I dont get it. I eat right, excorcise, like Im eating 800 calories and its all protein.

I don’t get it. I eat right, excorcise, like I’m eating 800 calories and it’s all protein. I run 2-3 miles every morning. I exorcise 17 minutes before lunch, 20 minutes after lunch. I go home from work and I’ll run another 2-3 miles. My diet is chicken and veggies and protein powder and water. Black coffee. But I can’t lose any weight.
>eat less excorcise more
I do hundreds of situps a day, hundreds of pushups a day after work which takes about an hour.
Cool, I did that now what? Do I starve myself and eat nothing at all? How do I lose the belly fat?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    You're either lying or you've been only doing this for 5 days. The 800 kcal suggest you're lying or can't count.

    • 11 months ago

      Not lying. I went from 365lbs to 239lbs then fricking all of a sudden, the weight loss stopped full fricking halt despite my best efforts.

      • 11 months ago

        Consider this, you aren't only eating 800 calories. Your body simply cannot do that at this weight. You are incorrectly counting your calories or intentionally lying to cope. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you arent counting correctly.

        • 11 months ago

          I’ll just stop eating I suppose. I’ll move to a liquid of protein powder and black coffee. That should do it.

          • 11 months ago

            Jesus Christ you can't count OR read? That's not what I fricking said. Actually read the nutrition labels, measure out your portions, and correctly count your calories. You are not eating 800 calories and plateauing in your weight loss if you are exercising the way you say you are.

          • 11 months ago

            No don’t go overboard, best way to fail entirely. Stick with what you’re doing. Also whey is nice when you don’t have time or appetite to hit your macros but if you can get your protein from chicken, eggs and deens it’s way better.

          • 11 months ago

            My brother. Show us your calories logs. Now. Do you not have a log? Red flag. Guesstimations are le classic CICO mistake.

          • 11 months ago

            Don't be moronic. If you're doing things right everything will come together. Give it time and trust the plan.

            >so its cuts your caloric output to prevent it from starving

            and how does it do this? by cutting activity levels and producing lethargy, its not this magical system that automatically reduces your BMR.

            If your body is taking in more calories than it takes to run, you will gain weight, if your body is taking in less calories than it takes to run, then you will lose weight, there's no magical thing that's happening here with starvation mode.

            Watch some survival TV shows, you'll see it for yourself. When people start starving, they do not even have the energy to walk out and pick up firewood. They barely have the energy to even get up out of bed. When you are starving the most mundane and basic of tasks become herculean efforts of willpower. This guy is spending at least an hour a day strength training and he runs 6 miles a day on top of whatever else he's doing to live, he has an abundance of energy.

            You're moronic and have no understanding of the fundamental biology of metabolism.

            He's still pretty fricking fat so his situation it's not a 1-to-1 equivalent to leangays in a survival/VLCD scenario.
            Your body can lower your BMR in lotsa wacky ways. Making you 'le tired' is just one.
            Earlier this year I started a deep cut and one week in, my beard stopped growing altogether. It took me 20+ days to get the kind of stubble I'd get in 2 days max. Crazy shit.
            There's alsot NEAT, lessened metabolic thermogenesis, brain fog, etc.

            That said, OP's either an unreliable narrator ("2-3 miles"... well, is it TWO or THREE?) or he hasn't been doing this regime long enough.
            At this point he SHOULD be losing weight, even if it's 90% muscle and 10% fat.

            Even if he was only 5 days in, he'd have lost water weight by now from cutting carbs.

            He's definitely lying.

            If he was on a cut already he wouldn't lose water weight. If anything he could gain some by having ramped up the cardio.

      • 11 months ago

        Could be a lot of things. Sometimes weight just plateau for a while, don’t give up, slowly add more intensity to your workouts. Fix others things that might work against you like sleeping schedule, not enough vitamin D ect. And if after a while you still don’t lose weight see a professional nutritionist or a doctor.

      • 11 months ago

        No shade bro but you are not 239lbs eating 800 calories unless you are actually like 2 feet tall.

    • 11 months ago

      Even if he was only 5 days in, he'd have lost water weight by now from cutting carbs.

      He's definitely lying.

      • 11 months ago


        Not lying. I went from 365lbs to 239lbs then fricking all of a sudden, the weight loss stopped full fricking halt despite my best efforts.

        • 11 months ago

          see .png

    • 11 months ago



      I don’t get it. I eat right, excorcise, like I’m eating 800 calories and it’s all protein. I run 2-3 miles every morning. I exorcise 17 minutes before lunch, 20 minutes after lunch. I go home from work and I’ll run another 2-3 miles. My diet is chicken and veggies and protein powder and water. Black coffee. But I can’t lose any weight.
      >eat less excorcise more
      I do hundreds of situps a day, hundreds of pushups a day after work which takes about an hour.
      Cool, I did that now what? Do I starve myself and eat nothing at all? How do I lose the belly fat?

      95% of people who say they're eating 800 calories a day are mistaken.

      100% of people who say they're eating 800 calories a day and not losing weight are mistaken.

      Not lying. I went from 365lbs to 239lbs then fricking all of a sudden, the weight loss stopped full fricking halt despite my best efforts.

      >Not lying. I went from 365lbs to 239lbs then fricking all of a sudden, the weight loss stopped full fricking halt despite my best efforts.

      Yeah because you're a fricking megafat and you started eating 1500-2500 calories and that's a frickload less than normal so you lost weight. You're not eating 800, and you don't even own a digital food scale.

    • 11 months ago

      Not lying. I went from 365lbs to 239lbs then fricking all of a sudden, the weight loss stopped full fricking halt despite my best efforts.

      95% of people who say they're eating 800 calories a day are mistaken.

      100% of people who say they're eating 800 calories a day and not losing weight are mistaken.

      >Not lying. I went from 365lbs to 239lbs then fricking all of a sudden, the weight loss stopped full fricking halt despite my best efforts.

      Yeah because you're a fricking megafat and you started eating 1500-2500 calories and that's a frickload less than normal so you lost weight. You're not eating 800, and you don't even own a digital food scale.

      People that can count and come to low calorie conclusion are drinking 2000 calorie drinks (often women)

    • 11 months ago

      Im in the same boat at 5 days in at 1200-1400 calories and I gained a fricking pound. How long until this shit starts going?

  2. 11 months ago

    you exorcise your fat demons

    • 11 months ago

      I’ll keep at it, it’s just disheartening that all of a sudden I stopped losing weight.

  3. 11 months ago

    >3 mile run every morning
    >3 mile run after work
    >low sugar diet
    >black coffee


    lmao dude
    your cortisol is CONSTANTLY at a massive spike from all the cardio + caffeine.
    High cortisol is fricking you up


    >Central fat distribution is related to greater psychological vulnerability to stress and cortisol reactivity. This may be especially true among lean women, who did not habituate to repeated stress. The current cross-sectional findings support the hypothesis that stress-induced cortisol secretion may contribute to central fat and demonstrate a link between psychological stress and risk for disease.

    You have to go easy on the high-impact cardio. Try long walks instead of short runs. Take more rest days. Quit the black coffee, or at least cut down. Take milk + sugar with your coffee; sugar is a major anti-stressor. Dietary sugar reduces cortisol.


    >As the consumption of sugar rose individuals had lower post-stressor cortisol levels, a smaller rate of increase in cortisol 20 and 35 min after the CPT, a lower cortisol peak, and an overall weaker quadratic effect. These observations add to a growing body of evidence reporting suppressive effects of high-energy foods on stress-associated glucocorticoids reactivity and are consistent with the comfort food hypothesis, where people are seen as motivated to eat palatable foods to alleviate the detrimental repercussions of stressor exposure.

    Introduce additional sugar slowly, and consume it around breakfast or lunchtime -your cortisol follows your circadian rhythm and is highest in the morning. If you consume a lot of sugar in the evening when your cortisol is already tapering down and you're not being as physically active, it's just going to fatten you.

    ketolards hate this one neat trick

    • 11 months ago

      Is this a bait? Frick you sugar israelite.

      • 11 months ago

        There is literally nothing wrong with consuming low-moderate doses of sugar if you are as active as OP claims to be. In fact I would say it's detrimental NOT to consume added sugars to offset the excess cortisol that such high activity levels can cause.
        As well as dampening stress-responses, dietary sugar is also protein-sparing, by down-regulating gluconeogenesis.

        I call it hummingbird mode, when you consume nothing but protein + sugar for 12 hrs during a cut, then a small evening meal with a little fat.

        • 11 months ago

          Get it from fruits. Processed white sugar is shit.

          • 11 months ago

            Fruits are good, but there's still nothing wrong with processed white sugar if you're active enough.
            Black person I burn over 3000 kcal per day on a SLOW day, and I'm only 5'9. After my 150g of protein is taken care of I still need an extra 700-1000kcal of pure raw energy. Some of it comes from dietary fats, I love dairy, but the majority comes from sugar. I've never felt better or been stronger and leaner in my life.

            • 11 months ago

              >nothing wrong with processed white sugar

        • 11 months ago

          I’m op
          No I’m not going to do that. Frick your “healthy at any size” bullshit you unbelievable israelite.

          • 11 months ago

            Sugar does not inherently make you fat, but being a dumbass might.

            • 11 months ago

              >just eat sugar and fat, I swear it won’t make you fat!

              • 11 months ago

                >just keep spiking your cortisol constantly throughout the day and never mitigate it with food that is ALSO protein-sparing AND anabolic

              • 11 months ago

                cortisol does not increase weight on its own, there's a reason why corticosteroids can increase weight and that's because they increase your appetite.

                Again another person thinking humans can break the laws of physics. Overeating causes weight gain.

              • 11 months ago

                Not what I said at all, I don't eat any processed/added sugar at all aside from maybe my sandwich bread. I eat a shit load of fruit though. Other guy spewing sciencey shit is not me.

          • 11 months ago

            >Frick your “healthy at any size” bullshit you unbelievable israelite.
            I don't think you understand what I wrote. Oh well. I tried to help you.

            • 11 months ago

              I don't believe you are semetic. Thanks for the tip.

    • 11 months ago

      oy vey

    • 11 months ago

      Listen to this anon OP, cortisol is bad for fat loss and muscle growth, and sugar can play a role in a weight loss diet.

      I’m just one example but I had the same experience with stalling weight loss from cardio and dieting, eventually I switched to mostly lifting for exercise and over time the fat loss has been much better, I’ve got way more muscle, and I’m easily able to consistently eat more while maintaining much less fat than before (abs are starting to become visible).

    • 11 months ago

      I'd use sugar only after a high protein meal, like lunch. if you spike your insulin in the morning after you fast, you might develop peripheral insulin resistance. you don't want that.

    • 11 months ago

      high cortisol isnt gonna make ur tdee 1500 cals lower

    • 11 months ago

      I really appreciate coming to a fitness forum to find out that black coffee and cardio cause weight gain. You contrarian morons never cease to amaze me.

      • 11 months ago

        moron. OP is obviously miscounting his calories and eating a surplus, but his excessive cardio + caffeine consumption is counterproductive too.

        • 11 months ago

          >Counter productive
          Yeah, I'm not the moron here.

          • 11 months ago

            Too much cortisol fricks you up

            Intense cardio spikes cortisol (low intensity reduces it)

            • 11 months ago

              Yup, when I've gone through periods of high stress such as 120hr work weeks or when I was arrested and went to trial (I won with a not guilty verdict...police accused me of attempting to murder someone who didn't exist and who the police and prosecutors had never met seen or spoken to and who they couldn't produce at trial...) I put on a ton of water weight and fat only from stress. Like when I worked 120hrs a week I put on 20lbs of water and fat in one week. Stress is so bad.

              • 11 months ago

                Least delusional fatass

            • 11 months ago

              Nobody in the history of the planet has gained or stalled losing weight from drinking black coffee and going for a run. Especially not when they weigh 240lbs. This is the fattiest fat cope ever in the history of IST.

    • 11 months ago

      >like I’m eating 800 calories and it’s all protein.

      no you're not homosexual, definitely underestimating your calories

      have a nice day

    • 11 months ago

      They hated Him because He told the truth.

  4. 11 months ago

    How long have you been stalling? Your weight can fluctuate +5lbs in a day. You won’t really see weight loss on a day to day basis. I would only weight every other week.

    Also, make sure you are tracking everything you eat as accurately as you can. Get a food scale if you don’t have one.

  5. 11 months ago


  6. 11 months ago

    Well your problem is that your BMR is cut in half so even if you take a small amount of food.
    Take a look at this video this doctor explains it very well why something like this is bad

    • 11 months ago

      So you want OP to cut calories further? Why not encourage him to correctly count his calories?

  7. 11 months ago

    You're not eating 800 calories

  8. 11 months ago

    OP you need to find the nearest university or college, especially one with a physics department, because researchers will love to see a free energy system. Since you've beaten the law of thermodynamics which is a universal constant, you may be able to make a lot of money if researchers figure out what part of you that's breaking the laws of physics.

    Or the likely scenario is that you're lying like a fricking homosexual and it's insane how much validation you seek when you're doing it on an anonymous image board.

    • 11 months ago

      do you ever get tired of repeating this same joke
      I hate fat people too but the repetition of seeing the same shit over and over on this site is mind-numbing

      • 11 months ago

        Maybe it isn't a joke, maybe there are really so many people that don't understand how easy it is to see through their bs that the same basic advice has to be regurgitated time and time again.

      • 11 months ago

        because the laws of physics can only be broken in the absolute most extreme circumstances.

        There is nothing a fat person can say to explain why they can't lose weight. Of course they are eating more than they say and of course they are exercising MUCH LESS than what they say, but we can't exactly objectively prove that without monitoring them 24/7, so we resort to science to explain what's happening. Either their body is breaking the laws of physics or they are lying.

        If we rounded them up and put them in a room without food, they would lose weight, there is no way this would not be the case barring some insane supernatural event which is so unlikely it really is an impossibility.

        • 11 months ago

          It would be cool but I can’t even afford to feed myself. I can’t buy junk food. I’m broke as frick. Everything I eat is chicken and veggies. I’m literally making chicken soup in my crock pot as we speek for the week. Chicken, broth, and a bag of frozen veggies. I threw out all the junk food a year ago. I don’t eat garbage. But hey you know everything right? I’m not trying to argue with you here. It’s like I was losing like 1lb a week then BAM the weight loss stopped entirely. I don’t even care, I’m going to up my exercise routine. I thought I was doing enough. I guess not.

          • 11 months ago

            Nobody doubts you are eating that shit, but we ALL KNOW you are eating MORE shit than you think.

            • 11 months ago

              I weigh it out in little bags and put it in my fridge. I’m doing everything the doctor told me to do. I don’t eat anything else. You’re welcome to come dig through my fridge. The oranges are about a month old and moldy. I need to throw them out. I don’t even eat the rice that I’m allowed to eat because rice is fricking gross.

              • 11 months ago

                Why are you denying reality? We do not need to enter your fridge and re-count your calories to confirm our suspicions that you aren't the only human being on the fricking planet to accomplish homeostasis with 800 fricking calories in and intense cardio.

              • 11 months ago

                I weigh it out in little bags and put it in my fridge. I’m doing everything the doctor told me to do. I don’t eat anything else. You’re welcome to come dig through my fridge. The oranges are about a month old and moldy. I need to throw them out. I don’t even eat the rice that I’m allowed to eat because rice is fricking gross.

                You asked how to lose the fat, we all said to count your calories correctly and burn more than you consume. Why ask if you weren't willing to listen?

              • 11 months ago

                There’s nothing to deny when I can’t eat whaf I dont have bro.

              • 11 months ago

                You are embarrassing yourself by taking the time to send a picture of your sad freezer when we all know your dining room table is buried under BK wrappers.

                Try eating fresh foods, ones that go in the fridge you're likely concealing for a reason, fatty.

              • 11 months ago

                I can’t afford fast food, i can’t afford much of anything anymore.

                Congratulations, on being the biggest moron here

                Too aggressive a deficit. It works fine once or twice every one to two weeks but a sustained deficit like that will put your body into starvation mode and ruin your metabolism. Who has a bigger deficit, someone consuming 1200 kcals and burning 1400, or someone eating 1800 and burning 2500? Eat alot more calories ideally carbs as they're severely lacking in your macros. Secondly, you can improve your calories out. Hundreds of sit up and push up? Your body is efficient at those movements and will burn less kcal doing them, find something your less efficient at and do that for awhile. Swimming, jogging, skip rope, hill repeats, burpees, strength training all will burn more fat and also strength traing will give you some muscle once the fat is gone, I recommend SL5x5. Muscle also burns fat and increases testosterone which also burns fat

                Yeah I’m going to change it up. I bought a jump rope on amazon.

          • 11 months ago

            i feel u bro, i made another thread complaining about the same thing. i eat so light but i just cant dip below 140lb

            • 11 months ago

              I’m sure that by upping my exorcise that I will start losing again. I put in for a standing desk at work and it’s getting installed today. I hate sitting anymore.

              • 11 months ago

                how long have you been plateau'd?

              • 11 months ago

                About 2 weeks now
                Picrel is my food ration for the week, I gotta cut it up into 7 pieces.

            • 11 months ago

              How tall are you

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                you arent getting below 140 pounds because you don't have anymore body fat to lose

              • 11 months ago

                i definently have bodyfat dude

              • 11 months ago

                5'10 140 pounds makes you the skinniest motherfricker on the board. Eat more and lift more.

              • 11 months ago

                you're at 20 bmi, you're borderline underweight. You should have very little bodyfat if you exercise. If you are exercising properly and gaining muscle, you should have a very hard time staying under 25 bmi.

                i have visible bodyfat and people make fun of me to my face about being fat. different friends, people that have never met each other, call me fat. I dont do anything to enable that perception, I never talk about eating or fitness or anything weight related at all with them. its just bantz but it secretly makes me insecure as frick

              • 11 months ago

                Anorexia + no muscle mass.

              • 11 months ago

                >63kg at around 177cm
                >I'M FAT
                You're anorexic.

                > I dont do anything to enable that perception, I never talk about eating or fitness or anything weight related at all with them
                They know you're anorexic because it's obvious at that weight.

              • 11 months ago

                Spooky scary ISTizens send shivers down your spine

              • 11 months ago

                you're at 20 bmi, you're borderline underweight. You should have very little bodyfat if you exercise. If you are exercising properly and gaining muscle, you should have a very hard time staying under 25 bmi.

              • 11 months ago

                Not him. Op here, I’ll keep that in mind at the end. I’m wondering if all the loose skin is part of the weight.

              • 11 months ago

                >I’m wondering if all the loose skin is part of the weight.

                of course it is, it has mass

              • 11 months ago

                Google says it could be as much as 60lbs, that means I could be 180. I might get the tummy tuck to get rid of it. I’m in a medium shirt and size 36 waiste.

              • 11 months ago

                1) You do not have 60 pounds of loose skin, that's nearly half the weight you have lost.

                2) Removing loose skin is an incredibly painful procedure with a killer recovery. Save the surgery for after you have lost more weight.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s strange, my underwear are small. I look at them and my brain thinks that there’s no way I’ll fit. Yet I do somehow. Everything on my body is smaller except my torso. It just hangs down all strange looking and saggy.

              • 11 months ago

                I even found an old pair of shorts and they’re sooo huge on me but that’s what my brain thinks I should be wearing. I swear on everything I have, I’ll never go back to being that big.

              • 11 months ago

                >strange lights in my vision
                You need to get on something for your blood pressure. Eat more salt. You probably need potassium and magnesium. That should make you start losing weight again. If your potassium is too low or magnesium is out of balance, your metabolism is shut down. Your body is shutting down. Go see the doctor and tell them about the eye thing. It’s really important that you take potassium with extreme weight loss. If you’re seeing stars, that means your heart while beating, is out of timing. Like it’s misfiring, if you don’t get your salts in order, you’re going to have a heart attack.

              • 11 months ago

                The more I think about it and the more I read through this thread, you need to take like 2400mg of potassium right away. Especially if you’re at an extreme caloric restriction. No metabolism = no weight loss. Doesn’t matter how much you’ll do. One day you’ll fall into a coma or your heart will stop beating. If you can get to Walmart, go buy some potassium pills and take like 8 of the 99mg frickers. You’ll feel right as rain and your body will light up like a Christmas tree and you’ll start losing weight again.

              • 11 months ago

                Or eat a couple bananas or peaches every day for a fraction of the price

              • 11 months ago

                They don’t contain enough potassium. If he’s seeing stars and the weight loss stalled, he might be in hypoketabolic state and is headed for an immediate crash. Like he might only have a few hours to live if he doesn’t get a few k potassium like today.

              • 11 months ago

                He’s talking about after running 6 miles, not every moment. Read more carefully and you won’t send someone into a fricking spiral over a nonemergency. moronic “medgays” like you are why people refuse to go to doctors

              • 11 months ago

                Op here
                I wonder if it’s the same israelite telling me to eat sugar. I’m just going to up my exorcise and change it up and keep going. Gotta push past the wall. I don’t understand what the end goal of these homosexuals is. Like they see people getting healthy and they try to frick with people.

              • 11 months ago

                >medium shirt and size 36 waiste

                Guaranteed 26in inseam

          • 11 months ago

            >falling for the exercise to lose weight meme
            my condolences

        • 11 months ago

          Congratulations, on being the biggest moron here


          I don’t get it. I eat right, excorcise, like I’m eating 800 calories and it’s all protein. I run 2-3 miles every morning. I exorcise 17 minutes before lunch, 20 minutes after lunch. I go home from work and I’ll run another 2-3 miles. My diet is chicken and veggies and protein powder and water. Black coffee. But I can’t lose any weight.
          >eat less excorcise more
          I do hundreds of situps a day, hundreds of pushups a day after work which takes about an hour.
          Cool, I did that now what? Do I starve myself and eat nothing at all? How do I lose the belly fat?

          Too aggressive a deficit. It works fine once or twice every one to two weeks but a sustained deficit like that will put your body into starvation mode and ruin your metabolism. Who has a bigger deficit, someone consuming 1200 kcals and burning 1400, or someone eating 1800 and burning 2500? Eat alot more calories ideally carbs as they're severely lacking in your macros. Secondly, you can improve your calories out. Hundreds of sit up and push up? Your body is efficient at those movements and will burn less kcal doing them, find something your less efficient at and do that for awhile. Swimming, jogging, skip rope, hill repeats, burpees, strength training all will burn more fat and also strength traing will give you some muscle once the fat is gone, I recommend SL5x5. Muscle also burns fat and increases testosterone which also burns fat

          • 11 months ago

            Holy shit this guy heard every rumor at the same exact time.

            NGMI% speedrun

            • 11 months ago

              Stfu idiot

              starvation mode does not exist. Your body isn't just going to stop losing weight. It will certainly do things that will reduce caloric expenditure, but below 1k calories and you're going to be losing more than gaining.

              If OP was really 'starving' then he would be physically incapable of doing all the exercise that he does. That's how his body would adapt to the caloric intake, by making him much more lethargic.

              You're the moron for not understanding even basic metabolic processes.

              >below 1k calories and you're going to be losing more than gaining

              Yes, initially. Then the body realises your essentially starving it and reducing its chance at survival so its cuts your caloric output to prevent it from starving ergo 'survival mode' or the technical term metabolic adaptation or adaptive thermogenesis

              >You're the moron for not understanding even basic metabolic processes.

              Lmao, like pottery. Also congratulations again

              Hence the black coffee anon. It’s hard to get moving without it. I’m giving this my all.

              Black coffee speeds up metabolism. Eat more, your signal your body that resources are plentiful, not scarce, and your body will into fix its metabolism and boost weight loss

              • 11 months ago

                >so its cuts your caloric output to prevent it from starving

                and how does it do this? by cutting activity levels and producing lethargy, its not this magical system that automatically reduces your BMR.

                If your body is taking in more calories than it takes to run, you will gain weight, if your body is taking in less calories than it takes to run, then you will lose weight, there's no magical thing that's happening here with starvation mode.

                Watch some survival TV shows, you'll see it for yourself. When people start starving, they do not even have the energy to walk out and pick up firewood. They barely have the energy to even get up out of bed. When you are starving the most mundane and basic of tasks become herculean efforts of willpower. This guy is spending at least an hour a day strength training and he runs 6 miles a day on top of whatever else he's doing to live, he has an abundance of energy.

                You're moronic and have no understanding of the fundamental biology of metabolism.

              • 11 months ago

                I fear we may be wasting our time here

              • 11 months ago

                >this magical system that automatically reduces your BMR
                >they do not even have the energy to walk out and pick up firewood. They barely have the energy to even get up out of bed. When you are starving the most mundane and basic of tasks become herculean efforts of willpower.

                Hmm gee I wonder why

                Look you can either google metabolic adaptation and adaptive thermogenesis its one click away or you can keep being moronic I really don't care at this point lmao

              • 11 months ago

                Hey, you almost got something right!

          • 11 months ago

            starvation mode does not exist. Your body isn't just going to stop losing weight. It will certainly do things that will reduce caloric expenditure, but below 1k calories and you're going to be losing more than gaining.

            If OP was really 'starving' then he would be physically incapable of doing all the exercise that he does. That's how his body would adapt to the caloric intake, by making him much more lethargic.

            You're the moron for not understanding even basic metabolic processes.

            • 11 months ago

              OP claiming he was excited about his new standing desk while he's on an 800 calorie diet made me chuckle.

              Nobody could be so foolish.

            • 11 months ago

              Hence the black coffee anon. It’s hard to get moving without it. I’m giving this my all.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm a fastgay and even on day 3 of it, I can still do all my workouts. Can't lift as much but I can still bike and do bodyweight stuff. Never drank coffee too, I'm convinced it's a coffeegay problem, being unable to do shit till they have their morning drink

            • 11 months ago


              Stfu idiot

              >below 1k calories and you're going to be losing more than gaining

              Yes, initially. Then the body realises your essentially starving it and reducing its chance at survival so its cuts your caloric output to prevent it from starving ergo 'survival mode' or the technical term metabolic adaptation or adaptive thermogenesis

              >You're the moron for not understanding even basic metabolic processes.

              Lmao, like pottery. Also congratulations again

              Black coffee speeds up metabolism. Eat more, your signal your body that resources are plentiful, not scarce, and your body will into fix its metabolism and boost weight loss

              >Then the body realises your essentially starving it and reducing its chance at survival so its cuts your caloric output to prevent it from starving ergo 'survival mode' or the technical term metabolic adaptation or adaptive thermogenesis

              This is just nonsense and easily answered empirically. Metabolism cannot drop to nothing, and the modest adjustments in BMR can be offset by a brisk walk. It's of academic significance but not practically insurmountable.

          • 11 months ago

            >Weight loss stalled?
            >Shovel yourself full of donuts

            What the frick is this advice? Good Lord.

  9. 11 months ago

    NO, he needs to take more food and trust the process!

  10. 11 months ago

    a plateau is normal
    do a week of refeeding at 2000kcal and then proceed

    • 11 months ago

      I might try that but when I get paid. I’ll add some rice etc. i dont like brown rice but I’ll add it.

    • 11 months ago
      No homo

      I did this and it worked. Somehow the body stops burning calories normal but when I ate like I always did for a short time I suddenly lost wheight.

  11. 11 months ago

    This happened to me a couple of years ago around the same weight I'm 6 foot 2 so i was insanely bloated i had like 10 pounds of water weight and i didn't notice results for weeks then i decided to go on a fast because it was a religious holiday anyway and i had never done a long fast after that i was loosing like at least a pound a week with minimum effort besides staying under 1000 cal i guess and when i did all my steps i was loosing 3 to 4 so please power trough the initial period or go on a fast or keto for a while just to see if it's water weight also you may be sleep walk snacking cought my roommate munching down milchschnitte asleep once

    • 11 months ago

      Unless I’m eating raw chicken, i have nothing else in the house to eat. I got rid of all temptations.

  12. 11 months ago

    >fatty cope: the thread

  13. 11 months ago

    OP. You're building up muscle under all your fat. Muscles weight more than fat does. So while loosing fat, your muscles have grown and you're not loosing weight. Tbh the number on your scale doesn't matter that much. If you look and feel better then last week, continue your way. Just make sure to really count your calories right and continue moving.

    • 11 months ago

      I’ve been fat since 16 and I’m 39. I’ve never ran 20 feet much less 3 miles and I’m up to 6. I’ll feel light headed and see strange lights in my vision but I’ve never felt so… happy.

  14. 11 months ago


  15. 11 months ago

    Some people just have bigger bodies. They cannot help it. It is the endomorph/mesomorph/ectomorph distinction. It's genetic.

    • 11 months ago

      Cant believe Vince got himself another one

  16. 11 months ago

    What is it about fat fricks that make them lie about their diets, their exercise and then claim they can't lose weight? I legitimately don't understand. On the one hand it implies they must understand how to lose weight. On the other hand they must know they're not doing it. So why claim they're doing everything right and not losing weight? What do they hope to gain? Are they looking for someone to validate their fatness? If so why lie about trying to lose fatness? I just don't get it.

    • 11 months ago

      I think they want power over the situation. Forcing others to bend the knee and say “yes, dear” counts as a win for the fatties.

    • 11 months ago

      I’m the medgay telling op to take potassium. No salt and your body will cease to function. No matter what you’ll do, you’ll see a stall in weight loss. Then the muscles will start to cramp up. Then he’ll either have a heart attack or op will fall into a coma pretty quickly. The fat releases chemicals as the cells are starved causing the body to burn through its salt reserves.

  17. 11 months ago

    Start weighing your food.

  18. 11 months ago

    >I'm eating 800 calories
    No you're not. You're not above CICO laws.

  19. 11 months ago

    get your shit together. you're not eating 800 calories a day, you're probably counting wrong. get yourself a scale if you don't have one, and also reduce the oil if you're cooking with oil (you can also just weigh that).
    I'm constantly losing weight with 1500 calories a day and a regular 6days a week gym workout - no cardio.

  20. 11 months ago

    All else equal (body mass, muscle mass index, height, fitness, etc.) metabolism implies inherent physiological differences in how your muscles, organs, etc burn energy. I fail to see how this variation could be anything significant. 200cals variation at most imo.

  21. 11 months ago


  22. 11 months ago

    >I don’t get it. I eat right, excorcise, like I’m eating 800 calories and it’s all protein. I run 2-3 miles every morning. I exorcise 17 minutes before lunch, 20 minutes after lunch. I go home from work and I’ll run another 2-3 miles. My diet is chicken and veggies and protein powder and water. Black coffee. But I can’t lose any weight.
    >>eat less excorcise more
    >I do hundreds of situps a day, hundreds of pushups a day after work which takes about an hour.
    >Cool, I did that now what? Do I starve myself and eat nothing at all? How do I lose the belly fat?

    Me two days into my cut

  23. 11 months ago

    antipsychotics break CICO if you're actually counting cals correctly, otherwise you are mistaken somewhere along the line

    • 11 months ago

      they don't, they just make you hungry as FRICK

      what kinda breaks CICO is fricking with insulin (which was also used to wrangle morons and crazies - look up insulin shock therapy).
      shrinks figured long ago that fat Black personcattle is docile Black personcattle.

  24. 11 months ago

    It's always I'm eating [insert ridiculous deficit ] and not losing weight! Yet when the moment you ask for records of their calories consumed its non-existent. Oh so you don't keep track of your calories then. You just think you do. Gotcha. How do you expect anybody to take this seriously if you're not even doing the bare minimum of keep an actual record of calories eaten? You'd be surprised how much you eat without realizing.

    • 11 months ago

      When you're eating 3 chicken breasts, one green apple, a 12 oz bag of frozen broccoli and 2 jars of black coffee you don't need to track calories.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'm not losing weight
        >No I don't need to track calories
        Uh huh...

        • 11 months ago

          you don't need to be a neurotic frick to lose weight as a fat frick. counting calories is for slop-brained NPCs. that kind of granularity is only needed by sick c**ts getting peeled.

          if you know what a 500-cal meal looks like and cook all of your meals, you can eyeball pretty much everything
          and when in doubt just err in the side of caution

          shit obviously gets harder when trying to get shredded and the body's fat-sparing mechanisms kick in (which is different from metabolic adaptation), but that's not the case for OP or ANY fatty.

          • 11 months ago

            OP is obviously incapable of eyeballing his meals, or he would be losing weight.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah your logic is solid and great if you're continually seeing progress. If progress is stalling you're really going to keep doing the same shit without checking? As the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it, in this case that shit is broke. Fix it. If OP can't even do the minimum of verifying how much they're putting into their body how do we know thats not the issue here? It's the issue you'd address first bur we can't even get a concrete answer out of them other than they don't need to measure since they barely eat, oh might as well go anorexic hurr durr. It just comes off as someone immaturely b***hing instead of trying to find a solution to their problem.

            • 11 months ago

              >If progress is stalling you're really going to keep doing the same shit without checking? As the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it

              yes. trust the fricking plan. reassess your strategy but if everything checks outs then keep at it. the lord works in mysterious way.

              if you want to bruteforce this shit, cut your portions in half and starve yourself, yeah that works too.

          • 11 months ago

            >if you know what a 500-cal meal looks like and cook all of your meals, you can eyeball pretty much everything
            Key word. OP obviously doesn't know. moron.

      • 11 months ago

        >When you're eating 3 chicken breasts,
        Plain, unseasoned chicken breasts with no dressing, sauce, or sides?

        • 11 months ago

          grilled chicken with salt and pepper, yes. maybe some spices if you're a wog.

          steamed broccoli

          >sauces and dressing

          miss me with that Black person shit

          • 11 months ago

            You weigh your chicken?

            • 11 months ago

              I'm not OP. I seldom eat chicken, my mom doesn't like the smell.
              I eat pork chops, steak and eggs.

              either way, a medium-sized breast is a medium-sized breast. you don't need to be anal retentive about this shit. anything you buy at wallyshart comes weighed in anyway.

              do you perform a biopsy on your chicken to identify the intramuscular fat content? not all chicken are made the same after all.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, OPs chicken is doped with mass gained and excess carbs. You figured it out. He should sue someone

              • 11 months ago

                Black person the chicken breast at my grocery store weigh almost 1lb each. All the food tracking apps count 1 chicken breast as like 6oz cooked. In reality it's double that.

              • 11 months ago

                >the xbox yueg breasts they sell at my shartmart are yueg and not small

                You sound like a homosexual

                yes, but at least I don't baste my chicken in corn syrup and colon cleansers

          • 11 months ago

            You sound like a homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        >2 jars of black coffee
        what the frick

        anyways you're either lying or you're leaving out some major shit here. Either those are REALLY big chicken breasts or you're deep frying them or you're adding tons of butter and oil to anything or your coffee isn't actually black or something.

        If you're not lying then go see a doctor instead of venting about it to IST.

      • 11 months ago

        And how much protein powder? How do you take your protein powder? What do you mix it with? Are you weighing your food?

        • 11 months ago

          3 scoops of chocolate whey in 1 cup of whipping cream mixed with 1 cup of water

  25. 11 months ago

    Assuming you're counting correctly, it sounds like your maintenance caloric intake is 800ish. Try cutting to 400 calories a day for a week and see if that does anything. If that doesn't help, cut down to 0.

  26. 11 months ago

    >like I’m eating 800 calories and it’s all protein

    If that's true you've already fricked up.

  27. 11 months ago

    those feet are disgusting

  28. 11 months ago

    OP's maintenance calorie level is 800.

    this means he's smaller and weaker than an average female

  29. 11 months ago

    You're not eating correctly and you need to do things to fix your hormones and metabolism because its not working right.

    Increase your protein intake to around 1.5 grams of protein per lbs of body weight and supplement with 5-10,000 ius of vitamin d a day and 250-500mg of magnesium and take fish or krill oil. Also take a good multivitamin.

    Also take a good probiotic supplement. The good bacteria manufacture compounds that cause weight loss and they manufacture and store 95+% of your neurotransmitters like serotonin and 50% of dopamine. The probiotics make a far bigger difference than we realize.


  30. 11 months ago

    Try an elimination diet. Cut out sugar, gluten, starch and swoi (not onions, frick this site's word replacement garbage)

  31. 11 months ago

    Does CICO seriously not work for some people? I never keep track of my calories because I know how much I need to eat to lose or gain weight. Do you people not own a scale or something?

    • 11 months ago

      in terms of fat loss, CICO gets fricky when trying to hit single digit BF% because at some point your body would rather eat muscle than burn fat
      (it's still CICO though. you're not breaking thermodynamics)

      but for 15%+ BF fatties and specially 20%+ lardos, CICO works like pottery.

  32. 11 months ago

    Vitamin D is massively important. Studies are showing that people who take vitamin d lose belly fat by the end of studies.Vitamin d is basically a hormone and improves your metabolism and immune system.

    • 11 months ago

      Just go outside you fricking virgin

  33. 11 months ago

    Omg queen, it's because you're in starvation mode!! Your body is holding onto all your fat DX.. You have to EAT to lose weight (Ugh, I know!! It's so weird..)

  34. 11 months ago

    >I do hundreds of situps a day, hundreds of pushups a day after work which takes about an hour.
    OP's a moron but I actually do something like this. I do about 100 throughout the day, cause every 30 minutes on the computer I do 5 pushups. Is this moronic, I heard you can break a bone

  35. 11 months ago

    >gay and not even funny gay gif, unlike big brother ones
    >"j-just look it up yourself, I can't be bothered to link it"
    All right thanks for proving your position wrong

  36. 11 months ago

    If your calories are really that low your body is shredding muscle from your body, thus obliterating your metabolism.

  37. 11 months ago

    Very strange. I read through this thread and I don't see any calorie log showing this 800 cal a day diet.

  38. 11 months ago


  39. 11 months ago

    It’s quite simple you’re eating too much. I guarantee you’re not eating 800 cals a day though

  40. 11 months ago

    1) you’re absolutely underestimating your calories
    2) there’s no reason at all to have such a high deficit. You’re going to go from looking like shit because you’re fat, to looking like shit because you’re skinny fat. Do a normal, 500-1K calorie deficit, accept the fact it’s gonna take a while.

  41. 11 months ago

    >and it’s all protein
    Stop believing in memes. Eat low fat, high carb.

  42. 11 months ago

    800 kcal and not losing weight? No you obviously are lying to me fat ass there can be no other way( according to my God king CICO that is). Wtf is metabolic adaptation? Some fancy made up word to confuse us total retads i bet. I'd say cut your intake to 400 kcal and do a brisk walk, that should be healthy and enough, people on that tv show survivor did it and they looked shredded as phuk. Also I'm a 240lbs massive virgin btw, not sure how relevant that is tho

    • 11 months ago

      Anon, since you are the same weight as OP I must ask, how much do you eat for maintenance?

      • 11 months ago

        I eat your mother's c**t 2 times a day before she begs me to cum inside her

        • 11 months ago

          There’s your problem, you are what you eat. Fat c**t.

  43. 11 months ago

    You are full of shit, unironically you are not pooping, there is no other way for your weight to not be dropping like a fricking rock at your weight, I'm a 165lb 5'11 twink and I eat 2400 calories a day to maintain this weight.

  44. 11 months ago

    I've been on the boat long enough to know that only one of the following can be true:
    >You're being consistent
    >You're in a deficit

  45. 11 months ago

    Hey. This happened to me at 220. I discovered I was severely underestimating just how many peanuts/peanut butter I was eating. I stopped eating calorie dense peanuts and suddenly the weight started dropping again. Maybe you're mistaken, or lying, or lying to yourself, about a certain calorie dense food you're consuming much more of than you think you are.

    If this is not the case, then ignore this.

  46. 11 months ago

    I was in the same boat as you. I lost 70 lbs then I hit a major plateau and didn't lose any more weight for like 2 months.

    You want to know what I did.
    >eat less
    >move more
    Then when i stopped losing again I
    >eat even less
    >move even more

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