How to get full 100% control of my willpower?

How to get full 100% control of my willpower? I've had enough of this dumb fricking pomodoro techniques 15 minutes 15 minutes on or silly little reddit tricks to check more off your to do list I want to do every action I please. I want to be able to buy a ticket to Scotland right this movement if I desire. I want to stand up and sit down and write 50 pages of a novel without having to deal with my mind telling me "this isn't pleasurable".. "this isn't stimulating" "we should surf the web instead" I don't want anything of that nonsense. I want to wakeup and not think about anything but what is important. I want to walk 30 miles in any direction at any moments notice and not even think twice. I don't want my mind or body to control me anymore. I want to control myself. I don't want to have to read books for inspiration or have silly quotes pasted on my walls. I want to conquer the part of your body that says "you are hungry you have to eat" "you are horny you have to ejaculate" "you are bored you have to play video games".. Meditation is pussy shit. You should not have to meditate to have control your body. You should just have it. If you have to meditate your body is winning over your mind. You should have 100% control at all times. You shouldn't have to meditate. How do I do this?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Meditate homosexual. Your undisciplined mind just finds it difficult to be in the present moment. You might have heard this called flow. Flow is just that, focus without effort, the more you learn to be in the present moment without judgement the easier it becomes to enter the flow state. Meditation isn't limited to just focusing on your breath nor does it have to be spiritual in nature. Meditation is just what it is, which is the act of being in the now. Kids are naturals at Meditation as they don't have all the worries and thoughts and learned thought patterns that adults gain over time. Meditation is just being present, which sounds easy, but in our ever growing over stimulated world, it becomes harder and harder to be mindful of the present.

    • 11 months ago

      You should not have to meditate. Meditation is treating the symptom not the cause. Those with real willpower don't need to meditate. Meditation is wasting valuable time that you could be doing. If you can meditate you can do whatever task it is.

      • 11 months ago

        name someone with real willpower I guarantee they use drugs

    • 11 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    >How do I do this?
    For your body and brain to comply without complaining every fricking step of the way you will have to make sure they have what they need to function ideally. It‘s the difference between giving a race horse in peak condition the signal to go and trying to get a malnourished, run into the ground work horse to move his ass one last time before it collapses and dies. Ofc the first one will gladly follow the order because it has no reason not to, whilst the second will only move once it is move or die for it. So use the discipline you have rn to get your body and brain in peak condition so the next time you want it to do something it will jump on it with joy because it is an opportunity to show what it got and not you trying to beat the last drop out of a dried up thing.

    • 11 months ago

      Note that by peak condition i do not necessarily mean run marathons or lift heavy 6 days a week. If your health is not there, doing these things will just run you into the ground even more. You have to first master a healthy diet and restoring sleep before adding in anything else.

  3. 11 months ago

    It's 25 on 5 off until you've done 4 then 30 minutes off. Maybe it's not working because you're doing it wrong. I just spent the last 2 days cleaning my house to a level you can't even pay for and still had time to play games, lift, run, shit post and attend to my personal studies and instrument practice with an 8 hour work day.

    • 11 months ago

      I've done it. It works but it's a crutch. You should not need the timer like a teacher in preschool you telling it's clean up time time to clean your mess. You should be able to clean your house because it's what you need to do.. Another problem with pomodoro is you always just pick the easiest tasks... Use pomodoro to write a novel. or something that is incredibly difficult beyond cleaning your house and you will realize you don't actually give a shit that the timer beeps you won't do it.

      • 11 months ago

        If it's good enough for medical and legal students workloads it's good enough to write a novel. You're probably just burning out because you're bad at forming habits and self discipline because you're doing too much too soon and so it never sticks.

        • 11 months ago

          The problem is medical and legal students are working on autopilot. The ding is just directing the mindless autopilot like an NPC/ They only work when they have some structure like test taking. You never met those people? Good at studying and aceing tests but have no depth. No real knowledge. This can get you to clean your room but it can't get to you make real decisions on your own accord. I don't want to just be a china slave who works win the ding tells me it's time to bring back the wrenches

          • 11 months ago

            You're an idiot

          • 11 months ago

            Whatever you got to tell yourself bud. I'm sure being a terminally online cynic is a conscious choice for you and not just the byproduct of a mood disorder and unhealthy social life.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm not a cynic. Do what works for you. Is it wrong I want to be able to control myself and not have to rely on a ding to do what is needed?

              You're an idiot


              • 11 months ago

                It's not wrong. It's just a tool and there's a lot of them. Some people base their study and writing habits on circadian rhythms. But if you're going to use any tool try to use it correctly first before you invent your own uses for it. Self discipline is usually built much slower than say bootcamp where you have some external source of discipline that takes most of the decision process out of it. You don't just wake up a person with self discipline you built it one decision at a time. Maybe you can only adopt 1 or 2 new habits a week and that's just what you have to work with.

              • 11 months ago

                NTA but i think what OP means is that meditation is just trying to master your focus by basically sitting still and doing nothing. You could just as well master your focus by training yourself to stay with the task at hand and that way you also actually get shit done and not just sit around for half an hour.

                I think we can have as much willpower as we want, but we tend to get lazy or distracted and forget we can use it. That's where excuses like "lack of motivation" or "impulses" come in. Those are all bullshit when you think about it, because if you really understand your goal you can just tell yourself, "I'm going to do this" and no amount of nagging thoughts will be able to stop you. It's really that simple. You just have to know what you want and know that you're going to do it, then you can take control of your mind and body and do it. And when I say know what you want, it can't be some spontaneous idea, you have to really know what you want and consider how it's going to go so that you can't change your mind and give up at the first problem you run into.

                >give up at the first problem you run into.
                Yeah, this seems to usually be the biggest hurdle. People might be able to start a task but they struggle to finish it because as soon as it would require additional resources to work around a hurdle, they completely give up. I guess it is also about having the mindset that things not going as planned are no excuse to throw it to the wind and walk away but that this is to be expected and that you probably will never be able to execute a task exactly to plan and will have to improvise, adapt and overcome always. If you go into any task with the knowledge that you WILL have to overcome unforeseen issues, the moment they arise will not throw you off too much and destroy your flow.

  4. 11 months ago

    I think we can have as much willpower as we want, but we tend to get lazy or distracted and forget we can use it. That's where excuses like "lack of motivation" or "impulses" come in. Those are all bullshit when you think about it, because if you really understand your goal you can just tell yourself, "I'm going to do this" and no amount of nagging thoughts will be able to stop you. It's really that simple. You just have to know what you want and know that you're going to do it, then you can take control of your mind and body and do it. And when I say know what you want, it can't be some spontaneous idea, you have to really know what you want and consider how it's going to go so that you can't change your mind and give up at the first problem you run into.

  5. 11 months ago

    You're all trash low iq homosexuals

    • 11 months ago

      Nice arguments

  6. 11 months ago

    So, first of all you have ADHD. But secondly, your aims are fricking bullshit. Maybe you need to take ADHD meds for 1-2 years to wake up to that fact. There are just 2 possibilities: either you want to become a skilled writer as a life goal, or you don't want to become as skilled (professional/amateur) writer. In the first case, your aim to write 50 pages to improve the craft is legit. But if it's the second and it's just a fancy, why in all of the fricks do you think it's some great loss you can't muster the motivation to actually do it? Do you also have the aim to be able to knit the world's longest shawls? No? So why have this delusion you actually care about writing, or travelling Scotland?

    • 11 months ago

      Can a homie not want to visit Scotland?

      • 11 months ago

        He doesn't actually want to travel Scotland. I have ADHD and while not being on meds I still could form the plan and then actually implementing it of moving to Berlin from a different country to visit university there, because my passion was just that big.

        If you have ADHD *and* money, the only thing stopping you from travelling is one of these 3: lack of passion, being lazy (ADHD and laziness are orthogonal to each other), or you being an immature manchild with anxieties that he hasn't found a way to deal with, and who probably needs some therapist to tell him how to cope and abolish them because the therapist will have a significantly higher IQ than you rather than the reverse like it would be with me.

        • 11 months ago

          It's me. I want to travel Scotland. I want to do lots of things it's just hard for me to start so probably those last two but I'm high IQ and I've tried every possible solution and none work. I just make these threads hoping someone one day posts some esoteric method that might work for me.

          • 11 months ago

            Just take ADHD meds.
            Did you expect some more romantic answer? Live is not an anime, YA novel, or Buddhist parable. There won't come a monk along the way to show you the true errors of your ways and fix it with some deep insight.

            Humans are animals and our soul is chemistry based.

            • 11 months ago

              My sister has the same problem and took 4 different ADHD meds and they didn't work. My cousin took the meds and they messed her up so badly she stopped them. So it's likely to not work or frick my brain up so I'm leaving it as a last resort.

              • 11 months ago

                I can respect that reason, but consider my case: my sister (also ADHD) had a big alcohol problem (not severe alcoholism, but she would get belligerent on it and binge drink).
                Meanwhile, alcohol does nothing for me. I need to drink ungodly amounts (1l+ of beer) to even get tipsy. So I don't seek it out, despite drinking beer whenever I meet IRL friends 4-5 times a year.

                ADHD meds when taken as per the doctor are almost never as destructive as you make it sound.

                At this point, you can delay the inevitable or just check if meds for you work now.

  7. 11 months ago

    Meditation is not an attempt to control. Meditation is abstinence from action. Some people find it enjoyable; some people find it increases their personal power; some people find themselves letting go more. Most people find that the less effort they put in, the more results they get.

    • 11 months ago

      I find the less effort I put in, the more likely I am to fall asleep.

  8. 11 months ago

    Just stop thinking and start doing.
    >waaah I wanna write
    >waaah I wanna walk
    >waaah I don’t want to eat when I’m hungry
    Your whining brings me disgust.
    The real world has real limitations. It’s like you want yourself to be some video game character who can just go go go indefinitely. There are extraordinary ways you can push yourself, but you will have limits and those can be changed through a healthy diet and lifestyle. God I hate you so much you miserable homosexual.

  9. 11 months ago

    Your intuition is very strong, but you have the wrong idea about meditation.
    Yes, we shouldn't have to meditate, it's clear that something is wrong, you're not in your natural (liberated) state.
    The fetters are what you're intuiting is wrong with your mind and the quickest way to break them for most people is called Anapanasati.
    Meditation is the technique you're going to use to cause permanent shifts in your moment to moment experience

  10. 11 months ago

    "wakeup" is a noun; you mean "wake up".

  11. 11 months ago

    You jump into the deep end. You make a firm decision and act even before your mind finds an excuse. You also always choose a method of completing a task where you are less likely to back out. As for the things you want to do without, you should have a clear idea of what is important to you, what takes priority over other things. What needs to be done in order to achieve goals, or what would only get in the way. It is not difficult to do without something if you are convinced that it is necessary to achieve your goals.

  12. 11 months ago

    Every half an hour:
    "What is the best thing I can do now?"

    Then just try to do it.

    You will fail most of the times but who cares really.

    Don't even focus on learn from your mistakes yet, that's the second step.
    The first one is fail and get back on track asap, ready to fail again and again.

  13. 11 months ago

    Imagine the kind of loser mess of a person who asks a question like this. The 100% willpower magic cure youre looking for is amphetamines but youll probably just spend 10 hours gooning on adderal because you are genetically predisposed to being a slave

  14. 11 months ago

    Take a look at the wim hof method. This goofy guy stumbled onto the secret behind the peculiar abilities of highly trained monks (the ones who aren't putting on an act for donations anyway). By simply putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation and resisting the urge to avoid it, you up-regulate the executive function in your brain. He has done this using exposure to the cold but I suspect it can be done with anything similar.

    >cold water exposure
    >regular endurance exercise
    >cessation of addictive substances or activities
    >Practice a musical instrument

    Also, a lack of sleep impacts executive function, so be sure to prioritize sleep over skimming IST posts.

  15. 11 months ago

    Then sit down and write you little b***h.

    Do you actually think novelists are "inspired" when they write? No, they sit down every day and write x number of words because they have to because it's a fricking job.

  16. 11 months ago

    You will never be able to harness your willpower if you are floating around. The way you formulated your question already tells me that you are lost. You don't know what you want.

    Do you want to become a bodybuilder? Do you want to write novels? Do you want to walk 30 miles in any direction?
    You can't do all of these things, at least not at once, not at the same time.

    Your mind is going all over the place. When you sit down to write your novel, you think you should be in the gym. When you're walking, you think you should be working.

    Your mind has not attached any real value to any of your pursuits and with a lack of value automatically comes a lack of drive. Why should you do any of these 100 things you listed? Just because someone said they are productive? Why should you write a novel? Why should you develop muscles? Why do you do any of the things you do?
    If you cannot seriously answer this question, start from there. And I don't mean there should be some ultimate higher spiritual goal behind it (although that doesn't hurt).

    But if you don't have a few clear, but big enough goals where you want to be going, you will only float around, and revert to surrogate activities like video games, web browsing, binge eating and shitposting because ultimately, what does it matter, right?

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