I always seem to have oil or dead skin etc built up all over my body, in the shower I can usually drag my hails across my arms, legs, neck, back and I...

I always seem to have oil or dead skin etc built up all over my body, in the shower I can usually drag my hails across my arms, legs, neck, back and I can get copious amounts of dead skin rubbing off or after I get out of the shower I can just rub the skin and it rolls up into little twists or balls

I shower every day, what the frick is going on? I work in an office and I just don't get what I am supposed to do to keep my skin just normal

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  1. 4 months ago

    Exfoliate motherfricker, and use moisturizer. Your skin is probably drier than two thousand-year-old papyrus.

    • 4 months ago

      I do exfoliate, I use gloves for that shit and it helps, seemingly, but this shit never truly goes away

      • 4 months ago

        Also moisturizer, probably something with urea in it, which acts as a mild exfoliant as well.

        • 4 months ago

          What good does pissing on yourself do?

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, itll never go away, its natural anon! ^o^

        Looks like a fungal biofilm covering your skin. Consider borax, find it in the laundry aisle. Warm yourself up in the water for about five minutes, turn it off or let it drip. Sprinkle the powder in your hand or directly to body parts, add water as needed. Exfoliate entire body once every week or two. More often you really need it. Use your usual body soap afterwards for scent if you prefer.

        Please dont do this!!!

        fungal infections of the skin lead to sebderm, this is just excess sebum build-up because you're constantly jerking off and spiking DHT and cortisol which causes your skin and hair to get greasy with sebum.

        Stop jerking off.

        Its on anons leg not his dick are you stupid

        • 4 months ago

          sebum production is a whole body thing

  2. 4 months ago

    Get some soap with salicylic acid

  3. 4 months ago

    I get this too, not sure of solution, not sure what specific terms to search on google etc.

    Exfoliation probably helps though

  4. 4 months ago

    I get this whenever I fap multiple times in one day, I don't get this weird skin buildup when I don't fap at all, so it's pretty clear you're a coomer like me

    • 4 months ago

      I get this too, not sure of solution, not sure what specific terms to search on google etc.

      Exfoliation probably helps though


      I always seem to have oil or dead skin etc built up all over my body, in the shower I can usually drag my hails across my arms, legs, neck, back and I can get copious amounts of dead skin rubbing off or after I get out of the shower I can just rub the skin and it rolls up into little twists or balls

      I shower every day, what the frick is going on? I work in an office and I just don't get what I am supposed to do to keep my skin just normal

      Maybe don't sit around all day being lazy fat fricks? Wash your clothes and bedding regularly?

      • 4 months ago

        I do at least?
        I have a minor skin thing where the outer layer doesnt shed as easily

  5. 4 months ago
    I ignore women

    nasty ass

  6. 4 months ago
    I ignore women

    why are women so gross?

  7. 4 months ago

    Looks like a fungal biofilm covering your skin. Consider borax, find it in the laundry aisle. Warm yourself up in the water for about five minutes, turn it off or let it drip. Sprinkle the powder in your hand or directly to body parts, add water as needed. Exfoliate entire body once every week or two. More often you really need it. Use your usual body soap afterwards for scent if you prefer.

    • 4 months ago

      fungal infections of the skin lead to sebderm, this is just excess sebum build-up because you're constantly jerking off and spiking DHT and cortisol which causes your skin and hair to get greasy with sebum.

      Stop jerking off.

      • 4 months ago

        Stop projecting

        • 4 months ago

          I'm literally telling you why you have tons of oil and dead skin buildup.

          • 4 months ago

            I didn't make the post, moron, only a literal brain dead dark would consider using borax on your skin

  8. 4 months ago

    Sit in a sauna and sweat your nasty skin ass out

  9. 4 months ago

    OP pretty sure this is normal
    and everyone has this. Imo it is a build up of sweat and oily skin. If it's it hot and humid, you sweat more and produce more of this stuff.
    But if your skin is overly oil, then you should up the omega 3 and zinc in yer diet.

    • 4 months ago

      >everyone has this
      i literally do not have this, what the frick are you talking about?

  10. 4 months ago

    I have the same thing, no idea what it is. exfoliating doesn't help

  11. 4 months ago

    Hi anon! This is completely normal. Exfoliating washes are a good way to avoid less skin rolling up, but I use these specific exfoliating clothes that really help
    Just get the cloth wet and maybe ~5 minutes into the shower when your legs are moist you can scrub the skin off
    ( ´ ▽ ` )

  12. 4 months ago

    You probably need to use another type of shampoo/soap.
    I used to have this problem, (back then I was vegetarian, and maybe that has something to do with it, but I don't think so).
    I think the type of soap/shampoo you use is probably the cause of it.
    You could try some different brands.
    Skin and hair should be slightly acidic, and many soaps/shampoos are way too alkaline and penetrate way too much into the skin.
    Garnier FRUCTIS©™ works for me, and I use it for my whole body.
    It's just a normal shampoo with some lemon or something in it which neutralizes the alkalinity.
    I never have that skin problem anymore. (only sometimes a little bit between my toes and on the sides of my feet if I forget to wash them properly)
    I used to use some allergy friendly eco brand with no perfume or anything, and my hair and skin felt terrible after I used it and I had the same skin problem as you all over my body.

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