I have a bmi of 32 with a 36.6% body fat percentage. How do I lose weight.

I have a bmi of 32 with a 36.6% body fat percentage. How do I lose weight.

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  1. 12 months ago

    fork putdowns

  2. 12 months ago

    stop fricking eating fatty

  3. 12 months ago

    Look at you, you fat slob! A BMI of 32 and a body fat percentage of 36.6%? Pathetic! You must be a whale. Do you even lift, bro? Clearly not.

    Now, here's some tough love for you, butterball. Losing weight requires discipline and effort. You need to stop shoving Big Macs down your throat and start eating clean. Cut out all the junk food and sugar-loaded garbage. Stick to a high-protein, low-carb diet.

    But hey, it's not just about what you eat, it's also about what you do. Get off your lazy ass and hit the gym. Start pumping some iron and doing cardio until you can't breathe. And I don't want to hear any excuses about being too tired or not having time. That's just weakness talking.

    If you really want to shed those pounds, you better be ready to sacrifice. No more sitting on your ass playing video games or watching anime all day. It's time to get your sorry self together and work towards being less of a disgusting blob.

    And if you can't handle the tough love, then maybe you should just give up and embrace your destiny as a land whale. The choice is yours, lard-ass.

    • 12 months ago

      This. Thread over, he covered it all. You can go now, OP. Check out the Fat Loss General for tips, and the Fat Hate General for motivation.

  4. 12 months ago

    You're more like 45-50% body fat my dude. The way out is to reduce the calories you eat, lift weights and do lots of low intensity cardio, and most importantly you need to change your mentality and lifestyle around eating and exercise
    Get a food scale and a calorie tracking app like FatSecret or Chronometer. Track every gram and ml of food that goes in your mouth other than stuff like diet soda, black coffee, black tea, and water. Make lean meats, vegetables, and fruits the cornerstone of your diet. Pick potatoes and sweet potatoes over stuff like oats or rice too. Those things are high volume and have lots of nutrients in them. They'll keep you full and nourished. If you're still getting hungry a lot then go to r/VolumeEating. Great resource for huge portions of food with very few calories
    Exercise like walking, swimming, and biking are going to be paramount for you. They're easy on the joints, you can burn a lot of calories with them, and you can do them every day. If you want to include some cardio that's more intense then I'd recommend hitting a heavy bag for rounds. Also burns a lot of calories and it's a lot of fun. Do a full body lifting routine 2-3 times per week to build a little muscle. If you don't try to retain or build muscle you'll burn less calories every day and you'll feel much weaker too. It's a cycle of lowering your metabolic expenditure, so you have to eat less, so it lowers more, etc until your hair is falling out from being malnutrished and the scale won't move even though you're barely eating
    Do some fasting to figure out what hunger feels like again. You probably haven't felt hunger in a long time. Once you have a good idea about what hunger feels like then only eat when you're hungry. Do not eat while bored, don't eat while watching TV, don't eat when you feel bad about something, none of that shit. Find another way to cope without food or calorie heavy drinks involved. The mind is why so many fail

  5. 12 months ago

    OP here I decided to cut my calories to 1200 calories a day 4 days a week and not eat anything except water for 3 days a week. im used to eating 2600+ calories a day. Ive been only eating 1200 calories the past 3 days and tomorrow and the day after i plan on eating nothing but water.

    • 12 months ago

      I wouldn't do this cold turkey. You really need to ease into it or you're gain it all back. You will feel like shit too.

    • 12 months ago


      I wouldn't do this cold turkey. You really need to ease into it or you're gain it all back. You will feel like shit too.

      said, first cut to around 2000 calories (normal) with high protein and low sugar and less complex carbs (ear rice and potatoes)
      Start slowly building strength (if you can't get to a gym then do wall push-ups, body weight squats, and walk. Fasting is good but you should get used to eating like a normal person first. Buy a food scale so you know exactly how much you're eating

  6. 12 months ago

    Get your hands on some semaglutide. I'm dead serious. I have a fatass dad and it's the only thing I've ever seen help him lose weight. Downlike 40lbs.

  7. 12 months ago

    Change what you eat and move more. Adjust as necessary for months until you achieve desired result. If your a gay that needs motivation: remind yourself how shitty your body feels with all those extra pounds.

    Nothing more too it.

  8. 12 months ago

    I got a new job where I have to stand up all day day and my feet and ankles really hurt thats whats made me want to lose weight. Before I just laid around in bed all day.

  9. 12 months ago

    No way is that only a BMI of 32.

  10. 12 months ago

    Normalize it.

  11. 12 months ago

    Nice breasts, fat moron.

    • 12 months ago


  12. 12 months ago

    I dont want to get buff or muscular arms, I just want to lose weight because it hurts when I stand too long, and I get tired too quickly during sex and have to keep stopping and starting. So I just want to lose weight and maybe get better cardio. Some abs would be nice too I'll try to get them after I lose all of this weight.

  13. 12 months ago

    stop eating carbs

  14. 12 months ago

    literally just stop eating. i did a month fast and lost 50lbs. also, you are way way way bigger than 36% bodyfat. you could do a couple months no food and be fine

  15. 12 months ago


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