I am not growing with calisthenics and I do not want to go to the gym. What do I do?

I am not growing with calisthenics and I do not want to go to the gym. What do I do?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Go to the gym. People there arent mean, but i might ask you to work in when you are doing squats and start overhead pressing it without changing the weights.
    Your other options are home gym and steroids

    • 3 months ago

      i think i would go diamonds if that happened to me irl

  2. 3 months ago

    damn, looking good Samuel

  3. 3 months ago

    new creepy pasta image just dropped

  4. 3 months ago

    progressive overload properly and eat more

  5. 3 months ago

    get one of those vests that lets you put olympic plates on it and do the same shit you're doing now with oly plates.
    if it continues to not work out now you have already made a start on collecting a home gym.

  6. 3 months ago

    >I am not growing with calisthenics
    Let me guess, 20 pushups, 20 pullups, and a 2km run every day?

  7. 3 months ago

    I thought this fricking Black person couldnt look more repulsive than with default settings and now you post this shit.

    • 3 months ago
  8. 3 months ago

    Be forever small

  9. 3 months ago

    >Do you fear death?
    >Do you fear that dark abyss?
    >All your deeds laid bare.
    >All your sins punished.
    >I can offer you...an escape.

  10. 3 months ago

    Buy a weighted vest and resistance bands

  11. 3 months ago

    Add weights.
    >t.calisthenics gay

  12. 3 months ago

    In order of effectiveness and the least amount of time required to achieve your goals
    >Join a gym
    Just bite the bullet and deal with your insecurities like everyone else has had to and you might come out of it a better person.
    >get a home barbell lifting setup
    This might require saving a year or taking out a small loan it's unfortunate but you can't really get a good home set up for less than $500 even if you were to skip the Olympic barbell and corresponding weights.
    >home dumbell setup
    This will be cheaper than barbell because you don't have any use for a rack but it'll be only slightly more time saving than calisthenics because you're not going to be able to progress weights as quickly and going to just burn a lot of time doing accessories with questionable effectiveness because it's the only way you're going to meet volume requirements
    >weighted calisthenics
    Not much more effective than calisthenics. A vests will help on some movments more than others but it's still going to take a crazy time commitment compared to most other things and you'll have to really have to develop really accurate self assessment of your volume and form because without that most of calisthenics is pointless. And it's just too hard to progress without some kind of coaching, skillwork and lot mobility drilling which can eat up even more time.

    • 3 months ago

      >just expose yourself to your insecurities
      No, this is always a bad idea, anyone who thinks it is is just larping as insecure as a thought experiment like those insecure guys are moronic if I was them I would do it totally differently but actually no, you fricking wouldn’t, kys

    • 3 months ago

      Good but why do you think you need a rack to use a barbel?

      • 3 months ago

        Because it can double as safeties easily since you don't have a spotter and you'd have to do some crazy kind of clean and jerk maneuver to even get the weight in place for just front squat. I wouldn't want to take that risk so routinely.

    • 3 months ago

      As a side note a dip belt will give you a lot higher potential resistence than most vests if you go weighted calisthenics route and you'll probably get more milage out of it. Might even be worth it get a bar and a box just so you can use those same weights on squats/rdl and massively compress the amount of time you have to spend on legs and posterior chain which only get more unpleasant to train in higher progressions and volumes.

  13. 3 months ago

    Buy a weighted vest or up your reps significantly. You should be sore after every workout. If not then you are only burning calories.

  14. 3 months ago

    I've got it all down when it comes to working out from home.

    For isolations: gather yourself 10 2L bottles and you've got it all for: bicep curls, lateral raises, overhead extension and forearm curls. (Use a thin rope to tie the 10 bottles together)

    For compounds(chest): handstand push ups, dips, decline one arm push ups, normal push ups and variations
    For compounds(back): Pull ups, australian pull ups (do them everyday, back muscles grow differently from pecs and triceps)
    For compounds(legs):Romanian squats, one leg squats, sprinting, one leg deadlifts (use the bottles or whatever resistance you wish to use)

    And that's everythings, Of course, you can change the water bottles for weights if you have the money. But that's pretty much it.
    Chasing the burn is extremely useful too, make sure you either lower the tempo or do lots of repetitions to failure.
    Something you'll eventually notice is that all of those movements are really simple to overload as they dont require extra space or materials

    • 3 months ago

      I also made my own barbell where I can load up to 225.
      You first make yourself a concrete barbell (which will be infinitely cheaper), make it as heavy as you can, it'll weigh between 40-60kg.
      Make sure you leave exposed metal from the bar so you wield a little hook. From that hook you're going to hang any extra weight you need.
      A pin press set up will be easier to make than a normal one.
      It has served it's purpose until now and has effectively replaced gym weights.

  15. 3 months ago

    do this

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