I have only ever seen 1 person benching 2 plates or squatting more than 2 plates in my gym but everyone here acts like you should be squatting 5 plate...

I have only ever seen 1 person benching 2 plates or squatting more than 2 plates in my gym but everyone here acts like you should be squatting 5 plates. Some big ass roided dude told me it was impressive that i could squat over 3 plates for reps on squat

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  1. 4 months ago

    Based grass toucher

    • 4 months ago

      Crazy that a bunch of terminally online gymcels and Indians constantly demoralize people’s fitness journey huh
      You do you OP, take it at your pace and reach whatever goals you have set out for yourself

      Every gay online acts like andy from the office or some overly competitive indian korean who studies for exams 24/7. ignore them

      Every gay online acts like andy from the office or some overly competitive indian korean who studies for exams 24/7. ignore them

      I can bench 285 for a triple and deadlift 465 for a set of 6 without slamming it on the ground. I'm consistently one of the strongest if not the strongest guy in any gym I go to. I'm not genetically that special, it took a lot of work to get that strong, and it makes me think that this board is full of morons who think that Larry Wheels level shit can be achieved through grit like they're an anime character

      Because you go to a shit gym

      Have you ever stopped to consider that it's not bucket crabbing but constantly challenging you what's happening here? If you let it demoralize you, you're a fricking pussy. The goals IST set for you are supposed to be unreachable so that you will work your ass off and try to get there anyway so you can prove IST wrong, even if you never will. That's never been the point.

      • 4 months ago

        >bullies some 19 year old with a good body because he's not an IFBB pro
        >feels better about yourself because your goblin bodied self had brought another young man down to your level
        >some moron thinks you act like how you do because it's supposed to be motivating somehow

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah…its not though. Its mostly losers acting out because no one pays attention to them irl

          If that behavior doesn't motivate/drive you you're a fricking loser.

          • 4 months ago

            >if you aren't motivated by skinnyfat dyels larping as bodybuilders than you're a fricking loser

          • 4 months ago

            If you need external motivation youre a fricking loser

            • 4 months ago

              I never said you did, I am merely stating that being a gay crybaby about people giving you tough love motivation while you're on IST shouldn't be interpreted as malicious

              • 4 months ago

                >tough love motivation
                Yeah I'm sure a site famous for being full of dysgenic, bitter freaks really just want to motivate anon to achieve more and aren't just seething that that someone dared to be proud of their achievements

          • 4 months ago

            You are moronic

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah…its not though. Its mostly losers acting out because no one pays attention to them irl

      • 4 months ago

        You sound like a gay, besides this being just objectively not true (nobody likes being put down and feeling like they've achieved nothing, it's one of the most demotivating things you can do to someone), I've never talked to a jacked guy who wasn't friendly and realistic about lifting achievements.

      • 4 months ago

        If that behavior doesn't motivate/drive you you're a fricking loser.

        • 4 months ago

          No this is a real and genuine conversation about fitness

  2. 4 months ago

    Crazy that a bunch of terminally online gymcels and Indians constantly demoralize people’s fitness journey huh
    You do you OP, take it at your pace and reach whatever goals you have set out for yourself

  3. 4 months ago

    idk man in my college gym saw plenty of 2-3 plate squatters
    Yeah 2+ plate benchers were rare though usually it was the roiders

  4. 4 months ago

    I've seen plenty of people benching 2pl8 but only one person loading up more than 2pl8.

    • 4 months ago

      Damn I love hearing that
      t.Just hit a 122.5kg PR (270lb)

  5. 4 months ago

    Why would I go to the gym? On IST my numbers can be whatever I want

  6. 4 months ago

    Every gay online acts like andy from the office or some overly competitive indian korean who studies for exams 24/7. ignore them

  7. 4 months ago

    Every gay online acts like andy from the office or some overly competitive indian korean who studies for exams 24/7. ignore them

  8. 4 months ago

    I can bench 285 for a triple and deadlift 465 for a set of 6 without slamming it on the ground. I'm consistently one of the strongest if not the strongest guy in any gym I go to. I'm not genetically that special, it took a lot of work to get that strong, and it makes me think that this board is full of morons who think that Larry Wheels level shit can be achieved through grit like they're an anime character

  9. 4 months ago

    Because you go to a shit gym

    • 4 months ago

      Post gym

    • 4 months ago

      Actually true. I go to multiple gyms and on the more casual gyms I never see anyone bench or squat more than 100 kilos. On strength gyms that is the minimum and even dudes who don't do any strength sport can manage that.

  10. 4 months ago

    But why would people lie on the internet?

  11. 4 months ago

    Everyone here also makes 7 figures, has a new car, didn't peak in highschool, is 6'4" and 8". Believing anything you see here even with "proof" is a mistake. It's a lying infested hobby within a community of pathological liars. Not that your perception of reality is more accurate but it's not worth altering for sake of others.

    • 4 months ago

      im 6'2, 7", peaked in my mid 20s, have no car or driving license, and make 5 figures

      • 4 months ago

        Sucks to be you cuz I'm 6'6" with a 8x6 dick, 6 figures, jacked and shredded (obviously natty) own a paid off house with enough land to raise a whole farm of animals and drive an audi s6 (2023 of course)

        • 4 months ago

          >6 figures
          I wish this was as big a deal today as it was when I first hit 100k.

    • 4 months ago

      You actually just described me lmao except I'm 7.5"
      I tell girls I'm 9" they don't know the difference

      • 4 months ago

        Thirdie country. Planet fitness where I live has multiple people benching 325 for reps.

        Sucks to be you cuz I'm 6'6" with a 8x6 dick, 6 figures, jacked and shredded (obviously natty) own a paid off house with enough land to raise a whole farm of animals and drive an audi s6 (2023 of course)

        Bait and cap

  12. 4 months ago

    alright, man

  13. 4 months ago

    One of the biggest dudes in my gym saw me repping 2 plates bench and literally stopped his workout to come and tell me I'm a russian tank
    Besides that, I've only ever seen 1 other guy benching 2 plates but it was only a couple reps and with a spotter, probabil tested his max

  14. 4 months ago

    If you ever see a guy say something like "you should lift X within Y time" without mentioning bodyweight, he is 100% a terminally online obese powerlifter. On sites like Reddit you just look at their posts and you'll always find some video of them squatting with a massive beer belly.

    • 4 months ago

      Both of those things can be true. I absolutely agree, it is EXTREMELY rare to see anyone benching 2pl8 or more. I've been training 10+ years and I'd say its definitely less than 1 in 100 who can do it. Out of people who train, that is. I mean sure if we are having a politically correct wine mom discussion it's impressive but at the same it should be achieved by literally anyonye regardless of bodyweight in under a year. A goal that is that easy to reach is not impressive even though almost nobody can do it. That's just my view on it. You dont get any extra points just because everyone else is moronic and doesnt know how to lift. Majority spins their wheels for 3-5 years and quit lifting. They never get abs and looked like they went to the gym.

      I'll mention bodyweight, I was 62kg when I benched 2pl8 after 7 months of lifting.

      • 4 months ago

        you'll also get people listing their weight without listing their height 😉

  15. 4 months ago

    Thirdie country. Planet fitness where I live has multiple people benching 325 for reps.

  16. 4 months ago

    All of those, I've also never seen anyone OHP more than 0.5pl8. Even the roiders at my gym just spam that dumbshit chicken wings with dumbbells lmao

  17. 4 months ago

    That cant be true my homie
    most adult males can bench 1 pl8 and have their hard sets at aroun 70-80kg

    I went from 70kg for 3 to 88kg for 1 in 5 months
    And most of my progress has been quite recent because I've decided to up the intensity and keep it high.
    It's a matter of knowing how to train

    • 4 months ago

      I've seen a kid with wobbly arms repping a plate for eight
      and some dudes who did like a thousand sets of 1 plate and a thousand more of 70-75kg

      I'm not even from a well fed country, 1000% of inflation everyday
      what are you on about you dumb fricking homosexual

    • 4 months ago

      >I went from 70kg for 3 to 88kg for 1 in 5 months
      I did the same back in the day, but the thing is the progression slows down heavily and the risk of injury rises and rises. Youre not wrong with most fit aduls being able to max out at 70-80kg. And most probably closed the gap to 100kg aka 2pl8s now and then. But most people just dont enjoy the feeling of lifting very heay, when lifting less heavy feels safer, gives you better pump, faster recovery and more volume -> more hypertrophy.
      Being able to lift 2pl8s for reps is like being a progamer. Its not that most people couldn't, it's just that being >1% in something is not necessarily worth it for the majority of people

  18. 4 months ago

    In my 12 years of lifting I have not seen more than 20 people who can bench 2pl8s for reps while not being obviously roided juiceheads or being natty but having a >20%bfp.
    I think my best was 2pl8s for 3-4 dirty reps and it just doesnt feel good. Way too much risk of injury.
    Everyone I know including me who benched 2pl8s and lifts for looks/fun/health willingly went down with the weight again.

  19. 4 months ago

    Unrelated to this thread
    But Why is the fitness sphere so overly competitive these days?
    Not you only need to be aesthetic but you need to a super rich gigachad ceo with maxxed out stats in everything
    So cringe
    No one gave a frick if zyzz had lambos
    People liked zyzz because he was aesthetic and had a fun personality. Was down to earth genuinely
    The over competitiveness of the fitness sphere reminds me of a hellhole like south korea or some shit. So cringy

    • 4 months ago

      Insecurity and narcissism.
      gotta respect the drive, and mad respect to those who actually hit their strength goals/become fuarkin aesthetic

    • 4 months ago
      As far as they will go but even farther


  20. 4 months ago

    lift for frieren

  21. 4 months ago

    a national weightlifting champion works out at the same gym as i do and once every 2-3 weeks i see him maxx out a bar and squat with it. In the moment i see that bar bending under the weight i lament my own weakness; then i get back to my workout.

  22. 4 months ago

    Wait, 2pl8 bench is impressive? I got to 90kg 5x5 and thought that was weak as frick because a guy in my office said he used to bench 120kg back when he was younger.
    I mean, 90kg is still no 100kg, but still

    • 4 months ago

      Its more than 90% of dudes.

    • 4 months ago

      It depends on your arm length if it's impressive. Your true bench is your bench multiplied by your arm length. If your arm is twice as long then it's twice as much force.

      • 4 months ago


  23. 4 months ago

    Pretty much everyone on my 9th tier soccer team can bench 2pl8 when we randomly hit the weight room, which is not part of our training.

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