HPV Wart

Got an HPV wart. How do I get rid of this and how over is it for me? I guess most people say it just goes away on its own. I dunno. I'm so disgusted with sex. Frickin been with 2 girls ever and this happens. Sex wasn't worth it, bros.

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  1. 7 months ago
    Your Anal Nightmare

    Lmao were you humping doorknobs raw or something?

    • 7 months ago

      Nope. Been with two girls ever. My ex who was a LTR and then a hook up after. Wore a condom too but apparently HPV doesn't care about that.

      • 7 months ago

        Sounds like your ex was a cheating prostitute or you just jumped onto the town bike. Some go away some don't idk talk to your doctor. I have herpes OP but I only had one flair up and it wasn't anything. But I do tell girls before I frick them but they honestly don't care. They actually seem to like the fact that I'm honest about it and I think it turns them on a little knowing I've fricked a lot of girls.

        • 7 months ago

          >women get turned on when he tells them he has herpes

          • 7 months ago

            It hasn't stopped them from letting me rawdog them and creampie and throat pie them.

            • 7 months ago

              What kind of absolute gutter slurs are you fricking bro?

              My body count is at least 50, rarely with protection, and I’m clean as a whistle. If a woman told me she had herpes there’s a 0% (zero) chance I’d stick it in her even with a rubber

              • 7 months ago

                Women lack foresight. They just see someone being honest with them and they think that's nice because I didn't just lie to them. Obviously shouldn't frick when you have an outbreak but less likely to spread when you're not having an outbreak. Possibly they had it too so they didn't care. But if you've fricked 50 girls you've fricked girls with herpes before and women get that shit in their pussy too so even if it looks fine on the outside they can have that shit going on in there. Even your balls slapping against their twat can give you herpes.

        • 7 months ago

          She actually was. I don't know with how many but I found out indefinitely that she'd cheated when she told me during the end of things. Who knows. Is there anything I can do to make it go away better/faster? Supplements or anything? Not just the warts but the virus itself.

          • 7 months ago

            I don't have hpv but I use to have just general warts on my hands and feet. It's all a virus though that sticks with you but your immune system is your best bet like all viruses. Looks like zinc is good for that so maybe just try that, keep your D3 up, etc

          • 7 months ago

            I'm this anon

            It happens, it's not the end of the world. I don't have warts, but I know some people who do, and it seems like you were trying your best to stay clean, but yea dirty girls can still give you warts even if you wear a condom. Just the wart area around her vag touching you can transfer it. You should have paid more attention (it's why I only frick fully shaved women so I can inspect first).

            Anyway, it's not a death sentence. There are creams and medications you can take that reduce the chance of transmission if you have a flare-up. You should have not fricked bawds, because they were terrible for not letting you know they had warts, and also for not taking medication to prevent the transmission to you.

            Be upfront about your condition with others, show them that you are taking meds and the transmission rate probability is super low, and allow them to make informed decisions.

            Fun fact, I know a femcel who ended up getting super fricked up and had sex with a random guy and got genital warts from it. Haha. Stupid b***h, the gift that keeps on giving, and it was the first guy she fricked.

            There are retrovirals you can take if it's really bad, or to take during flareups. It's not curable (you have it for life as it resides dormant in your nerves), but medication especially during flareups can ease the symptoms as well as decrease the probability of you from spreading it to others. Don't be such a moron the next time you have sex.

            • 7 months ago

              As I understand it from what I've read/been told, it doesn't necessarily stay with you. In some cases the immune system clears an HPV strain entirely and in others it sounds like it "becomes undetectable (goes dormant). Most sources seem to say most people have had some form of it at some point but the body tends to clear it in about 3 or 4 years.

              • 7 months ago

                It might depend on treatment. There are trials for treatments of HIV infection that actually involve "provoking" HIV out of reservoirs in the body, followed by medication that eliminates the HIV virus. There might be a similar thing for genital warts, I just haven't heard of it. Just be careful next time, and get some antiretrovirals like Valtrex (valocyclovir) from your doctor.

            • 7 months ago

              It might depend on treatment. There are trials for treatments of HIV infection that actually involve "provoking" HIV out of reservoirs in the body, followed by medication that eliminates the HIV virus. There might be a similar thing for genital warts, I just haven't heard of it. Just be careful next time, and get some antiretrovirals like Valtrex (valocyclovir) from your doctor.

              I think you are mixing up the info on HPV with HSV (herpes). Valtrex is used to treat forms of HSV, including herpes, shingles/chick pox virus, and the virus affects the nerves and all forms of it just go dormant but stay in the body. HPV is not the same, it resides in/affects the skin not the nerves.

              • 7 months ago

                Nope https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16771614/

        • 7 months ago

          Wait, should I be faking an std to get women excited?

      • 7 months ago

        >then a hook up after.
        frick prostitutes, get prostitute diseases

        unironically get the vaccine (Gardasil). If left untreated, genital warts can turn into preventable cancers later in life (penal, anal, etc.) Do yourself and future partners a favor and just bomb this while it's just warts. best of luck, Anon.

        >unironically get the vaccine (Gardasil)
        too late for him, he already has it

        Remember boys - a vegana is a petridish, make sure you only put your dick in clean ones.

  2. 7 months ago

    Just buy wart remover anon

  3. 7 months ago

    unironically get the vaccine (Gardasil). If left untreated, genital warts can turn into preventable cancers later in life (penal, anal, etc.) Do yourself and future partners a favor and just bomb this while it's just warts. best of luck, Anon.

    • 7 months ago

      I mean the vaccine won't help a case of it right now. I assume you mean just get it so I don't catch it again? Good idea tbh, man this just skeeved me out about sex altogether. It made me realize jamming your dick in randoms is not glorious it's frickin gross, you're just stick your dick in some else's festering disgusting body.

      Don't get vaxxed it'll provably just go away

      And so as I understand it, it eventually clears up for most people on its own, the objective is to get rid of it and not catch it again.

      • 7 months ago

        You will be horny again in a couple of months

  4. 7 months ago

    let me guess, it wasnt a hooker?

  5. 7 months ago

    I've been trying to tell yall fricking modern women is bestiality.
    It's over for OP (gotta go get frozen off) but yall should get vaxxed.

  6. 7 months ago

    I'd nuke it with a combo of otc freeze-off and otc salicylic acid. If that fails, doctor. But yeah that fricking sucks. Sorry OP I hate warts like no other

  7. 7 months ago

    Don't get vaxxed it'll provably just go away

  8. 7 months ago

    >asks a bunch of dyel incels about his STD instead of his doctor

  9. 7 months ago

    I would try and let it go away on its own. I had warts on my hands once and in 4 months they just went away. You can also try some natural remedies, some of that stuff does work.

    I would not use the laser removal unless it's been a couple years or more and it's still not gone. You don't want to end up with a scar on your dick.

    If it makes you feel any better I have 2 scars on my dick and they are not from an STD. I had 2 times where an ingrown hair got so bad it became a cyst and the cyst never went away so they had to cut it out.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, I was hoping to let it go away on its own if possible because at least that would be an indication that it was actually cleared by my body i.e. I actually got over it, at least I think so. I honestly would not have the heart to ever have sex with someone again knowing there's a chance I could spread it to them so knowing it cleared up on its own would seem to be a better indicator that it's maybe gone. I think anyways?

      I'm actually going to comment on because I've been there. Get yourself some apple cider vinegar (with the mother) shake it up good and dab it on a cotton swab and duct tape it good to your wart. Make sure it's airtight. And repeat for three days minimum. It'll cauterize it and sanitize it at the same time. And has a high healing factor. Or it could hurt be a skintag you gay. Try not to put your dick in your butthole next time. (Not a doctor)

      I also appreciate this advice too though.

  10. 7 months ago

    I'm actually going to comment on because I've been there. Get yourself some apple cider vinegar (with the mother) shake it up good and dab it on a cotton swab and duct tape it good to your wart. Make sure it's airtight. And repeat for three days minimum. It'll cauterize it and sanitize it at the same time. And has a high healing factor. Or it could hurt be a skintag you gay. Try not to put your dick in your butthole next time. (Not a doctor)

  11. 7 months ago

    Lying prostitute gave me herps. Never had an outbreak but I fricking hate her to this day. It's destroyed my sex drive and confidence.

    • 7 months ago

      OP here, I understand man, I am the same way. This kind of thing really tears me down in that way, makes you feel like a sexual leper.

  12. 7 months ago

    I've literally never had protected sex and I'm completely clean LMAO. First lay we were both virgins (she was taking the pill). Then few years after had a few flings with a nerdy girl which could have been her first time but I'm not sure she said it's been a while and didn't make a big deal about it but she was weird idk, did pullout. And now my current gf that got a copper IUD pretty much because of me and I cum deep inside her as often as possible

  13. 7 months ago

    I have HPV. Think I fricked a hoe that had it on the entrance to the uterus, because she complained it was hurting. I used a condom but condoms dont go all the way down, and I had just shaven my wiener so there were probably microcuts there for HPV to enter my body. Not 100% sure I got from this girl and no others but she seemed the bawdiest.

    Then I got warts all over my wiener, including three big ones in the base. Took like more than a year for the warts to start going away, but then a couple new ones appeared and so on. It's been almost 4 years now and it's mostly gone, it was almost all gone actually but a new wart appeared two months ago where the bigger warts were before fml.

    • 7 months ago

      that's a good argument against shaving

    • 7 months ago

      Man, that frickin sucks. Sex is a frickin crapshoot man, I really dunno if it's even worth it. After this, one disaster of a long term relationship and one hook up I just feel like I want this to go away and to go hermit mode as far as sex. It sounds like your ordeal with this might be winding down at least, man, I hope this is it for you.

    • 7 months ago

      that's a good argument against shaving

      Shaving looks so feminine though, do you guys actually do that? Trimming is way better. Looks better. Feels better. And having some hair down there makes you not look like a gay alien

  14. 7 months ago

    Maybe I'm israelite pilled but for me it's 3-4mm on the pubes. 1-2.5mm on the sack and 0 on the actual wiener. It doesn't look akward and it blends well with leg and belly hair. If you shave at what point do you stop? Surely you can't have gorilla legs and perfect soft princess pubic area that just looks bad but you're also not going to shave your entire legs

  15. 7 months ago

    It happens, it's not the end of the world. I don't have warts, but I know some people who do, and it seems like you were trying your best to stay clean, but yea dirty girls can still give you warts even if you wear a condom. Just the wart area around her vag touching you can transfer it. You should have paid more attention (it's why I only frick fully shaved women so I can inspect first).

    Anyway, it's not a death sentence. There are creams and medications you can take that reduce the chance of transmission if you have a flare-up. You should have not fricked bawds, because they were terrible for not letting you know they had warts, and also for not taking medication to prevent the transmission to you.

    Be upfront about your condition with others, show them that you are taking meds and the transmission rate probability is super low, and allow them to make informed decisions.

    Fun fact, I know a femcel who ended up getting super fricked up and had sex with a random guy and got genital warts from it. Haha. Stupid b***h, the gift that keeps on giving, and it was the first guy she fricked.

  16. 7 months ago

    It’s definitely a wart and not pearly penile papules? You can test at home with white vinegar, if the wart turns white it’s a wart.

    Go to your doctor now and they’ll give give you a cream, it’s not fun as the
    Medication basically tells your immune system to attack the area which can cause blistering. After 8 weeks it should disappear, if that doesn’t work they can use liquid nitrogen to remove it.

    The low risk variant is the one that causes warts, the high risk doesn’t but will give women cervical cancer/throat cancer.

    Try to do absolutely everything to maximise your immune system.

    Always wear a rubber, even with oral sex.
    so many people are asymptomatic but still infectious.

    • 7 months ago

      OP here. Thank you for all this good information. I appreciate it very much.

      • 7 months ago

        yea stop tweaking. people get HPV just from making out. you'll live and it wont affect your health in any serious way long term

        • 7 months ago

          >it wont affect your health in any serious way long term
          ok israelite

        • 7 months ago

          >you'll live and it wont affect your health in any serious way long term
          except for the fact you're now at risk of getting the 6th most common cancer
          might as well start chain smoking

          • 7 months ago

            You’re thinking of the high-risk variant of HPV which is asymptomatic in males, low risk HPV just gives you warts. Plus if you’re born on the 1st world you would’ve been vaccinated against high risk HPV at 13 - 15 y/o.

  17. 7 months ago

    How do you sex havers deal with nipple hair? I have thick dark hair that really contrasts on my white pale pink nipples.

    • 7 months ago

      shave it if you dont have chest hair Leave it if you do

      • 7 months ago

        My chest hair grows in a perfect triangular shape which I trim down for it to not contrast too much but I don't shave completely. Honestly I wouldn't mind about the chest hair if it wasn't in such a perfect geometric shape. Also it makes pecs look smaller since it's harder to see the definition in the middle but also kind of hides my shit chest inserts ( I'm scared of trimming my nipples off )

        • 7 months ago

          I'd just trim or shave it all. I've literally had a girl ask me " Have you thought about plucking your nipple hairs" so its not really an ideal

          • 7 months ago

            >Have you thought about plucking your nipple hairs
            That actually sounds like a great idea honestly. Pluck them all out and never worry about it again, might be pretty painful though but whatever

  18. 7 months ago

    Am I gay for imagining getting drunk and having a bro pluck them out as if we're in an action movie and they need to cauterize a wound or something like that. Too bad I don't have any close friends that would do that but sounds like a good way of turning a painful situation into a fun one

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