how to get better bench fast

how to get better bench fast

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  1. 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    Watch this video as a warmup before bench days.

  3. 1 year ago

    Unironically watch sam hyde's workout streams.
    Also static exercises help. Put more weight than you could possibly lift on the bar, and press as hard as you can for as you can. It looks dumb, but it will help develop your chest quicker when you're starting out.

    • 1 year ago

      Sam has novice-level fitness knowledge.
      It's fine to dish out to total beginners asking him what to do to build muscle, but anyone who has been lifting for a year and pays attention knows as much/more than him.
      Sam knows little about lifting specifically and is not all that passionate about it to begin with. I weigh 190lbs and beat him on every lift besides bench (which is his only decent one at like 1.1x bodyweight).

      how to get better bench fast

      The real answer is to do it frequently, and submaximally, with sperg-perfect technique. Any novice/intermediate 3x/week lineair progression will get you to 2.5pl8 with relatively little effort.
      Dont write your own program, just follow something that is commonly shilled in /plg/. If you knew enough to write a decent program for yourself you wouldnt be asking this question here.

  4. 1 year ago

    Make sure your form is good and do it a lot. I reached 2pl8s for reps in five months just by doing 3x5s three times a week.

  5. 1 year ago

    Benching frequently hurts my shoulder so in case it happens to you try this:
    Pushups (any (weighted) variation)
    Incline DB bench
    OHP gains transfer pretty good to BB bench.
    I was training with a novice program for 9 m9onths and benched only up to 50kg 1rm. After stopping for 5 months, I started 2 months ago the gym and only chest exercise I do are pushups, bench skyrocketted to 80kg 1RM (while cutting, even, I'm 74kg goal is 70 for summer)

    • 1 year ago

      >50kg 1rm
      do you even actually lift?
      i'm a skinnygay and i can bench more than that

      • 1 year ago

        gay can you even read? 2 months in while cutting to the same weight I was before I bench 80kg now fricking Black person

        • 1 year ago

          someone has anger issues

        • 1 year ago

          Lmao, still. 50kg 1rm after 9 months of lifting? I got to 50kg for reps in like 2 weeks, tf were you doing for 9 months?

          • 1 year ago

            Could be worse, a friend of mine's 1rpm is 30kg, mine is 85kg. We have both been going to the gym exactly for 1 year.

            His deadlift is like 40kg, mine is 130
            He can't OHP the bar, mine is 1pl8lmao

            Some people literally suffer from severe frickarounditis and overcautioness. We are starting to train together next month. I'm gonna make that fricker deadift at least 2pl8s in no time

            • 1 year ago

              Jesus Christ how... I started going even harder in the gym thinking I had frickarounditis, but your friend doesn't even seem like he's trying. Hope you can get your friend on the right track, he fricking needs it

          • 1 year ago

            Read again my original message homosexual. After 5 months that I stopped lifting, in 2 months I reached 80kg with just pushups. I didn't even use leg drive or arch like a powershitter

            • 1 year ago

              So nearly a year of training when you apparently could've reached it in 2 months. Sucks to suck, homosexual

            • 1 year ago

              So nearly a year of training when you apparently could've reached it in 2 months. Sucks to suck, homosexual

              Oh yeah and for 1 rep, KEK!!!

    • 1 year ago

      >50kg 1rm.

      What is the "average"? I don't know what my 1rm is, but I do 5x6 55kg every second day now and I consider myself a complete beginner.

    • 1 year ago

      >these are the people giving advice on /fit
      I sentence you to 2 more years of lurking.

  6. 1 year ago

    do the bench press exercise in order to improve your bench

  7. 1 year ago

    bench twice a weak or more
    do incline benchpress
    add dumbell press and pushups to your workout
    do flys
    add little weight evwry workout

  8. 1 year ago

    Banned in Google?

  9. 1 year ago

    How do I stop my elbows hurting from benching?

    • 1 year ago

      deload, dont spastically go to failure every workout and fix your technique

  10. 1 year ago

    How do I stop one hand from sliding outwards between reps?

    • 1 year ago

      Practice holding the bar like you're trying to bend it

    • 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago

    The faster you build a lift the more quickly you can lose it. Build slowly. Keep it longer.

  12. 1 year ago

    Eat more
    Not just caloric surplus, but go to lift after you've had multiple meals, for instance, if you lift in the morning you'll likely feel weaker than after lunch
    Alternate strength days and volume days for push if you do push pull
    Add dropsets for volume
    Do incline, decline, hammer strength, dumbbells, whatever just throw more volume and variation
    Do 1 or 2 reps with new max weight even if you fail and have to roll of shame it, then you'll realize your previous x5 max feels lighter and do more volume
    Get 0.5kg increment plates if you are stalling, most gyms only have 1kg minimum
    Deload and rest if you are stalling
    Make sure your ohp, and triceps chest delts isolation also progress, don't neglect side delts for example
    Caffeine for pre
    Take creatine, it helped me with bench and ohp more than anything, doesn't feel like the same benefits for either bigger compounds like deadlift or small isolation
    Try to improve form, work on leg drive, your arch, mind muscle connection
    Try different grips width etc

  13. 1 year ago

    People are forgetting about benching twice a week. Don't do any other shit if you are a begginer. It will make you recover less. If you don't do tricep exercises you can 100% upper the weight twice a week.

    If you are underweight, then don't.

    Do 5x3 But if you are a absolute begginer 5x5

  14. 1 year ago

    Only and solely focus on Bench and Squats, because squatting will help your leg drive go up and thus you can drive more weight up.

    Day 1 Bench & Dips.
    Day 2 Rest.
    Day 3 Squat and Stretch.
    Day 4 Rest.
    Repeat from Day 1 on Day 5 and so on, you should just go for 5x3-8 and add up weight whenever you pass 8 reps on EACH of the fricking sets but know your limits if you are feeling like you can't do the next one and you are lifting solo, don't do the next rep! Remember to recover for 2 minutes minimum per set of Bench Presses.

    For Squats do 5x5, squat heavy weight you can control and go below parallel wit as far as stretching goes, bird dogs and dead hangs can help.

    Also bulk but don't bloatmax.

  15. 1 year ago

    Run conjugate

  16. 1 year ago

    well I feel better about my 4x12 70kg bench now

  17. 1 year ago

    just persistence, energy and determination

    deload and reload, go up your sets by 2.5kg each set. Increase by any means necessary

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