I fell for the Starting Strength meme back in college and the most I got to show for it was a large ass and attention from fat gay boys.

I fell for the Starting Strength meme back in college and the most I got to show for it was a large ass and attention from fat gay boys. Getting back into weights now and I just want to brosplit.

Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls. What are objectively the most optimal variations to recruit the most muscle mass?

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  1. 1 month ago

    >What are objectively the most optimal variations to recruit the most muscle mass?
    bicep curl
    why do you homosexuals have to reinvent the fricking wheel? why cant you just curl twice a week and get big arms
    fricking zoomers

    • 1 month ago

      >why do you homosexuals have to reinvent the fricking wheel? why cant you just curl twice a week and get big arms
      >fricking zoomers
      because curls don't work unless they are unilateral in external shoulder rotation

      • 1 month ago

        >because curls don't work unless they are unilateral in external shoulder rotation
        Black person shut up and lift

        • 1 month ago

          he was being sarcastic

        • 1 month ago

          he was being sarcastic

          i do not shut up and lift, i find isolation and if there is no difference literally the next day/week i haven't found isolation and i have to look again, i make my own movements/static holds/exercises because canon/mainstream is utter fricken garbage and simply not true

          regular curls like this dude proposes:


          >I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls.
          Different Angles will hit all the regional hypertrophy areas.
          Cable behind the neck overhead bicep curls (wish there was a better name) SEE PIC.
          Spider Curls
          Incline Bench Curls
          Cable Drag Curls with the cable set up at your hand level so the most tension is at the beginning of the movement.

          are ALL in internal shoulder rotation and they do not work, regular curls hurt in elbow because long head coming of scapula, it's tendon is twisted whch deactivates muscle (there's an groove in humerus, if ur shoulder is not externally rotated tendon does not glide in said groove)
          so short head of cep is pulling alone on forearm tendon trying to rip it off like bandaid

          shoulder arm MUSTbe in external rotation to get any meaningful time under tension on bicep
          unilaterlly, dig elbow into ur side and move db to your side - there u do slow pumping motion while watching and feeling up bicep, delt should be squishy soft during proper curl 😀

  2. 1 month ago

    SS isn't for aesthetics, it's to give you a base of strength to start from. Focus on compound lifts is very simple and efficient and easy for beginners to stick with.

    • 1 month ago

      >base of strength
      please stop with this, never mention it ever again

      • 1 month ago

        Ok dyel

  3. 1 month ago

    3x a week legs is brutal 2x is way better. I feel like you cant really bench hard more than 3x a week till your shoulders get big.

    Its made for football players in middle and high school where legs matter the most.

    • 1 month ago

      >I feel like you cant really bench hard more than 3x a week till your shoulders get big.
      Suggestions for supplemental lifts to grow shoulders quickly?

      Okay so first you got a meme'd to do a shit program, and now your solution is to do bicep curls every day?
      If you want to push your shit to the limit do PPLPPL 6 days a week.
      You want all your muscles to be big, not just your biceps.

      The plan is to do a PPL + curls and dips every day. I have a problem getting bored with curls though.

      • 1 month ago

        Gotta have a good ratio of upper back shit, db shrugs pulldowns, rows etc.

        Flat back bench but take it slow, bb front raises, elbow out curls, etc. Oh reverse grip bench easily.

    • 1 month ago

      3x a week legs is brutal 2x is way better.
      Yet pensioners manage to do it and progress
      >Its made for football players in middle and high school where legs matter the most.
      It’s made for people who want to get stronger. Post your copies or Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training and Practical Programming For Strength Training with timestamp. Oh, you cannot, as you are just parroting bullshit from some other moron online who looked at a Google sheets document from someone who copied an example of warm up and work sets for the big lifts.

      • 1 month ago

        It is brutal youll get cns fatigue so fast once you find your actual working weight, squats and dls just do that. If youre always doing 2+ heavy days of squats and dls(cleans arent as bad or leg machines amd front squats) you wont be as able to push heavy weight you gotta cycle upper and lower body focus.

      • 1 month ago

        I got the gist of it, atg form definitely made me a lot stronger as a base and prevents injury from years ago.

  4. 1 month ago

    Okay so first you got a meme'd to do a shit program, and now your solution is to do bicep curls every day?
    If you want to push your shit to the limit do PPLPPL 6 days a week.
    You want all your muscles to be big, not just your biceps.

    • 1 month ago

      Im hitting rows on bench days and pullups on shoulder day.

      To be even proportions and have a similar ratio to wr lifts you will inhibit whatever youre working on by going too hard on other shit so your bench should be ~800/1100ths of your deadlift.

      • 1 month ago

        Or if you wanna replace nench or legs as your main focus, hit steep incline bench a lot just dont go too hard and let form suffer thatll frick your shit. Basically bench less and hit a bunch of military press all the time. But lots of front and lateral raises will get you size, presses help tendons get stronger. And pay attention to what fricks your shit, if its a dull slight pain itll probably get stronger, impingment comes with deep rom too heavy.

  5. 1 month ago

    All you really need is a decent set of dumbbells.

    • 1 month ago

      What the frick that’s actually not that bad. Needs pull-ups though

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        compelling argument, Black person.

  6. 1 month ago

    >I fell for the Starting Strength meme
    The best meme ever in IST. Why the frick was it ever recommended?

    • 1 month ago

      At least in my case it was helpful since I'd never touched a barbell before or even entered a weight room. I was stupid and stayed on SS for like 10 months though, only switching to nSuns531 after I reached a 3pl8 squat. My bench and OH press were embarrassingly low, and my deadlift was lower than my squat.

      • 1 month ago

        i really dont get this logic, why was it bad that your squat was higher than your deadlift? Would it be better if you were weaker?? most likely your squats was too high anyway if they were weaker than your deadlift ..

  7. 1 month ago

    starting strength is not bad and does not make you fat, you can get as many gains doing extremely heavy presses and pulls or you can train like a bodybuilder and get the same results, i personally quit it cause it was boring doing 3 exercises per session and spending 40 minutes on the bench press

  8. 1 month ago

    curling every day, that will get you huge bro. considering you thinking starting strength is a meme i doubt you'll stay with it long

  9. 1 month ago

    >Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls.
    i'd recommend you pick a single body part or muscle group to hit 3x a week then do the rest 2x. if you really want to hit biceps every day then 4/7 days should be bullshit days where you're just trying to get a pump going with machines. Or even better, your bullshit days could be working on bicep focused skills.

    What do I mean by skills? One of the things biceps do is help you balance on your hands, this is why gymnasts typically have nice arms. If you work towards something like a planche it's going to help grow your arms, work your abs and strengthen your rotator cuffs. Look up planche progressions if you're interested in this. I think if someone is trying to work in extra volume they should do something novel on the easy days for the sake of variety and fun. and if you want a list of random fun/feels good of exercises to bullshit with mine are
    >farmer's walks
    >pec deck and reverse pec deck
    >cable bullshit
    >rope climbs
    >handstand bullshit
    >going to failure on a machine related to the free weight movement I was doing during my real working sets
    >taking a 10 minute intra workout shit

  10. 1 month ago

    You cant fall for starting strength. Getting strong and being able to switch in 6 months to hitting db incline press with 40kg for 8-12 reps is not "falling for SS". Thats literally the best case scenario for hypertrophy. I swear to god there are so many fricking dyel zoomer morons in my gym who have been training for couple of years and "they dont care about strength" and after 2-3 years they are still stuck doing like 25kg for reps on incline and they are adamant about "mind muscle connection and bodybuilding and hypertrophy". Man they sure are gonna get fricking yoked benching 25kg dumbbells. Any day now. "The muscle doesnt know how much weight is on the bar". Yes it fricking does lmfao thats the only part in your body that does know it. Your eyes can just see the number what it says on the plate or the dumbbell but you have no idea if it would be accurate or not, its the muscle that does the lifting that can tell if its heavy for you or not.

    There has never been a single natural EVER on this earth that was big and didnt lift heavy. Not a single one. Reg Park and Steve Reeves were anal about doing 8-12 reps and perfect form. Guess what, they also benched 500lbs. For muscle growth, being able to do hypertrophy range with heavy weight > being able to do hypertrophy range with light weight. Its literally that simple.

    • 1 month ago

      the problem is that SS is basically a fricking squatting program
      no one ever got a decent bench or a deadlift out of SS
      the average brosplitter will outbench the average dude doing SS 9/10 times

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah this is the main problem with starting strength. I've seen people have better results with it by only doing the same workout each time. That way if they're gonna squat 3x a week at least they're getting that much practice on 2 other exercises as well. I just did workout A because I didn't have a bench at home.
        Overhead Press

    • 1 month ago

      Sound advice.

      the problem is that SS is basically a fricking squatting program
      no one ever got a decent bench or a deadlift out of SS
      the average brosplitter will outbench the average dude doing SS 9/10 times

      I went from a 200kg to 240kg DL by only training squats and no dls

      How many people actually got to 1/2/3/4 on SS and think that it's bad

      None of them, because they have put work in at it has paid off

      >How many people actually got to 1/2/3/4 on SS
      literally no one ever

      I know you. You are one of those that doesn’t record their numbers and jumps from program to program every three weeks.

    • 1 month ago

      SS is ironically underrated for hypertrophy
      muscle damage doesn't drive growth
      metabolic stress doesn't drive growth
      mechanical tension drives growth

      it's weird how people will say SS is a t-rex quad monstrosity program yet at the same time dismiss its hypertrophy potential for any other muscle group
      seems that the only problem with SS as a training program is the exercise selection which can be changed anyway

  11. 1 month ago

    SS til you learn the basics (couple weeks) then 5x5 til 1/2/3/4 (6-8 months) then PPL or Upper/Lower.
    It’s really that shrimple.

    • 1 month ago

      just do PPLPPL from the start, it's idiot proof if you eat and sleep enough.

      • 1 month ago

        SS and stronglift are even more idiotproof and perfect for beginners. PPL for intermediate.

        • 1 month ago

          Imswear who doesnt grow legs off 2x a week? Who grows off 2x bench/chest a week?

          Row or pulpups same day like seriously. Do you do triceps the same amount as legs? This is a mad house.

    • 1 month ago

      I can't do SS because my knees are fricked

      • 1 month ago

        Check this guy then

  12. 1 month ago

    How many people actually got to 1/2/3/4 on SS and think that it's bad

    • 1 month ago

      >How many people actually got to 1/2/3/4 on SS
      literally no one ever

  13. 1 month ago

    barbell floor pullovers and presses, best upper body destroying and ab forging exercise.

  14. 1 month ago

    just do nsuns

  15. 1 month ago

    >I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls.
    Different Angles will hit all the regional hypertrophy areas.
    Cable behind the neck overhead bicep curls (wish there was a better name) SEE PIC.
    Spider Curls
    Incline Bench Curls
    Cable Drag Curls with the cable set up at your hand level so the most tension is at the beginning of the movement.

    • 1 month ago

      everything is in internal shoulder rotation - try external, unilaterally, might fix ur tendinitis u gained doing moron curls

  16. 1 month ago

    what is bro split

  17. 1 month ago

    behind the back cable curls


    I do these standing and just brace myself with a staggered stance
    3 sets to 1-2RIR and my biceps are cooked

  18. 1 month ago

    Just do Scooby's home dumbbell and barbell workout.
    I got more gains on this in 2 months than I did on 8 months of Starting Strength.


  19. 1 month ago

    In your experience, is picrel reasonable?

    • 1 month ago

      i curl 13.5kg dumbbells for 4-6 in good form, like op pic
      i'm between novice and intermediate judging by this website
      i think yeah, it's pretty reasonable

  20. 1 month ago

    I wanna not be able to fit through doors or use rubber plates. For any lift.

  21. 1 month ago

    Spider curls
    Bayesian curls (I really like these)
    EZ bar curls with a lot of weight (cheat or strict with your back against the wall)
    Incline dumbbell curls (these are tough af if you do them correctly)
    Rope curls

    And do your forearms with
    Reverse cable curls
    Wrist roller
    Wrist curls
    Hammer curls
    Wrist curls

    I don’t like preacher curls because they don’t feel great for me

  22. 1 month ago

    Rip says it's fine to do some sets of curls after your SS workout, why didn't you do that?

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