How to get rid of brainfog fast and regain my memory? brainfog was caused by alcoholism and weed

How to get rid of brainfog fast and regain my memory?
brainfog was caused by alcoholism and weed

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  1. 1 year ago

    I've had issues with brain fog, forgetfulness, general disorientation at times. Getting more protein in my diet, eating enough calories, and fixing me sleep schedule has helped tremendously. Also, magnesium, omega acids, and vitamins.

  2. 1 year ago

    no alcohol

  3. 1 year ago

    I used to abuse dextromethorphan and I got year long intense brain fog after stopping usage. It goes away after a while. Just stop using alcohol and weed COMPLETELY.

  4. 1 year ago

    Cerebrolysin. Preferably IV, but IM is also fine.
    You can also try Noopept intranasally, but it's not as effective.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Some sites like Russian Meds sell these. Google the name of the drug with, see what sources they recommend.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks. Sounds too risky, though. I'll at least try the legitimate route (good luck, right?).

  5. 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    >brainfog was caused by alcoholism and weed
    How long ago did you stop taking these?

  7. 1 year ago

    I doubt anything will work besides abstaining and time. I had the same issue when I quit weed but it gets better over time. Just get your exercise, sleep and eat well and take your vitamins.

    • 1 year ago

      how long it take

      • 1 year ago

        1 to 3 months but depend on your body, your consumption ect. Some even said +6 months but were smoking at like 13 yo until late 20's

  8. 1 year ago

    God I hope she isn't fricking a black. They deserve prime gym bawds.

  9. 1 year ago

    maybe ur just stoopid?

  10. 1 year ago

    Shouldn't it say better instead of butter?

    I fricking hate women

    • 1 year ago

      No, she's on keto

  11. 1 year ago

    How long you been sober?
    Stay sober
    Sleep well
    Exercise regularly
    Eat well

  12. 1 year ago

    shes the leader of a big northern irish political party
    its meant to say demand better obviously
    her party seems good on the surface as they reject the 2 party system in NI which always results in a stalemate, but its abit like the republican/democrat US situation where nobody risks voting for random 3rd parties
    as I say they seem decent on the surface as they call out the BS on both sides but then they are your typical modern europeans - pro trans at every chance they get (eg tweeting about bringing in easier trans laws / protect trans kids etc) and they have liberal abortion views to make it more accessible/free etc. theyre also pro-asylum seeker and jump on the bandwagons e.g if a woman/gay/brown is attacked or killed they tweet about it nonstop if the killer is a white male but if a baby is killed by a woman, or a woman killed by a muslim/black they are completely silent. theyre nowhere near as pozzed as the US democrats or english labour/conservative though.

    her name is naomi long and genuinely seems like a good person but unfortunately as i said like all politicans today shes pro trans/abortion/asylum. shes married. she is either massively obese or has a disorder causing the ballooned look.

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