>hurt my lower back while benching two months ago

>hurt my lower back while benching two months ago
>Haven't lifted heavy since, only did bodyweight light workouts like pullups, core work (mcgills big 3) and cardio (walking and jumprope)
>still feel pain down there, occasionally moving to upper back as well

Wtf do I do fitbros, I feel like I'm going insane without my gym. I just want to lift again mang

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  1. 12 months ago

    it needs time to heal. I injured my lower back years ago and I recall it took like 1 year to not feeling pain anymore. And it hurts again whenever I caught a flu.

    • 12 months ago

      get moving
      your back hurts because you don't use it
      work through the pain and it will get better
      if you keep avoiding dealing with it you'll end up like these chumps

      I've hurt my back a bit like 7 years ago and I kept getting a burning sensation somewhere in the middle of my spine even from carrying heavy grocery bags, and it only stopped a year or so ago.
      so yeah, wouldn't be optimistic about it

      • 12 months ago

        Granted I spent a month sitting on my ass afraid to move/do anything in fear I might injure it further. It's hard to accept you need to ease back into working out; the moment I feel the pain is gone I want to load up the bar for squatting but then it starts flaring up again after a warm up and I go back to square one. Fricking hell why did we have to stop walking on all 4s

        • 12 months ago

          Check out bill starrs recovery method, i believe its just doing a shit ton of reps with almost no weight. This helped quite a bit for me everytime ive gotten injured, squats with no weight just gets blood flow where you want it.

        • 12 months ago

          Describe the pain, is it constant? Worse when bending? Worse when compressing?

          Also are you using a back roller or something similar? I’ve found those always extend out back strains rather than help them.

          When you start to feel better again try light machine exercises that don’t engage your core until you’re way sure your back is better. Stuff like seated bench press with the bench up behind your back, laying cable bicep curls/shoulder press/triceps extensions, leg machines, and seated cable rows (with the bench angled high and against your torso) if you can do it without pain.

          • 12 months ago

            Currently it only comes in momentarily, mostly like a quick jolt of discomfort when Im lying down or sometimes when I reach back to wipe my ass. It does feel much better overall now than it did two months ago, but it still being around worries me as I expected it to heal by now.

            I don't roll my back no, never felt comfortable with that. I did go through a lot of basic motions today while wearing a lifting belt to stimulate core engagement, blood flow and stretch out my hammies specifically and the general feeling is better, I'd say right now. I'll stick to that and include roman chair work, we're all gonna make it bros

  2. 12 months ago

    I've hurt my back a bit like 7 years ago and I kept getting a burning sensation somewhere in the middle of my spine even from carrying heavy grocery bags, and it only stopped a year or so ago.
    so yeah, wouldn't be optimistic about it

  3. 12 months ago

    Get on one of these and try to go as deep as possible into a lower back/glue/hamstring stretch without hurting yourself. Maximize the range of motion and try to push your body into your legs if you can. If you feel pain stop then slowly try again. You very likely have tight hamstrings, hip flexors, etc that contributed to poor posture and you hurt your back because of it under load. I recommend trying to do a Jefferson curl or work up to one. Also get an inversion table if you don’t have one.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Probably, I tried doing some dumbbell squats and the pain flared up since. I'll look into some hip/hamstring stretches and the workouts you mentioned, thank you

      How do you hurt your back benching?

      Arched too hard I think, and didn't brace my core at all

      • 12 months ago

        >Arched too hard I think,
        found the zero range bench presser kek

    • 12 months ago

      What's the name of this bench?

      • 12 months ago

        The roman chair, you can get them on amazon

    • 12 months ago

      This exercise is the fricking key. When i had low back pain that was almost debilitating for a year this exercise cured it. It was amazing literally next day i stopped having pain. I do this every leg day now and add weight(100lbs usually) for reps and focus on the stretch.

    • 12 months ago

      Also gonna chime in and recommend this thing.
      I was a fat frick for a long time and also had a back injury when I was a moronic noob trying to squat too much. Would have days where I'd wake up and barely be able to stand because of the pain, I'd bend over to tie my shoes while sitting down and the pain would go shooting down my leg.

      Back extensions are awesome, my back pain isn't 100% gone but it doesn't affect my daily life nearly as much.

      Will also add that I do deadlifts as well, but you gotta start small. Do your back extensions, it's awesome.

  4. 12 months ago

    Stop belching, it's not healthy for you

  5. 12 months ago

    How do you hurt your back benching?

  6. 12 months ago

    I did squat and deadlift and did not hurt my back

  7. 12 months ago

    >he fell for the back arching meme
    deserved. spines will be collected until behavior improves

  8. 12 months ago

    if you arched your back, it may be a pars interarticularis injury, or facet joint problem. If it's a pars interarticularis injury, you're looking at bone injury and bone healing rates, you should buy a brace. Facet joint issues usually present as muscle pain in the erectors or deeper paraspinals.

    If you did injure your bone, you are in risk of causing a condition called spondye-girlsthesis, which is one of the most devastating injuries for the back for some people, depending on what nerves are irritated by it.

    You should not think about anything heavy for at least 6-8 weeks. Even then you should probably get used to doing alternative exercises for a long time, like 3-6 months

    • 12 months ago

      That's what I'm mostly worried about, muscle pain should have healed by now I think; also the pain I feel doesn't really have that dull consistent feel of an injured muscle (feels more sharp and momentary, similar to the pain I felt when I suffered from knee tendinosis). Wearing mu lifting belt helps and today's day of movement seems to have helped a bit so we'll see. I am planning to stay away from heavy weight for a few more months at least for sure.

  9. 12 months ago

    You need a chiropractor and rest you dummy. We all know the gym is tempting and losing gains sucks but you are spinning your tires right now. Recover, then hit the gym.

    Back pain remedies: ice packs, yoga, stretching(youtube search), chiro, pain meds, epsom salt baths, do not sit up out of bed(lay to your side and push up), firm mattress if youre belly sleeping, rest, time

    • 12 months ago

      Chiropractors are as useless as the mother that didn’t abort this moron

      • 12 months ago

        combined with mcgill's exercises, chiropractic can be very useful, they are also the cheapest way to get an x ray of your spine, the doctor will charge hundreds, a chiro will do it for like $90-$150

        If your chiro doesn't do an x ray first, they are not a good chiro and stay away from them.

  10. 12 months ago

    Sleep on your back with a pillow under your legs (behind your knees or just about that area). If you’re a side sleeper sleep with a pillow between your knees.

    Look up some basic lower back stretches and do them at least once per day. Start with stretches designed for sciatic nerve pain relief, those are choice.

    You’ll likely feel significant better within a week.

  11. 12 months ago

    i did squats and deadlifts and my back is fine

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