How was Gym Culture and Fitness like during the late 1990's and 2000's?

I was born in 1995 so I have a vague idea because my father and older brothers lifted. I didn't start lifting until 2011 a little after Zyzz died.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    That’s a McDonald’s

    • 4 months ago

      that is almost the exact opposite of McDonald's

      • 4 months ago

        Then why's it McDonald's themed?

        • 4 months ago

          I said ALMOST

      • 4 months ago

        >people go there to gain weight
        >hard as frick metal recreational equipment that kids crack their skulls open on
        >black rubbery inedible disks
        Which one am I talking about? The only difference is the gym provides plates.

        • 4 months ago

          probably mcdonalds because I don't know of any kids going to the gym

  2. 4 months ago



    • 4 months ago

      real shit

    • 4 months ago

      >team homosexual handshake
      umm that's problematic

  3. 4 months ago

    I doubt this is an abandoned Soviet gym. Someone would’ve sold off the equipment on the gray market by now. ESP. After the COVID plate crisis.

    • 4 months ago

      If it were abandoned for more than a year, there'd be an inch of dust on everything.
      Everything is spotless, so OP's pic is fake n gay, probably just took a photo before opening time or after they cleaned up at closing.

  4. 4 months ago

    I wasnt around then but i assume
    Most of the population is fighg club sized dyels who are natty or prohormones and a small sizable minority of really big huge roided up guys

    • 4 months ago

      You must be 38 to post here

  5. 4 months ago

    I want to go back in time to 2005

    • 4 months ago

      You want to go back to paying $8 for a rental that you have to return in 3 days or else you pay a rental fee, and you don't find what you're looking for because they ran out of copies?

      Streaming is lightyears better than rental stores, and disc rental is better as a mail service anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        Rentals was better because it didn't provide easy convenient ways to sit on the sofa for hours and hours wasting time watching shite.

        • 4 months ago

          Disc rental still exists in that capacity dumbo. Blockbuster sucked and that's why netflix and redbox took off.

          • 4 months ago

            They took off because of the convenience. The same convenience that is destroying the health of people worldwide

          • 4 months ago

            You're obviously too young to remember a time before disc rental was a thing. The video store was the shit. I'd have to get a note from my mom to rent R rated movies when I rode my bike to the locally owned video store. Remember I rented Shocker once.

            • 4 months ago

              born in 93, I grew up with blockbuster anon. It sucked. The day I tried Netflix and could actually find the movies I wanted was the best and I never looked back. Nothing sucks more than going to rental place and them not having what you were looking for.

              • 4 months ago

                LOL, you didn't. I was born in 81. Used to rent PS1 from Blockbuster. They also had the Virtual Boy on display there and you could demo it. You maybe caught the tail end of Blockbuster. That's like watching Jordan on the Wizards and saying he wasn't that great of a player.

              • 4 months ago

                I was born in 94 and also rented ps1 tomb raider games, n64 goldeneye anfter I gave my best friend my copy, and dragonball from there. Blockbuster was breasts.

              • 4 months ago

                >Nothing sucks more than going to rental place and them not having what you were looking for.
                thats true, most video stores didnt have lots of nigslop that netflix does.

        • 4 months ago

          get some goddamned self control you nostalgic bag of shit

          • 4 months ago

            He's right though. Streaming is 99% B movie shit you would never watch anyway. Rentals were better because they actually selected what they offered by popularity, otherwise they would go broke.

        • 4 months ago

          this is the same as banning fast food. you lazy fricks want to ruin conveniences for the rest of us

        • 4 months ago

          you clearly haven't been alive that long, have you heard of you know fucninf cable television? the thing most people wasted time on before the internet?

      • 4 months ago

        No lag not dependent on powercuts if you have a laptop or generator. Not having to own a B grade movie you only want to see twice, not having to have 100s of chick flicks because your woman wanted to see it once.

        Yeah what a terrible model. KYS Hollywood shill.

        • 4 months ago

          >KYS hollywood shill.
          You're dumb

        • 4 months ago

          did you purposefully ignore the "disc rental service is better anyways", you can fricking still rent physical media without going to a store and without paying for streaming. It's pretty great. Keep yearning for the garbage that was blockbuster though.

          • 4 months ago

            You want to go back to paying $8 for a rental that you have to return in 3 days or else you pay a rental fee, and you don't find what you're looking for because they ran out of copies?

            Streaming is lightyears better than rental stores, and disc rental is better as a mail service anyway.

            Yikes! This is a paid shill.

            The overall atmosphere of blocmbuster was great. It was also great forcing everyone to rent a game and play together in the same living room rather than split up in their basmwents over wifi playing COD.

            • 4 months ago

              game rentals are mostly dead, yeah. I do miss that. Games rarely support local multiplayer anymore. But blockbuster's cost per rental was moronic and the late fees were bullshit. I can't tell you the amount of times I wanted to rent a game that was just constantly gone.

      • 4 months ago

        >Streaming is lightyears better than rental stores
        Lmao have you been out of the buble? All the streaming services are so fricked now it's like cable again

        • 4 months ago

          good thing RENTAL DISCS STILL EXIST YOU FRICKING moron


          • 4 months ago

            Bloody behnchod!!!

        • 4 months ago

          unironically yes, I would much rather pay a fixed rental fee than getting cucked into paying $30 per month per streaming services for thousands of shows/movies I don't care to watch. Early Netflix worked because for the monthly fee you actually had a decent assortment of movie options. Now everything is on different platforms

          The worst part is the homosexuals who would typically be anti-capitalist and say "eat the rich" seem to be the last ones to cancel their subscriptions.
          I don't know why anyone stopped pirating in the first place, it's more convenient than ever.

          • 4 months ago

            Theyre rich people that hate other rich people cuz other rich are competition.

            • 4 months ago

              That is why Donald Trump became president

      • 4 months ago

        unironically yes, I would much rather pay a fixed rental fee than getting cucked into paying $30 per month per streaming services for thousands of shows/movies I don't care to watch. Early Netflix worked because for the monthly fee you actually had a decent assortment of movie options. Now everything is on different platforms

        • 4 months ago

          >I would much rather pay a fixed rental fee
          those still exist for disc rental without the need to go to a physical store.

      • 4 months ago

        nostalgiagays may hate it, but this is the truth. anons here remember being 5 years old and going to blockbuster to get airbud with their mom. they don't remember having to drive to and from the store twice in three days, half the shit people actually wanted to see being out of stock, rewinding tapes, getting un-rewound tapes, getting busted tapes/scratched DVDs, the late fees that increased daily, etc. just because you associate it with fond childhood memories doesn't mean it was some magical place.

        • 4 months ago

          >anons here remember being 5 years old and going to blockbuster to get airbud with their mom
          This is not a fun memory. Going to the video store (and other things zoomies will never experience) was fun once you got more freedom, not when you went with your parents. When you could ride your bike there with your friends, or even had a friend that could drive, or you got your drivers licence and could do whatever you wanted. That's what made it fun. You thinking that it's just a prepubescent childhood nostalgia thing just shows everyone who actually knows what it was like that you're a completely dumbass who has no idea what he's talking about.

          • 4 months ago

            i'm 30.

        • 4 months ago

          >out of stock, rewinding tapes, getting un-rewound tapes, getting busted tapes/scratched DVDs, the late fees that increased daily
          Sorry you lived in such a shitty neighborhood anon. I hope you have raised your lot in life

      • 4 months ago

        It was worth it when I could rent a whole TV series on DVD and copy them to my hard drive.

        • 4 months ago

          My library keeps this dream alive, for "Free".

      • 4 months ago

        the content has suffered because streaming is so convenient now no one goes to the movies. So its one of the double edge swords

      • 4 months ago

        Going to a video was fun. If all the good movies were out you'd just get one of the dozens and dozens of shitty horror movies or something. You'd go to the video store, see your friends, bump into people, meet people in your area, do other shit while you're out like get an ice-cream or walk down the street into another store and do the same shit there. Half the fun of doing things was actually doing them with other people. Having everything delivered to you or streamed or whatever the frick is so fricking shit. There's no heart or soul in it anymore, it's just pure, streamlined slop straight down your throat.

    • 4 months ago

      Hastings > Blockbuster

    • 4 months ago

      Back before smartphones got into the hands of poor people, ruining the internet forever.

    • 4 months ago

      I got my first yugioh deck from a blockbuster. Movies wise they never had what I wanted but the N64 rental section was cash before a sleepover

    • 4 months ago

      You want to go back to paying $8 for a rental that you have to return in 3 days or else you pay a rental fee, and you don't find what you're looking for because they ran out of copies?

      Streaming is lightyears better than rental stores, and disc rental is better as a mail service anyway.

      netflix when they shipped dvds was the best because you could burn them and keep a copy

  6. 4 months ago

    >Early 2000s

  7. 4 months ago

    >abandoned for 30+ years
    >equipment and floor in clean and immaculate condition
    >no rust anywhere

    haha so epic bro!!!! take my upvote

    • 4 months ago

      >early 2000s soviet gym
      lmao didnt even notice that. how many soviet states were there 10 years after gorbaBlack person killed the ussr

  8. 4 months ago

    It was extremely rare to see women lifting seriously.

    Also the gym wasn't like a fashion show. People just sore old sports clothes or something.

  9. 4 months ago

    What's uncanny about that pic? Do redditors really?

  10. 4 months ago

    If you never had a Soviet pen pal, then you're too fricking young and need to leave the internet forever.

    • 4 months ago

      I was the soviet pen pal tho

      • 4 months ago

        Cool. Might soviet pen pal sent me a very realistic metal CZ-82 cap gun. Shit was awesome. Even funnier when my second grade teacher had me stay after class and handed me a brown paper bag with what looked like a real gun in it which I then waved around pretending to shoot stuff while I walked home lmao.

  11. 4 months ago

    Everyone was weaker, smaller, less shredded, and barely anyone lifted seriously at all. It was much easier to gran womens’ attention through just 6 months of steady lifting because nobody else did it.

    On the downside, no women had big voluptuous squats&PEDs instagram asses.

  12. 4 months ago

    Boomer here (43)

    It was obviously better. I started working out at age 15 or so in 1995 during freshman year. There was only the school gym and the small mall gym in a town of 100k+ in the north east and still it was usually pretty dead. 185 bench was fascinating to us and most of the guys in the gym could do 225 to save their life. “Gym culture” popped off around 05-06 or whenever Jersey Shore was popular. I just googled the town I grew up in and there is a

    A few MMA spots
    A few of those garage style spots

    I bet they’re all slammed. Benefits of the gym now is high school girls didn’t go in 1995. Now they do and they’re barely dressed.

  13. 4 months ago

    Back in the later 90s there was a buff dude that lived down the street from me and offered to sell me roids lol. He looked kinda like Julian from trailer park boys except blonde.

  14. 4 months ago

    Is this bait or are zoomers actually this moronic?

    • 4 months ago

      I saw one lamenting that everyone gets storebought candy and garbage instead of making them by hand at home "like everyone did in the 90s", and another one joined in and started posting shit about how to boil fruit or something. Neither of them were joking or being ironic. They didn't get that the era was best known for toys and rainbow sugar at the corner store. Hell, there was another one that wrote a story set some years back that involved a character waiting for another one and the "VHS menu" looping. No one knows how anything was anymore.

    • 4 months ago

      >Is this bait or are zoomers actually this moronic?
      the soviet union never really ended. The shitshow of russia that you see now is just a decoy to lull in the west

  15. 4 months ago

    >It was very social. Its considered rude to be social in a gym, but it used to be considered rude to be anti-social. I don't know when this change happened, but I would love to reverse it. Just a bunch of buddies hanging out, listening to music and knocking out 2 hour workouts.

    >Everybody was brosplitting doing routines they got from m&f magazine. We made okay gains but it wasn't until Brooks Kubrik and Pavel Tsatsouline hit the scene that we got a better idea on how to train natty and get strong.

    >There were no kettlebells. In fact, a lot of things that are standard in a gym were not back then. Just machines, barbells, and dumbbells. When the gym got a power rack it was considered a revolution lol

    Really, the things I remember the most was how social it was (no phones etc) and how little everyone knew so there was a lot of experimenting with different ideas

    I swear a lot of the reason I still lift to this day is because of how great the gym experience was back then and how much of a part it played in me growing up. I really wish a lot of people could have the opportunity to experience it.

  16. 4 months ago

    Watch Dorian Yates' Blood and Guts video on youtube for the vibe. I started lifting in the UK in the early 00s and no one weightlifted then. Even in big cities it was either 'Temple Gym'-style (the nearest gym to me was literally a shack full of roided freaks) or boutique 'fitness centres' made up of cadio machines, badminton courts and swimming pools.

    • 4 months ago

      This. In the UK late 90s to mid 00s, there were barely any free weights or heavy lifting being done outside of a handful of hard-core gyms full of roid heads in big cities or tiny powerlifting clubs with old men in small towns.

      By and large everywhere was a health club/spa style gym with cardio machines galore, a few machines, and light dumbbells. There were no Oly bars let alone power bars and squat racks. There might be one bench with uncalibrated plates and 15kg bar.

      Everyone did either pure cardio or machine based bro splits and light dumbbell bullshit. It was how Americans describe Planet Fitness now I guess.

      After about 2010 or so, UK gyms started to get Oly bars and calibrated plates again, I think a lot of Rugby boys read about 5x5/SS online then others took it up plus women getting into Crossfit.

      Basically it was total shit in the UK at least and not a period to be nostalgic about in anyway. Now even your average high street gym has multiple power cages and calibrated plates with people who can actually fricking lift.

  17. 4 months ago

    That looks too clean to have been abandoned. It would be dirty or ransacked.

  18. 4 months ago

    Gym culture in the 90s was fricking awesome.
    Tons of mass monsters in every gym, dudes with Tom Selleck mustaches wearing string tank tops hauling their gallon water jugs around. They weren't always super strong, but they were big, and trained hard. If you saw someone over the course of a few years, they almost ALWAYS made gains that were very noticeable because people were focused on intensity and consistency and not hung up on homosexual shit like "What preworkout do you take to get amped, bro?" or "Dude, your outfit is frickin' banging!" shit like everyone is today. Lifting was about LIFTING, not looking cool, acting tough, or staring at your phone every minute you aren't moving weight around.
    Now, it's gayer than a homosexual nightclub. I'm an old dude of 50, and I mog the frick out of everyone at the small gym near me because most of the dudes there are 150 lbs. soaking wet and change their program and lifts every week and avoid all the staple compound lifts. They're nancy boys who think "I don't need to squat, deadlift, or overhead press, because I could get hurt!", and that's why they NEVER change, because there's no heart to their lifting, no intensity as none of them train anywhere near their max (they act like they're going to pass the frick out when they do a set of 20 lb. cable flyes, for frick's sake), and they can't stick to anything.
    Take me back to lifting at Bally Total Fitness in 1994 again, that shit was motivating, and every few months, my lifts jumped like crazy because I pushed myself to be like the big guys I'd see who were benching 405 for reps like it was a warm-up set. Train with people better than you, and you do better. Train with weak homosexuals who color-coordinate their outfits, and you too will be a gay homosexual in no time.

    • 4 months ago

      But, to be considered, I'm from the Midwest, where people have been interested in being big and strong for much longer than it seems most of the country has been. I gym hopped a lot between about 8 different places in the Milwaukee/Waukesha area, and no matter where I went, there were ALWAYS strong mofos lurking around, if you went to a gym and people looked like the noodle armed twinks of today, you'd know that it wasn't the place to be and you'd move on.
      Frick, I remember showing some of the teenagers how to squat properly as I was getting close to hitting 500 for the first time, and within months, a few of them were getting 3pl8 squats to proper depth. That shit just doesn't happen anymore, I've seen ONE guy at my gym squat more than 185 in the 5 years I've been going there, and that's it. Had to compliment the kid when he actually hit 365 beltless to depth because it had been ages since I'd seen anyone other than myself put more than 2 fricking plates on a bar for anything.
      Makes me think it may be time to head back to the powerlifting gym so I can cleanse myself of the stench of gayness I've had to endure at my usual place.

      • 4 months ago

        >I'm from the Midwest, where people have been interested in being big and strong for much longer than it seems most of the country has been
        Same. Live in northern California now and all people care about here fitness-wise is eating vegetables, being thin, and “strong core and cardio.” There are some people who lift weights but everyone is obsessed with muh optimization because all they know about fitness comes from fitfluencers. They’ve never had a classmate’s alcoholic dad as their S&C coach, screaming his face red in the weight room because he knows you can get that last rep plus two more. It really seems like people are afraid of finding their actual potential because they’re worried it might not be enough and don’t have the stuff to improve that ceiling.

    • 4 months ago

      >not hung up on homosexual shit like "What preworkout do you take to get amped, bro?" or "Dude, your outfit is frickin' banging!" shit like everyone is today.
      ur such a fricking loser lmfao

  19. 4 months ago

    I am an IRL boomer.

    In the 90s me and the bros on going gym joke was to pee in the garbage can (it was a tiny office one in the corner, like a couple liters in volume). The janitor used to come up to us (as the elder gym bros) and tell us he needs us to keep a look out to catch the culprit. Little did he know we were the very scoundrels he sought. Such was life before you assumed you were video taped all the time.

  20. 4 months ago

    Old fart here. There were two types of gyms. Sweatbox real gyms with only men plus one or two burnt-out roasties that were effectively groupies. Then you had mainstream gyms. There were still loads of aerobics grills back then. Gym was swarming with them after their classes. Spandex everywhere. No cameras, obviously, and none of the social media bullshit that goes with phones and cameras.

  21. 4 months ago

    Gym was mostly for freaks who took fitness too seriously until the 2010s. Also gays of course. Everyone else just did push ups at home or something.

    t. mid 40s

  22. 4 months ago

    I bought my first set of weights and a bench in '92. I started going to my local gym maybe 1995. If by "gym culture" you mean "how did people behave in the gym" then the answer is pretty nice? People wouldn't "mog" other people, people would ask "how many sets do you have left" or "mind if I get a set in while you're resting?" rather than b***h about people "hogging" equipment. Nobody was forcing anyone else to listen to their music (no smartphones back then then). People would make small talk at the water cooler. It was ok to (respectfully and not obviously) check out girls as they were doing the same to the guys. Most people were helpful ie: no laughing at the skinny guy squatting the bar or the fat guy on the treadmill. There was an 83 year old guy at my gym who would do strict one arm chinups without making a big deal about it, he was a legend. This is gonna sound dumb but I think Baywatch (at the time watched by a fifth of the planets population) had an effect on gym culture back then as fitness/lifting was portrayed as something "good" people did so the clientele gyms attracted reflected that. Today's gyms seem to be full of really shitty people.

  23. 4 months ago

    >early 2000s

  24. 4 months ago

    This sort of nostalgia is confusing cause and effect. The reason life was better in the 90s was because society still had some cohesion and decency. Technology is the one thing that has actually gotten better since then. 90s society with modern technology would be the best of both worlds.

  25. 4 months ago

    40 year old here. It was pretty awesome. A lot less women, but they dressed normal. They trained everything not just legs and ass. Absolutely no sumo deadlifts. The roid monsters wore these hilarious spandex outfits. When M1T came out my bench press went up to 315 in a matter of weeks. I got the frick right off that insane shit and started shooting test.

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