I have very little appetite, and when I am hungry I fill up quickly. How can I fix this? I desperately need to bulk.

I have very little appetite, and when I am hungry I fill up quickly.
How can I fix this? I desperately need to bulk.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Start eating Big Macs, something delicious. Eat that until you gain 10-20 lbs then cook better food.

    • 1 year ago

      Or you could get McDoubles.

  2. 1 year ago

    It gets easier borther. I've been on a 500 cal surplus for 2 months now, in the beginning it was a bit like force feeding, but now I've adapted to eating 3500 calories on the days i work out

  3. 1 year ago

    Just eat
    How is this even a problem
    You skellygays are just as insufferable as fatties

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I eat 6000 calories a day and still remain underweight, losing weight is far easier than gaining it.

      • 1 year ago

        You're either 8 ft tall or you're not actually eating that much, you only think you are.

      • 1 year ago


        Nah, unlike fatties its not as simple of just eating less and dealing with hunger.
        I'm on a med that slows down digestion, so if I eat too much too fast, I just vomit it back up, normally you train and eventually your body speeds up and empties out of the stomach faster, but on meds it never does.
        Its much easier to ignore hunger than it is to train past nausea. I've done both and I'm tired of having to pretend like cutting isn't easier than bulking.

        Just drink peanutbutter yogurt milk shakes till your body adjusts to higher calorie intake. Liquid gets dumped out from the body faster than solids. Eat higher fat foods if you can digest it, fat has more calories per volume. Its better than just eating sugar and its filling than carbs.

        Carbs will keep you hungrier faster, but fat keeps up less room in the stomach, so you can eat more of it, while carbs might fill up more room, but it takes up more space in the stomach so if you have slow/delayed gastric emptying like most thin people do you end up eating less.

        calling bullshit, you're not counting calories and you're acting just as bad as the fatties that claim they eat only 1000 calories a day. Even worse cuz your caloric discrepancy is so high you'd have to have worms or cancer.

      • 1 year ago

        No you aren't

    • 1 year ago

      >Get nauseous when you eat too much
      >Feel sick for hours after overeating
      >Need to eat a surplus to gain weight
      It's literally this simple. Your body rejects the food. I've been underweight my entire life, and the only way I can bulk is to force-feed myself. Currently hovering at around 155 lbs at 6 feet tall, would have to stuff my face to gain more.

    • 1 year ago

      Nah, unlike fatties its not as simple of just eating less and dealing with hunger.
      I'm on a med that slows down digestion, so if I eat too much too fast, I just vomit it back up, normally you train and eventually your body speeds up and empties out of the stomach faster, but on meds it never does.
      Its much easier to ignore hunger than it is to train past nausea. I've done both and I'm tired of having to pretend like cutting isn't easier than bulking.

      Just drink peanutbutter yogurt milk shakes till your body adjusts to higher calorie intake. Liquid gets dumped out from the body faster than solids. Eat higher fat foods if you can digest it, fat has more calories per volume. Its better than just eating sugar and its filling than carbs.

      Carbs will keep you hungrier faster, but fat keeps up less room in the stomach, so you can eat more of it, while carbs might fill up more room, but it takes up more space in the stomach so if you have slow/delayed gastric emptying like most thin people do you end up eating less.

    • 1 year ago

      >how would you feel if you didnt have a large appetite?
      >but I do have a large appetite
      >okay, but try to imagine that you feel full after eating a small amount fo food. How would that feel?
      >why are you saying I dont have a large appetite? I dont understand

  4. 1 year ago

    Can we switch appetites and metabolisms? If I'm not vigilant about restricting what enters my mouth on a daily basis I'll turn into a fricking human jellybean.

  5. 1 year ago

    Nuts and liquid calories (no bought weightgainer shit, mix your own, peanut butter, oats, banana, olive/coconut oil, frozen berries, you name it.)
    And force feeding a little.
    Shakes make this easy though.
    You've got this felly skeletor.

    • 1 year ago

      >no bought weightgainer shit
      why not?

      • 1 year ago

        Because most of them are filled to the brim with unneeded bullshit and simple carbs.
        Oats > simple carbs
        unflavored whey > sweeteners that wreck your gut biome

        It's too easy and cheaper to make it yourself while also getting actual quality food ingredients.
        Bonus: It'll also taste better, I especially like mine with frozen berries + cottage cheese/quark/yoghurt

  6. 1 year ago

    GOMAD is unessesary I think, but I drank a half gallon of milk every day when I first started bulking (and often still do) and for me it works wonders.
    Just try to also drink plenty of water to avoid kidney stones and such.

  7. 1 year ago

    slow and steady bud, no need to force feed.
    At the end of last January i was 130lbs and now im 155, still trying to gain more but its been nice and steady and im still <15% bf

  8. 1 year ago

    Look up Stan Efferding Vertical Diet. Don't just look at the one meme image that goes around, actually watch one of his hour-long interviews.

  9. 1 year ago

    i have the opposite problem, how to fix? not overweight just skinnyfat

  10. 1 year ago

    Drink a lot of milk and sneak healthy oils into your meals

  11. 1 year ago

    I eat 4500 cal daily and used to eat lile 2000 ans tell everyone that I cant eat more because Im full. Just stuff that shit in there until you get used to it. Its no rocket science. Bulking isnt about appetite

    • 1 year ago

      how long did it take you to get used to it?

      • 1 year ago

        It took me a few months to adapt to the habit of eating a lot. there are multiple ways to go at it brother. You can eat 6 meals and space them out equally or eat lets say 3 huge meals a day. I do 2 1000 cal meals before noon then one around 5 pm and one after my workout, have some snacks in between. I always eat healthy foods aswel, lots of veggies. You should invest in good dietist. It gets a lot easier if you do intense workouts because your appetite will greatly increase. I got to the point where I can eat a lot and nearly barf and eat the same amount 1 hour later. Its totally doable just need to get used to it. You will gain a lot of muscle fast

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