I have periodontitis but I'm too embarrassed to go see a dentist, does this shit eventually stop or it will keep always getting worse?

I have periodontitis but I'm too embarrassed to go see a dentist, does this shit eventually stop or it will keep always getting worse?
How fricked up are the treatments?
I've read sometimes skin grafts are needed, where so they get the skin from?

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  1. 2 years ago

    At this point you must conquer your fear and go or you will eventually lose your teeth. People with healthy gums and teeth don't really need a dentist but once it gets diseased you must go. You can do it anon.

    • 2 years ago

      I know but I'm so fricking embarrassed and scared of the treatment that I keep delaying it.

      Your inner cheeks.

      And it heals quickly or does it take long for both the cheeks and gums to heal?

      • 2 years ago

        They took mine from the roof of my mouth, in about a month you don't notice it anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        It’s literally their job to fix fricked up mouths, would you find it embarrassing if someone came into your work and paid you money to perform the service you provide?

        • 2 years ago

          If someone arrived at your garage with a car with its wheels hanging by a thread or no oil wouldn't you think bad of that person? Like what an absolute irresponsible moron.
          Or maybe I'm just a paranoid, self conscious, insecure moron as a result of fricked up teeth.

          • 2 years ago

            you’re paranoid. At the end of the day though your teeth aren’t a car. They’re in your face man. You should be much more embarrassed of walking around with that shit in your face. People know and don’t say anything. Would you rather be embarrassed at the dentist or embarrassed everywhere? Fix your pearls lad

            • 2 years ago

              Thanks man.

              Dentist bro how bad is it? Pic related is my teeth.

              • 2 years ago

                You definitely have periodontal disease
                But it's far far far far far from the worst I have seen.
                Definitely salvigable without complex treatment
                Get the Tepe brushes, size red and yellow
                DO NOT WORRY IF THEY BLEED
                keep going - after a few weeks they wont bleed

              • 2 years ago

                As for the roots in the back do I get them removed?

                not him but tbh you just look like you need a cleaning. You go in, they basically use tools to pick that stuff off and then polish it. Takes like 20 minutes and you walk out with brand new teeth basically. Does it hurt?

                They don't hurt at all but they bleed easily if I put too much pressure when brushing, plus there's plaque on the back that you can't see on the photo.

              • 2 years ago

                I bet the bleeding is being caused by the plaque. Mine was. It bled every time I brushed. Go and get a cleaning. It’s an extremely common fast procedure it’s literally standard. Everyone has it done. It’s not comfortable to do but it doesn’t hurt man. Just say you want a scale and polish. That’s what it’s called in bongland anyway. Your teeth will feel brand new and after a week or so of brushing and flossing the bleeding will stop. Do it man what you have isn’t even feel bad tier. It’s like, taking your car to a car wash tier

              • 2 years ago

                Use colgate total. Read the ingredients and get the one with triclosan in it and get a soft tooth brush. Also get a flouride mouth rinse to use after brushing. On top of this gargle and rinse your mouth out one time a week with warm salt water.

                Oh yeah and this, get a soft toothbrush. Not from the supermarket, from the dentist. They have much softer ones and the difference is unreal

              • 2 years ago

                >Oh yeah and this, get a soft toothbrush. Not from the supermarket, from the dentist. They have much softer ones and the difference is unreal

                what? no they dont

              • 2 years ago

                The one I got from my dentist is definitely significantly softer than the “soft” toothbrush I got from the supermarket. They’re not expensive or anything. Like a fee £. I mean I can’t say for sure what is the softest toothbrush at your local shop mate you could be from Afghanistan or Antarctica. Pretty much every dentist I’ve been to sells toothpaste, floss and a few different brushes at reception

                bro your gums will recede and reveal the roots of your teeth, which will make them rot, loosen, and fall out. You are going to be a lot more embarrassed when you look like a methhead with rotting and missing teeth, than if you just go to the dentist now and get this shit fixed

                Yeah he’s right it’s not a problem now but it will be. Once you get it cleaned your guns will heal to some extent but how far they can go really depends. The less damage you allow to happen the better

              • 2 years ago

                bro your gums will recede and reveal the roots of your teeth, which will make them rot, loosen, and fall out. You are going to be a lot more embarrassed when you look like a methhead with rotting and missing teeth, than if you just go to the dentist now and get this shit fixed

                if OP moves quickly enough, you can even have gum grafting done, which is a relatively common inexpensive procedure that can restore the gumline so your roots aren't exposed

              • 2 years ago

                >The one I got from my dentist is definitely significantly softer than the “soft” toothbrush I got from the supermarket.

                you live in a third world country re: dental care

              • 2 years ago

                mutt cope
                Hard to speak on anything to do with teeth when you don’t use them c**t, food ever managed to touch the sides?

              • 2 years ago

                Your choice
                1. Leave - if not symptomatic and don't bother you, you'll probably be okay. There's a risk that they could become infected and cause a pain/abscess. Leaving them does have the benefit of maintaining bone incase you ever wanted an implant in the future. Your choice

                Like I said, don't let bleeding stop you. You must brush your gumline well.

                Use colgate total. Read the ingredients and get the one with triclosan in it and get a soft tooth brush. Also get a flouride mouth rinse to use after brushing. On top of this gargle and rinse your mouth out one time a week with warm salt water.

                There is some evidence of triclosan being useful. In all honesty I can't remember the evidence, dental school feels like an eternity ago. He should use a rechargable electric brush - with a pressure sensor. It slows down if you press too hard. Like the oral-B pro 2

                Sorry, I'm running out of dogs

              • 2 years ago

                Sorry I've had a bit to drink
                I meant options are:
                Leave - could become infected but will maintain jaw bone density to allow room for implants for when you can afford them
                Extract - you don't have to worry about them becoming infected

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks again, can they be like grinded flat so there aren't sharp spots that frick my tongue? I think I can afford a couple implants but are they really worth over a well done prosthetic?
                My concerns at this point are the integrity of the front teeth, both top and bottom, the receding and bleeding gums. The teeth in the back don't bother me that much beside being conscious when full open mouth smiling and eating hard foods.

              • 2 years ago

                I grind them flat on a regular basis

              • 2 years ago

                And are they filled with anything? How much do you charge per appointment dentist bro?

              • 2 years ago

                I quit the NHS as of last week
                I'd only charge £47 in wales for all of this

                I'm going private and it would be around £500 or so

              • 2 years ago

                I kinda expected you to work public since you were kind enough to spend your time giving all this advice for free.
                Go make that bag and get your Porsche bro.

              • 2 years ago

                Thank you king
                I'm still going to work emergency clinics on the NHS in evenings
                People need to not be in pain
                Just wish bojo would pay us right

                If you need advice just post here, i'm here often

              • 2 years ago

                any thoughts on nano-hydroxyapatite?

              • 2 years ago

                Hydroxyapetite is the non-organic component of enamel, and partially of detine. I've never heard of the term 'Nano-HA'

                Back to the F- israelite argument
                I can say that fluorapatite is more resistant to wear/decay/erosion than the natural from (hydroxyapetite) - which is the evidence to why fluoride is useful.
                This 'nano' variant is not something i'm familiar with - but if you can enlighten me I'm open to new ideas. I always try to expand my knowledge

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                i don't know much about it, just seen it around and this thread reminded me. i think it got popular in japan then caught on with the anti-flouride types. thanks for sharing your insights.

              • 2 years ago

                >I've never heard of the term 'Nano-HA'
                most knowledgeable dentist in britain

              • 2 years ago

                You should unironically be tripgayging when you give dental advice. IST would greatly appreciate your valueable free advice despite the tripcode.

              • 2 years ago

                Can I re-use tepe brushes or are they like condoms? Feels like a nice ~~*business*~~ model. I am asking because mine are always bloody so I throw them away.

              • 2 years ago

                not him but tbh you just look like you need a cleaning. You go in, they basically use tools to pick that stuff off and then polish it. Takes like 20 minutes and you walk out with brand new teeth basically. Does it hurt?

          • 2 years ago

            He would be pretty goddamn happy of having some shithead who cant take care of his own car come to his workshop to pay him to do his fricking job to put food on his familys table.

      • 2 years ago

        listen, it dosnt matters, its their job and your mouth will get worse and worse, you will lose yout theeth and you will have to pay more money, with theeth problems its always the same, if you can go today and get fixed dont go tomorrow.

      • 2 years ago

        Call ahead and ask for some strong benzos. They will prescribe them for anxiety, it’s pretty routine. Pop a few pills and go to your appointment. Be advised they will require you to have a ride to/from the appointment if they prescribe meds for anxiety

        • 2 years ago

          >ask for some strong benzos
          Dude I have never taken any drugs or mind altering pills nor will I ever. You remind me of a random sports doctor during pre season checks that wanted to prescribe me the same shit when I told her I was neglecting my teeth due to being afraid of seeing a dentist.

          nah, my teeth were kind of fricked up before Covid, had an appointment but then the dentist office closed. Then I kept putting off rescheduling it, so it had been like 3 years since I'd seen a dentist and I hadn't been taking care of my teeth properly. My gums were really inflamed. I'd also been putting it off because I was embarrassed, worried about the pain, and worried about the cost. But eventually I got over it and went.

          They weren't rude or anything to me, just told me that I was going to have to do a better job maintaining my gums, and come every few months to get worked on. Now my teeth and gums are much better.

          Good shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I think at the point of the picture I would just opt for implants.

  2. 2 years ago

    Your inner cheeks.

  3. 2 years ago

    Rotting teeth can unironically kill you
    Dentists see terrible teeth all the time, they literally don’t care how bad it is

    • 2 years ago

      literally this... the same bacteria that cause mouth plaque also cause arterial plaque. If you let this shit get out of hand it can dramatically increase your risk of a heart attack, and the rotting can unironically extend into your jaw and cause you to die, or maybe worse--- like having to lose your lower jaw and living out the rest of your life as a subhuman freak with only half a face, whose drool freely falls down all over the front of your shirt, and who cannot eat or drink without causing a disgusting mess, so you need a feeding tube

  4. 2 years ago

    How severe is it? You won't need grafts unless it's extremely fricked up. One thing is certain though, the longer you leave it the worse the disease and its consequences will be.

    • 2 years ago

      Does the Image in op need grafts? Mine isn't as severe nor there's as much plaque but gum recession is noticeable.

      Rotting teeth can unironically kill you
      Dentists see terrible teeth all the time, they literally don’t care how bad it is

      They'll probably put me on a tik tok or something.

      • 2 years ago

        Gums never grow back. Once they've receded that's it.

  5. 2 years ago

    go to the dentist mate. they've seen some nasty shit and it's their job.

    also, any one have experience with teeth whitening? (UK based too)

  6. 2 years ago

    flossing >>>>> brushing. i know it's more annoying to do but trust me, it's more effective and once you get used to it, it actually feels pretty good. do both but prioritize flossing.

    • 2 years ago

      Flossing is what most people should be doing. It's good at improving hygiene but
      If you have periodontal disease- Flossing will not improve patient outcome

      They NEED to use these instead
      The largest size that will fit

      • 2 years ago

        Fricking dogposted by accident
        I mean use these

        • 2 years ago

          wtf do they go in between your teeth? they look huge, when ever I go to my mums house she has them but I've never used em

        • 2 years ago

          i gotta try these thx teethbro

        • 2 years ago

          I advise these for people with periodontal disease

          For the normal person, who usually can't fit this between teeth - I personally use pic related becasue they're smaller

      • 2 years ago

        Fluoride is a mind control drug, begone agent of darkness

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Different lighting
      'wow my le teeth are fixed xd "

    • 2 years ago

      Ignore this
      This isn't what cavity remineralisation looks like
      Looks like he's got a load of plaque covering the cavity which is likely turning to calculus
      There's a lot of morons on this board

  8. 2 years ago

    >too embarrassed to go see a dentist
    What the frick? Idiot.
    > does this shit eventually stop
    Yeah when your teeth fall out.

    • 2 years ago

      >What the frick? Idiot.
      You probably would be too if you had neglected your teeth since a kid. You have your 6month cleaning, they call you a good boy and on your way you go.

      Me they'll ask a bunch of questions, make some disgusted remarks and tell their tik tok followers how today's patient was such coward that developed periodontitis for being afraid of getting his teeth treated before.

      • 2 years ago

        We aren't nurses. We're not going to risk throwing all of those years of training away
        If your dentist is unprofessional, report them.
        They'll lose the legal battle 99% of the time

        • 2 years ago

          yes anon we're not like all those other scumbag medical professionals, we're the good guys
          now let me fill your healthy tooth with mercury. That'll be $1000 + tip

      • 2 years ago

        >make some disgusted remarks and tell their tik tok followers how today's patient was such coward
        Nobody who works in healthcare outside of moron nurses have the time or energy to do this. You're worrying over nothing. Come back when you have a tumour so big your entire face is popping off your skull and talk about how you were "embarrassed to go to the doc". Then it's a story.
        t. entire family is in healthcare

      • 2 years ago

        nah, my teeth were kind of fricked up before Covid, had an appointment but then the dentist office closed. Then I kept putting off rescheduling it, so it had been like 3 years since I'd seen a dentist and I hadn't been taking care of my teeth properly. My gums were really inflamed. I'd also been putting it off because I was embarrassed, worried about the pain, and worried about the cost. But eventually I got over it and went.

        They weren't rude or anything to me, just told me that I was going to have to do a better job maintaining my gums, and come every few months to get worked on. Now my teeth and gums are much better.

  9. 2 years ago

    Fricking go you idiot, teeth are something people look at and judge you on, any dentist you go to wont care theyll just want to fix it, theyve seen worse trust me.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Heave health issue
    >Too embarrassed to get treatment
    Stop being a homosexual. Heres a story to feel better

    >Wake up
    >left nut hurts
    >on and off pain throughout the day
    >do the guy thing and brush it off aka "it'll go away eventually"
    >next day
    >it doesn't go away
    >call hospital
    >nurse recommends I go to the ER
    >Get to ER
    >Gotta tell a thicc black women at the front desk my balls hurt
    >sit down and wait for them to call me in
    >finally call me in
    >male nurse asking me preliminary questions
    >"have you had any rough sex recently?"
    >"have you had any sexual intercourse recently including masturbation?"
    >Get routed to a room waiting for the doctor
    >doctor comes in
    >6/10 black girl
    >"anon I'm going to need to examine your testicles"
    >brings a nurse in as witness, shes ok looking
    >"please pull down your trousers to your knees"
    >Probably the least sexiest way to ask a guy to wip it out
    >I guess my face showed I was a bit uncomfortable
    >Nurse starts joking
    >"Oh don't be shy"
    >"CoMe oN and wHiP tHaT thAng out! Woooo XD"
    >40% did that just happen 60% LOL
    >doctor trying to act professional and brush it off while simultaneously giggling
    >doctor gloves up and is palpating my balls
    >"Tell me when it hurts"
    >pinches the top of left nut
    >Sudden 8/10 pain
    >Continues palpating to try and pinpoint what is causing an issue
    >Can't replicate it
    >top of left nut getting getting groped for what seemed like an eternity
    >finally lets go
    >can't seem to find the source of the pain
    >doctor orders a pain killer for me
    >Nurse comes in
    >"It goes in your butt, left or right cheek?"
    >walk out of ER with a sore right cheek but at least balls don't hurt
    >No pain next following days
    >Just seemingly went away

    • 2 years ago

      Kek. Any idea what caused the pain?

      They took mine from the roof of my mouth, in about a month you don't notice it anymore.

      How bad were your teeth? How would you classify the entire procedure?

      Lol, "used to it"? Your nerve endings have literally atrophied. You are now at a stage where you could get an infection (or worse) and not even notice it.

      Maybe but isn't it based how the body just finds a way to get rid of the pain?

      • 2 years ago

        suspected testicular contortion. From what I have no idea.

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >got balls touched by women anyway

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks for the story ballsanon.

  11. 2 years ago

    I have it too, I was really depressed and didn't brush my teeth for months. Now I can't even find a dentist in my area that is accepting new patients.

  12. 2 years ago

    Not op but similar situation. Not as bad but sim.

    My teeth weren't great to start with but I've done damage to my gums via depression and neglect. I wish I could find an ortho, etc. who said "okay we want to do these 5 things to get you camera ready and this is the price".

    The last guy said invisiline and a filler fake tooth which might look good but also said I'd need jaw surgery for braces.

    I want to get lanap or gum surgery and fix this shit up so I can stop being conscious but don't know where to start.

  13. 2 years ago

    Use colgate total. Read the ingredients and get the one with triclosan in it and get a soft tooth brush. Also get a flouride mouth rinse to use after brushing. On top of this gargle and rinse your mouth out one time a week with warm salt water.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually i just read they mighta took the triclosan out of colgate total. Either way still get it

  14. 2 years ago

    Use Malvona. Your welcome

  15. 2 years ago

    bro your gums will recede and reveal the roots of your teeth, which will make them rot, loosen, and fall out. You are going to be a lot more embarrassed when you look like a methhead with rotting and missing teeth, than if you just go to the dentist now and get this shit fixed

  16. 2 years ago

    Do teeth have a "lip" or line of rougher and darker surface underneath the game or are they smooth from top to bottom?

  17. 2 years ago

    british teeth

  18. 2 years ago

    >eat salty acidic foods
    >tongue gets sudden spots on the sides

    • 2 years ago

      so if it’s salty just swallow it straight away
      >pic related
      >salty seamen

  19. 2 years ago

    OP, I started going to the dentist again after 18 years of not going. I had tooth decay and 15 cavities despite flossing/brushing/rinsing. You are an adult, or need to act like one here. You will not get better without their help, you will not maintain and "be okay". It will just get worse. The pain you are in now from indecision and fear is worse than ACTUALLY GOING TO THE DENTIST AND GETTING SHIT DONE. I'm a third of the way through my filings, it's all going to be okay. Save what teeth you can.

  20. 2 years ago

    You must see a dentist, OP, do no be embarrassed. They take grafts from soft tissue in the gums and transplant it

  21. 2 years ago

    Get this shit fixed asap.

    I need a filling myself but its cosmetic. The problem you have is not just the tooth surface but if its like pic related its actually going into the bone or nerve.

  22. 2 years ago

    pretty sure they just torture you for money. They did this horrific thing once where they used a vibroblade inside and under my gums. The dumb b***h hit a frickin nerve with it, never felt pain like it. Never had it since, all is fine even eating 90 percent carb diet. Just chew xylitol gum for ten minutes after meals.

  23. 2 years ago

    stop being a pussy and go to the dentist

  24. 2 years ago


    I sometimes bleed a little afzer flossing because I really like to go in there. I use mouthwash to disinfect these wounds. Am I doing any damage to my gums?

    • 2 years ago

      That's just weakness leaving your body.

  25. 2 years ago

    stop eating starch, especially wheat.
    get your carbs from fruit and milk.

  26. 2 years ago

    Assuming this isn't just a bait thread (which this thread is screaming), then go to the dentist, you stupid frick. Otherwise enjoy worsening problems. The other advice I can give you is start chewing on xylitol gum. This shit turned my oral health around. I was always having some issues at the dentist and just couldn't make it better. I flossed, I rinsed, I brushed. Everything. Nothing worked. I start chewing xylitol after meals and reel back on the rinsing completely and flossing only occasionally. My dentist was extremely impressed. Gum inflammation and bleeding went down to basically nothing.
    I don't know if xylitol alone will "cure" your periodontitis and don't recommend it for that. Again, I recommend you go see a dentist. If you need to be called a fricking moron to go do that, then you're a fricking moron. Go see your dentist. This isn't rocket science.

  27. 2 years ago

    I had a tooth pulled the other day, I just want to eat normal food again.

  28. 2 years ago

    as other said, go to the dentist anon, mine was bad; chick looked like she had a butcher's apron on. it will be ok. now after you get it done, get on the zon and order some Caredo toothpaste, it will keep that shit at bay. ymgi anon

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