How to reduce stress

I have been prescribed SSRIs for a year now. My current dose is of 10mg of Lexapro, which doesn't seem to work all too well.

Yesterday i fapped 4 times in a span of 12hrs, which seemingly had an effect, there was no mind fog but was feeling hyperactive.

How much serotonin does fapping 4 times release vs 10mg of Lexapro

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  1. 1 year ago

    Go for hikes and practice breathing. are you moronic with this fapping shit? fapping will increase stress while doing the act dumbfrick. you want to get better control of your stress hormone response. Go for walks/hikes and focus on the breathing through the nose. Do slight intervals like up the pace of the hike until you start feeling the stress response is making you want to breath through the mouth. then slow back down and continue breathing through the nose until you have calmed down. rinse repeat.

  2. 1 year ago

    >I have been prescribed SSRIs
    How do people become like this? I had a traumatic childhood and not once did I think of seeing a ~~*therapist*~~ or whoever the frick prescribes this shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Part of it is desperation, but most of it is misplaced trust borne from a lifetime of indoctrination. It’s obviously bullshit from a rational perspective, and that’s why there is so much effort to discredit anyone who is critical of the medication model of mental health.

    • 1 year ago

      It’s not about psychological trauma. That can be worked through, traditionally or otherwise. When your physiological responses are uncontrolled and you cannot control them on your own, medical intervention is needed. The only problem is too many morons don’t resolve the psychological part, which is their only real problem, and assume it is physiological instead, so they get on pills right away. Pills can create symptoms for people who have merely psychological issues. Which sounds like what this moron is going through.

  3. 1 year ago

    Stop cooming so much, sleep more and just stop giving a frick and obsessing about anything. That's how you reduce stress

  4. 1 year ago

    stop taking ssris and never take them again you idiot

  5. 1 year ago

    This board can give good advice for lifting, but everyone here is moronic and gay, so they can't actually give mental advice.

  6. 1 year ago

    Be in nature at much as possible (scientifically verified stress reducer) and meditate. Try and stay off the internet as well

  7. 1 year ago

    serotonin itself is a stress hormone and anything that raises it raises cortisol, noradrenaline, prolactin, estrogen, and severely limits metabolism
    it is elevated in every mental illness and significantly increases your chance of committing suicide or harming others (this was even demonstrated in the original fda trial for prozac but it still got approved bc of political corruption, look at every school shooter since columbine---all on ssris)
    read that article i linked in the above post

    • 1 year ago

      >serotonin itself is a stress hormone
      what the frick are you talking about?

      • 1 year ago

        He means it is released through effort. effort = stress. Natural serotonin is released through effort an accomplishment while dopamine is quick release feel good hormone from low effort work. Inherently your body uptaking serotonin also sends a signal you have exerted yourself in someway. Very simplified brosciency explanation.

        • 1 year ago

          From another broscientists it does not sound correct.

          > Natural serotonin is released through effort an accomplishment while dopamine is quick release feel good hormone from low effort work.
          Serotonin is like a status signaler. When you do something and get prosocial feedback and your status within the group goes up, you get serotonin release , the serotonin release down regulates negative emotion and stress. A low status person would have higher stress response to everything in general due to his low serotonin levels. While a high status person has high levels of serotonin, thus he is more resilient to stress. Dopamine release is not jus trough low effort work, its a reward circuitry that is suppose to steer us towards things that are useful for our re-production. Coomin in pussy -> dopamine feel good cus makes you pass on genes. Eating fruit sugary -> release dopamine because food makes you survive and so on.

          • 1 year ago

            dopamine is directly antagonistic to serotonin

            • 1 year ago

              That is not really an argument against what i said, and it does not have that much relevance in this context i think.

              It being antagonistic to it, what implications does that have? Are you implicating anything right now by saying that?

          • 1 year ago

            Thank you for educating me on this. Can you even simplify this even more though? I find relating all of these hormone responses more to things like status in the social group not all that convincing. Though we are social animals. It also obviously isn't so cut and dry. The entire notion of extroverts and introverts I don't really go by but there are certainly personality differences. I am a programmer and the programmer personality I don't think would have their hormones so dictated by the social group.

            The way I have always seen it as a very very simplified explanation is serotonin is the hormone released after completion of a longer duration task. Like finishing a project. But now just broscience thinking about it the idea of a "project" for lets say a protohuman or primitive great ape doesn't really make much sense. So the social explanation makes much more sense.

            While dopamine releases for the smaller portions of the project. And for things like you have said. Eating candy, watching porn etc.

            • 1 year ago

              Introverts vs extroverts are i think a pretty well established fact of personality theory, they have found biological differences between them, like extroverts get more reward chemicals released from interacting with people and introverts do not and probably get it from being more in solitude doing their thing. Extroverts usually do better in bigger social settings, introverts do better alone working or things or being on a 1-1 basis with someone or a smaller group of people. The thing that would dictate their hormones is not their extro or introversion, but the status that have within the group, just because someone is less extroverted does not mean they have a lower social status. So they could still be peak serotonin even if they are not extroverted. They can still achieve things which the social group rewards them from. A programmer can have status and be well respected within a group and have good serotonin levels. There is also a level of material signaling involved in demonstrating status. expensive car->ability to attain resources / shows off wealth

              >is the hormone released after completion of a longer duration task. Like finishing a project.
              Not necessarily, if the task that is completed rewards them socially, they get good grades on the project, showing that they are smart and capable and on their way of attaining a job/position within the social world that is valued -> means their serotonin goes up. Even getting a good grade is in of it self a socially rewarded. If you where to complete the project and you failed it terribly and people are not pleased with it, that could decrease your status and thus decrease your serotonin levels. Its not the completion it self that, its the social feedback/reward for it. Upon completing the project you would get dopamine release, showing it to others having it being valued -> increase serotonin

              Serotonin = social chemical / hormone
              Dopamine = reward circuit

              • 1 year ago

                Great explanation. Makes a ton of sense. I can see that the actual completion of the task now isn't what releases the serotonin it is actually recognition of the completion of the task by others.

                This is really deep shit thank you very much for this. I think this is likely one reason why I have a hard time training in my home gym vs training at a gym. Isn't the extrovert vs introvert thing also about how a person responds to social interaction. Like an extrovert gets energy from social interactions and then expells the energy when away from social settings while an extrovert gains energy alone and drains it in the social settings. Again very simplified explanation. By this definition I am absolutely an extrovert.

                So should we be optimizing for serotonin release or not? Brosciency self improvement stuff always says to optimize for serotonin and minimize dopamine.

                How does adrenaline play into all this? Like the stressful situation of intense weightlifting or running. The fight or flight response and all the hormones it releases. mega spikes of cortisal and adrenaline. I have a brosciency theory that mental health is greatly improved by getting one into these states progressively and learning to sort of control them. Like purposely working up into an angry state and consciously gaining control. I used to have alot of cringey spergy outbursts in social situations where my blood boiled and i lost my shit. Now when training I don't even think my workouts have been successful unless I have gotten my body into a similar state that I control. My goal after a set of 20 weighted squats is to have that same response going in my body but control it down through breathing and mental control.

              • 1 year ago

                Your welcome and thank you.

                >This is really deep shit thank you very much for this. I think this is likely one reason why I have a hard time training in my home gym vs training at a gym.
                Entirely possible yeah.

                >Isn't the extrovert vs introvert thing also about how a person responds to social interaction. Like an extrovert gets energy from social interactions and then expells the energy when away from social settings while an extrovert gains energy alone and drains it in the social settings. Again very simplified explanation. By this definition I am absolutely an extrovert.
                Yes exactly.

                >So should we be optimizing for serotonin release or not?
                It seems like in a way that everyone is kind of trying to increase their serotonin because people are striving towards higher status. (well not everyone, some people don't give a frick) Its an intrinsic drive within humans. But in general you should aim to have good relations with your social group and your peers and be valued by your community and friends and this will lead to increase in serotonin. By trying to "optimize it" you can do all these diet hacks and workouts and whatever its not really going to do much if its a social chemical. I think you should aim to be healthy in terms of exercise, diet sleep and lifestyle habits but trying to minmax serotonin i don't think is going to have an effect if the social theory of it is true, which i believe it to be. Just be healthy, just be "normal". Normal people usually partake in healthy behaviors that leads to a good place within the social hierarchy and they don't have to do any minmaxing or anything. They just exist and act normal. But yeah try boosting your status, be good to others, help people out, achieve things, get status, get wealth and your serotonin levels will be healthy. Eating foodtype X, doing workout Y, taking supplement X, mediating, cold showers and all that ain't gonna do SHIT if you are just living alone in a basement with no friends etc

              • 1 year ago

                Your explanations really make a lot of sense to me. A major cause of modern depression I have always thought to be strongly correlated to social media. If you think about it observing other people getting so much social recognition while you get virtually none or only recognized in your small social group is in my opinion extremely detrimental. Especially for young developing brains.

                And then when someone tries hard to get recognized but don't. The response from that I can attest growing up was absolutely brutal. Stupid shit like getting a new pair of shoes and having nobody notice or compliment them back in middle school destroyed me. social media only kicked off when I was almost through high school so I only saw the older effects and only the beginning of it all.

              • 1 year ago

                There are two points here

                >A major cause of modern depression I have always thought to be strongly correlated to social media. If you think about it observing other people getting so much social recognition while you get virtually none or only recognized in your small social group is in my opinion extremely detrimental. Especially for young developing brains.
                Yes absolutely, Read this for social media and the mental health effect its having on young developing brains

                However, one thing about this is, even getting recognized in your small social group provides you with a group that you get status within. Human beings are different from other animals in the sense that we can create new social groups and invent new games that we are good in and can attain status. So you can be the best programmer and you have top baller status within your programming group, this would give you one hierarchy in which you are in that raises your serotonin. But if you then go to a different social group that does not value programming then you are suddenly just a random scrub and have low status in that group. A problem for many young men today is that they live on parallel societies on the internet and they might get their status from doing good in video games, and in that game and that context they are high status but in real life they are not because they are not offering anything the social group IRL, they are losers there. And you can be respected for your fitness knowledge on IST but then go the programming job and be shit at coding and everyone just thinks you are a fat meathead and you have low status there.

                But yeah the comparison effect of social media is BRUTAL on teenagers, ESPECIALLY girls get fricked up by it because a lot the likes they get is because of how they look, while guys can at least raise their status tough achievement. (women can to of course but) anyways read the Haidt link.

              • 1 year ago

                That's absolutely crazy to think about. The parallel societies. Like an expectation of social recognition is built up in the videogame where they are in the top 10% of players for example and perhaps teach others to play better in their lobbies which gives the social interaction positive hormone release. But then their brains and bodies are trained to expect recognition but then they get none IRL. I played WOW through highschool I can't really say I felt this but I likely because of less IRL social reaction blocked out the IRL social recognition expectation having not had much anyway to begin with. MMORPGs are designed around the illusion of being an alternative society.

              • 1 year ago

                >Like an expectation of social recognition is built up in the videogame where they are in the top 10% of players for example and perhaps teach others to play better in their lobbies which gives the social interaction positive hormone release. But then their brains and bodies are trained to expect recognition but then they get none IRL
                Yeah. These fricking autistic programmers and scientists have hacked the human mind. They completly broken and hihacked human cognitive systems. But it gets a bit worse then that, you see these games are creating many different systems and leagues within their games so that EVERYONE can get to feel like the top dog every now and then. Like for example if you believe the match making theory of League of Legends where the algorithm will purposefully throw you a game with shitty opponents just so you will roflstomp them and feel like a god for a moment. This will boost your dopamine (possible serotonin as you are are winning/increasing status/serotonin) but it was all engineered to give you that boost it was not an organic match. And they have also created leagues within leagues so everyone can be best in their own little league.

                >I played WOW through highschool I can't really say I felt this but I likely because of less IRL social reaction blocked out the IRL social recognition expectation having not had much anyway to begin with.
                Yeah if you isolated your self in that environment you never have to feel bad about the low status you would have elsewhere. Its like your status exists only when you are in relation to other people (and the circumstances ) IF you just stay inside and play games you never have to meet the suffering of having to rebuild your self IRL.

              • 1 year ago

                I never considered that in the matchmaking algorithms they have it setup like that to throw you a roflstomp game. Makes sense. Especially if the next game you don't roflstomp but you feel like you shouldv. Then you have to keep playing until you get a game again like that where you feel like a god. couple this with the occasional skinner box / gacha loot box mechanics and the mind is completely hijacked.

                I never got into COD but I remember watching my friends play I could tell the kill streak mechanic was designed with this in mind. The killstreaks were rewards that when used gave the illusion of playing better. And it wasn't everygame that they got to a place where their killstreaks snowballed into having them top of the leaderboard. It appeared mostly like luck if they got to the first killstreak first and got the snowball rolling. But they basically kept queing into lobbies over and over until they got a game where their killstreaks were snowballing their performance.

                Actually I forgot how many IRL friends I played wow with. We used to have lan parties bringing everyone PC over to someones house and do things like that. So WOW wasn't a complete separate environment for me. But definitely things like getting a bad grade I would just shut out what I should be feeling with IRL response by getting recognition in the game.

              • 1 year ago

                The match making algorithms are made that way because they actually make players play more games, even if they are not enjoying the games because like you said they are chasing another high of that roflstomp. But what they get is losing streak to make them feel like shit, and then try harder and then they are thrown another game that they will absolutely crush, and this sends them on a emotional rollercoaster, kind of like an abusive relationships where the abuser first treat people really good, then makes life hell for them, so when he then treats them good again it feels even better. League of Legends is actually trauma-bonding people

                >I never got into COD but I remember watching my friends play I could tell the kill streak mechanic was designed with this in mind. The killstreaks were rewards that when used gave the illusion of playing better. And it wasn't everygame that they got to a place where their killstreaks snowballed into having them top of the leaderboard. It appeared mostly like luck if they got to the first killstreak first and got the snowball rolling. But they basically kept queing into lobbies over and over until they got a game where their killstreaks were snowballing their performance.
                Yup, engineered precisely for that

                >Actually I forgot how many IRL friends I played wow with. We used to have lan parties bringing everyone PC over to someones house and do things like that. So WOW wasn't a complete separate environment for me. But definitely things like getting a bad grade I would just shut out what I should be feeling with IRL response by getting recognition in the game.
                Yeah same here. Gaming back then was still somewhat social. LAN parties where the best shit ever. Just the boys hanging out and having good times

              • 1 year ago

                >How does adrenaline play into all this? Like the stressful situation of intense weightlifting or running. The fight or flight response and all the hormones it releases. mega spikes of cortisal and adrenaline. I have a brosciency theory that mental health is greatly improved by getting one into these states progressively and learning to sort of control them.
                So according to a Huberman podcast, (and Steven Pinker) we do crave these stressful adrenaline filled situations and they actually do us good, IF we enjoy them and do them voluntarily or in a controlled environment. And we do seek them out trough carousel rides, driving fast, jumping from high places, even playing video games or watching movies bring out those yeah they are a part of our experience and life and we crave them. Its only when the stress response and adrenaline and cortisol gets raised constantly by the environment (which does happen more to people with low social status because people with low social status live in a world that is more stressful then what higher status people live in, low status = low social resources can't get people to help you out, poor -> can't pay to fix things, if things break down its more stressful you now can't fix your car to get to job. You can't buy the food you want because its to expensive you gotta overthink the shit and plan it and its effort and stressful trying to make it work, if you are low on social capital you can't defend your self physically -> world is more dangerous for you -> lowers serotonin -> makes you more careful and watchful because in a fight challenge you are more likely to get injured fatally, but if you had social capital alliances you have safety net, anyways i am rambling sorry) and its chronic and we don't have control over it that its not good.

                Learning to handle states of adrenaline and cortisol definitively is good for mental health and well being for sure.

              • 1 year ago

                >Now when training I don't even think my workouts have been successful unless I have gotten my body into a similar state that I control. My goal after a set of 20 weighted squats is to have that same response going in my body but control it down through breathing and mental control.
                You might find this interesting
                Its called State Arousal in sports. System think my post is spam can't post the links. Google it

                Thank you very much. Breath work and singing have done wonders for me in this regard. Performance and stress hormone tremendous stress hormone improvements.

                Singing imho can be a route to this arousal state by forcing a restriction in oxygen. If you have to finish singing a verse or line before the next breath I often get into a aroused state which pushes my limits to complete the verse/song and then pushes my limits where I intake more air than I otherwise would be able to not in the aroused state. This state is made much more intense singing loudly like in the woods away from people. It is like scream therapy.

                From what I have read throughout human history every human sang in one way or another. Unfortunate the factors that have made singing not a habit everyone partakes in.

                Now if I ever get depressive thoughts about my status or anything like that I actually physically feel the effects coming on and I can sort of regulate the response and I instead turn the thoughts into "yeah you are right about this but you are actually happy you have this struggle. did you forget you enjoy this struggle and enjoy this stressful state."

                Nassim Nicholas Taleb is kind of a pseud but his books had the biggest impact on me of any self improvement books. I kind of prefer pseud explanations that just sort of make sense over highly technical as I am familiar with data science practices and just how much fudging and faking results go into many studies. If you want a result you can generate an experiment that will show that result. And if talking physical and mental health placebos for many can go further than medications.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah okay it was nice talking to you mr chatGTP kek

              • 1 year ago

                Being tagged as a bot when you aren't is a big compliment. Thank you.

              • 1 year ago

                lmao, it was the politeness in your posts and that they where full posts with actual info in them. Your welcome i guess. But thanks the conversation i am enjoying it.

                Thank you very much. Breath work and singing have done wonders for me in this regard. Performance and stress hormone tremendous stress hormone improvements.

                Singing imho can be a route to this arousal state by forcing a restriction in oxygen. If you have to finish singing a verse or line before the next breath I often get into a aroused state which pushes my limits to complete the verse/song and then pushes my limits where I intake more air than I otherwise would be able to not in the aroused state. This state is made much more intense singing loudly like in the woods away from people. It is like scream therapy.

                From what I have read throughout human history every human sang in one way or another. Unfortunate the factors that have made singing not a habit everyone partakes in.

                Now if I ever get depressive thoughts about my status or anything like that I actually physically feel the effects coming on and I can sort of regulate the response and I instead turn the thoughts into "yeah you are right about this but you are actually happy you have this struggle. did you forget you enjoy this struggle and enjoy this stressful state."

                Nassim Nicholas Taleb is kind of a pseud but his books had the biggest impact on me of any self improvement books. I kind of prefer pseud explanations that just sort of make sense over highly technical as I am familiar with data science practices and just how much fudging and faking results go into many studies. If you want a result you can generate an experiment that will show that result. And if talking physical and mental health placebos for many can go further than medications.

                >Singing imho can be a route to this arousal state by forcing a restriction in oxygen
                It absolutely can and its also used in rituals and ceremonies to reach altered states of consciousness. Artist that are performing on the stage tend to get in a elevated state and when they get off the stage they "crash" and get a little mini depression. Likely due to the rush of all kinds of chemicals that being in front of an audience and being the person that everyone is there to see, that has to be peak serotonin to have thousands of people there to see you and you are the one leading the room. Peak serotonin. I think Bipolar disorder is caused by to much serotonin, and Kanye West seems like someone that when he gets on stage he get so fricking elevated he just gets overcharged by serotonin and he can't help it and he goes manic almost and goes on his long as rants. My theory is that being on stage like that can frick shit up and make lose it if they have susceptibility for that.

                > This state is made much more intense singing loudly like in the woods away from people
                Yeah and its also like cardio workout almost holding your breath or using out breath.

              • 1 year ago

                You know I hadn't made the ritual and ceremony connection until now. Little chants and prayers. Like I said before historically everyone sang and one of the main things they sang was prayers and chants. Look at muslims and their morning calls to prayer and how their recitals of quran are done in a chanting way. Chanting and singing was a common daily practice throughout human history. How else were people to stave off boredom. And the use of it in prayers and chants is so the personal remembers the teachings. If you are constantly singing the words they will be locked into memory. Of course now people sing modern songs with messages that probably don't have beneficial messages to mental health... Like girls with some of the more depressing Billie Eilish songs.

                Your hypothesis about Kanye West is interesting and imbalances in serotonin are likely a factor. The discussion on celebrities makes me contemplate the same ideas but about actors. I guess actors aren't really laying out their souls and personalities on the line. They aren't out on a stage showing the world their aroused state. I theorize that a lot of lack in confidence is being too reserved and holding in the aroused state. So people go to alcohol and drugs because it forces the state out.

                If you are interested in this stuff and do singing for these benefits look into ingressive phonation. Apparently the sound made by ingressive phonation triggers others to believe you are in an aroused state.


                I practice throat singing and ingressive phonation. I feel like I can intake much much more oxygen by exagerating ingressive phonation and then I throatsing the exhale. I can inhale for up to 10 seconds straight through an ingressive phonation and then throat sing for a minute straight when I am really on point with it.

              • 1 year ago

                >You know I hadn't made the ritual and ceremony connection until now. Little chants and prayers. Like I said before historically everyone sang and one of the main things they sang was prayers and chants. Look at muslims and their morning calls to prayer and how their recitals of quran are done in a chanting way. Chanting and singing was a common daily practice throughout human history. How else were people to stave off boredom. And the use of it in prayers and chants is so the personal remembers the teachings. If you are constantly singing the words they will be locked into memory.
                Yes and singing also makes people synch up with each other, they are doing the same actions, moving in unity, breathing the same etc, this is also why soldiers sing to when they are marching. It build group-coherency, makes them feel as they are one unit. Its also what people are doing on shows and concerts and it taps in to something deep within humans and we seem to love doing it. It connects to the tribe and those around us.

                > Of course now people sing modern songs with messages that probably don't have beneficial messages to mental health
                Listen to love songs or just pop songs and notice how sexual the lyrics have become over the years. Like even just in the 90's and 2000's the lyrics where still somewhat sweet and innocent about things like romance, being in love, holding hands, being close etc, now these days its all about lust, fricking, wet ass pussy and just full on sex sex sex.

                >Like girls with some of the more depressing Billie Eilish songs.
                Idk her songs that much but i think they are better then most modern pop artist her age. They have some soul and substance and its not all about degeneracy right?

              • 1 year ago

                >Yes and singing also makes people synch up with each other, they are doing the same actions, moving in unity, breathing the same etc, this is also why soldiers sing to when they are marching. It build group-coherency, makes them feel as they are one unit. Its also what people are doing on shows and concerts and it taps in to something deep within humans and we seem to love doing it. It connects to the tribe and those around us.
                Yeah exactly. I have tried hard to get my friends to sing marches or sea shanties with me out on hikes but they just won't do it... really sad.

                >Listen to love songs or just pop songs and notice how sexual the lyrics have become over the years. Like even just in the 90's and 2000's now these days its all about lust, fricking, wet ass pussy and just full on sex sex sex.
                In the same way you mentioned the videogames are hijacking the mind this is music hijacking the mind also to get people to get addicted to consumerism. Even the need to listen to the "new" music is just to consume the new product. In the same way music promotes things like alcohol to boost alcohol sales. It sells the sex to sell a pleasurable lifestyle from the products. Not just songs in the last modern developed 100 years. The motivations for writing songs were not like this until the last 50-100 years. I sing all manner of songs but also the older songs were written with melodies that are simple and easy to sing. Since all modern songs are just autotuned they are very difficult to sing well and people become discouraged. But there are of course singer songwriters. Taylor Swift gets bad reviews at times about her songs being simplistic but to me she is singing songs she herself as a singer enjoys singing and actually wants others to sing.

              • 1 year ago

                >Idk her songs that much but i think they are better then most modern pop artist her age. They have some soul and substance and its not all about degeneracy right?

                I do actually like her songs and respect her artistry. Respect her as an icon who is also a singer songwriter. I just brought her up because she is popular and actually the degeneracy is hidden in the lyrics. Which if we are talking about psychology the taboo of listening to songs like hers more subtle about things is a common psychological manipulation.

                >f you are interested in this stuff and do singing for these benefits look into ingressive phonation. Apparently the sound made by ingressive phonation triggers others to believe you are in an aroused state.
                What the frick?

                What don't you understand? Ingressive phonation is a common technique used by opera singers. It is like the sound you make when you gasp. Just extend that gasping sound out. Do whatever you can to make sound on your inhaling of a breath instead of on exhaling. I can speak coherent sentences with my ingressive phonation. It is actually one way mute people with a specific cause of the muteness are trained to talk.

              • 1 year ago

                >f you are interested in this stuff and do singing for these benefits look into ingressive phonation. Apparently the sound made by ingressive phonation triggers others to believe you are in an aroused state.
                What the frick?

              • 1 year ago

                >I practice throat singing and ingressive phonation. I feel like I can intake much much more oxygen by exagerating ingressive phonation and then I throatsing the exhale. I can inhale for up to 10 seconds straight through an ingressive phonation and then throat sing for a minute straight when I am really on point with it.
                That is impressive. Its kind of weird, i know this is a Mongolian throat singing forum, but i think you are the first throat singer i have actually spoken to on this Mongolian throat singing forum.

                >Yeah exactly. I have tried hard to get my friends to sing marches or sea shanties with me out on hikes but they just won't do it... really sad.
                Topfricking kek. Your friends are lame. I would love to go on a hike and sing marches or sea shanties with you lmao


                Don't knock it till you try it. Look at this howler monkey how the tenseness in his body shifts from ingressive to eggressive. It is like a full body workout and sort of an internal massage. I practice this both expanding the stomach and maintaing a stomach vacuum. Really powerful stuff.

                >Topfricking kek. Your friends are lame. I would love to go on a hike and sing marches or sea shanties with you lmao
                The main issue I think is just social hierarchical. I am so much better than them at it they put up a mental blocker to not make themselves feel inferior. Also just the "your weird this is weird" aspect to it. I have tried modern songs they know because I thought that might work but doesn't. My gym training friends are actually even less responsive to the idea.

                This brings me to another good point about the obsession often brought up about nose breathing. Like it is a cardinal sin to ever breath through the mouth. Lets think about singers here. Every single singer breathes through their mouths while singing. How can this be a bad thing. Don't get me wrong you should always breath through your nose but I say if you breath through your mouth with intention then that is fine. Your body is giving you a signal saying you need more oxygen. Just breath through the mouth with intention a few breathes and return to the nose breathing. Mouth breathing triggers certain things you might even want to spike.

                Before a heavy lift I hyperventilate until I sort of feel the shaky head borderline seeing stars dizzy feeling this puts me in the aroused state mentioned earlier. Then I slow controlled inhales through the nose until I have the aroused state undercontrol. I find this helps me brace much better and hold for longer. I like to do long braces at the bottom of a frontsquat and in a deadlift bar held below the knee. Taking breathes in these positions while maintaining the brace.

              • 1 year ago

                >I like to do long braces at the bottom of a frontsquat and in a deadlift bar held below the knee. Taking breathes in these positions while maintaining the brace.

                Basically becomes an insane anterior chain workout as when i exhale I let myself lean forward a bit holding the bar in the front squat and then when i inhale I roll back. Like a a very small crunch motion. Same thing with the holding barbell in an RDL above the knee except to slightly flex and relax the midback in rhythm with the breathes. Shit is insane.

              • 1 year ago

                howler monkeys 3x(2minutes) pre workout. you are an animal so be a fricking animal. hit the weights like a wild beast.

              • 1 year ago

                >I practice throat singing and ingressive phonation. I feel like I can intake much much more oxygen by exagerating ingressive phonation and then I throatsing the exhale. I can inhale for up to 10 seconds straight through an ingressive phonation and then throat sing for a minute straight when I am really on point with it.
                That is impressive. Its kind of weird, i know this is a Mongolian throat singing forum, but i think you are the first throat singer i have actually spoken to on this Mongolian throat singing forum.

                >Yes and singing also makes people synch up with each other, they are doing the same actions, moving in unity, breathing the same etc, this is also why soldiers sing to when they are marching. It build group-coherency, makes them feel as they are one unit. Its also what people are doing on shows and concerts and it taps in to something deep within humans and we seem to love doing it. It connects to the tribe and those around us.
                Yeah exactly. I have tried hard to get my friends to sing marches or sea shanties with me out on hikes but they just won't do it... really sad.

                >Listen to love songs or just pop songs and notice how sexual the lyrics have become over the years. Like even just in the 90's and 2000's now these days its all about lust, fricking, wet ass pussy and just full on sex sex sex.
                In the same way you mentioned the videogames are hijacking the mind this is music hijacking the mind also to get people to get addicted to consumerism. Even the need to listen to the "new" music is just to consume the new product. In the same way music promotes things like alcohol to boost alcohol sales. It sells the sex to sell a pleasurable lifestyle from the products. Not just songs in the last modern developed 100 years. The motivations for writing songs were not like this until the last 50-100 years. I sing all manner of songs but also the older songs were written with melodies that are simple and easy to sing. Since all modern songs are just autotuned they are very difficult to sing well and people become discouraged. But there are of course singer songwriters. Taylor Swift gets bad reviews at times about her songs being simplistic but to me she is singing songs she herself as a singer enjoys singing and actually wants others to sing.

                >Yeah exactly. I have tried hard to get my friends to sing marches or sea shanties with me out on hikes but they just won't do it... really sad.
                Topfricking kek. Your friends are lame. I would love to go on a hike and sing marches or sea shanties with you lmao

              • 1 year ago

                >Now when training I don't even think my workouts have been successful unless I have gotten my body into a similar state that I control. My goal after a set of 20 weighted squats is to have that same response going in my body but control it down through breathing and mental control.
                You might find this interesting
                Its called State Arousal in sports. System think my post is spam can't post the links. Google it

            • 1 year ago

              that guy is wrong just read the ray peat articles if you want an accurate picture
              you cant think of these things in terms of "x = y" or "dopamine = reward", its too reductive and inaccurate, you have to instead contextualise them in terms of endocrinology and their effects on metabolism and then draw subjective conclusions from their

          • 1 year ago

            >Serotonin is like a status signaler. When you do something and get prosocial feedback and your status within the group goes up, you get serotonin release , the serotonin release down regulates negative emotion and stress.
            this is not even remotely true and youre getting this from the peterson lobster anecdote
            serotonin does the exact opposite and makes you low status bc it puts you in a passive hibernation state like i already stated and cited articles for above
            in militaries, the stress of boot camp and training puts the soldier into a high serotonin state, the entire process is meant to create a passive and obedient soldier, like breaking a horse (which also creates an elevated serotonin state)
            when you give them drugs which block endogenous serotonin, soldiers start rebelling against their superiors
            also like i said, serotonin raises stress hormones, pituitary hormones, and estrogens and thus lowers androgens

            That is not really an argument against what i said, and it does not have that much relevance in this context i think.

            It being antagonistic to it, what implications does that have? Are you implicating anything right now by saying that?

            it means that when dopamine goes up, serotonin goes down
            and when dopamine goes up, prolactin goes down and testosterone goes up
            dopamine and serotonin have completely opposite effects on the endocrine system
            and its no coincidence that drugs used to treat high prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) also antagonise dopamine AND lower serotonin

            I'll link it again bc thats how important it is, read this article written by a former head of the APA

            for the full article click the scihub link in a former post

            • 1 year ago

              that guy is wrong just read the ray peat articles if you want an accurate picture
              you cant think of these things in terms of "x = y" or "dopamine = reward", its too reductive and inaccurate, you have to instead contextualise them in terms of endocrinology and their effects on metabolism and then draw subjective conclusions from their

              Sorry I am not really following your arguments. I will read the papers but you can explain things in a more simplified manner? And are you trying to talk about the dangers of SSRIs here because I don't think anyone is disagreeing they are detrimental.

              It does make sense that serotonin would be a downer as it is a reward hormone. whereas dopamine is likely an upper stimulating you to continue to do the action that is giving you that pleasure.

            • 1 year ago

              >serotonin does the exact opposite and makes you low status bc it puts you in a passive hibernation state like i already stated and cited articles for above
              When you have acquired enough status and or/ resources and you have friends and a girlfriend you get very "satiated" because you have reached your reproductive goals and you have now "gotten yours", your existence is safe and pleasurable and you can relax a bit and not work so hard because you have what you need. When in that state you get more prosocial and you share more because you are safe because you have acquired your own necessities, you can now afford to share.
              >Decades of research have linked the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) to prosocial behavior.

              Yes having achieved and high serotonin we have the saying that "comfort breeds com-placement/laziness" or whatever it was. But in order to get there you first have to acquire the status etc. You can by taking drugs increase your levels so you now chemically have high serotonin without having the actual social status/safety that is suppose to come with it, and you can live in a high serotonin state that created by drugs by still being a loswer with no status or resource.

        • 1 year ago

          that is not what i mean at all dont speak for me
          serotonin is literally the hormone of hibernation and torpor, you can ask anyone whos taken them that this is subjectively what happens
          but hibernation in mammals is triggered by elevation of serotonin bc it lowers the metabolic rate of the brain
          serotonin is very bad, and once you accept this many things start to make sense

      • 1 year ago

        just read the fricking paper i linked above, the scihub link
        press "save" on the left side of the page to read the full pdf

        also read these articles and their references

        the "serotonin hypothesis" has been debunked for decades and even the very companies that produced ssris are looking towards tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitors for next generation anti depressants (ie drugs that inhibit the production of serotonin from tryptophan)
        medicine is a house of cards built on a handful of valid ideas taken to an extreme or just total fraud

        • 1 year ago

          >medicine is a house of cards built on a handful of valid ideas taken to an extreme or just total fraud
          good description but don't forget that it is all backed by money and as it is development of a product it inherently needs to change and develop so there is a new hot medication to start shipping. When that new hot medication has barely any real short term results and absolutely no long term results. The short term results often fudged and faked through statistical tricks.

  8. 1 year ago

    OP do you see the medication as a tool to get better or as a livelong necessity? It might be a lifelong necessity for you but it also might be better as a treatment. Something to consider.

  9. 1 year ago

    i give up
    i hope you morons die

  10. 1 year ago

    Stop taking the israelite drugs your israelite doctor prescribes you. They don't do anything positive for you.

  11. 1 year ago

    >meditating and breathing
    >walks in forest
    >camping/hiking and staying the night while enjoying a campfire, no phones just you and your thoughts
    Also toss the ssri's, that shit is just bad.

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