to use sheer willpower and self discipline since no one taught them to, they just send them to the local pill pushing business. Unironically go on a cut, listen to Goggins, Cam Haynes, stop drugs cold turkey, lift 5x a week and learn to rewire your brain. Everything is mental. Mind over matter.

            2 things make your body happy. Dopamine and Seratonin. Dopamine is the quick fix (video games, eating sugar, pills). You need to get your Seratonin levels up but that is a long term lifestyle change that could take years

            t. Someone who was 300lbs and single who played vidya all day and on ADHD meds and is now 215 and has a wife and kid

            • 11 months ago

              >listen to navy seals

              bro i dunno how to tell you this but people who TRY to become navy seals are a completely different class of human. They are actual gigachads. The men who MAKE IT to become seals are not people you take advice from. They are a different species. Its like a Black person taking stock trading advice from a israelite.

              how fricking dumb are you.

          • 11 months ago

            I literally have diagnosed adhd. I still go out and do things you pathetic piece of shit

  2. 11 months ago

    You have to want it.
    Judging from your post, you clearly don't want it.
    Instead, you enjoy your hedonism and masochism, hiding all your failures behind an imaginary new-age "disease" because it's an easy cop out. It's not your fault you are lazy and undisciplined. You clearly have a disease, sweaty.

    • 11 months ago

      you're moronic lmao
      And what, you probably think PTSD is also fake and just shellshock?

      • 11 months ago

        Didn't they reopen reddit again? You can go back now

      • 11 months ago

        >listen to navy seals

        bro i dunno how to tell you this but people who TRY to become navy seals are a completely different class of human. They are actual gigachads. The men who MAKE IT to become seals are not people you take advice from. They are a different species. Its like a Black person taking stock trading advice from a israelite.

        how fricking dumb are you.

        I don’t doubt these disorders are real but they are completely over diagnosed. Mental health Pharma is a business. Their goal is to make money. Just like the Covid vax. They get money for giving you these pills. The argument is always “we know more about it now”. No. We know how to make more money from it now. None of this shit existed for the first 20,000 years of documented human history for a reason, because it’s mostly bullshit

        So when I see someone like OP I generally assume they’re part of the over diagnosis group.

        I’ll say it again, mind over matter. He needs to retrain his brain. It’s a complete attitude shift. Pills are a workaround. The root cause is at the infrastructure level, which him, and only him can change mentally.

        When will people realize mental health issues are no different than breaking your leg. You take pain pills to get over a cracked femur. The cure is time for the bone to heal. If your brain is broken, time isn’t the cure though, it’s a complete attitude shift, but it is possible to change it and get off the brain equivalent of pain pills (adhd meds)

        • 11 months ago

          >they are overdiangnosed
          its possible but ADHD is very real.

          >mind over matter
          I believed this once. in my 20s i got called fat by a girl and busted my ass in the gym for like a year an half trying and failing to get fit. I finally figured out a routine and spent every day in there and after i lost all my weight , i was skinnyfat and looked like shit. I didnt eat enough protien. I expended a monumental amount of work and effort for nothing

          2 months ago I started semiglutide and within the first week all the bullshit about "effort and willpower" disappeared. There is literally something physically wrong with my brain that makes me over eat. And i would be willing to bet its like that for most americans who are routinely vax poisoned.

        • 11 months ago

          Mind over matter as if the past 6 years haven't been me trying to be disciplined.

  3. 11 months ago

    I'm 26 and have pretty strong ADD. I'm for a normal background, but ended up getting kidnapped once abroad, held at gunpoint in another instance and a Cambodian methdealer literally put a hit on my head and nearly succeeded.

    This was all before I decided to seek help and got medicated (50mg of Vyanse, which I drink with water over the day). I write full-time and have a good career as a journalist.

    Meds, medication and all that definitely helps but the key for me is to get rid of distractions. I use an app called ColdTurkey (get it right fricking now it's fricking useful) and don't have a phone that can use the internet.

    Once you get over the bad stuff, ADD is basically cool autism. The key is finding the long-term useful shit that you're actually interested in and leveraging that hyperfocus.

  4. 11 months ago

    Riboflavin 400mg + P5P 100mg daily works better with fewer side effects than anything else I've tried. Other forms of b6 probably won't work btw.

    also read this
    Most of this stuff is common knowledge in nootropic communities, but some of it I've never seen anywhere else. Haven't tried most of it yet.

  5. 11 months ago

    at that point just get on the fricking meds

    • 11 months ago

      I don't want to lose my mind

  6. 11 months ago

    You could consider the fact that if its that bad due the laundry list, either you are broken and need fixing, or you can't do it because your upbringing destroying your ability to form non obsessive habits.

    Also drug induced cognitive therapy is a lot better than whatever the hell you can do yourself, because you yourself is unwilling to move past the status quo of your neurochemistry.
    And neurochemical drugs without cognitive therapy is fricking worthless unless you are 100% employed and are a functional adult in the first place.

  7. 11 months ago

    >ADHD is spoiled child syndrome
    that is the real pill you need to swallow anon.

    you've never tried as hard as the other kids and it's something you need to become accustomed to.

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