How to improve metabolism so I can eat more?

Basically I love food, and I eat clean. Currently I eat around 2.5kcal (Skinnyfat, recomping with 100% clean foods & reduced PUFAs). I have seen a major change, and all my lifts have gone up.

My macros are
180g P
~110g C
~110g F

The thing is with 2.5kcal I am still starving, even with all the healthy fats I'm eating (Eggs, ground beef, dairy etc. I do PLP and also integrate 2x muay thai sessions when I can.

I could easily eat 3kcal+ on this diet, but I don't want to get fat. How can I make my metabolism faster so I can eat more food?

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  1. 11 months ago

    I'll take: "what are genetics for $500 Alex"

    • 11 months ago

      Studies show that humans do not vary more than 10% between one another when it comes to energy expenditure. The "fast metabolism" thing is a myth. We all use the same thermotechnology.

      • 11 months ago

        10% is quite a lot over time

    • 11 months ago

      >How can I make my metabolism faster so I can eat more food?
      You do realize having faster metabolism means you will get hungrier a lot sooner, right? Metabolism is the breakdown, absorption, and excretion of food. The faster you do that, the faster your stomach will be empty.
      What you want is a slower metabolism so that your body can't gain resources quickly and recover quickly due to lack of nutrients.

      You can't.
      It's all CICO. Metabolism doesn't waste energy, energy is always turned into something.

      You use more energy when you're sick, afraid, or when you're active. That's it.

      You could also frick up your digestive system so that it doesn't ingest all the calories, but it's not a good solution.

      Studies show that humans do not vary more than 10% between one another when it comes to energy expenditure. The "fast metabolism" thing is a myth. We all use the same thermotechnology.

      There's ignorance, and then there's being so stupidly wienersure in your ignorance that it becomes almost comical. Utterly embarrassing.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah you clearly don't know much.

      • 11 months ago

        He's right. If you account for the amount of work OP is doing (PLP + 2x muay thai sessions) he's probably over 3000 calories just to break even. Hell, just running 5 days a week I have to eat ~2500 calories to break even. But if you consider that the "average" person burns ~2000 calories sitting on their ass, 10% more is 2200 calories, and add activity + stimulants onto that and you can easily need 3000 calories to survive. Nothing in this math invalidates the statement that "humans are more or less thermochemically stable". You're just a moron who believes astrology tier bullshit like meso/endo/ecto.

        • 11 months ago

          You don't even know who you're arguing against

  2. 11 months ago

    In Constrained total energy expenditure model, the body adapts to increased physical activity by reducing energy spent on other physiological activity, maintaining total energy expenditure within a narrow range.

  3. 11 months ago

    >How can I make my metabolism faster so I can eat more food?
    You do realize having faster metabolism means you will get hungrier a lot sooner, right? Metabolism is the breakdown, absorption, and excretion of food. The faster you do that, the faster your stomach will be empty.
    What you want is a slower metabolism so that your body can't gain resources quickly and recover quickly due to lack of nutrients.

  4. 11 months ago

    You can't.
    It's all CICO. Metabolism doesn't waste energy, energy is always turned into something.

    You use more energy when you're sick, afraid, or when you're active. That's it.

    You could also frick up your digestive system so that it doesn't ingest all the calories, but it's not a good solution.

    • 11 months ago

      its more nuanced than CICO...theres more to it than that. Calories from protein for example require more energy to digest. In addition they're more satiating. If you're trying to control your food intake this is important. Then throw in the fact protein rich foods tend to produce more canitine which helps burn fat.....etc etc

  5. 11 months ago

    increase your muscle mass

  6. 11 months ago

    Check out Matt Stone. Search "Matt Stone metabolism".

  7. 11 months ago


  8. 11 months ago

    Hormones is everything.

    When Im anxious and depressed, I start going back to skinnyfat mode

    When im aggressive and careless, I start going back to shredded mode

    What changed about my diet? NOTHING

  9. 11 months ago

    You're eating way too much protein, way too much fricking fat, nowhere near enough sugar.

    • 11 months ago

      I thought fat is good for hormone production? And maybe I do need more carbs, but I want to get my body to run off fat.

      • 11 months ago

        fat makes you fat

        • 11 months ago

          eating animal genitals doesn’t increase your fertility — this isn’t some generic sandbox bideo game
          people have proven it’s possible to lose weight eating chocolate in tiny quantities and still losing weight — that weight being fat and muscle loss. Obviously this illustrates that fat does Not inherently cause fat gain, in fact calorie per calorie it keeps people full longer than carbohydrates and can be a great source of nutrients. Fat makes you fat is boomer propaganda and all biochemists in the last 7 years can say with confidence that it’s false.

          • 11 months ago

            show 1 (one) pro athlete who eats a high fat diet

  10. 11 months ago

    Eat more. Not a lot more but a bit, you're hungry because your body needs more energy. I made the same mistake an plateaued for ages.

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