I am addicted to adderall. Ive basically fried the shit out of my dopamine receptors. Wut do

I am addicted to adderall. I’ve basically fried the shit out of my dopamine receptors. Wut do

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  1. 11 months ago

    How often do you use it

    • 11 months ago

      Everyday until my 30 day supply runs out

  2. 11 months ago

    Amphetamines aren't addictive unless you take super high doses which induce euphoria and neuronal death through toxic amount of dopamine relesse. Therapeutic doses do not have a withdrawal associated with them and you can be on a low therapeutic dose for years if you take weekend breaks. The reason people find them addictive is because they do hedonistic things on them like watch porn. Amphetamines actually will serve to reduce porn habit if you resolve never to watch the filth while on it or jerk off. Never had a crash. Always averted lustful thoughts on them. Never had sex on them. Normies throw such a powerful tool away by playing video games or cooming .


    You literally become what you do on them. In my case I just read books and listen to music.

    • 11 months ago

      I take it every day and when I stop, I feel like shit for a week, first 3 days I'm useless. There is certainty some kind of dependancy going on.

    • 11 months ago

      >Amphetamines aren't addictive
      Why are they giga-illegal then?

      • 11 months ago

        Easy to overdose if you're being moronic

      • 11 months ago

        I don't think they should be legal, but society has a huge irrational fear of any psychoactive substance that isn't caffeine, nicotine or alcohol, regardless of harm.

        Easy to overdose if you're being moronic

        Are they really though? As harmful as it is methamphetamine is stronger than regular amphetamines, and addicts will take even several grams of it at once without overdosing

        • 11 months ago

          >of any psychoactive substance that isn't caffeine, nicotine or alcohol, regardless of harm.
          1)cafeine is extremely mild
          2)nicotine mainly makes you smoke more and gives you cancer, has very little effect on actual behaviour, all of the damge is to the user
          3)Alcohol is too culturally ingrained and easy to produce to ban. Furthermore it can be consumed in smaller amounts (around max 4 units) for taste with minimal intoxication levels
          A more apt comparison for daily ADHD med usage is like trying to keep a mpderate alcohol buzz going, every day, for years on end.
          Also very high chance to spiral out of control if used recreationally.

          • 11 months ago

            >cafeine is extremely mild
            Self medicating with caffeine isn't mild. Doses of 500mg a day or more produce significant cardiovascular effects. It doesn't keep people awake so of course they take more and more.
            Nicotine doesn't make you smoke and itself doesn't give you cancer. Actual dose of nicotine per cigarette absorbed is about 1mg which at 10 to 20 a day is a minuscule amount that would produce light withdrawals. The pairing of it with CO and the social reinforcement of smoking such as having a break is why people smoke. Most nicotine consumption has no smoking involved these days. More people use nicotine replacements than actual cigarettes. It's effect on behavior is real and expontentially more profound than you think, increases digit span reliability, aids with learning and habit reinforcement.
            >Furthermore it can be consumed in smaller amounts (around max 4 units)
            4 drinks isn't a small amount and is toxic enough to inflict significant brain, nerve and liver damage.

            You proved the other guys point and made yourself look like an idiot.

            • 11 months ago

              Cope more druggie

            • 11 months ago

              >Doses of 500mg
              who the hell uses 500mg of caffeine a day?
              you'd have to drink a gallon of espresso to reach that

        • 11 months ago

          >society has a huge irrational fear of any psychoactive substance that isn't caffeine, nicotine or alcohol, regardless of harm.

      • 11 months ago

        Why are weed and alcohol legal? These are prole drugs that keep people sedated, stupid, and make them even dumber. Stimulants enhance cognition. This is a threat. Society needs people to be stupified and pacified. The other poster hit the nail on the head too.

        • 11 months ago

          This is such an incredible midwit take
          >da joos don’t want me getting smart on da crack, das it mane
          Without drugs being illegal
          >the CIA can’t make billions in trafficking
          >you can’t justify US-directed militarization of Latin American puppet regimes
          >the American police loses an easy pretense to brutalize the lower class
          America is the richest country in history. We treat our lower class with maximum brutality intentionally in order to threaten the wageslave class and reduce their bargaining power

          • 11 months ago

            Calm down marxy boy

    • 11 months ago

      >Therapeutic doses do not have a withdrawal associated with them
      Hahahhahaha thats fricking bullshit, when I quit my ritalin (daily 40mg dose) it took a fricking month before I could properly focus on something for more than 10 secs. But hey I guess we can sell more meds to unsuspecting worried parents if we can just say it is a magic pill that will give their son good grades and make him stop sprinting around like a maniac. Frick the pharma industry.

  3. 11 months ago

    Stop using it cold turkey. If you can't, check yourself into an inpatient drug facility to force you to detox.

  4. 11 months ago

    Tell your doctor you are abusing it and to cut off your prescription. If you want to actually beat this that is step one.

    • 11 months ago

      I get it off dark net. I won't be paying to doctor who is only interested in money.

      • 11 months ago

        as opposed to internet drug dealers who are doing it for...?

        • 11 months ago

          Love and the good of the wider community as a whole.

  5. 11 months ago

    Up your dosage.

  6. 11 months ago

    That’s the point. You got grifted by the medical community and now are a customer for life.

  7. 11 months ago

    just like lifting you need rest days homie. i like to pick a day where im not going to the gym or working to not take any stims (caffeine + addies) as a reset. and i can do that because i tell myself how good it’s gonna feel the next day when i do take it again. if you’re gonna be a junkie, at least be smart about it. and if you really feel like it’s becoming an actual issue, there’s always resources to help you anon. godspeed (pun intended)

  8. 11 months ago

    >Took ADHD stimulants from 17 y/o to 32 y/o
    >Quit for 2 months due to being locked up for something I was found innocent for later
    >No cravings
    >Took it for the first time today
    >Barely felt anything at first, but the second half of my day I read for like 4 hours, most focused I'd been in a month

    Is this really supposed to be the dangerous drug israelites tell you it is?
    Dosage and habit is everything

  9. 11 months ago

    this me but with the green, can hardly even eat without toking up. Cut my card in half and tossed it...now I'm rationing down until I'm all out. Wagmi

  10. 11 months ago

    what goes up must come down. dopamine will reset but the process sucks

  11. 11 months ago

    enjoy a good year to recover from it physically. i went down that road for work purposes for nearly 2 years.

    You are going to feel like shit in all ways for many,, many months ahead. Anyone who spews that this shit is good for career or life gains is a spastic who never actually takes it.

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