I don't care about strength or legs.

I don't care about strength or legs. I want an aesthetic upper body with the least and shortest gymdays a week what's my regime, other than cutting of course?

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  1. 4 months ago

    train 6x a week
    chest + back
    arms + abs
    shoulders + forearms
    repeat this monday to Saturday
    sprint and do Bulgarian split squats every day to end your session or do 7-14 rep range taipei pulls with full rom on your toes at the end to build force production and train the rest of your body

    • 4 months ago

      >least gymdays a week
      >train 6x a week
      My purpose for training is so I can enjoy the rest of my life more.

      • 4 months ago

        You'd be shocked how much stubborn bloat you have hence the 6 days a week thing.

        not that poster , but I would also throw in eating strictly clean and lots of fruits and veggies for a glow - thats THE REAL secret to cleansing alongside training to how keep this look as you age.

        Limit partying to 1-2X a month.

        • 4 months ago

          What's the point of that instead of doing a full body thrice a week? Also, bloat is reduced by cutting

          • 4 months ago

            NTA, but you also specified shortest gymdays. You can't have both.

    • 4 months ago

      Get a pullup bar, do sets of pullups and handstand pushups. Clusters of 4 sets each, don't go to failure but just about. If you get more than 20 reps (lol, not happening), get a weighted vest.
      Do at least 3 clusters per week, but if you can, work up to doing a cluster in the morning and one in the evening every day.

      For reference my current routine: 2-3x a week
      - jog to gym 1/2 mile
      - OHP and pullups superset
      - bench press and bicep curls superset
      - egyptian cable lateral raises
      - jog back home
      Same excercises every time

      • 4 months ago

        What a moronic routine. You lift baby weight and are dyel, guaranteed

    • 4 months ago

      this moron looks like shit and has shit lifts.

      For reference my current routine: 2-3x a week
      - jog to gym 1/2 mile
      - OHP and pullups superset
      - bench press and bicep curls superset
      - egyptian cable lateral raises
      - jog back home
      Same excercises every time

      aaaaaaaaaand YEP, he's got a bullshit list of meme movements he probably learned of on youtube or tiktok (NOT a routine, big difference). post a picture of your body and a timestamp that proves it's you or pipe down and learn something you shit looking manlet.

      • 4 months ago

        What a moronic routine. You lift baby weight and are dyel, guaranteed

        What's so bad about it? I've got OHP's, bench, pullups and two isolations for aesthetics. All of them very commong lifts.

        • 4 months ago

          seems fine to me. you are missing a pull movement in the horizontal plane (some row variation) and you could also probably benefit from some core isolation but other than that it seems perfect.

  2. 4 months ago

    Get a pullup bar, do sets of pullups and handstand pushups. Clusters of 4 sets each, don't go to failure but just about. If you get more than 20 reps (lol, not happening), get a weighted vest.
    Do at least 3 clusters per week, but if you can, work up to doing a cluster in the morning and one in the evening every day.

  3. 4 months ago

    stop eating

  4. 4 months ago

    dont go to the gym
    do pushups, pullups and split squats
    superset every exercise with abs
    you don't even need to split it up really, just look to do like 5 or 6 sets of each in a week
    for abs i would suggest hollow body holds (teaches you how to hit your abs in the first place and trains more ab muscles than just situps) as well as some sort of crunch with your feet posted below some piece of furniture, focusing on flexing the spine
    just try to put some effort into each exercise, kind of try to progress occassionally, if an exercise gets way too easy consider doing a harder variation (just look up [exercise] progression).
    i feel like doing anything more is a waste of time and money, really. at least judging by the pic your posted, assuming thats your goal. you're better of investing the money saved in nice clothes, regular haircuts and skincare, and the time saved getting a tan

  5. 4 months ago

    BMI 21.6 and lower
    Only calisthenics

  6. 4 months ago

    You noobs haven't got a clue.
    Half the reason you train lower body is simply to increase overall structural muscle. It makes maintaining a lean body fat much easier. Squats and deads thicken up your whole frame and work your core stabilizing muscles. This is why controlling for leanness a guy who trains lower body will always look better because they'll have more overall muscle development

  7. 4 months ago

    Eat 1250 calories a day.
    Choose one day to sprint at top speed till failure for 5 sets with 15 min break between.
    Enjoy your new abs.

  8. 4 months ago

    Here’s a good routine
    >6 days a week
    >arm and legs
    >Back and shoulders
    >chest and abs
    Repeat twice
    This is the only way

  9. 4 months ago

    Train everyday, but only do 5 sets of 2 exercises per day. Should take you about 30 to 45 min max. Do it while listening to podcasts or watching tv. I mainly do calisthenics at home and am able to do this shit without even sweating and still get a fairly aesthetic otter mode body.

    • 4 months ago


      I do something like this, modify however you want.

      Mon: pseudo planche pushups, tricep ring extensions
      Tue: pistol squats, hanging leg raises
      Wed: ring rows, ring curls
      Thu: ring dips, pike pushups
      Fri: harop curls, band pallof press
      Sat: pullups, ring face pulls
      Sun: single leg elevated hip thrusts, ring curls with palms facing outward

      All exercises done with TUT and to failure.

    • 4 months ago

      What's the ebefit of this compared to 4 excercises every two days?

      • 4 months ago

        Tbh I find it fun but I'm not always motivated to train. Only doing 2 exercises per day leaves me wanting more on days where I'm in the mood, and when I'm not particularly motivated on some days, 5 sets of 2 exercises aren't exactly a ton of work so I can still bust them out easily. Skip the leg shit I suggested if you want.

        • 4 months ago

          But having to thin of a lower body ain't really aesthetic so I would suggest you still train them somewhat.

  10. 4 months ago

    Bench Press
    [Optional: Lateral raise]

    Barbell Row
    [Optional: Bicep curls]
    Hanging leg raises

    Workout Mon Wed Fri
    Week 1 Push Pull Push
    Week 2 Pull Push Pull

    You can add in additional auxiliary lifts as you see fit but the important thing is being consistent with these essential lifts. 3-6mo later its gg. Throw in cardio (jogging or swimming) during off-days and its even more gg

    The 4 non-abs lifts I mentioned are compound movements that cover every major muscle group in your upper body. Vertical and horizontal plane for both push and pull are the four essential movements. That’s all you need. That recruits literally every upper body muscle. You can build an aesthetic upper body with those four alone.
    Lateral raises and bicep curls are optional auxiliary movements which will give you the most bang for your buck in terms of aesthetic returns: these muscles are already recruited in the compounds but over-accentuating them makes your shoulders and biceps look awesome, plus they’re really easy and fun.
    Plank and hanging leg raises are fairly random choices but imo they are the two best abs exercises I’ve found over the years.

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