How to Prevent Anxiety?

also asmongold (totally not a hate thread :D) plays games at night and eats at night, mostly fast food.

does everything ass backwards. no exercise.

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  1. 12 months ago

    >gets paid $2m a year to play video games all day

    • 12 months ago

      You’re one of those guys that keeps telling people that if you had money you wouldn’t have any issues in life. Get a job.

      • 12 months ago

        Nah, more like if you have all the money in the world and you still have problems - you're a b***h.
        >m-muh anxiety
        You and the greasy homosexual in the op sound like troons

        • 12 months ago

          I don't have nearly as much money as he does but I have done very well for myself, I can confirm that in life the more money you have the easier life really is.

          A good example is my father who had cancer, I was able to afford many treatments to assist him in overcoming it... Things that unfortunately the majority of people would not be able to afford.

          Asmond has made millions playing games, yes he has issues because like all of us he has parents who need care, maybe he is lonely etc etc but he has more than enough money to solve any of those problems or at least assist in coping with those problems. Compare that to your average min wage worker, who faced with the same problems would have a much tougher time coping. Yes, money does make life better and easier.

          If I had money I would never worry about my bills anymore, I would be able to get a nice high end PC, I would be able to get a top quality home gym, I would be able to afford my hobbies.
          I would literally be the happiest guy on the planet.
          There's nothing more fake in this world than rich people with depression.
          I doubt you have money, but if you do, you deserve a major slap on the face to stop being such a pretentious little b***h, you live on easy mode compared com wagies or people who can't find a job at all.

          Not him, but if you have shitty life with the money he has, then it's a you problem.
          What stops him from taking care of himself, eating better and exercising at the very least? Is it money causing it?
          Maybe be stupid somewhere else

          >Bro how can you be rich and sad? Look at muh Bugatti!
          Buying happiness only works for simple minded morons and third worlders and even they get bored after buying the 15th sports car

          • 12 months ago

            Nowhere in my post I did mention wanting to live an ostentatious life, try again, pseudo intellectual.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't have nearly as much money as he does but I have done very well for myself, I can confirm that in life the more money you have the easier life really is.

        A good example is my father who had cancer, I was able to afford many treatments to assist him in overcoming it... Things that unfortunately the majority of people would not be able to afford.

        Asmond has made millions playing games, yes he has issues because like all of us he has parents who need care, maybe he is lonely etc etc but he has more than enough money to solve any of those problems or at least assist in coping with those problems. Compare that to your average min wage worker, who faced with the same problems would have a much tougher time coping. Yes, money does make life better and easier.

      • 12 months ago

        Way to totally miss the point

        • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Money doesnt solve your problems. If you gave 1000 millions to some random "depressed" idiot, he would spend them all on useless garbage and end up depressed again

        There is no "once I get X amount of money" goal in life. When you actually buy things you wanted for so long, you realize that they make you """happy""" for 2-3 days and then you go back to your old self

        • 12 months ago

          How do you alter your "old self"?

        • 12 months ago

          >Money doesnt solve your problems.
          then you're a moron

        • 12 months ago

          This is the biggest cope because no one's ever wanted to give that much money away to a large enough test group to see.
          Don't believe me? Take say a hundred people of the most average kind - including a small handful among those of the extremely rich and extremely poor. You genuinely believe being rich won't improve a single one of their lives in a way that enables them to become happy? Not a single one will become happier on average? All those yachts, all those trips to exotic, beautiful places? No fancy parties full of people they love and respect - being able to give things to people they deem important? No new car for mom? No new hip replacement for dad?
          Nah, frick off. You're fricking deluded.

          tl;dr have a nice day homosexual

          • 12 months ago

            >No new hip replacement for dad?
            sorry pop

        • 12 months ago

          least moronic privileged kid

          • 12 months ago

            Nah he's right, that's why people who hit the jackpot end up poor in a few months. Poorgay mindset = poorgay life.

      • 12 months ago

        If I had money I would never worry about my bills anymore, I would be able to get a nice high end PC, I would be able to get a top quality home gym, I would be able to afford my hobbies.
        I would literally be the happiest guy on the planet.
        There's nothing more fake in this world than rich people with depression.
        I doubt you have money, but if you do, you deserve a major slap on the face to stop being such a pretentious little b***h, you live on easy mode compared com wagies or people who can't find a job at all.

      • 12 months ago

        Money doesnt solve your problems. If you gave 1000 millions to some random "depressed" idiot, he would spend them all on useless garbage and end up depressed again

        There is no "once I get X amount of money" goal in life. When you actually buy things you wanted for so long, you realize that they make you """happy""" for 2-3 days and then you go back to your old self

        A well earning Person in the West makes 60,000 Euros a Year. If we stretch that out over 40 years we would come to the Number of 2,4 Million. That is how much a Person is expected to earn in their Career if they did it right. If you had that Amount of Money you could just live like a normal Person for the Rest of your Life and never have to worry about Money. Alas we live in a Scam Society so that Money is expected to depreciate in Value by probably Half, but it doesn't matter since you can still work on whatever Project you want, with the Amount of Time you want to spend on it and best of all without any Risk involved in the Endeavour. Anybody who wants to deny this reality are just simply coping!

        People who have Money and are lost, didn't come to that Point because they had so much Money, they would be lost even if they were poor Sacks of Shit, except at that Point they wouldn't have the Luxury of complaining since they would have to wageslave their Life away or perish!

        • 12 months ago

          >A well earning Person in the West makes 60,000 Euros a Year. If we stretch that out over 40 years we would come to the Number of 2,4 Million.
          you forgot to mention the fact that that person has to not spend a single cent of his paycheck for 40 years straight to get to that number

          • 12 months ago

            Missed the Point. Please read the Post I was referring to.

        • 12 months ago

          Hey germanbro, only proper nouns are capitalized in English, i.e. the name of a specific person, place, or thing. It's jarring when you capitalize all of them.

      • 12 months ago

        I have a job Black person. I make 25 an hour and cant afford to move out of my parents house. Frick you

        • 12 months ago

          I make 16/hr and own a house, move out of california

      • 12 months ago

        I’m not that anon but I may be one of the ones you’re referring to. I’ve been trying to get a job. No one will hire me. I realize it won’t solve all my life problems, but it’s one of my sources of anxiety and depression. Handling one source will make things a little better and enable me to work on other sources as well.
        Asmongolds issue isn’t financial, obviously, it’s his health. He’s avoiding doing the one thing in most humans control that is a biological necessity. Living healthy. OP is likely correct.
        >shit diet
        >rarely goes outside and gets sun
        >relatively sedentary
        If he just did
        >healthy diet
        >moved more
        >sat outside in the sun for 20 minutes
        Every day his anxiety would decrease by 50% on average almost immediately, then as he stays consistent would drop to a normal level.
        And he’s a piece of shit for it. I’m anxious because I’m stressing about struggling to get a job I don’t even actually want but realize is totally non negotiable and that’s purely so I can afford to exist. This homosexual could probably retire assuming he’s saved his money, and if not he can simply save for the next 5-10 years and retire young. Never have to struggle or worry about what he’s going to do to be allowed to exist. It’s like he has they keys to the car and all the opportunity in the world to go anywhere but hes afraid to drive.

      • 12 months ago

        I literally wouldn't have any problem whatsoever, in the sense that I could manage them far easier than now, that's for sure. I'd move to the countryside and focus solely on my own interests.

      • 12 months ago

        Not him, but if you have shitty life with the money he has, then it's a you problem.
        What stops him from taking care of himself, eating better and exercising at the very least? Is it money causing it?
        Maybe be stupid somewhere else

      • 12 months ago

        the people that have money that have issues would have been homeless / crackheads if they didn't have the money.

        Money solves everything, existential dread is staved off by the masses generally by being busy working a job and raising a family, if you really have neither, it doesn't matter how much money you have, the chances of entering a mental situation are very high, and this is what happens to people that have enough money that they don't need to keep chasing the carrot.

    • 12 months ago

      >i'm gonna spend all day in a dark cubicle eating nothing but the purest forms of goyslop while I stare at a screen 16 hours a day. This is happiness because money.

      • 12 months ago

        who dat

        • 12 months ago

          Some bawd who wanted the clout from dating the king of the nerds, broke up not long after finding out he puts his bloody boogers and mouth pus on the wall next to his bed.
          Also fun fact for you guys, this moron let his trailer trash mom smoke cigarettes while on oxygen. She died in the ensuing explosion.

          • 12 months ago

            yeah idc about the loser tell me who bigtiddy girl is

            • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                damn you really do just gotta have big tiddies to make it

              • 12 months ago

                First day on the planet? Welcome.

              • 12 months ago

                yes but don't tell anon

              • 12 months ago

                Women literally live life on recruit difficulty. Any woman that complains about their life being "hard" is a drama queen.

      • 12 months ago

        Jesus Christ, these people is incredible cringy.

        • 12 months ago

          yes they is, they really is.

      • 12 months ago

        what a hideous woman

      • 12 months ago

        How can a texan be so pale

      • 12 months ago

        Look at those big fat breasts!

        • 12 months ago

          She has latina blood so in 2 years maximum they will literally be fat breasts but the rest of her body will look like a bloated tick.

      • 12 months ago

        He could stop doing that

        • 12 months ago

          No he can't, because he is unemployable otherwise. He is stuck being a streamer wagie.

          • 12 months ago

            He literally has enough money right now to retire in extreme comfort you moron

      • 12 months ago

        >Undead are weak to sunlight

      • 12 months ago

        He's like a fricking goblin.

      • 12 months ago

        He's like a fricking goblin.

      • 12 months ago

        ive seen people with severe eye infections react less to the sun than this nerd

      • 12 months ago

        >mfw coming into port in SD after being under the sea for 60 days

    • 12 months ago

      i wonder if he's just coming to the startling realization that even though it is very comfy to play wow and make lots of money, he has wasted the vast majority of his youth in front of a screen and with the death of his mother has been reminded that in time death will claim him too, and the only thing he can look forward to before the grave is an endless cycle of sleeping eating and playing the same game to entertain a fickle crowd of 13-17 yos

      also asmongold (totally not a hate thread :D) plays games at night and eats at night, mostly fast food.

      does everything ass backwards. no exercise.

      He has legitimate issues that he never adressed. His "anxiety" is basically rejecting anything that poses any sort of challenge to him. It's one thing to be resourceful or whatever, it's different when he lives, dresses and eats like a hoarder. There's a huge fricking gap between moving to LA and driving a McLaren and living like he does, what's stopping him from hiring a maid to clean up after him once a week? His fricking mom was dying and he didn't hire a nurse to help, instead kept killing her with sigs until she blew up

      • 12 months ago

        >caring this much about an eceleb
        What being fatherless does to a mf.

        • 12 months ago

          Haven't watched him in a few years, just heard bits here and there. It's funny when a defintion of neckbeard rants about WoW, it's different when he suddenly thinks his opinions about real world have weight

          • 12 months ago

            >definition of neckbeard
            You don't know what a neckbeard is, apparently.
            >it's different when he suddenly thinks his opinions about real world have weight
            You sound jelly that he's smarter and can articulate better than you.

            i wonder if he's just coming to the startling realization that even though it is very comfy to play wow and make lots of money, he has wasted the vast majority of his youth in front of a screen and with the death of his mother has been reminded that in time death will claim him too, and the only thing he can look forward to before the grave is an endless cycle of sleeping eating and playing the same game to entertain a fickle crowd of 13-17 yos

            >and the only thing he can look forward to before the grave is an endless cycle of sleeping eating and playing the same game to entertain a fickle crowd of 13-17 yos
            You don't know he started and owns a company, do you?

      • 12 months ago

        I imagine with ecelebs who rely off donations and fake parasocial relationships, there's an incentive to hide your wealth instead of displaying it. Get more donations from your "bros" if you LARP as a NEET living in a basement surrounded by soda cans and garbage because it's more relatable to the audience

    • 12 months ago

      I dont make nearly the money he does but I have a basically do nothing job that does genuinely drain my soul from the fact that I am basically doing nothing all day

      If I had the type of money he had though i'd quit and use the money to live happily off the internet and away from the mind numbing nothing work

      • 12 months ago

        This is what I don’t get. If what

        He has legitimate issues that he never adressed. His "anxiety" is basically rejecting anything that poses any sort of challenge to him. It's one thing to be resourceful or whatever, it's different when he lives, dresses and eats like a hoarder. There's a huge fricking gap between moving to LA and driving a McLaren and living like he does, what's stopping him from hiring a maid to clean up after him once a week? His fricking mom was dying and he didn't hire a nurse to help, instead kept killing her with sigs until she blew up

        is true, then he most likely has more than enough saved to retire and have a more than comfortable life. Even if he’s blown his money somehow, he can just change nothing and save for 5 years. Frick, he doesn’t even have to retire he can easily save for 3 years on his current schedule, then start streaming just 3 nights a week or instead stream 5 days a week for only 6 hours and still rack in plenty to grow his finances further. There’s no excuse. This is what happens when a manchild gets lucky and gets rich off their lifestyle. Old enough to start suffering from it, but too immature to make the changes he’s recognized he has to.

    • 12 months ago

      I think he’s realizing what he’s doing gives him no life fulfillment at all.

      • 12 months ago

        Sitting in a chair all day, on the computer playing the same game day in a day out can't be good for him. I wonder what he does outside of that shit if anything at all

    • 12 months ago

      poor gays need to realise money isn't everything.

      I think being on the spotlight similar like him could take a toll on your mental health

      • 12 months ago

        Well then the homosexual should just chill with the hardcore opinions and reaction 24/7. Or at least get something to balance the stress out. Eating wendys and playing wow or whatever isnt gonna solve anything. This homosexual sits on a pot of gold and does literally nothing with it. Get some nice clothes, build a house, make your best friend rich too, go on a vacation. I like asmon but holy frick it makes me mad that he just chooses to do nothing with the privileged position he got himself into. People would kill for that shit. Anxiety attacks my ass. Stop being a pussy

    • 12 months ago

      I think he's making way more than that to be honest

  2. 12 months ago

    he's suffering from a bad comeover

  3. 12 months ago

    Just picked another scab today, almost made it to a full week. Oh well day0

  4. 12 months ago

    i wonder if he's just coming to the startling realization that even though it is very comfy to play wow and make lots of money, he has wasted the vast majority of his youth in front of a screen and with the death of his mother has been reminded that in time death will claim him too, and the only thing he can look forward to before the grave is an endless cycle of sleeping eating and playing the same game to entertain a fickle crowd of 13-17 yos

    • 12 months ago

      >he has wasted the vast majority of his youth in front of a screen
      He was very happy about how he lived his life. And despite being huge nerd spending most his time gaming he has had formative social experiences and a social life growing up and made friends and good memories. A lot of people had a fricking good time gaming their younger years away.

      >and with the death of his mother has been reminded that in time death will claim him too
      Everyone starts realizing they won't live for ever and its usually once they start seeing signs of aging int hem self or the loss of parents. That is quite normal.

      >and the only thing he can look forward to before the grave is an endless cycle of sleeping eating and playing the same game
      That is just stupid. He has plenty of time, money, connections to do pretty much whatever he wants to do. And he is probably a lot more happy about his job prospects as a streamer/entertainer then most people working their shitty ass jobs.

      I wonder if you are depressed and frame your life with the same negative lens that you did Asmonds.

      • 12 months ago

        not depressed, suppose im just projecting because that's how i felt when i was a neet from 19-24. its fun but youre in your prime years here. this is when youre at your strongest, livliest, sexiest. i wish i'd got IST and enjoyed the lifestyle of a normie sooner.
        sure he has all the time in the world to do what he wants now, but it must feel empty. he lives a fairly minimalist life, he doesnt strike me as the kind of guy to party his life away, so what is there to look forward to? just an unending march toward nothing, with only videogames and takeaway to fill the gap. it would just feel like a wasted life. we're on this planet for such a short time, and he's already spent half of it pretending he's on a different one.

      • 12 months ago

        >He was very happy about how he lived his life.
        Is that why he takes a month off streaming ever six months to deal with his crippling depression?

        • 12 months ago

          But that is not true.

          I just wanted to be 'nice' to her, nice is a weak word but I wanted to kind of let her know I appreciated her as a person.

          Did you was nice to her? Did she notice?

        • 12 months ago

          >Is that why he takes a month off streaming ever six months to deal with his crippling depression?

          At least he has the option to do this. He could quit and never work another day in his life.
          Can most wagies even take one week off to deal with their ALSO crippling depression?

    • 12 months ago

      People keep saying this but I don’t think you understand how life works.

    • 12 months ago

      >knows the life story of every eceleb nobody just from seeing his pic.
      die you fricking losers

      • 12 months ago

        >waaah e celebs
        go to bed boomer.

    • 12 months ago

      top kek, its not a psychological thing this homie deficient in like 1000 things. people always reverse engineer this shit and come to the wrong conclusions, hes money set for life hes better off than 90% of people at worst

    • 12 months ago

      >he has wasted the vast majority of his youth in front of a screen
      As opposed to what? Wasting it in an office like the vast majority of others are forced to do for a fraction of the profit?

      • 12 months ago

        I think anon meant that Asmon don't posses any skill and spends way more time alone in front of the screen, unlike (most) office wagies who socialize on their free time.
        >b..but he socialize with his chat! And his gaymer buddies online!
        An autist like you won't understand human connection. Asmongold isn't on a spectrum, he's just a loser playing video games.

        • 12 months ago

          asmongold is 100% asperger

          • 12 months ago

            No, he's not.

            • 12 months ago

              asmongold is 100% asperger

              i agree with anon this homies does have asperger

    • 12 months ago

      Im the same way, 34 years old today, wasted my entire life in front of a screen, the only thing I did on the side was making some money in crypto and lift some weights.
      I dont really care anymore though. Ive accepted the fact that Im just going to live a hedonistic lifestyle and then die. Finding purpose is overrated

      • 12 months ago

        34 is still young, but what are some things you wish you had that wouldn't be a "waste"?

        • 12 months ago

          >what are some things you wish you had that wouldn't be a "waste"?

          I wish I dated more women in my prime. 7 years ago I had a pretty bad breakup with a girl I was with for 4 years and I havent dated anyone ever since. Now Im past 30 and young women are less available, and I cannot be bothered with 30+ roasties. And its only gonna go downhill from here. If you dont find a life partner in your mid-late twenties its unironically over.

          Thats my only regret

    • 12 months ago

      nah its just a habit of his. as soon as his out his comfort soon, he will run back in, complain about his life, run back out, run back in etc.

    • 12 months ago

      some people are just mentally built different, "wasting your youth" is only possible if you force yourself to do shit you dislike, while ignoring everything you do like
      this guy has had the perfect human life for the most part, he had anxiety because he doesn't want to sustain a fake persona for his main channel anymore

  5. 12 months ago

    Have a lot of money, use it to get over what ever anxiety triggering shit you have, but final boss is love and friendship.

  6. 12 months ago

    >sit at home all day
    >basically live like a mental health clinic patient voluntarily
    Daily walks. Daily walks in parks or around greenery.

  7. 12 months ago

    "Anxiety" isn't real. It's literally what doctors say when they can't figure out what's wrong with you--so a default for incompetence.

    • 12 months ago

      All this moron has to do is work out and leave the house a couple of times a week

    • 12 months ago

      That's extremely foolish. Of course anxiety exist , that's like saying sadness, joy or depression doesn't. You'll change ur mind if you ever experience it

      • 12 months ago

        >joylet seething as he assumes he has it worse than everyone else because others don't cry themselves to sleep
        I've experienced sadness; I've contemplated suicide, and I've thought about murder. Guess what? I sat down for a few hours, meditated, and came to the conclusion the I was a little homosexual b***h wallowing in sadness instead of fixing my life.
        I hate your argument more than anything in this world. And whenever I talk to depressed little shits like you, it's always "I've tried nothing and it hasn't worked" "I need pills or my brain doesn't feel normal like yours" "You've never felt pain, so you don't understand. Wait, you also felt bad? Then it wasn't a bad case waaaaa" deadset convinced God is evil and you're just an innocent wittwle bwaby.

  8. 12 months ago

    >went to the ER because anxiety

    • 12 months ago

      perfectly understandable if it's your first time since you really do feel like you're about to die or have a heart attack if it's severe and panic attacks are scary since he lives alone
      i'm not saying it's a good idea but i get why

      • 12 months ago

        I live alone and just had a major panic attack for the first time in years a few days back. Literally thought I was dying. Had to call an ambulance to check me out. They took my vitals and told me to go to sleep and I slept it away. Still have a full bottle of clonazepam in my drawer for this, but ain't putting that shit in my system anymore.

      • 12 months ago

        Had a panic attack once, and for 2 years after that I had PTSD from the panic attack. Fricking sucks.
        Once you have a panic attack once, you no longer "trust" your own mind. You fear yourself and your own thoughts. Its not an easy fix. You got to slowly fix it over time, but if a bad panic attacks happens again you gotta start all over from scratch. The people in this thread downplaying it never experienced what its like. Its hell

        >Used to abuse Adderall for years
        >Joined military
        >Have life-altering panic attack
        >Got anxiety disorder
        >Make it to separation date
        >Take 10mg Adderall for first time in four years
        >Have panic attack instead of endless fun
        This sucks man. Someone redpill me on propranolol.

        Some bawd who wanted the clout from dating the king of the nerds, broke up not long after finding out he puts his bloody boogers and mouth pus on the wall next to his bed.
        Also fun fact for you guys, this moron let his trailer trash mom smoke cigarettes while on oxygen. She died in the ensuing explosion.

        >this moron let his trailer trash mom smoke cigarettes while on oxygen. She died in the ensuing explosion
        If that's true that's fricking hilarious.

        • 12 months ago

          I really want to enlist, but I'm scared it will bring back all my stress,tics,ocd,panic ect.

          I've been getting into shape and am thinking getting fit will improve my mental health, I have a serious lack of confidence and a lot of it stems from my body.

          • 12 months ago

            Highly recommend. I served (not in the US military tho) and have never felt as serene as in there. The bros, the daily routines, the outdoor life, the sense of purpose. After it my stint I was lost for so long and when I've been back for refresher training after years it was like coming back home again. Hadn't done the things in years, but the moment I got my gear on in the barracks I just instinctively knew what to do and how to do it.


            I live alone and just had a major panic attack for the first time in years a few days back. Literally thought I was dying. Had to call an ambulance to check me out. They took my vitals and told me to go to sleep and I slept it away. Still have a full bottle of clonazepam in my drawer for this, but ain't putting that shit in my system anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      >t. person who's never had a panic attack.
      Imagine the most intense feeling of impending doom you can experience then multiply that by 10, couple it with all the typical fight/flight physical responses, and that's what a panic attack feels like.

      I live alone and just had a major panic attack for the first time in years a few days back. Literally thought I was dying. Had to call an ambulance to check me out. They took my vitals and told me to go to sleep and I slept it away. Still have a full bottle of clonazepam in my drawer for this, but ain't putting that shit in my system anymore.

      first time I had one I was in college. My heart was racing so fast you'd have thought I just got done doing heavy sprints, restless leg syndrome so bad it was over my entire body and it felt like I was vibrating. Just did manage to drive myself to the ER. Not fun.

      • 12 months ago

        Had a panic attack once, and for 2 years after that I had PTSD from the panic attack. Fricking sucks.
        Once you have a panic attack once, you no longer "trust" your own mind. You fear yourself and your own thoughts. Its not an easy fix. You got to slowly fix it over time, but if a bad panic attacks happens again you gotta start all over from scratch. The people in this thread downplaying it never experienced what its like. Its hell

        • 12 months ago

          Agreed. but dont expect people to have any resemblance of what it feels like if they havent actually experienced anxiety/panic attack. they just dont know what it feels like. But i used to describe it as hell myself

        • 12 months ago

          >Had a panic attack once, and for 2 years after that I had PTSD from the panic attack. Fricking sucks.

          Anxiety is a real thing all the people who dog it never had a legitimate panic attack, and the resulting anxiety and fear of further ones.

          I get SSI for it though and healthcare too.

        • 12 months ago

          >Had a panic attack once, and for 2 years after that I had PTSD from the panic attack.
          This happened to me too. How did you recover?

      • 12 months ago

        >Imagine the most intense feeling of impending doom you can experience then multiply that by 10, couple it with all the typical fight/flight physical responses, and that's what a panic attack feels like.

        Had them. Didn't clog up ER doctors solving actual physiological problem with it. Last time I went to the ER was for a blood infection spreading up my leg.

        • 12 months ago

          if you go to an ER with those symptoms they will treat you like you are a lying drug addict seeking meds and abuse you anyway

      • 12 months ago

        this anon's right
        Was wanting to quit my dayjob at the start of the year. Had some worked lined up but it called my standard of living into question and even my entire life path. In just an hour I was picking away at everything and destroying my own future in my head- I had to physically lay down and fight to breathe, thought that my life was crumbling in front of my eyes, nothing could fix it, and that an elephant was stepping on my chest.
        Shit's terrible but thankfully it was something I merely walked into it, girding up and accepting responsibility and making a plan made it less scary.

  9. 12 months ago

    you get over anxiety by being poor and on the verge of homeless, that'll push you to the edge and force you to talk to people

    • 12 months ago

      I've concluded that anxiety is just a result of comfortable living. When you don't have a need to put your neck on the line, you just avoid doing it. Most men need the constant struggle to feel useful. My biggest points of personal growth throughout life have always been when I was at a "do or die" state and had to put myself through something I dread doing.
      Obviously it wasn't anything like homelessness or dying but it was close enough to make my survival instincts kick off. One way to defeat it is by doing what says.

      • 12 months ago

        Its not

        anxiety is closer to being shellshocked like a ww1 veteran

        And last time i checked being shellshocked in war doesn't exactly fall under the category of "comfortable" living

        Anxiety is being affraid of your alcoholic father throughout your entire childhood and then being unable to shake that feeling once you become an adult

        Anxiety is not the abscense of struggle. Anxiety is the presence of struggle and being unable to escape from said struggle to the point where your brain can no longer turn off the fear switch

        • 12 months ago

          >Anxiety is being affraid of your alcoholic father throughout your entire childhood
          nah that's called being a little b***h lmao
          >shellshocked like a ww1 veteran
          legit case

          >m-muh, muh dad was mean
          lmao, I cannot just lol

          • 12 months ago

            >anime poster
            >having zero empathy or grasp of how emotions work

            Checks out fellas

      • 12 months ago

        Its not

        anxiety is closer to being shellshocked like a ww1 veteran

        And last time i checked being shellshocked in war doesn't exactly fall under the category of "comfortable" living

        Anxiety is being affraid of your alcoholic father throughout your entire childhood and then being unable to shake that feeling once you become an adult

        Anxiety is not the abscense of struggle. Anxiety is the presence of struggle and being unable to escape from said struggle to the point where your brain can no longer turn off the fear switch

        You've identifeid different things, but are both ignorant to the experiences of a vast portion of the population by ignoring the other. These are both valid reasons for feeling overwhelmed and without meaning. One can morph into the other at a different stage of life. Both probably have different prescriptions for treatment.

        Ultimately, a man should eat good food, lift heavy things, overcome adversity, and get a balance of social pressure and social approval. He should grow from exposure to philosophy. He should build (and fix) things and kill things. He should have the training to be confident in a 1 vs. 1 against another man. All this would help a man feel content and confident.

  10. 12 months ago

    what is helpful to me:

    >Breathing and meditation exercises. Especially 3-2-4 breathing
    >Do physical things that are fun and make you tired
    >Talk about your feelings with close friends (this is hard)
    >Cut caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol (this is hard)

    • 12 months ago

      >Especially 3-2-4 breathing
      QRD on dis?

      • 12 months ago

        Inhale for 3 sec
        Hold for 2
        Exhale for 4

        I like to do it along with a breathing timer app.

        • 12 months ago

          thanks, i found an article. ill look up the apps too.

        • 12 months ago

          Frick it I'll try it

        • 12 months ago

          used to play football and the best "thing" that I gleaned from it for life came from a yoga instructor that was brought on to help us. those breathing exercises are insanely effective. she would have us go farther and farther like 12-??-20 (i forget the middle number)

    • 12 months ago

      None of those work for me. The only thing that works is just reducing stress which good luck if you're in a stage of life that is stressful like studying or trying to get promoted. I even tried anxiety meds but they only make me fall asleep and get dry mouth.
      >cut out all drugs, alcohol and caffeine
      >regular therapist meetings
      >lift 3-5 times a week
      >meditation drives me insane with anxiety and my tinnitus gets even worse

      • 12 months ago

        >meditation drives me insane with anxiety
        The meditation isn't creating it, it's bringing you to confront it. You're not experiencing a side-effect when this happens, you're doing the work. That's not the time to run away and stop, that's the opportunity to change your relationship with those feelings and subdue them.

        • 12 months ago

          I honestly dont believe meditation helps with anxiety. Im not the same anon but I have been meditating regularly for the past 10 years and I still have anxiety issues.
          Only way to combat anxiety is to just do more work. Such as giving a speech, I have to just keep preparing for it in order for my anxiety to quiet down to a more manageable point where I can actually go to sleep. Meditating doesn't help, just competing against it does.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't think the idea is that meditation makes it all go away. Would you really write off the idea that that exact relationship you have with those feelings - I'm anxious because of X and can and will do Y and Z to resolve it - has benefited from the practice at all? When people talk about having "issues" with Anxiety, they're generally referring to the experience that it seems to come from everything and nothing all at once, that they can do essentially nothing about it, and that it paralyzes them and prohibits proactive behavior.

            You're essentially describing the polar opposite of what's generally referred to as "anxiety issues" in every way - you know where it's coming from, you know how to alleviate it, and you can and do act decisively to do so. Maybe meditation helped you get there?

            • 12 months ago

              Im not exactly sure what you said but I would define anxiety as some sort of fear of what is coming ahead in the future.
              There isn't much I can do about social anxiety such as going on dates. I am not sure if meditation helps at all with this. The only thing that helps is to just keep telling myself if it goes bad, then it goes bad. But with things I can prepare for, I will prepare for it to reduce anxiety.

      • 12 months ago

        How much time per day do you spend looking at a screen?

    • 12 months ago

      >>Cut caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol (this is hard)
      People will scream about how they are anxious all the time and how they get nervous even talking to strangers and then down four red bulls a day.

  11. 12 months ago

    >How to Prevent Anxiety?
    I don't want to prevent my anxiety. I want to conquer it.

    Every night I dream of climbing Mt everest. Backpacking in Afghanistan. Traveling to North Korea.
    But I understand I won't be able to accomplish these soon, so I'll start with baby steps and ask the girl I'm attracted to out. It doesn't matter if she says yes or no.

    I'm going to conquer my fears.

    • 12 months ago

      Unironically this guy is probably having more fun and thrills doing this then Asmongold ever had staring at a screen.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah he probably does that for a living 8 hours a day

    • 12 months ago

      yeah he probably does that for a living 8 hours a day

      >be me
      >interview after interview, still nothing
      >this is the day
      >firmly shake hand
      >yes yes sir definitely haha!
      >noo I wouldn't say that, I am a man of pure will!
      >I love it when they do that! hahaha the little ones!
      >hahahaha that was a good one!
      >looking forward to hearing back from you!
      >sat at home
      >phone rings
      >Yes this is Robert Dobert?
      >call parents
      >call sister and brother
      >grandpa is crying with happiness
      >always wanted his progeny to walk in his footsteps
      >professional comically large motorized shopping cart on the subway driver

  12. 12 months ago

    you can tell if someone has anxiety if they also have OCD. because OCD is created by the brain as a coping mechanism to try to control the onslaught of anxiety

    • 12 months ago

      I've never seen anyone say anything like this but it seems to make perfect sense
      thanks man
      It explains a lot about how my OCD (mostly) resolved by itself through lessening anxiety

      • 12 months ago

        Yes it's the logical conclusion since my OCD graduadually disappeared in unision with my anxiety going away

        Now that i'm anxiety free I have no OCD. so obviously there had to be a correlation between the two things

      • 12 months ago

        and I hope your anxiety is doing better.
        Most people wont know what true anxiety is like, but if you do then you have my sympathy

    • 12 months ago

      Interesting idea, I think you’re right. I think I should learn how to control the anxiety instead of the OCD symptoms. Thanks brother. I had suspected this but never made the conscious conclusion. I also think the OCD keeps you occupied so you don’t move forwards created more anxiety, like an elaborate form of unconscious procrastination. I’ve more thing I’ll add is that perfectionism and procrastination are the same thing for the same reasons. Good luck brothers.

      • 12 months ago

        I always wish a fellow anxiety sufferer good luck. You have my sympathy and I hope you resolve your anxiety although it is hard

  13. 12 months ago

    Trust wholly on the Lord Jesus Christ.

  14. 12 months ago

    Who cares about some millionaire moron with the wrong opinions, playing vidya all day.

  15. 12 months ago

    Easiest way to avoid anxiety is to have your life in order and don't have problems

  16. 12 months ago

    Exercise is one of the best things for anxiety in my experience. Mind doesn't race when you're tired after a good workout.

  17. 12 months ago

    limit exposure to microwave energy, they used it in warfare for to cause things like anxiety

  18. 12 months ago

    I have recently discovered the cure to social anxiety, from my grandmas wisdom, something she always said (she dead now) but I recently remembered and began thinking about is this;
    We're all pilgrims to the grave.
    Just keep that in mind in any setting, you're death is immanent, everyone you meet, their death is just around the corner. When you ponder this it's impossible to be nervous around people. Imagine you were on a sinking ship and theirs a pretty girl, she's not going to make you nervous then, your life is in perspective.
    I've practised this just walking down the street, everyone I saw I just thought "There's another dead man." I walked into stores and just stared at the cute barista thinking that both me and her had this short time before we'd both be corpses. Impossible to be nervous then, when I made my order I was still thinking on that, and the interaction was so different from what it would normally be for me. Instead of playing this game, where we both notice we're of the same age and approximate attractiveness and how we'll act I just stared at her pondering, not the slightest insecurity because what on earth matters. The only inclination I had was to be nice to people but maybe you'll reach a different conclusion, either way insecurity is out of the picture.
    So there you go anon, just remember we're all pilgrims to the grave.

    • 12 months ago

      >Instead of playing this game, where we both notice we're of the same age and approximate attractiveness
      how does this game work?

      • 12 months ago

        The whole shtick, were you wonder if she likes you, if you should pretend to not care about her, if you're looking at her too much etc.

        • 12 months ago

          what did you do instead of the usual game?

          • 12 months ago

            I just wanted to be 'nice' to her, nice is a weak word but I wanted to kind of let her know I appreciated her as a person.

    • 12 months ago

      >Imagine you were on a sinking ship and theirs a pretty girl, she's not going to make you nervous then
      Yes she would.
      I wouldn't magically become a cool sociable/extroverted Chad just because I know I might die in a few minutes, I would still be the same clueless kissless virgin who has no clue how to get a girl.

      You live in some Hollywood fantasy land if you think an adult virgin would suddenly be able to get a girl just because he knows he might die soon.

      • 12 months ago

        You are wrong, I was once with some people, two guys and a girl in the woods and there was a bear that was acting weird. In retrospect it wasn't actually that dangerous, it did a couple bluff charges and wasn't backing off, but we all got close together and whispering talking about what to do. It changed the whole dynamic and it stayed with us afterwards too. So that might have been adrenaline but I think it's also just realizing what you are which is human who will die and therefore equal to and not inferior to anyone else.
        >Hollywood fantasy land
        You're moronic, what I'm saying is dramatic and pseudo philosophy but it shares nothing with hollywood

        • 12 months ago

          No fricking shit that the social dynamic of people who survived a potential near death encounter will change.
          That doesn't mean suddenly the clueless adult kissless virgin knows how to get a girl, you don't magically get social pussy slayer powers just because you entered fight or flight mode once or twice.

          • 12 months ago

            It helps anon is what I'm saying. And if you keep remembering that and thinking about death it puts your life in perspective and there are several benefits. The Latin phrase momento mori is essentially the same thing, it predates Christianity and was a favourite roman saying. It means remember death. One of the things about clueless adult virgins is there are probably insecure and feel inferior to other people, and often in private seem to feel superior. But momento mori has a specific tradition of being used to equalize you to other people. On a roman generals return after a successful campaign he would be riding through the city with all this pomp and ceremony, but behind him on his litter would be a slave who periodically would lean forward and whisper 'momento mori' into his ear. It was to remind him that despite his current position and his victory he's going to die one day.

            • 12 months ago

              I know I will die some day. I have been around death as well, close family members included.
              Yes of course it gives you more perspective of life in general, but again it didn't change my romantic/sexual situation not one bit. I am not suddenly magically extremely motivated to go pursue women, I am not suddenly magically very knowledgeable of how to even attempt to do such a thing.

              I know I will die some day, and I might die as a kissless virgin. Being more aware of death only made me accept that fact more.

              • 12 months ago

                Hmm well it had a very positive effect on me. Also remember that my original post was focusing on remembering that everyone you meet will die. My grandmas saying was 'We're all pilgrims to the grave." So you seem to remember you'll die but try applying to to people you know. Like a pretty girl just remember that her youth supposed self confidence is so fleeting, she's also probably insecure herself girls are just good actors. But remembering she'll die and pondering on it really humanizes her and brings her to your level. This really changed my mindset i'm thinking of getting a tattoo but I probably won't because it'd be a little cringe.

              • 12 months ago

                I know I will die and that literally everyone around me will die. Both the rich and poor, ugly and pretty, young and old. I know even the most prettiest girl is just a human being who farts and shits.I do not have any anime like delusions, we are all humans.
                But none of that changes the perspective to suddenly make me able to pursue girls. If it worked for you great I wish you all the best, but don't think it's some magical help for everyone

              • 12 months ago

                Ok, can I ask then why you aren't able to pursue girls? Cause for me my problem in general with social things was feeling inferior while I was with them, and getting angry at them when by myself for 'them making me feel that way' and then while alone feeling superior. So the whole death thing eliminated both which improved my life.
                But maybe you're problem is different or there's only so much you can do to rationalize something like being nervous and your chemicals are just making you feel that way.

              • 12 months ago

                >getting angry at them
                This never ever happened to me, I don't hate anyone else nor am I angry at them.
                Why am I not able to pursue girls? Well it probably has to do with a lot of things, but mainly yes because I'm way too autistic and over-analyzing everything even though I know no one gives the slighest shit whatsoever. And I was never even truly motivated to go pursue girls, even though my test levels are fine.
                So a combination of being a passive autist for the most part. Seeing death didn't suddenly make me active and motivated, only made me aware that it will be all over for all of us one day one way or another.

              • 12 months ago

                Go to the nearest park and say hi to the first girl you see. Congratulations you had your first interaction with a girl now keep doing this until you are ready to talk a bit more

              • 12 months ago

                You'll be known as the "park creep" within a week

        • 12 months ago

          way to miss the point, read it again.

          • 12 months ago

            I read it again, you seem to say two things, one that if you knew you were about to die you would still be nervous around a pretty girl. And two that just because you knew you were going to die wouldn't make you a cool chad who can get women easily.
            I'm positive that the first one is wrong, in a near death situation you are not nervous around anyone and it brings you together yadayada. I'm also saying that remembering death in general has a similar but less potent effect, but you can keep working on it, it is helpful.
            And for the second thing, I'd say it doesn't do all the work and make you a chad, but if you're not nervous around people and don't worry about coming across as lesser, a loser etc. you will have a much more attractive energy about you. And if on top of that you're fit you basically are a chad, you might not be super witty and able to dominate everyone but you're pretty well set up I'd say.

            • 12 months ago

              >in a near death situation you are not nervous around anyone and it brings you together
              Are you fricking kidding me? Again with your Hollywood fantasy land garbage. Most people in near death situations become blind dumb animals only trying to save their ass exclusively, even if it means that everyone around them must die in the process. Only very few are calm and collected. Pic fricking related.

              • 12 months ago

                I meant nervous like in social anxiety, worrying what people think, if they like you etc.

              • 12 months ago

                >right before I die, im going to ask her out on a date really quick
                Im not the same anon you are arguing with but this is the dumbest argument to make. I am quite certain the only thing running through your head right before you die is your life and how you lived it

              • 12 months ago

                This. Former life guard here. I've seen shit like you wouldn't believe. A drowning person will pull down and drown every fricking person on earth just for another 5 seconds rather than work together and cooperate with the lifeguard. Even with a flotation device I've had to haymaker grown ass highly educated men to stop them from trying to drown me.

                Never fricking rely on human logic in reason in a panic setting. Its fricking terrifying what humans become.

                Just remember that all those Korean bugs died just to see some B tier bugman celebrity at a bar. Imagine a REAL catastrophe in that setting.

      • 12 months ago

        He doesn't mean he'd suddenly have rizz moron, he just means social anxiety would disappear, and he's right

    • 12 months ago

      >cure your anxiety by accepting death
      death cult

    • 12 months ago

      this sounds decent as a concept, but the problem with it is that even if you did lose your "social anxiety" it doesnt mean that you would have any success at all.

    • 12 months ago

      thanks i just traded social anxiety for constant fear of looming death sounds awesome. at least with social anxiety you get a break from it when ur alone

    • 12 months ago

      My mindset is sorta similar. I'm religious tho so it's more like I'm thinking about eternity all the time. We're just a bunch of spiritual infants in a world that is passing away. When dealing with annoying or rude people I just remind myself that they too are an image of God. This may sound strange, but my awareness of God has given me a sort of jester mindset. Most of the shit people screech about is not worth taking seriously. When you let go of your ego for a moment you realize how absurd it all is. Can't help but laugh.

      Basically we're all kinda moronic but it's OK because God wins in the end.

  19. 12 months ago

    I've never understood why anybody likes this hobo looking dumbshit. Or any streamer for that matter.

    • 12 months ago

      I suppose it is a zoomer thing. Us older alpha millennichads can't relate because we would rather play the game ourselves, frick the girl ourselves, have the threesome ourselves etc.

  20. 12 months ago

    My anxiety is caused by being raised by narcissistic parents who really only saw me as an extension of themselves. In turn I learned to repress who I am amd how I feel so I don't get yelled at and now when I wonder where my life has gone I realize it's all revolved around this outdated childish defense mechanism of avoiding parental abandonment. But my brain is still convinced I'm in real danger so the anxiety won't stop.

    • 12 months ago

      This is anxiety.

      You nailed it "But my brain is still convinced I'm in real danger so the anxiety won't stop"

      Most people wont understand tho, most people have never felt true anxiety. Because you have to be born in it, molded by it. Anxiety always comes from a childhood that has onslaught of negativity thrown at you, to a degree where it just cant be shut off.

      However you can solve it though, it just takes some elaborate thinking and time, it can be resolved when you diminish the problem by using logic and reasoning.

      THe best way to "solve" anxiety is to try to feel sympathy with the person/people who wronged you, and try to understand that they arent bad people or evil

      • 12 months ago

        >Anxiety always comes from a childhood that has onslaught of negativity thrown at you,
        No it dosn't. For you it did. For everyone that has anxiety that is stupid to say. Why did you say that? Do you want me to kick your little face in you little shit?

        >THe best way to "solve" anxiety is to try to feel sympathy with the person/people who wronged you, and try to understand that they arent bad people or evil
        The frick is you talking about? Some people are in fact very bad and very evil

        • 12 months ago

          Nta but shut the frick up before I kick your ESL ass

  21. 12 months ago


  22. 12 months ago

    Reminder this guy is backed by a Blackrock talent agency

  23. 12 months ago

    It's literally an outlook on life change.
    It's not easy to do, but you need to start thinking with the glass half full and caring less about non serious issues or issues you can't control, did wonders for my emotions.
    Also need to cut out others that are depressed. They bring others that are around them down, especially if you're dating them. I genuinely thought I was developing bad depression I haven't felt in years until me and my ex split up like a year ago. Was told by others around me that I seem happier after we broke up, and I am.

  24. 12 months ago

    Asmongold is literally the real life version of The Truman Show, so of course theres going to be Anxiety after doing it long enough.

  25. 12 months ago

    What a little baby man child. So fricking pathetic wish I could see him hanging from a noose

  26. 12 months ago

    stupid Black person thread where stupid Black folk are rageseething for nothing. sage.

  27. 12 months ago

    "I spend my entire day online and wonder why I have anxiety"

  28. 12 months ago

    >People found out he works for a talent agency that artificially made him popular
    >All the sudden he gets anxiety
    How odd.

    • 12 months ago

      >being a member of a talent agency means that you're a bad person
      Why are you so moronic?

      • 12 months ago

        Being an "influencer" means you are a bad person, yes.
        Being chosen by the agency to be pumped to the top means you are one of the very worst, yes.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago


  29. 12 months ago

    Fight or flight
    Body and mind is begging him to get off his sedentary ass and find a better purpose in life

  30. 12 months ago

    he will transition by the end of 2024.

    • 12 months ago

      God I hope so

  31. 12 months ago

    Is this the guy that ate so much slop as a teenager and never brushed his teeth that his gums would bleed from rot during the night so he would have to wipe his teeth on his hands and then wipe it on his wall? Who then had half his mouth replaced with fake teeth but couldn’t be bothered replacing all the teeth so half his mouth is still missing and he chews with his incisors?

    Is this the guy that despite having millions in his bank account still lives in a run down moldy decrepit house and let’s his parents remain in poverty?

    Is this the same guy that lived with his mom up until his mid 30s, and she was his best friend. and when she got sick as frick and needed a respirator to stay alive he took her home to the decrepit “house” and fed her cigarettes and alcohol instead of putting her in expert care in a nice facility? Which led to her fricking catching on fire and dying a few weeks later?

    • 12 months ago

      I'm glad someone else remembered the bleeding gums shit that shit was so grody I could never forget it "yeah I just woke up bleeding and I'd like wipe it off on my wall" dude what the FRICK

      Both of this parents are dead though fwiw- he accidentally hitman'd his mom when she was smoking while on her oxygen machine.

      • 12 months ago

        >moronic dumb woman smokes while on oxygen so its now his fault she almost exploded because somehow you seem to think an adult woman can't handle basic tasks and understands her condition
        Cant blame you, women are moronic but as a medgay let me tell you, the biggest problem for a patient is the patient itself in 9/10 cases. They won't listen nor change. Like obese fatties

  32. 12 months ago

    microdose lithium

  33. 12 months ago

    What are some good meditation books or apps?

    • 12 months ago

      Why do you need an app or a book to tell you to sit comfortably and think of nothing?
      Dumb frogposter

  34. 12 months ago

    annoying homosexual is stuck in a perpetual hell loop of twitch streaming and giving opinions. Number 1 contrarian Ive ever seen. Dude lives to let the chat know hes right every day.

  35. 12 months ago

    bros how the frick do i combat panic attacks? they are getting annoying and i refuse to stay at home to avoid them. is there a cure? the doc reccomended me zoloft or something but im not taking it

    • 12 months ago

      Don't take zoloft.
      Here's what you do instead. When you feel it coming on. Distract yourself by asking why it's coming on.
      Figure out what's causing it. Then start slowly putting yourself in more of those situations until it no longer causes panic.

    • 12 months ago

      two best "over the counter" rememdies i noticed so far are REDUCE OR ELMINATE CAFFEINE and NOFAP. then there's benzos but those should be for emergencies, like you HAVE TO SHOW UP and are about to sperg out

  36. 12 months ago

    >gf falls asleep within 60 seconds of hitting the pillow
    >Me up cus thinking about death and not existing
    I'm just glad she's not a restless sleeper as well.

  37. 12 months ago

    That's what a meaningless life does to a man.

    • 12 months ago

      Deep and true.

  38. 12 months ago

    > How to Prevent Anxiety
    You can’t. It’s like trying to live a life without sadness, or without pain, you simply can’t since those are just part of life.
    The goal is to develop the ability to deal with it healthily and productively, rather than freaking out and shutting down like people seem to do these days.

  39. 12 months ago

    >Just leaving the house gives me anxiety in the form of IBS
    >Constantly feel like I'm going to shit all over the place when I'm outside

  40. 12 months ago

    Last time I had a panic attack was because of "exercise".
    >Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
    >Rolling with a spazzy white belt
    >He knees me in the crotch really hard
    >Balls felt fine after
    >hour later they feel awful
    >look up testicular torsion
    >sit on toilet having a panic attack fondling my balls

    Not fun. Also weed has been giving ne way more anxiety over the years, so I've pretty much entirely stopped. Panic attacks really suck.

    • 12 months ago

      yea the intense paranoia is getting to be a bit much for me too, cut my usage into about 25% of what it was and I feel a lot better. Probably ride this for a couple weeks then shoot for the cold turkey quit

  41. 12 months ago

    Sounds like vaccine symptoms to me

    • 12 months ago

      If anything asmongold is unvaccinated. He never leaves his room and plays videogames all day. Not to mention he spouts dumb shit almost constantly, so him taking horse medicine instead isn't a stretch for the average texan

      • 12 months ago

        All I can say is a lot of people are misconstruing heart problems with anxiety recently
        A lot of them under 40

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah and hydrogen dioxide is present in the body of every person that's ever died. Your point?

          • 12 months ago

            Amazing anon
            I guess you think steroids have no sides too

            • 12 months ago

              Nah, if anything you'd be the one to think that considering your fixation on vaccines.

              • 12 months ago

                Or, you know
                Just this specific vaccine which can induce heart attacks and clotting

  42. 12 months ago

    being anxious is part of being a human, why do people think they are above having genuine human emotions that are sometimes not positive

  43. 12 months ago

    Been fighting it a lot. Just quit zyn which helped a ton (makes me feel anxious as shit, idk why I started in the first place). Currently getting off of alcohol and masturbation and re-committing to meditation.
    Right now biggest challenge is catching negative thoughts and wrecking their shit. Basically, I keep thinking up random shit that's either a fabrication or a distortion of reality- or I forget about the things going for me- and feel like total shit. Super uncanny too, someone can say something that I'll misread as being snide and play it up and it grows into this giant monster of inadequacy and doom- but then I realize that I'm the sole person gassing up this thing and it's probably not even real to boot.
    It's gotten harder since I'm closer to 30 at this point and I don't have the vehicle/house I want. I'm still fighting for it but it does tangibly feel like Brandon/fed/occupational class nuked my cost of living to push shots and make Fauci a celebrity.

    Still gonna keep on fighting and make these ends meet and get my dream.

  44. 12 months ago

    imagine being a doctor in an ER and seeing bloody black people coming in all day from shooting each other, then this white homosexual walks in complaining about anxiety. kek , i'd laugh in his face. on the other hand im not a moron homosexual doctor

  45. 12 months ago

    Imagine your mom dies in an explosion while you're sitting on your ass playing fricking world of warcraft of all things. Absolute chimp behavior shows us ignorant morons come in every color

  46. 12 months ago

    >complete loser at now 31 and a half years old
    >it's humiliating how much of a loser i am
    >somehow let myself waste all of my 20s and have always been filled with anxiety that ruined my life, but then when i hit 30 the anxiety set in even more
    >daily panic attacks
    >wake up middle of the night and lie there in the dark and silence for an hour contemplating how miserable and pathetic i am
    >filled with anxiety and terror to do things as simple as driving a car or moving out or living any kind of life whatsoever

    if god existed, he would give me stage 4 cancer tomorrow.

    • 12 months ago

      Damn anon, what did you do in your 20s. Are you at least in school/trade school now?
      That sucks dick though, about to be in late 20s and coasted a kinda shitty job for the past 5 years but it didn't give me much to get a better job and getting slight panic attacks like that thinking about the future.

      • 12 months ago

        i went to college out of high school, got a shitty degree, it was a miserable anxiety-ridden experience. i spent my 20s wasting my life at a shitty job that basically gave me nothing to get a better job like you, and have more or less lived like a NEET outside of it. no friends, no relationships or sex, no hobbies, no skills, no life. im terrified of everything and everyone. the kicker will be that this makes me too afraid to kill myself so i just continue living in utter hell

        • 12 months ago

          Frick dude, and you don't want to try a new job/field? having a solid 7-8 years of experience on a resume has to be worth something.
          Thanks for confirming that it's not good to coast btw, that's probably the most important takeaway.

          • 12 months ago

            i have no desire of what to do. after years of rotting in misery i am completely brain dead. if i fricked up college after years of being an exemplary student through high school, going back now would be a disaster. i cant even contemplate the idea of having a job that has any responsibility. i have no clue what i can even apply or qualify for. and i hear about how after a few post-covid years of a strong job market apparently now getting a job is somewhat difficult even for qualified people.

            I want to change my life, i really do, but as this thread topic is anxiety, the thought of the steps i would need to go through to fix my life is so insurmountable it fills me with sheer terror. its completely and totally over.

            • 12 months ago

              read "think and grow rich" unironically, even if its 5 pages a day

            • 12 months ago

              >"The thought of the steps I would need to go through *is* so surmountable"
              Anon you're distorting, they *seem* insurmountable. It may not be pretty what you end up doing but take a sheet of paper and write out explicitly where you're at in life, where you WANT to go, and what you'd have to do (by working backwards) to get there.
              While you're at it, write some of your worst thoughts down on paper, follow them with solid reason as to why they're probably not true, then write a new replacement belief (you can make it optimistic) and install that.
              - I am a fat unlovable a b***h
              - I admit I lost 60lbs
              - I admit I've had a gf
              - I admit I get great job perf reviews where most of it is my sociability and customer service
              - I'm closer to where I want to be in terms of mind and body than I ever was before

              It sorta sounds gay but if you don't actively fight these things they'll consume you because self-pity is a drug akin to heroin

  47. 12 months ago

    You try not being a homosexual and owning your failures and flaws? Worked for me so far.

  48. 12 months ago

    I cured anxiety by thinking about this
    There's a decent chance some ancestor of mine was a warrior that went off to battle and faced down other men looking to kill him, and whether he won or lost he stood there and fought through the fear
    In comparison to that, what do I have to be afraid of?

    • 12 months ago

      The horrors of the modern world eclipse the simple fear of death.

  49. 12 months ago

    The best way to prevent anxiety is to not come on fit. You can only read so many threads and comments about how everyone here succeeds at every single aspect of life before you want to commit suicide, when even IST isn't a place for your loser kind anymore, you literally have no one you can relate to anywhere in the world, realize how pathetic and worthless and alone you are and realize how suicide is literally the only option you have to avoid more years and decades of pure misery.

    • 12 months ago

      so when are you finally doing it?

  50. 12 months ago

    >have social anxiety
    >need to go to the emergency room for it
    >cant because of social anxiety

  51. 12 months ago

    >no sun
    >no nutrition
    >just alone in your room all day
    >if you died nobody would fine you for weeks
    >inhaling toxic mold all day
    >only getting fake dopamine from games and porn
    I would have roped

    • 12 months ago

      toxic mold all day
      give me a quick rundown.

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          I thought black mould being bad was common knowledge?

  52. 12 months ago

    this is the guy that used to brag being the king of warcraft and call other people homosexuals. then he did a complete 180 when people were trying to cancel his ass. cry more homosexual.

  53. 12 months ago

    1. identify the source of your anxiety and remove it or do what is necessary to reduce it
    2. stop caring so much
    it's literally that simple.

  54. 12 months ago

    How can you anxiety with this much money? He could literally buy his own personal gym equipment, coach, pool, etc. and improve himself easily. He doesn't even need to worry about getting a real job since he rakes in millions from moronic Twitch viewers. I'd kill to have as much money as this guy, I could turn my life around overnight.

    • 12 months ago

      He is just a moron who somehow got famous. With that much money you could hire a fricking sex slave gym trainer gf and have the time of your life. Or you could go to actual doctors to figure out what is wrong with you. Travel the world and streqm on a shitty laptop, your viewers are little kids they dont care

  55. 12 months ago

    i have anxiety problems at social events or gatherings, even when it's just family.. i find it easier when i drink some alcohol, it kind of turns my stage 1 autism off and i can have a good time then.. otherwise i'm just trying to analyse what everyone is thinking about what i do or say and that's incredibly paralysing for me.. so alcohol is bad for your health, but sometimes it's good for your mental health, it's crazzy, but it's also true, it's like a mental break, when your mind is racing, is there any other substance that has the same effect without killing you? weed is not easily avaiable where i live, but i feel like it could do the same thing without fricking your health

    • 12 months ago

      using alcohol as a cure for anxiety is a slippery slope my friend. instead of looking for substances or a magic pill to fix your anxiety you should actually find out why you are anxious in the first place, then use your brain to fix it or atleast lessen it. for me i kept pushing myself to do stuff that gave me high anxiety and in turn it lessened it greatly

  56. 12 months ago

    >also asmongold (totally not a hate thread :D) plays games at night and eats at night, mostly fast food.
    >does everything ass backwards. no exercise.
    by the way, contrary to popular belief, therapy is not for homosexuals, sometimes it's a way to "talk yourself into not being a moron"

  57. 12 months ago

    >how to prevent anxiety
    log off once in a while and take a vacation somewhere away from the shit that gives you stress, either that or just take a hiatus and chill at home doing things you actually enjoy doing instead of things that make you want to blow your brains out because they're all your life is now days
    dude burned himself out sitting on a computer and listening to jealous homosexuals who think their favorite streamer isn't a human being and that someone being wealthier than them gives them the right to shit on them for everything they do and don't do

    • 12 months ago

      >log off once in a while and take a vacation somewhere away from the shit that gives you stress
      it's literally the other way around
      i got over my social anxiety because of an extroverted friend of mine who basically adopted me
      forced me to interact with everything i ever dreaded, from social events to simply walking around the city
      exposing yourself and dealing with what causes you anxiety gives you courage, which is what you need against social anxiety in general

      • 12 months ago

        >become tard wrangled by tough love and cure your arachnophobia by being showered with spiders
        ok boomer

        • 12 months ago

          >become tard wrangled by tough love and cure your arachnophobia by being showered with spiders
          yes but unironically

    • 12 months ago

      >log off once in a while and take a vacation somewhere away from the shit that gives you stress
      I'm fortunate to have a family who rents a lake house every summer and invite me, and it has great merit. To be in a still, quiet place and not have the option to fall into the usual routine - it is healing. Everybody who has the ability to do so should take a few days or a week as often as possible away from the city. Camping, hiking, renting...whatever it is. It's very healing and it puts the troubles of home into perspective. Anxiety is misappropriated fear, after all, and it benefits from lack fo perspective. We need to go gain it.

  58. 12 months ago

    Learn to think less
    95% of anxiety comes from overthinking shit

  59. 12 months ago

    lmao how is it that there are so manyi ncels jealous of asmon`?

    • 12 months ago

      people either hate asmon because they're unironically jealous of him, or they dislike his blatant shilling
      dude did a complete 180 and went from an edgy gamer to becaming the biggest corporate liberal shill on the platform, it's extremely fricking cringe

      • 12 months ago

        lol not even true he literally shits on blizzard all the time

        • 12 months ago

          he's a liberal on every semi-political topic, also recently he's been shilling for microtransactions in d4 and shit

          • 12 months ago

            >nooo hes not into my super far right racist politics??? i hate him!!
            grow a pair

          • 12 months ago

            >he's been shilling for microtransactions in d4 and shit
            >and shit
            So you have no idea what youre talking about gotcha

            rich coming from a homosexual who can't handle a panic attack

            >No u
            That all you got? lmao

            • 12 months ago

              no it's actually all you got since my post got you BTFO

              • 12 months ago

                >more No U!
                Kek bro just sit down

              • 12 months ago

                alright I'll stop posting so I don't give you another panic attack loser lmao

              • 12 months ago

                >no argument
                I win, thought so hahahah

          • 12 months ago

            >shilling for microtransactions in d4 and shit
            pretty sure he said he doesn't give a shit about cosmetic microtransactions

  60. 12 months ago


    Fricking discarded, grow up

    • 12 months ago

      rich coming from a homosexual who can't handle a panic attack

  61. 12 months ago

    >Yeah I sit in a chair all day eating mcdonalds amd playing video games, never shower, and live in a filthy hellhole, but it doesn't affect me! 🙂
    >Wtf bros I had to go to the emergency room for panic attacks, how could this be happening to me!?

  62. 12 months ago

    He has all the money to try everything the world has to offer but still lives a worthless life, deserved, hope he kills himself next.

    • 12 months ago

      >worthless life,
      kek hes more than happy with his life anon
      im thinking youre projecting here, a lot

      • 12 months ago

        >I'm more than happy with my life, that's why I have daily panic attacks and cry sessions
        Nice cope assmong.

        • 12 months ago

          Projecting much huh?

          • 12 months ago

            >10 second reply
            Holy shit he's mad

            • 12 months ago

              I already won

              • 12 months ago

                >he waited longer to reply this time
                Kek. You are under my control, you brainless golem.

      • 12 months ago

        Is "projecting" the extent of your vocabulary?
        He clearly does nothing to feel fulfilled and money gives you access to everything.
        Yes he's living a worthless life

        • 12 months ago

          for you its worthless
          for him its bliss

          • 12 months ago

            >for him its bliss
            i mean it clearly isn't

  63. 12 months ago

    It’s really interesting how fit thinks money is the cure to all problems and how obsessed you all are with it. No wonder you all project hatred on the israelites so much.

    • 12 months ago

      If you don't want to be recognized as a samegay, you should switch up your rhetoric and word usage a bit.

    • 12 months ago

      i mean no wonder if you lift for an ego boost that projects onto your whole life

      • 12 months ago

        >replying to yourself
        Just sad.

        • 12 months ago

          I already won

          • 12 months ago

            And what'd you win, champ? The armpit fart competition at the special olympics?

            • 12 months ago

              >in a thread minding my own business
              >someone criticizes the award that gave me a lot of pride

  64. 12 months ago

    asmongrel having a meltdown ITT, I see.

  65. 12 months ago

    >being a loser causes me severe anxiety
    >severe anxiety keeps me as a loser because I’m too afraid to do the steps necessary to change

  66. 12 months ago

    I am so tired of hearing about how everyone has anxiety (and depression) nowadays and are on medication for them. Especially the normal people, who have completely normal and good lives, plenty of friends, relationship, family, job, hobbies, living situation, etc etc, live completely normally and fine but somehow “wahhh I am depressed I am anxious”, it pisses me off so much

    • 12 months ago

      >you guys aren't depressed!
      >NOT YOU

      • 12 months ago

        He does have a point though
        90% of people who claims to have depression are self diagnosed and don't have any signs of depression at all
        If you actually had depression, you wouldn't even have any drive to attention prostitute about it so much

        • 12 months ago

          Normal people “depression” and “anxiety” is feeling sad or nervous sometimes. Full of ambition, drive, no issues socializing, working and furthering a career, goals, motivation but still “way I’m depressed an anxious I need meds”, and then the classic response of
          >you don’t know what people are actually going through no matter how good they look on the outside

  67. 12 months ago

    Asmongold streams are so depressing

    You can really tell how deeply unhappy he is and just how much he hates his life. He wears it on his face

    • 12 months ago

      that sounds like projection anon

      • 12 months ago

        kek all this fricking projection

        Calm down Zack

        • 12 months ago

          >everyone is him
          delusional, take your meds lmao

          • 12 months ago

            Not everyone, just you.

      • 12 months ago

        kek all this fricking projection

        is projection turning into one of those meaningless words that you just throw out when you dont know what to say?

    • 12 months ago

      kek all this fricking projection

  68. 12 months ago

    how the frick do you end up to emergency room from anxiety?

  69. 12 months ago

    Has anyone had success with trauma release exercises? I’m pretty sure my anxiety is from my parents but shaking on the floor for a few minutes a day seems like too easy of a fix. I don’t feel much different after doing it either.

    As an example I see my mother about once a month and every time I go back home I get a sore stomach. Can’t be a coincidence, I don’t eat any differently.

  70. 12 months ago

    >How to Prevent Anxiety?
    stop being a lil b***h

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