I am NOT asking for advice

How did *YOU* choose *YOUR* workout routine?
>inb4 anon this is what you need to do blah blah blah
I asked for anecdote NOT advice. Illiterates frick off.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Personal experience, i only do 45 minute long workouts, few compound movements with barbell, everything else is just weighed calisthenics

    • 10 months ago

      >weighted calisthenics
      ...you mean freeweight excercises ? lol

    • 10 months ago

      I watched what blacks do and did the opposite.

      To be honest, I'm just winging it. I do unconventional barbell exercises, as well, since I saw a funny video of many gym bros failing to lift in an obscure way. Calisthenics gays are right about functional strength

      I just do what I want
      I work out every day and if I feel rested enough on a body part I do it
      Settled into a sort of PPL that way

      Read the sticky you dumb Black person

      • 10 months ago

        read the OP you illiterate moron and KYS IRL- be sure to get my IP from the mods first so your dumbass family can charge me for manslaughter when you die too.

  2. 10 months ago

    I watched what blacks do and did the opposite.

    • 10 months ago

      This can be a solid plan however, using a vacant playground at midnight for intermediate calisthenics [literal monkey bars kek] is a great idea

    • 10 months ago

      thats why your a DYEL rn

  3. 10 months ago

    To be honest, I'm just winging it. I do unconventional barbell exercises, as well, since I saw a funny video of many gym bros failing to lift in an obscure way. Calisthenics gays are right about functional strength

    • 10 months ago

      Same. I just do what feels right. Ive never been over 200lb. Always been a skelly with moron strength.

  4. 10 months ago

    I just do what I want
    I work out every day and if I feel rested enough on a body part I do it
    Settled into a sort of PPL that way

    • 10 months ago

      >Settled into a sort of PPL that way
      What? Also, my friend in Christ, please fix your formatting. Paragraphs are what oldgays prefer here. The whole unnecessary line break thing is kinda asking to be called a plebbitgay/newbie.

  5. 10 months ago

    I wanted the following
    >can stick with for the long term
    >can be run from a google sheet where I track my progress
    >don't have to think hard about what I'm doing, just show up, do my thing, and go home
    >easy progress
    >short lifting sessions no more than 4 times per week
    >recovery and cardio slots on other days
    5/3/1 was the obvious choice, yes it's 'boring' but it works

  6. 10 months ago

    I noticed that if I neglect a muscle for more than a a couple days then I am not able to progress in strength. Also found out that pull corrects damage done from pushing around big weights the following day and the yin and Yang dynamic made my brain cum.

    • 10 months ago

      I have 1 friend that does a push /pull regiment and NGL it sounds fricking moronic to me.
      >haha today im pulling the bar
      >haha today im pushing the bar
      ...like how are you doing either without the other what the frick? Like are you pushing a boulder down a road one day and the next pulling it? Doesnt make sense practically speaking.
      >if youre lifting a weight: you are pulling and pushing, you cant just do one without the other

      • 10 months ago

        pushing movements and pulling movements are strictly defined:

        pushing movements: the concentric movement is going away from your body, the eccentric movement is going towards your body
        typically works the "front" side of the limb
        only exception i can think of atm is the tricep
        >bench, press, tricep extension
        pulling movement: the concentration movement is going towards your body, the eccentric movement is going away from your body
        typically work back muscles or the back side of a limb (only exception i can think of atm is the bicep)
        >pullups, face pulls, deadlift, curls

  7. 10 months ago

    I wrote an experimental program and tested it through a trial by fire. I had head knowledge and a little time in the gym but no hands on experience. Quickly found out what worked, what didn't work, and what I liked and didn't like.
    >don't like bro splits, love a shoulder day though
    >the exercise order for forearms matters more than any other body part with the flexors 100% being the last part of the routine
    >neck extensions are a meme and will injure you if you train them with the same intensity as neck curls as well as being hit harder and safer by other lifts
    >excessively high volume doesn't work, but intensity techniques like dropsets and myoreps AFTER quality sets are done lead to way better gains
    >more variety of lifts with less sets per lift is better for hypertrophy while less exercise variation with more sets leads to faster strength gain
    >don't take days off unless you can feel your body needs them or your gym performance the precious day was awful
    >increase rep ranges during cuts so that you don't need to be fully recovered and feeling good to keep making progress like with low or moderate rep ranges
    Among other things I've learned

    • 10 months ago

      >previous not precious

  8. 10 months ago

    i only started recently. sticking to db cause i'm cheap, home gym, and don't wanna ACK. shooting for 3x10 on everything cause it seems to be the goldilocks zone of time spent and general results. still figuring out frequency. it's hard to frick up your legs and back more than once a week and still get three days of cardio

  9. 10 months ago

    Whats up boys. Please tell me what i should add to my work out. Please keep in mind i have a home gym so i dont have all the equipment a commercial gym has. My set up is
    >Barbell (45lbs)
    >Plates up to 210lbs total
    >Dumbbells' up to 50lb in intervals of 5lbs

    Would really like some advice

    Group 1
    Barbell Bench Press 3x5
    Barbell overhead press 3x5
    Incline DB press 3x5-3x15 (Alternate between the two)
    Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 3x10-15
    Triceps Extensions 3x10-15
    DB Shrugs 3x12-15
    Fore Arm Curl 3x15
    Push up 3 sets- to failure
    Pull Up 3 sets- to failure
    Chin Up 3 set- to failure

    Group 2 (legs)
    Barbell Squats 3x5
    Romanian Dead Lifts 3x5
    Split Squats3x10-15
    DB Calf Raises 3x20-30
    Push up 3 sets- to failure
    Pull Up 3 sets- to failure
    Chin Up 3 set- to failure

    Group 3
    Barbell Row 3x5
    DB Rows 3x12-15
    Reverse DB Flys 3x12-15
    One arm DB press 3x12-15
    Bicep Curls 3x12-15
    Hammer Curls 3x12-25
    Forearm Curl 3x15
    Bicycle maneuver 3xfailure
    Verticale leg crunch 3xfailure
    Push up 3 sets- to failure
    Pull Up 3 sets- to failure
    Chin Up 3 set- to failure
    I feel my leg day and group 1 is lacking in excersize. To do everything Stretching included takes about 40-50 minutes depending. I burn about 500 active calories per workout and feel pretty good after but i feel like i can push it a little further now.

    Been working out for a year as of August 20th.

    • 10 months ago

      >that volume
      Are you progressing in your goals? If so, change nothing

    • 10 months ago

      Heres my advice:KYS IRL you moronic shitnugget. Post your own fricking thread.

      • 10 months ago

        >hurr durrrr heee honnkkk i dont know what anecdote means durrrrr hurrrrr harhurheehohahurr honkk heee honkk
        Frick off dumbass. Go derail someone elses thread.

        • 10 months ago

          Let me guess, next youre going to say
          >haha i was just pretending to be stupid! i trolled you! haha... guys?
          Dumbass. KYS IRL.

          • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago



      Read the sticky you dumb Black person

      >hurr durrrr heee honnkkk i dont know what anecdote means durrrrr hurrrrr harhurheehohahurr honkk heee honkk


      >that volume
      Are you progressing in your goals? If so, change nothing

      Frick off dumbass. Go derail someone elses thread.

  10. 10 months ago

    I type the equipment I own into ChatGPT and ask for a workout routine for the week. Occasionally I need to modify it slightly but usually it's spot on.

    • 10 months ago

      I tried that and after it asked me about my goals it banned me for being racist and antisemetic 🙁

      • 10 months ago

        Sorry to hear that fren. Keep on beeing yourself.

    • 10 months ago

      I should add, the AI usually tells me to take rest days but on these I usually go for a run.

      • 10 months ago

        Trust me anon, this is a great way to burn yourself out and get slapped with some longterm fatigue and depression. Even if everything feels great. I cant explain the physiology of it and I wont even try but seriously its something like when someone tells you
        >fire doesnt burn under water
        its something that like really isnt worth a challenge and probably has reasons why you dont see people really trying it

        • 10 months ago

          Thanks for looking out for me fren. I do sometimes take rest days if I'm forced to due to wageslave/family commitments or I'm unwell. I just really prefer the way my brain feels after I've worn myself out physically. I just got a concerta script last week though so that might help me slow down a bit.

  11. 10 months ago

    I hired a personal trainer for 5 sessions because I was completely clueless. I just have been doing the same exercises, I should probably start adding some new ones in idk

  12. 10 months ago

    I just do whatever makes my muscles feel tired and sore.
    If it does, I do more of it.

  13. 10 months ago

    >Use triceps in most chest exercises
    >Work triceps on chest day after I'm done using them to work chest

    >Use biceps in most back exercises
    >Work biceps on back day, same logic

    >Do abs on leg day after I'm done working legs

    >Cardio: Do whatever's fun, usually mountain biking or surfing

    And I do high reps to maintain my weight now. Big muscles look cool but they're a disadvantage in everything else I do for fun.

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