I fucked up my quad injection

I fricked up my quad injection

Living alone, nobody could help me inject myself so I had to do it myself, chose the quad cause apparently I'm a fricking moron. Can't bend my leg without being In moderate discomfort but not pain, however it's never felt this bad before. Picrel is how much I can bend without pain, the top red dot is the injection site

First off: what do? Is it hospital time? I feel like driving or walking there would be worst and just being in a horizontal position would help me more.

Second of all: what should I be looking out for? What could happen?

Guess it's a PSA: don't be stupid, also don't inject your quads.

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's normal and some compounds hurt a lot more than others. Happens on virgin muscles
    And start pinning your ass

    • 2 years ago

      If you never performed a inter muscular injection I can understand why you might be freaking out. Your quads are virgin tissue and depending on your needle size and how violent you were with the injection, you caused tissue trauma. It’s not a problem at all and unless you see some kind of black spot (not a bruise, I’m talking my about decaying flesh) there’s nothing to worry about. You would have gotten the same issue had you done it anywhere else that has virgin tissue. The first time I pinned was my glute area and i got a nasty Charlie horse that made me afraid just like you are now. I try to keep my injection site the same so i have scar tissue built up and it’s seemingly painless 80% of the time. Did you use two different needle heads? You should be using a brand new needle top after you draw from your vial otherwise your injecting with a blunted tip

      Thanks for the advice, it's uncomfortable but I'm not in much pain. I'll do it on my ass next time, but it's never this bad when I have someone else do it in the gluteus.

      Update is that I've got more range of motion and it's kind of lumpy but nothing too bad to be sure. I welcome all advice and I'll be reading until thread is archived

  2. 2 years ago

    If you never performed a inter muscular injection I can understand why you might be freaking out. Your quads are virgin tissue and depending on your needle size and how violent you were with the injection, you caused tissue trauma. It’s not a problem at all and unless you see some kind of black spot (not a bruise, I’m talking my about decaying flesh) there’s nothing to worry about. You would have gotten the same issue had you done it anywhere else that has virgin tissue. The first time I pinned was my glute area and i got a nasty Charlie horse that made me afraid just like you are now. I try to keep my injection site the same so i have scar tissue built up and it’s seemingly painless 80% of the time. Did you use two different needle heads? You should be using a brand new needle top after you draw from your vial otherwise your injecting with a blunted tip

    • 2 years ago

      >You should be using a brand new needle top after you draw from your vial otherwise your injecting with a blunted tip
      This is and always will be wasteful and unnecessary. Funny that most people following this use 25+ ga needles as well.

      • 2 years ago
        Reddit Randy

        I am not pinning with a 21g needle bro.

  3. 2 years ago

    Fricking moron

    I don#t even roid

    • 2 years ago

      I was just watching this video! It's only for one time that I have noone else to do it in my ass. NBD

      • 2 years ago

        use a mirror you dumb idiot. you guys are something else kek

  4. 2 years ago

    Did you aspirate? If so, no worries really. It’s going to hurt worse tomorrow. This is to be expected. If you moved the needle around inside the muscle it’s going to hurt like FRICK but again, nothing really to worry about. Even if some of the oil went subq, it’ll be uncomfortable and there may/will be a ball or lump but that will go away.
    Essentially just watch for signs of infection but otherwise you’ll be okay after getting through the extreme discomfort you’re sure to experience.
    Pin delts/glutes alternating each time. You can absolutely reach your glutes on your own given that you’re clearly dyel.
    Also why the frick are you pinning when you don’t even look like you lift? What the frick ever happened to building a good natty base first

  5. 2 years ago

    oh no roidsisters

  6. 2 years ago

    Nice muscles LMAO have you tried lifting?

  7. 2 years ago

    Estrogen injection? I thought they just gave you people pills.

  8. 2 years ago

    You're living (not for long) proof that roiders are some of the dumbest people on this site.

  9. 2 years ago

    you are definitely a moron and unworthy of any inyection. what a fricking moron, man up, the pain doesnt last more than two days

  10. 2 years ago

    Your pip is gonna depend on whether you've pinned the area before, the esters, and their density in the oil. SUS300 hurts a frickload more than enanthate 250.

    >t. pins quads twice a week

    • 2 years ago
      Reddit Randy

      Based quad pinner knows.

      • 2 years ago

        why are people such gays about quad pinning? They act as if they're responding to the idea of pinning their necks

        • 2 years ago
          Reddit Randy

          MPMD and any other number of influencers who try to scare people away from quad pins. I use to rotate in my delts but just alternate quads now. Shits comfy.
          Most dont realize the artery they're worried about hitting is on the other side, plus most dont know to aspirate either.

          • 2 years ago

            Aspirating is old, outdated shit.

            • 2 years ago
              Reddit Randy

              It assuages my moron worries and doesnt do any harm 🙁

          • 2 years ago

            I've never aspirated, haven't had problems. Am I lucky or is it even necessary?

            • 2 years ago
              Reddit Randy

              Its basically to make sure you're not sitting in a vein, not really necessary but if you're a paranoid person its just an extra precaution.

              • 2 years ago

                Assuming the worst-case scenario, and the needle goes fully into the vein making the injection completely intravenous. Does anything bad even happen with test esters?

              • 2 years ago
                Reddit Randy

                I mean depending on how much goes in, you'll hack up a lung, you wont be able to get a full syringe in without noticing something is wrong from what I understand. If you're worried just take the extra second to aspirate.

                >1,5inch needle
                0,5inch will do in the quad

                I did ⅜ the other day and the pip is worse than with 1.5, plus I've got a visible lump where the oil is sitting, so its just more irritating than having it deep.

              • 2 years ago

                I know you said worst case scenario but you basically can't directly inject into a vein via an intramuscular injection. It just doesn't work. That being said, if you just for example mainlined the oil directly into a vein like a heroin user does you can get a pulmonary embolism.

                >During the 4.3-year period, 90,092 doses of intramuscular testosterone undecanoate were distributed via an Aveed Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy program to health-care professionals for patient treatment. Of 633 individual case safety reports in the Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc safety database, 28 spontaneously reported adverse events were classified as POME, for a yearly spontaneously reported adverse event per-injection rate of <0.1%. Most (21/22) events resolved, and of those with a resolution time reported, most (13/17) resolved in ≤30 minutes. More than 60% (13/21) of patients required no medical intervention (ie, the POME event resolved spontaneously).
                >In 3 out of 4 POME cases with symptoms serious enough to require an emergency room visit, issues with injection technique or dosing were identified as a potential contributing factor.


  11. 2 years ago
    Reddit Randy

    >no redness
    >no noticeable swelling
    >regular pip
    Firstly, stop being a b***h
    Second, pic related make sure you're pinning in that area or slightly higher up, 1.5in needle and depending on the compounds and the amount you're gonna have pip regardless.
    Don't be a hypochondriac.

    • 2 years ago

      >1,5inch needle
      0,5inch will do in the quad

  12. 2 years ago

    Are you the homosexual that preloaded 3ml of oil into his vastus lateralis?

  13. 2 years ago

    idk why but the thought of creating negative pressure with my syringe while it's inside me sounds unpleasant

    • 2 years ago
      Reddit Randy

      Not even noticeable kek

    • 2 years ago

      I had my muscle suck inwards once. It was pretty horrifying to see. I don't aspirate anymore.

  14. 2 years ago

    Aside from the virgin muscle shit people said, every so often you get some oil that seeps into the joint capsule and makes movement painful. It just comes with the territory. I've got a big lump on each quad from regular 3cc injections, you get used to it.

  15. 2 years ago

    Going for that early heart attack there huh anon?

  16. 2 years ago

    You were supposed to inject in the outer part of your quad where the muscle is largest, you moron. Injecting on the top means you'll hit a nerve or blood vessel. You should have watched some Youtube vids.

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