I just told my wife that I am no longer attracted to her because she is so out of shape.

I just told my wife that I am no longer attracted to her because she is so out of shape. She cried and went to bed without a word. She is only 28 but has the body and posture of a 56 y.o.

>5' 2" & 112lbs in college. Cardio and lifting regularly

>5' 2" & 165lbs now. Sits on the couch and watches trash reality TV all day.

Don't get married. It's a fricking trap. I am so angry every day about the fact that my cute wife has turned into a lazy fat slug and does nothing to change it.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 9 months ago

    At least you told the truth. Now she can have a meltdown where you can expect social backlash from everyone including your own because everyone will protect the crying girl, especially since she will change the narrative to make you seem worse than you were. Or, she will actually do something about it. But you're right, I'm never getting married, it's such moronic practice asside from a tax perspective. If I love someone, I'll let her know every day - I don't need a piece of paper to get anyone else involved. Besides, if you think humans are monogamous, you're lying to yourself, also people change.

    • 9 months ago

      >don't get married
      If you don't plan on having kids, sure. But if you get her pregnant you're on the hook anyways.

    • 9 months ago

      This. I dont know how people can reconcile the idea that getting the government involved in their relationship is a good fricking choice.

      • 9 months ago

        Saves you lots of money if your wife doesn't work or does side jobs

        Everyear I get about 4k back on my tax return because I file jointly and have 2 kids

        • 9 months ago

          >tokenblack woman makes 140k, man 20k
          blatant PC shit always cracks me up
          >5.6k/y saved
          I'd prefer to be in a position where 6k/y is not worth taking on the risks of marriage

      • 9 months ago

        >getting the government involved in their relationship
        the question you need to be asking is why the government is involved in marriage, since the institution predates modern government, and why exactly they decided to get involved

        • 9 months ago

          Child custody laws and property rights. The real problem with modern marriage is that the government isn't involved enough.

      • 9 months ago

        Marriage is, at its core, just a contract like any other. A contract designed to ensure three things:

        1. That a man has a guaranteed chance of reproduction and doesn't have to raise another man's children, because his wife is his and his alone.

        2. That a woman (especially one with children) cannot just be left by the father and become destitute.

        3. That children grow up in a stable environment with both biological parents.

        In principle, this is a good idea that benefits both sexes and their offspring and stabilizes society, that's why pretty much every higher civilization knew some kind of institution comparable to western marriage.

        But with the introduction of no-fault-divorce, child support without marriage and the legality of cheating, purpose 1 and 3 are not reached anymore and purpose 2 is either not reached or reached even without it, so the institution has become completely meaningless.

        Fortunately, I live in a country with relatively "fair" marriage laws (Germany); for example, a man doesn't have to pay support to his wife for her own support after divorce; everything he owned before the marriage, all inheritances and all investments made with the former two are excluded from the division of the couple's fortune upon divorce; by default, the custody of children is shared even after divorce, not given to the mother etc. So I will still get married to my gf eventually, if only for tax benefits and to make her happy. But yeah, the institution itself is pretty much meaningless nowadays. What is the value of a contract that can be terminated at any time without any reason whatsoever?

        • 9 months ago

          There are cases in which you have to pay alimony to your divorced spouse


  2. 9 months ago

    I’m married, going at 16 years strong. Kids and all that fluff. Wife’s weight go up and down and I couldn’t give any fricks. She knows how to keep my happy and I’m pretty much never in a bad mood around her.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago



      I just told my wife that I am no longer attracted to her because she is so out of shape. She cried and went to bed without a word. She is only 28 but has the body and posture of a 56 y.o.

      >5' 2" & 112lbs in college. Cardio and lifting regularly

      >5' 2" & 165lbs now. Sits on the couch and watches trash reality TV all day.

      Don't get married. It's a fricking trap. I am so angry every day about the fact that my cute wife has turned into a lazy fat slug and does nothing to change it.

      You are a homosexual and a sad excuse of a man.

    • 9 months ago

      That's the feeling I crave

    • 9 months ago

      this, zooms are so brain rotted by screens they just quit as soon as anything bad happens. 11 years btw

    • 9 months ago

      Going on 12 here. Whenever I see posts like OP or people saying you'll get bored fricking the same woman forever I laugh. They're all people who made poor choices in partners but can't see that the mistake was theirs.

    • 9 months ago

      Top tier energy

    • 9 months ago

      One of these guys is getting regular blowjobs and home cooked meals.

      One of them isn’t.

      Guess which is which.

    • 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    Don't be fooled, IST, OP and the first response are both Mossad operatives and you are seeing a psyop in action.
    >Do not get married.
    Who would say that if not somebody that wants you atomized?

    • 9 months ago

      Majority of the married guys I know say that

      • 9 months ago

        What's their advice? If they don't think that marriage is viable then they can't recommend having children either, right? Because breaking up with someone you have children with is even worse than divorce.
        So then what? Stay alone, don't have kids and die alone?

        • 9 months ago

          Yes moron. 99% of married guys will tell you not to have kids or get married. They'd tell you to never get tied down and do whatever the frick you want

          • 9 months ago

            Nta, sounds like those guys are stuck in the delusion thst the grass is always greener, never mind that they sound like failed men in failed marriages.

          • 9 months ago

            >never get tied down and do whatever the frick you want
            Like what? Life past 40 is long and very lonely if you don't have any family

            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Ever had an aunt that didn't start a family?

              • 9 months ago

                I'm asking about men.

              • 9 months ago

                What's the difference? All your friends are busy with their families and you're left on your own

              • 9 months ago

                Ever heard of having a girlfriend?

              • 9 months ago

                Good luck finding one once you're over 40

              • 9 months ago

                Not that hard, ever heard of third world countries? Any guy over the age of 40 can get a 20 something girlfriend or wife pretty easily.
                Once you get over the age of 40 your sex drive becomes less and less, and you generally care less about wanting to be with someone anyway. You don't have that strong yearning due to youthful sex drive and inexperience with life and relationships. You just don't feel the same way about wanting a relationship when you are 50 vs when you are 20. The drive is so much less. So it bothers you less. There is a reason that most incels are in the 15 to 30 age group. That's when their brains are in maximum i-need-a-girlfriend-sex-sex-sex mode. As they get older they grow out of it as their sex drive lowers and their brains mature.

              • 9 months ago

                >There is a reason that most incels are in the 15 to 30 age group.
                Yes, you are right as per ai chat bot:

                The typical age range of an incel is between 18 and 30 years old. According to an online poll conducted by the Anti-Defamation League in 2020, 82% of respondents were between the ages of 18 and 30. The largest percentage (36%) were between the ages of 18 and 21. The second largest segment (27.9 percent) said they were between 22 and 25, followed by 18.1 percent aged 26-30.

                It is important to note that not all incels are in this age range. There are incels of all ages, including some who are older than 30. However, the 18-30 age range is the most common.

                There are a few reasons why the typical age range of an incel is between 18 and 30. First, this is the age range when many people are first starting to explore their sexuality and relationships. It can be a time of great uncertainty and anxiety, especially for those who are not having the same experiences as their peers.

                Second, this is the age range when many people are still developing their social skills and self-confidence. It can be a difficult time to make friends and find romantic partners, especially if you are struggling with social anxiety or low self-esteem.

                Finally, this is the age range when many people are facing other challenges, such as college, work, or financial problems. These challenges can add to the stress and isolation that many incels feel.

                If you are an incel, it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many people who are going through the same thing. There are also resources available to help you, such as therapy, support groups, and online forums. With time and effort, you can overcome your challenges and find happiness.

              • 9 months ago

                >According to an online poll conducted by the Anti-Defamation League in 2020, 82% of respondents were between the ages of 18 and 30
                Holy shit, which of you idiots responded to a poll about incels put on by the fricking ADL
                You have been told time and time again not to click on OP's links

              • 9 months ago

                It was probably just some thread on /misc/. Those numbnuts always fall for every data mining thread.

              • 9 months ago

                Your mating strategy relies on there being third world shit holes to get laid. Lmao why have you not just killed yourself by now.

          • 9 months ago

            Loser cope lmao. The only dudes that say that are the ones that consistently make bad choices like bedding roasties and lefties because they look nice on tinder. Sucks to be them.

            I'm happy I'm married and that I have a kid and would recommend it to anybody that isn't a manchild r*dditor.

          • 9 months ago

            Doesn’t match my experience. I love my kids and can’t imagine not having them. A man who says what you’re describing sounds irresponsible or ignorant of (or out of touch with) their own feelings. It’s very anti-biological to regret reproducing.

        • 9 months ago

          As someone who works in the medical field, have children does very little to prevent you from dying alone. Nursing homes are filled to the brim with people who have families who visit them once a year.

          The whole, "start a family so won't be lonely" thing is a complete crock of shit. If you want to have kids because you want the experience of taking on the world's most serious responsibility and raising a human to adulthood, then go ahead.

        • 9 months ago

          nobody said they had real advice, just that they got married and are miserable, but tbh I don't think the problem is marriage, you basically just can't ever get relaxed because then your wife will get too comfortable and let herself go.
          anyway in my experience most of these guys trapped in shitty marriages basically don't put in any effort themselves or respect themselves so of course their wives aren't going to respect them either, I guess what I'm saying is never stop trying to improve yourself and dont get complacent because complacency turns into decay

    • 9 months ago

      this anon gets it. All advice that seems to contradict the 'normal' fabric of society are chink/vatnik/israeli tricks. DIE IN A FRICKING FIRE YOU FILTHY Black folk

    • 9 months ago

      This gets done on other boards, as well. It's how you end up with so many fricking "fpbp" or "spbp" threads. It's an op to manufacture consensus and feelings.

    • 9 months ago

      ZOG wants you to be a married "wife guy"
      The last thing they want is childless unmarried men with bothing to lose getting together with their bros to discuss how they're being fricked over by the current regime and then deciding to do something about it

      • 9 months ago

        The israelite fears the single, childless working man that can be taxed to the max and doesn't have that big of direct thing to fight for and that also doesn't pollute the gene pool with his white, high IQ offspring.
        Sure thing, Mr. Goldberg.
        There's a thing I always wondered: the online wing of the israeli government (especially the english speaking part) is probably all american israelites that immigrated to Israel, right?
        I know there's mandatory military service over there so is this how you fill it in? Or are you actually working full time for those guys out of a sense of love for your race?
        Did you grow up in New York and later immigrated to work for israel? Were you a bit of an underachiever in the US?
        I actually studied abroad myself because I was a bit of an underachiever in my home country so I'd get it. But come on, this stuff you're posting is low quality, does the government agency you work for have like a list of posting patterns you have to obey listed on the wall or do all you israelis just post this bad?
        I know you won't answer my questions but I'm genuinely curious. Like, I get why you guys do this. There's a lot of hysteria in the israeli community and I imagine you guys actually believe that you guys are defending all israelites from an impending genocide by doing this but you should know that you're not. You are actually just causing more antisemitism in the world. Please understand this. If gentiles could see you as friends and equals that just wanna live their lifes and don't wanna control us like some kinda brainworm all the time antisemitism would vanish instantly but you guys' insistence on doing this covert psyop shit is just leading guys to hate you people even more. Please stop and try to foster a real sense of comraderie and life affirmation between all races, not only the nonwhite ones. Thank you and please leave IST.

        • 9 months ago

          >t. b***hwhipped wife guy
          Damn dude sorry that struck such a chord with you, but yeah you are not the terror of the israelites because you married a fat woman and knocked her up to fix muh heckin birth rates. You are a livestock member of the slave population condemned to die a slow death being nagged by your wife. If you actually cared you would go full white taliban or "we must make our own mafias" mode but you didn't. Instead you will post impotently on the internet about how having a family is a rebellion against the israelites, all while paying your taxes and loans on time to Mr. Shekelstein

          • 9 months ago

            You're either israeli or an underage larper.
            Either way you should leave IST and get some sunlight and fresh air.

            • 9 months ago

              >Y-you must be a israelite
              >M-my sweet angel of a wife and my little chilluns are all I need against the evil israelite menace
              >You should have a normal one and touch grass mkay maybe
              What a joke

              • 9 months ago

                ok, so you don't strike me as israeli. You might actually be an underage larper and that's alright, man. I used to be like that too. You recently started lifting and the high levels of testosterone you've been experiencing make you feel like you could (and should) take on the world. You have issues with your father. I imagine you mostly see him as low energy and wasting his time. So you don't wanna be like him and because of your natural contrarianism and the fact you are too young to have those fatherhood urges you think that the Normie's way of marrying and having kids will turn you into just another slave to the system. I get it, man. It's good to feel like that and I'm glad you get this teen cringe stuff out of your system in anonymous online boards instead of at school or on tiktok. I don't have much to say to you, you seem to be a high test young man on the way to becoming a good person and a great father.
                I wish you great gains and a prosperous road to maturity. Take care.
                I'm leaving this tread now.

              • 9 months ago

                Jesus christ get a fricking life, holy frick. Imagine typign all that out, not the guy ur talking to btw

              • 9 months ago

                holy gay
                these are my nazis bro??
                we aint winning shit

      • 9 months ago

        There's a reason why all media pushes fatherhood as the end-all be-all for men and being an independent girlboss for women. The opposite is the reality, a woman should devote herself entirely to her children but a man needs work beyond that, and since this work can often take the form of political action it's frowned upon. /misc/tards that post about having a family as rebellion against ZOG when it's the literal bare minimum are no different than basedboys that grow beards because they feel unmanly. You could not possibly do less. All "tradwife" posters need to die

  4. 9 months ago

    Women respond to positive reinforcement
    Tell her you think she looks sexy all covered in sweat

    • 9 months ago

      >positive reinforcement
      No they don't. They do however find their fight when they have to compete.

    • 9 months ago

      >Women respond to positive reinforcement

      i have never seen a woman lose weight for their partner except under explicit threat of getting dumped.

  5. 9 months ago

    I've been married for 10 years together for 15 years. my wife looks like a model and we have 7 kids. honestly I wish we could have more kids but it was getting dangerous for her so the baby factory is closed.

    • 9 months ago

      Your wife needs to git gud. I have 6 uncles and 3 aunts all on my dad's side from my grandmother.

      • 9 months ago

        like I said I would be happy to have more but I won't risk my wife. she is my ride or die and I wouldn't want to go through life without her.

        • 9 months ago

          haha I was just jokin with ya anyway mate.
          Happy to hear you made it.
          If dubs we all make it
          also checked

      • 9 months ago

        lifts to frick grandma like you did

    • 9 months ago

      Happy for you man

    • 9 months ago

      >7 kids
      Say it with me now. Blown out.


      I just told my wife that I am no longer attracted to her because she is so out of shape. She cried and went to bed without a word. She is only 28 but has the body and posture of a 56 y.o.

      >5' 2" & 112lbs in college. Cardio and lifting regularly

      >5' 2" & 165lbs now. Sits on the couch and watches trash reality TV all day.

      Don't get married. It's a fricking trap. I am so angry every day about the fact that my cute wife has turned into a lazy fat slug and does nothing to change it.

      You should have given her options of ways to lose weight before building up to this.

      I don't have any kids yet so I'm no expert on this. But I do know a couple of women who gave birth and immediately recovered and look just like they did before the pregnancy. I also know that there is no objective reason why women have to get fat during pregnancy (they don't literally have to eat for two).
      So I think of it like a challenge for them, those who care about their bodies manage to get back in shape, those who don't use it as a convenient excuse to become landwhales.

      Their pussy never recovered.

      >don't get married
      You don't have to get married as soon as I moved in and tied myself in with my last one she started eating as much as I do. I'm talking about a 5'4 woman piling in as much calories as a 200lbs guy who's 5'11 on a bulk. Don't put up with it, I didn't and I made it public knowledge on social media that I hate fat b***hes and then had women asking me for gym dates that day(not the other way around), if you put up with a woman you aren't attracted to you're dealing with all of the bullshit for a lot less of the reward.

      >Passive aggressive behaviour
      So did you say anything to your gf at all champ?

      • 9 months ago

        I read that pussies do recover from childbirth, but I'm not sure if those weren't female cope articles. Do you have any personal experience? Or can any dad anon weigh in here?

        • 9 months ago

          Look up stitches required after birth and tell me if that sound like "recovery". You can't recover from a tear not completely. Also denying reality and inserting "oh it'll heal" is absolute peak female brained.

          • 9 months ago

            I had my face torn in half by a dog once and am completely healed now but you're right that tearing is different than other injuries it's way more traumatic but at the same time that tissue is closer to a mucus membrane type thing and probably would heals faster than most places. It's like getting a facial piercing a mouth or tongue piercing around a mucus membrane heals a hell of a lot faster than you'd think, it's a thing because damp and high bacteria areas are more open to infection so our bodies compensate and heal them faster. That coupled with women evolving to do this since time immemorial.

            • 9 months ago

              An 8 pound object many times wider than a penis burst out from the inside and you are going to pretend it's just going to be fine after because of cope? It's never going to be the same after.

              My wife had 2 kids, easy births I would say, but had a stitch or two both times.

              My personal experience was that before kids, she was too tight, like really tight and also didn’t get very well lubricated naturally unless I did a lot of foreplay, (before being married a lot of other pussies I fricked were all wet and lubed as soon as the girls panties came off) but yeah, tight and slow to get wet

              after two kids it’s much more normal, looser but still plenty tight (I can get 4 fingers in when she’s really aroused instead of 2 ) and she gets wayyy wetter easier , like it opened her up or something and now it’s just better.

              No visible damage or stretching, I’m actually more into her pussy now than I ever was before and I make her keep it shaved bald for me and she loves ir

              My god literally this meme. When did this place become so onions?

              • 9 months ago

                I'm more or less saying it's gonna be healed but still functional not that it's gonna feel the same. I frick some or older women with kids and some younger ones with none and there's enough differences between them all that idc, when people act like milfs(whatever that means in your 30s) don't have just as good pussy sometimes they are just throwing shade at their baby mamas usually.

          • 9 months ago

            My wife had 2 kids, easy births I would say, but had a stitch or two both times.

            My personal experience was that before kids, she was too tight, like really tight and also didn’t get very well lubricated naturally unless I did a lot of foreplay, (before being married a lot of other pussies I fricked were all wet and lubed as soon as the girls panties came off) but yeah, tight and slow to get wet

            after two kids it’s much more normal, looser but still plenty tight (I can get 4 fingers in when she’s really aroused instead of 2 ) and she gets wayyy wetter easier , like it opened her up or something and now it’s just better.

            No visible damage or stretching, I’m actually more into her pussy now than I ever was before and I make her keep it shaved bald for me and she loves ir

          • 9 months ago

            Tears happen because of the painkillers used during labor. Natural labor doesn’t involve much tearing. Those unnatural painkillers are used because hospitals are trying to make money and use scare tactics to get women to agree to them. Meanwhile there are other techniques (massage, positioning, laughing gas) that can be used. Additionally being obese and out of shape makes childbirth more painful, and instead of insisting mothers stay fit during pregnancy, hospitals just pump them full of numbing drugs. Consequently the women push too hard and tear.

        • 9 months ago

          >I read that pussies do recover from childbirth
          Yes, pussies recover back to normal after childbirth.
          But after she takes a BBC pounding it is blown out forever, never to recover.

      • 9 months ago

        >So did you say anything to your gf at all champ?
        Yeah I said frick off and I'm leaving kek why would I try to talk her into getting her shit together? There are better women and they want me I don't care what she does.

        • 9 months ago

          Why’s bad boy larping so common on this site? I get that it’s a pretty consequence free to try acting out some fantasies but it’s gotta feel a bit fricking embarrassing no?

      • 9 months ago

        >You should have given her options of ways to lose weight before building up to this

        I have, brother, oh but I have. I designed a program for her, I provided her with healthy meal options. I took all of the hard work, aside from actually putting the work in, out. She continued to go back to the couch to watch "Married at First Sight" "Big Brother" and "Sister Wives" like a religion.

        It's maddening. I have shown her how to do it, but goddamn it I'm not and I can't do it for her. If she's ever to be an independently thinking and secure person, she has to do it herself for herself.

        • 9 months ago

          Convert to Mormonism and take a second wife.

        • 9 months ago

          >tfw wife is 196 despite lifting and 'trying to lose weight' for 2+ years
          it's an abstract kind of hell

      • 9 months ago

        Where's the webm from?

      • 9 months ago

        I can tell you don't know how a vegana works. kegels are a thing and it's a muscle.

      • 9 months ago

        >You should have given her options of ways to lose weight

        I don't believe you've ever interacted with a woman, let alone successfully negotiated an ultimatum with one.

    • 9 months ago

      Please don't end up like my older brother, and update to pic related. Since I wrote it, he is marrying her, I don't even know if I should bother attending.

      • 9 months ago

        Ur bro might be too invested, he’s got to pay child support regardless. Maybe he’s thinking may as well have the kids in the house.

        • 9 months ago

          He could easily take the woman to court and take the kids, he has a oneitis with her and won't leave her. She knows this now and is using it to her advantage.

          >5 kids
          Hey unrelated question, how would you have felt if you didn't have breakfast this morning? What about your brother?

          >unrelated question
          I sometimes go mornings without breakfast if I have a lot of shit to get done, eating or missing breakfast makes no difference to me. I don't care how my cucked brother feels about missing breakfast. I suspect he won't have a house to eat any in soon.

          • 9 months ago

            AHAHAHAHAHAHA ahahahahahabaha holy frick. Holy shit I thought it was a meme! I thought it was a fricking JOKE but it's real! He actually failed the test OMG

            • 9 months ago

              He didn't fail it lol he gave a more general answer/reasoning for why he'd feel the same.

            • 9 months ago

              You're mentally handicapped if you think he failed. He literally told you how he'd feel. You're more of a Black person than he is.

      • 9 months ago

        >5 kids
        Hey unrelated question, how would you have felt if you didn't have breakfast this morning? What about your brother?

        • 9 months ago

          The term you're looking for is "out of wedlock", you dumb incel. Black folk get married too. Kys.

      • 9 months ago

        I swear I've never met a girl who hasn't cheated on their bfs/husbands.
        Cool AF, attractive, superman level guys still get cheated on.

      • 9 months ago

        Scary story, if not larp

    • 9 months ago

      So happy to hear this, if real. We just had our 5th. Wife wants a 6th but I keep telling her we should wait a few more months just to see how the family dynamic changes with the new little one. My only worry is making sure that all of our kids get the attention, hugs and love they need.

      Big families are the best. Happy for you

      • 9 months ago

        don't wait too long, anon
        (if you're both white, of course)

    • 9 months ago

      married my wife at 14 and we've been together for 32 years, have 14 children and she still looks like a model
      just be nice to your girl and she wont turn into a fat slop, its that easy

      *flexes fingers like a pianist*
      Right. I married my wife when I was 35 and she was 8. We've been married 45 years and have 28 beautiful aryan children together, in fact my wife is pregnant with number 29 now. My wife knows how to keep her man (me) happy, and through a regime of cardio, resistance training and calisthenics has the body of a runway model. Her breasts are natural 28FF, and to this day her vegana is so tight, two gynecologists have independently sworn under oath that she's still a virgin. Of course, attracting and keeping a woman over this calibre is easy when you're a 6'10" 4%bf 14" dick billionaire CEO like me. I'm grabbing the keys to my Lambo now, gonna head to the church to pray - my faith keeps me humble, but you incel Black folk wouldn't know about that.

      • 9 months ago

        That's cute. I just got done with my sixteenth orgasm so far today courtesy of my harem of 30 wives who are all 18-20 years old (I'm 50, by the way, and I divorce and remarry as and when any of my wives ages out of the harem bracket). I have sired over 4000 children (all male since I'm not a cuckold), all of whom are at least 7'5" and all of whom own multi-billion dollar businesses. I myself am a trillionaire with a 20" dick at 0% body fat and 400kg of lean muscle. I didn't even type this message - one of my 1000 bangmaids is transcribing this for me as I have my... auuughh.... seventeeth..... orgasm....

        • 9 months ago

          *flexes fingers like a pianist*
          Right. I married my wife when I was 35 and she was 8. We've been married 45 years and have 28 beautiful aryan children together, in fact my wife is pregnant with number 29 now. My wife knows how to keep her man (me) happy, and through a regime of cardio, resistance training and calisthenics has the body of a runway model. Her breasts are natural 28FF, and to this day her vegana is so tight, two gynecologists have independently sworn under oath that she's still a virgin. Of course, attracting and keeping a woman over this calibre is easy when you're a 6'10" 4%bf 14" dick billionaire CEO like me. I'm grabbing the keys to my Lambo now, gonna head to the church to pray - my faith keeps me humble, but you incel Black folk wouldn't know about that.

          audible kek

        • 9 months ago

          I kneel

  6. 9 months ago

    Do you have kids? Pregnancy is a brutal thing only women deal with and you gotta be patient about body changes when it comes to that.

    28, massively overweight no kids? What's the fricking point, kick her to the curb.

    • 9 months ago

      This is the hardest fricking thing to remember. My wife had a baby a year ago and she is STILL recovering from her body changes. I am absolutely desperate to get her back in shape but I know we have a long way to go, especially since we are already talking about having another (which I am honestly on board with, since she actually lost weight while she was pregnant the first time, and she only gained it back because of stress eating due to our baby being stuck in the NICU for two months).

      • 9 months ago

        This is such bullshit.
        >oooh i am stressed so i have to it beyond my needs!!!
        it's literally what EVERY fat frick does and these women get a pass? No fricking way.
        >b-but pregnancy
        she had a son to be a good example, not a bad one.

      • 9 months ago

        >stress eating due to our baby being stuck in the NICU for two months

      • 9 months ago

        screencaping this to remind myself not to become a weak man like (you)

      • 9 months ago

        >stress eating
        Yikes man. This is honestly a made up cope. Tell her to stress exercise instead

      • 9 months ago

        >stress eating
        "I'm not an alcoholic, I'm stress drinking"
        "I'm not a wife beater, I'm just stress punching, why can't you support me, Jeez"
        "Cheating on you? Ugh, I'm just stress fricking, you think I'm enjoying this?"

      • 9 months ago

        Bait is 8/8 cause its great

    • 9 months ago

      This is the hardest fricking thing to remember. My wife had a baby a year ago and she is STILL recovering from her body changes. I am absolutely desperate to get her back in shape but I know we have a long way to go, especially since we are already talking about having another (which I am honestly on board with, since she actually lost weight while she was pregnant the first time, and she only gained it back because of stress eating due to our baby being stuck in the NICU for two months).

      I don't have any kids yet so I'm no expert on this. But I do know a couple of women who gave birth and immediately recovered and look just like they did before the pregnancy. I also know that there is no objective reason why women have to get fat during pregnancy (they don't literally have to eat for two).
      So I think of it like a challenge for them, those who care about their bodies manage to get back in shape, those who don't use it as a convenient excuse to become landwhales.

      • 9 months ago

        >Implying pregnancy and recovery is the same for every woman (biological wise and lifestyle wise) and that the only reason they get/stay fat is because deep down they are land whales
        Life threatening/bed ridding pregnancy complications (and the correlated stress/ not so healthy lifestyle) exist.
        Free time after childbirth varies based on economical resources and other stuff like people in your family need caring alongside the baby or smth other time consuming obligations.
        Even not going to the extremes (bed ridden) just keeping track of what's your weight gain and what's the baby growing is hard.

        Realistically if she gained like 5 kg (it's usually 10) she would need at least a copule months of dieting and exercising seriously to lose it and don't bullshit me, it's hard to exercise as a dad. Babies are gains goblins, especially in the first YEAR, add to that breast feeding every 2/3 hours so even a little more work than you have.
        Adding to that the first 6 months they should still provide all the nutrients to the baby through milk so dieting is not a great idea.

        I get so angry because this is one of those bullshit "rEd flAgS" that modern society made to divide us even more, to get us to divorce and hate each other and consoom more.
        Never heard my parents or grand parents talk about this kind of shit, 50 years ago no one would care if a woman in her first year of motherhood gained weight, a baby was a source of joy for the family and not a source of anxieties and recriminations in a fricking married copule that should only think how lucky they are the baby is healthy.
        What is the fricking hurry? Does she have a modelling job? Y'all reek of insecurity, your wife is the one YOU chose so if you doubt her you are doubting your judgment. How can you marry someone and don't trust them? How will you have a healthy relationship if at the first fall you are more than ready to point fingers at each other? Pls love more.

        • 9 months ago

          To be fair, I wasn't really talking about her gaining a few pounds for a year or so, more about the sort of woman that gets fat during pregnancy and then lets herself go downhill for the rest of her life.

          • 9 months ago

            The "immediately" in your post was a bit misleading then.
            I would say the majority loses it over time in my experience (I'm not from america so maybe in ur country there's a different culture). They loose it after some years bc of other pregnancies, some even after menopause (most menopause women I know are pretty thin if they weren't fat as teens, they get fatter in their late 50s/60s but who cares at that point).
            I think it's hard that someone that was in shape before (different story for a former fatty) would not give af anymore even after they find the time/have no more impediments. They usually settle at a higher (not too much tho) weight than they started with but I would say they maintain it well. But you know, in your 35/40s (when you stop having babies) it's normal to get fatter permanently.

            But basically what i meant in my post is obviously you should judge beforehand the person you marry and if you chose well you will not have this problem, and even if you encounter this problem you are a married copule for the love of god! You solve problems as a copule!!! it's not a war between you two or even a contest, you solve life together. Being married means trusting the other person and also that you respect them and their intelligence (u wouldn't marry someone that didn't earn your respect) so I suppose you can resolve the issue by talking it out or other ways since you are both intelligent people that can understand the reasons why your partner is making a request from you. Generalising and going into relationships with the general fear for the female gender that they are somehow unpredictable or that they are deceiving is dumb. Meet a girl, be wary if you want but not unfair: verify she is not that kind of girl and make her earn your trust and respect. You should marry only someone u respect and can talk a solve problems with, basically love more....

        • 9 months ago

          Okay, even considering all of this, if a woman isn’t bedridden after pregnancy (most are not) and even IF they’re in a terrible economic situation, portion control still exists. There is no reason for a woman to continue to gain weight after pregnancy or fail to return to a previous weight that doesn’t start with “I feel” or “it’s hard”. There’s no medical reason not to. Plain and simple. I live with a permavictim baby mama who swore up and down for two years after her first kid that “I’m gonna do it! I’m getting serious! I’m gonna diet!” And the first bad day she has or the first cheat meal that comes along she starts coping and giving me the same old bullshit. “Well if I don’t cheat a little bit I’l just cave and pig out!” Or “I don’t fricking care everybody needs to stop judging me for how I live MY LIFE AHHHHHHHHHHH “*breaks shit*

          Women are no better than pets or children. No accountability. They display the lack of awareness and childlike mentality that only one in a thousand men might demonstrate about it their shortcomings.

        • 9 months ago

          >How can you marry someone and don't trust them?
          peak bluepill mentality
          You can't trust someone to do the right thing unless they have integrity. Women unfortunately don't

        • 9 months ago

          Women don't become fat with pregnancy. It's literally a modern phenomenon among goyslop consumers and it's normalised the same way every female mental weakness is normalised. At most women have a handful of kg to lose after pregnancy, that's it. I do know of one couple that are close friends of mine, neither of them cook, they eat deliveroo most days, lots of goyslop. She became fat during pregnancy which happened since she was stuck on a couch all day doing nothing but watching tv and "snacking".

          People who don't know anything about food or nutrition, and who are disconnected from tradition and nature, are at risk of obesity. This is why it's important to look out for dietary red flags when dating, like does she cook and eat traditionally (ie based around one big meal per day that is centered around a meat or fish) or does she just snack on bready crap like every other woman? Does she hold herself physically accountable and get upset with herself if she slacks off?

      • 9 months ago

        I gained almost 13kg while pregnant. Heaviest weight of my life. It's all about water retention/placenta/more blood/baby weight and etc.
        Now I'm 3months postpartum and I feel like before, with some stretch marks. I thought my belly would get loose and saggy but that feeling and texture stopped a few days after giving birth. I'm waiting patiently my 3mo mark to work out again after my csection
        Most girls get comfortable with cravings, everyone would say oh yes just enjoy this time to eat what you want, you're allowed!!

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry bros but women and media WILDLY overestimate how taxing childbirth is and how long recovery takes.
      If a woman is in good shape and most importantly young, she won't have any trouble recovering from childbirth within a few months provided she keeps up a workout routine.
      My Mother had me and my siblings in her 20s and managed to get a six pack just months after she had me lol.

      • 9 months ago

        My mom told me that she was even skinnier after having me than before because I was drinking so much lmao

      • 9 months ago

        >most importantly young
        A co-worked got pregnant at 42, 2 years after the birth she remained at the same weight as before. Then again she was into nutrition and working out and did not use pregnancy as an excuse to eat shit.

      • 9 months ago

        > women and media WILDLY overestimate how taxing childbirth is and how long recovery takes.

        It makes sense, because what butthole is gonna be honest with a woman who has a newborn

    • 9 months ago

      >Pregnancy is a brutal thing only women deal with and you gotta be patient about body changes when it comes to that.
      A lot of women get fat during/after pregnancy, but im not so sure that's solely a function of pregnancy. My wife is 5'-1", weighed 120lbs pre pregnancy. I dont remember how heavy she got, but it didn't take her very long after the birth to return pretty close to where she was - she's 126lbs now, and most of that extra weight is her breasts. Her tummy isn't quite as flat as it was when we were dating, but besides that and the engorged breasts from milk production there's been literally no major changes. My survey sample of one leads me to suspect that a lot of the permanent weight gain is the poor dietary behavior of women and not just a pregnancy thing.

      • 9 months ago

        I think women think they can eat whatever they want during pregnancy so they pack on the pounds. And once they have a kid they use that as an excuse not to bother anymore and get even fatter.
        Apparently even men get fatter when their wife has a kid, it's a common phenomenon.

        • 9 months ago

          >I think women think they can eat whatever they want during pregnancy so they pack on the pounds
          my wife's mom's side is one step up from trailer trash, she's always had good eating habits because as a kid her mom brought home shit food and when she went to her dad's he made sure that they eat healthy. she also noticed that when we go to family events the only thing i'll eat is whatever protein (us. fried chicken) they bought, i wont touch their casseroles or anything - its all typically fattening midwest food
          >Apparently even men get fatter when their wife has a kid, it's a common phenomenon.
          this happened to me, i gained almost 10lbs. its almost gone now. ironically she did more exercises that i did when she was pregnant, so it was all my fault, i was lazy for 9 months

    • 9 months ago

      >pregnancy is brutal
      Yes. But you don’t need to gain more than 15th a in a pregnancy. Even if you gain more, there is no reason to not lose the weight within a year or two after, especially since breast feeding is a massive energy expenditure that basically lets you lose 5 free lbs in the first month or two after a baby is born

      • 9 months ago

        15 pounds? That’s like winning the lottery for pregnancies lol

        • 9 months ago

          15lbs would be considered within the normal range for gestational weight gain in Japan, though they are a bit hardline about it. There really is no reason to be putting on much more than 25lbs in pregnancy though, that's what most guidelines suggest for women with a normal BMI. The fatter she is going into it then the less weight she needs to put on, guidelines for obese women in the West suggest as little as 10lbs. Don't forget as well that 5-10lbs of that is baby, and another load is amniotic fluid and placenta, so the act of childbirth causes a womans weight to immediately drop by an average of 10-13lbs. On top of that women have another 8lbs-odd of extra blood, retained fluid, and uterine lining which all goes as well within a few weeks of giving birth. After all of that there should only be another 7 or 8 lbs of fat left for her to lose. That is unless, of course, she spent the whole pregnancy pigging out.

    • 9 months ago

      >Pregnancy is a brutal thing only women deal with and you gotta be patient about body changes when it comes to that.
      A lot of women get fat during/after pregnancy, but im not so sure that's solely a function of pregnancy. My wife is 5'-1", weighed 120lbs pre pregnancy. I dont remember how heavy she got, but it didn't take her very long after the birth to return pretty close to where she was - she's 126lbs now, and most of that extra weight is her breasts. Her tummy isn't quite as flat as it was when we were dating, but besides that and the engorged breasts from milk production there's been literally no major changes. My survey sample of one leads me to suspect that a lot of the permanent weight gain is the poor dietary behavior of women and not just a pregnancy thing.

      The long-term weight gain is a self-reinforcing myth. Women think that they will get fat from having children anyway, so they decide that there's no point to maintaining a healthy diet and they eat like pigs, which actually makes them fat, thus reinforcing the myth.

      What also plays a part is that the female body is made to breastfeed, which makes the body crave abnormal amounts of calories during late pregnancy and the first year after giving birth (since a baby needs like 1200 kcal a day to grow, so the mother has to consume her own TDEE + the 1200 kcal for the child to maintain her weight). Unfortunately, many bad mothers think it's a good idea to raise their children with baby's first goyslop instead (formula), which leads to them still having the appetite of a woman supposed to breastfeed but not the caloric expenditure of one.

      There's zero physical reason to not return to her initial weight after a woman gives birth (and I personally know many women, including my mother and two of my sisters who have managed just that). It's just a convenient excuse gone mass psychosis.

  7. 9 months ago

    married my wife at 14 and we've been together for 32 years, have 14 children and she still looks like a model
    just be nice to your girl and she wont turn into a fat slop, its that easy

  8. 9 months ago

    Women want lovemaking sex but they also want to be spit on, dped, called names. Maybe try 10 sets of choke slaps or something. Super set is spitting in her mouth and saying "you're a loser" in her ear. Either she will kill herself or start listening to you more stop being a pussy and frick that pig.

    • 9 months ago

      NTA, but I always use phrases like “I’m going to make you ____” or “take this all in” etc when I am fricking my wife like that. I’ve also got a massive dick so I like to let her know so she knows I’m not just talk.

      • 9 months ago

        Is she a cringophile?

  9. 9 months ago

    >half of IST has been married for a decade and has 10+ children
    Sorry, I don't believe you

    • 9 months ago

      sorry to hear you're a genetic dead end sweetie

      • 9 months ago

        School starts again soon. Don't come back next year summergay

        • 9 months ago

          seething incel

    • 9 months ago

      You know, the users on here aren't getting any younger.

    • 9 months ago

      been with my gf 7 years got 2 kids. It's not unfathomable that many of us are normal parents

    • 9 months ago

      I want to be part of that pie

    • 9 months ago

      Makes sense considering every thread on this board is full of vain appearance obsessed normies

    • 9 months ago

      IST has been around a long time. I’ve been off and on since 2013. I imagine many of the people here now still remain from back then or before. The kids are on t*ktok, IST is just oldgays now

  10. 9 months ago

    >Don't get married.
    but if you do get married, get an ironclad prenup done beforehand. You can drastically lower your alimony in the event of divorce.

    • 9 months ago

      I will marry my girlfriend, she will continue to get fat, but she has a good heart and makes food and is intelligent and will give me kids so I don’t even care if she gets fat
      I only want her to stay at a healthy BMI because I want her to live a long time because I love her and want to spend a long time with her
      She is very nice

      Greetings from Tajikistan

      • 9 months ago

        Blesséd post and checked.

        Many happy years, anon

      • 9 months ago

        >she will continue to get fat
        >is intelligent

      • 9 months ago

        My gf is already boderline obese im scared bros

        • 9 months ago

          >My gf is already boderline obese
          And why haven't you dropped her?

    • 9 months ago

      Judges in some US states will happily disregard them as they please.

    • 9 months ago

      I keep telling my fiancé that but he has literally said he'd want me to take half. Sweet concept and I'm hoping it never ends there anyway but he should really protect himself

    • 9 months ago

      >I didn't wanna sign it, he made me 🙁
      >*Gets voided*"
      Nice try chud.

  11. 9 months ago

    Kek you're fucjing pathethic
    Sad little man
    Get off IST

  12. 9 months ago

    my gf got fat from all that fish and red meat I made her eat to stimulate pre natal growth for the baby, the moment the fricker popped out I wanted to frick her again and get another one, sometimes I go rabbit mode and wake up in the middle of the night to breed the b***h asunder, I have a kid and twins now and I'm so horny writing this I love the missus so much I think she's gonna cut my head off like a mantis mid coitus that pussy be talking to me like the green goblin

  13. 9 months ago

    K bud I'll hand over the divorce papers to my wife mid hip thrusts

    It ain't marriage bro, you just got a shit wife

  14. 9 months ago

    Woman let's herself go, cries cause husband don't like it, cries and blames husband
    Your life will go downhill from here on out. Leave the cow and get you a fitter model

  15. 9 months ago

    People often ask me why I haven't settled down and this is the main reason. Every single guy in my family had this happen to them and it sucks. Why is it legal for women to just give up once they get hitched?

    • 9 months ago

      Let's be honest here, most guys do the same. Most dudes over 30 get fat and it's only downhill from there.

      • 9 months ago

        Fat frick Americans in their 30s coping

        • 9 months ago

          I'm european and fit. But almost all of my friends are entering their 30s and are turning into balding fatties. The reality is just that most people don't make an effort to keep in shape.

      • 9 months ago

        Yes. Dudes can be as complacent as women regarding growing fatter, we just happen to be on a fitness board with very vocal population of bitter males. "Dadbod" wouldn't be a thing if that wasn't true. Seeing physical exercises as chores to do and proper nutrition as a constraint is not a thing exclusive to wymyn.

        • 9 months ago

          You're a moron. Dadbod is not a thing here, everybody is fatphobic.

        • 9 months ago

          You're a moron. Dadbod is not a thing here, everybody is fatphobic.

          Dadbod is afor a guy whose extremely muscular but gets a gut (after kids) not when you are an obese tub of lard.

      • 9 months ago

        That would be the same if being chubby/fat was equally attraction-killing for both genders.

      • 9 months ago

        Firstly, that's probably due to the shitty food the wife is buying and the huge portions she's serving up.

        Second, it's not comparable. A woman is a sex object, a man is a success object. Literally all a wife has to do is stay frickable, while the husband keeps up his end of the deal by being the provider and protector.

        Imagine if there was a societal trend for men to get married and immediately cut down their hours at work, or go unemployed to live on welfare. "But I thought you loved me unconditionally, honey? Why are you being so shallow?" - you bet your ass women would object to that kind of bait and switch.

        • 9 months ago

          Wow, it's like you've cracked the code of life, Einstein. Must be nice to have all the answers while living in your mom's basement. Keep dreaming about that imaginary world where women are solely responsible for their husband's health and success. Reality check: both partners have a role to play in a healthy relationship. Maybe one day you'll grow up and understand that.

          • 9 months ago

            Post body.

          • 9 months ago

            Seems I touched a nerve, you seething cumdumpster, but perhaps if you weren't so distracted by your caramel macchiato while updooting r/feminism and bobbing on your double ended Bad Dragon horsewiener, you would have read my post correctly and not missed the point by a fricking mile. Hey, best eat some more cheetos, don't want to enter starvation mode, do you?

  16. 9 months ago

    I've been with my gf since we were 19, both mid 20s now. The mistake you made was getting married in todays modern era. Women are no longer driven to surve men. They get dopamine from social media and comfort food. Once you get married you told her "it's OK to be average now babe. I'll get the dad bod and you do what you like". It's the biggest mistake a man can make.

    My gf never wants to get married. She works two jobs and our sex is the same, if not better, than when we were 19. She's asked for it joking I'd I've always told her flat out it will never happen.

    This girl will serve me until her last breath and I dont have to do anything for it materialistically. It's the best position possible to be in.

    • 9 months ago

      Once you have a kid with her you are, in practice, bound to her just like you would be if you had married her. I'm sure she'll still be great then, because she sounds like a keeper. But the effects of not marrying kinda fall apart if you ever intend on having kids.

  17. 9 months ago

    I have been begging her to exercise for years now. Begging her. Even her doctor has told her that she needs to start some form of strength training to help her with her posture and joints. She just will not do it. It's like talking to a bag of hammers, she acknowledges that she needs to do it for her own sake, puts it off, then never does it. Her body looks like a fricking bag of cottage cheese. No ass, her gut and breasts hanging and sagging. She just sits on the couch and watches TV. She considers cleaning the house, something she rarely does anyway because "she's tired", as her exercise. Cleaning the house. Good grief. She recently "cleaned up her diet" which means going from eating a whole pint of chocolate ice cream to primarily eating chocolate covered almonds and chocolatey trail mix because "nuts are good for you." This woman refuses to learn how to cook, even for her own sake.

    It drives me nuts. It drives me fricking NUTS to see the woman I fell in love with get devoured by this empty-eyed, lazy piece of crud. I have been putting off telling her for weeks now that I no longer find her attractive, but I just couldn't help myself tonight. We've been pretending like it's not a massive issue for far too long now. Now there will be no pleasantness between us. She will not trust me, she will ignore me, she will be upset and insecure. But I don't fricking care, I just don't. It's not okay. You don't get to take a fricking vow to remain exclusive to one person and then just completely let yourself go. It's so disrespectful to the other person that is trying in the relationship, let alone to your self and your own health and well-being.

    Honestly I expect this to be a marriage killer if she doesn't start taking it seriously and get fit. Either my resentment will turn into hatred, or she will end up cheating on me with some homosexual that validates her unhealthy and shitty behavior.

    • 9 months ago

      >"nuts are good for you."
      One time I saw a girl I knew eat a fricking peanut butter sandwich when she told me she was on a diet. I asked her about it and she told me the same fricking thing. Made me lol.

      • 9 months ago

        peanuts are beans so they don't count as much
        bread aint nuts
        jelly aint'er

      • 9 months ago

        Women will sit and pretend to listen as you give them a TED talk on nutrition and come away with one or two conveniently misinterpreted ideas that enable them to justify changing nothing.
        "Yeah, I'm eating chocolate, but it's DARK. That's good for you"
        "Third avocado of the day! The natural fat is gonna kick-start my metabolism"
        "Yeah, I had a KFC bucket, but I had a superfood salad for lunch! SUPERfood!"
        "At least I'm trying, frick you, now I need to stress eat"

    • 9 months ago

      Hopefully she can get out of whatever depressive rut she is in. There may be some things she’s not telling you.

    • 9 months ago

      You have every right to be furious, brother. Honestly she sounds like a lost cause. Give her a chance but in the background separate you finances, make alternative living arrangements, start putting some of your favourite stuff in storage, etc.

      Thank frick you don't have kids together.

    • 9 months ago

      >Falling in love with a woman who doesn't clean and cannot cook

    • 9 months ago

      you begged.

    • 9 months ago

      i am in this position as well mate. extremely depressing. separate your finances and start moving your stuff, that’s what i’m doing. don’t know if i’ll marry again if things don’t work out though, coming to some very grim conclusions about women

    • 9 months ago

      homie THAT'S NUTS!

  18. 9 months ago

    >don't get married
    You don't have to get married as soon as I moved in and tied myself in with my last one she started eating as much as I do. I'm talking about a 5'4 woman piling in as much calories as a 200lbs guy who's 5'11 on a bulk. Don't put up with it, I didn't and I made it public knowledge on social media that I hate fat b***hes and then had women asking me for gym dates that day(not the other way around), if you put up with a woman you aren't attracted to you're dealing with all of the bullshit for a lot less of the reward.

  19. 9 months ago

    If you don't have children, then bail immediately.

  20. 9 months ago

    Been together for 10 years, married for 1 year, my wife has only gotten fitter and sexier that whole time.
    Sucks to be you. Stop corrupting IST incel morons idea of women just because you picked wrong.

  21. 9 months ago

    My GF put weight on over the pandemic/lockdowns and it is an uphill struggle to get her to lose it.

    She general eats very well but my god is she sedentary which is exacerbated by her employer now allowing working from home.

  22. 9 months ago

    Stop scaring me bros, I'm getting married next year

  23. 9 months ago

    Demoralization thread.

    • 9 months ago

      shut up manlet

  24. 9 months ago

    that's life. now have kids to save the white race. You can leave her for college age poon once your kids are grown up

  25. 9 months ago

    this is the way to go. be clear about what you want and offer to help. there's literally no reason to b***h about having a fat/lazy wife if you haven't told her already that it's not okay

  26. 9 months ago

    You did the right thing. She doesn‘t respect you or herself or her future children. Tell her that her future children are going to have to go to her funeral before they‘re even fully grown. Just guilt trip the shit out of her for it. Being fat isn‘t acceptable.

  27. 9 months ago

    Tell her you don‘t want to have to tell your future children that,“mommy went to heaven today.“ Ask her if she cares more about eating garbage and being a couch potato than she does about her future children. If she still doesn‘t change after that then you should have kids with someone else because it‘s a huge sign she doesn‘t care about your family.

  28. 9 months ago

    Frick you, OP. You're taking your wife for granted. There's incels like me out there who would do anything to get a wife. And I like chubby chicks. They're like fertility goddesses that were designed for making babies. Not appreciating that is infuriating.

    • 9 months ago

      Stfu fatty chaser

  29. 9 months ago

    This is a you problem not a her problem, my wife is very fit and takes her nutrition and health seriously.

    This leads to healthier children and myself making healthier life choices.

    You fricked up not finding someone with values for themselves. She is undisciplined in other areas of life as well.

    Now either motivate her or leave but this is a you problem.

    • 9 months ago

      exactly. OP realized when it was too late. he should cheat on her.

  30. 9 months ago

    >Don't get married. It's a fricking trap.

  31. 9 months ago

    >5' 2" & 165lbs now.
    That's not that bad, imagine her at 185 or 200

    • 9 months ago

      That's where it's going to go if she doesn't change now.

  32. 9 months ago

    Well you are a frickwit

  33. 9 months ago

    >I just told my wife that I am no longer attracted to her because she is so out of shape. She cried and went to bed without a word. She is only 28 but has the body and posture of a 56 y.o.
    You've should married latina...

    • 9 months ago

      >muh Latina Queen who only hits the wall at 19

      • 9 months ago

        >>muh Latina Queen who only hits the wall at 19
        lol , lmao even

  34. 9 months ago

    >I am so angry every day about the fact that my cute wife has turned into a lazy fat slug and does nothing to change it.
    Women don't have agency, OP. If you want someone to blame for your fat wife, look in the mirror.

  35. 9 months ago

    My wife gave birth to our third not even 8 weeks ago, and she's lost almost all the weight she gained while pregnant already without doing any exercise. She's fundamentally a busy and active person, and doesn't eat shit, so she didn't put on significant fat while pregnant, childbirth is fairly straightforward for her, and she recovers so rapidly that she was basically physically back to normal the day after giving birth, marching out of the house with three kids and spending the whole day on her feet. The 'woe is me, being pregnant and having babies is so hard' is really a product of modern day women who are lazy and sedentary, seeking any excuse to stuff their faces with all of the shit which they would normally deny themselves out of fear of getting fat. Getting pregnant provides the perfect excuse to give in, and society validates that choice by allowing and encouraging them to think that turning into a fat sack of shit after giving birth is perfectly normal.

  36. 9 months ago

    >no kids
    >small income
    Divorce her now.
    I’m not kidding, you can get out easy.
    And next time don’t pick some b***h who just “does cardio”. Pick one with an actual physical hobby she loves.

  37. 9 months ago

    Nah you just married the wrong woman. Be more selective when choosing a spouse.

  38. 9 months ago

    dont tell a man hes going bald and dont tell a woman she's gotten fat

    • 9 months ago

      Not really a good comparison because you can't regrow your hair at will

    • 9 months ago

      Not really a good comparison because you can't regrow your hair at will

      you should tell a man because he can hop on fin and min before its too late

  39. 9 months ago

    I hate that my wife, while not large nor terribly out of shape, will complain about her body but REFUSE to even do the simplest exercises to mitigate these feelings. Why fricking complain about it if there's a solution that is literally free and available at all times?

    • 9 months ago

      Because she doesn't want a solution to her problem, she wants you to validate her feelings. That's what it's always about with them, validating feelings

  40. 9 months ago

    Glad I went through this with my gf before we got to the point of marriage. We talked about it, she cried (similar to your story), but then after a couple of days of processing it, she got her ass in gear. Now she comes to the gym with me, she's gotten back into kickboxing, and she started running. She asks me for diet and training advice, and she's set smart goals. It's bleeding into other aspects of her life, and she's doing better in her career and picked up some hobbies. It's a complete turnaround.
    I've found that she needs direction and guidance, but she's got a great work ethic once she wants something.
    Probably gonna marry this one. Marriage isn't a big issue if you filter carefully.

  41. 9 months ago

    Maybe it was a trap for you. I frickin love married life.
    2 kids later and my wife lifts/yogas 5 days a week. She's in better shape than when we met 14 years ago.
    Maybe you just suck.

  42. 9 months ago

    Sucks to be you lad. I've been with my wife for 12 years and we have 13 kids. She's 20 but still has the body of a 15 year old.

  43. 9 months ago

    >don't get married
    you are moronic, just find mistress like normal men do instead of complaining and keep your wife as baby machine

  44. 9 months ago

    I'm a 29 year old virgin. I can't even approach women.

  45. 9 months ago

    Currently living this. My gf was a solid 9/10 and the last year she gained sixty frickin pounds and completely ruined her body. She went from having the face of a super model to a bloated American. Only reason I haven’t left is because she was a virgin before she met me and cooks /cleans my house. I gave her an ultimatum and she’s down 6 pounds so far so we’ll see

    • 9 months ago

      >the last year she gained sixty frickin pounds
      How do people even manage to do that? Insane

      • 9 months ago

        No frickin clue. She did the same thing 8 years ago and lost it all and kept it off for years. She got depressed and just stuffed her face + shit tier metabolism.

    • 9 months ago

      how did you let that happen? when I lived with my ex, I weighted her every 2-3 days to check on her

      • 9 months ago

        Don’t want to get too much into details but was the primary care taker my dying mother. Was too depressed / overwhelmed to actively deal with anything that wasn’t her. I should have been a stronger man but unfortunately I wasn’t capable of that at the time.

  46. 9 months ago

    >I sat back and did nothing while the woman I'm supposed to be leading gained 50 pounds
    >Woe is me, how could this have happened, don't get married
    This didn't just suddenly happen to you one day. You were there for months/years while this was happening. Sorry you slept at the wheel like a fricking dumbass and left having all the Initiative up to a woman.

    • 9 months ago

      this OP blaming his women for his fault, women and men are equal when convenient meme

    • 9 months ago

      Yep. It's always the same shit. Most women (with the exception of the really strong-willed ones - no, not feminists, think of people like Leni Riefenstahl or Elisabeth of Austria, and those don't need guidance) are incredibly easy to influence as a husband by simply reinforcing positive and slightly reprimanding negative behavior and making them jealous. Had OP just started to tell her something nice every time she ate a vegetable or gave her a slightly disappointed look every time she ate a hamburger, while sometimes praising another woman's physique, things would've gone down very differently.

      The problem most relationships are having is that men treat women like a mixture of a male friend who is responsible for himself and a TV that can be turned on and off at will to provide entertainment or just be quiet. It doesn't work like that. Women are somewhere between children and men; they are easy to influence but need attention, emotional care and rules. They'll pick up on your most subtle signals and it's very easy to steer them into the direction you want, but as soon as you leave them to themselves, they start doing bullshit. And direct confrontation almost never works, because then they'll just want to spite you. Having a good wife takes time and effort.

      • 9 months ago

        Screen capped.

        Thanks for the free game homie

  47. 9 months ago

    Saw an old friend at a party over the weekend, I can't believe how fat his wife got. She's no looker but in college she wasn't fat. Now though she's got massive turkey wobble arms, you know the arms on elderly women where there's a ton of excess skin on the tricep. She's 37. All her fat seems to sink to the bottom of her gut so while up top isn't TOO bad, her stomach and waist pudge out like a waterbloated corpse. Add on top of that she hasn't shaved her armpits or legs making her look even more disgusting. If she had stayed thin-ish she'd be a 5.5/10, probably her ceiling, but she's plummeted to a 2/10.

  48. 9 months ago

    Nothing more IST than using an anon's legitimate complaint about his wife to pillory every woman and the entire institution of marriage, along with seethe for anyone whose wife is actually a wholesome spouse.

  49. 9 months ago

    >been super active all my life and am quite fit
    >for the first time ever been dating this nice girl for a while now
    >don't feel strong emotions towards her
    >she's a bit average in looks but she's very kind and caring and looks at me with pure desire
    >textbook case of skinnyfat
    >basically never exercised in her life
    >looking at her parents' bodies tell a scary story of what's to come when she gets older
    I don't know if I can break it up with her. Maybe I'll just fake my love and stay with her until we die.

    • 9 months ago

      Have you at least tried to get her into working out/sports in general?

      • 9 months ago

        I haven't straight up asked if she wants to start some sport with me. But I personally do muay thai and gym (and volleyball) and she's not into either of those. And they already take most of my days so there isn't really much time for us to train together.
        I don't think she has much interest in like "self improving" in that way.
        And you know when you see like in the beginner martial arts classes when some people don't really have any motoric skills, like you see in their movements that they've never done a squat or thrown a punch or they don't know how to run. She's very much like that. She's also a very meek person.
        I've also championed working out in her presence plenty of times and said how exercising is pretty much the easiest and most fun way to improve one's overall quality of life. You look better, you feel better and your body works better.
        Though I have to say she's said she's done some small home workouts occasionally, and I know she's doing them 100% because of me (for me), but I'm still a bit skeptical of how it will last.

  50. 9 months ago

    112 lbs is kinda fat at 5'2"
    You always had low standards

  51. 9 months ago

    What’s your consensus on him? Where would he be today if he was still alive?

    • 9 months ago

      A troony

      • 9 months ago

        have a nice day chud

    • 9 months ago

      He would be 34 now.
      I imagine he'd still do his whole party boy, raver thing and his lifestyle still wouldn't have visibly caught up to him yet. He'd definitely have a different hairstyle though.

      • 9 months ago

        is he wearing a wig? he looks bald with a wig.

    • 9 months ago

      He would have either chilled out with the drugs and raves like his brother and turned himself into a huge social media lifestyle brand or he would've doubled down and become a complete methhead freak

  52. 9 months ago

    Should've picked better moron.

  53. 9 months ago

    This topic makes me seethe like you wouldn’t believe. This has happened to my brother. I just want my bro to be happy and I know he’s not attracted to his wife right now and I can only imagine how bad it is to witness. I can tell he’s being really nice about it too because he doesn’t know what to do. If he says anything he’s the butthole. I’ve vented to my parents about this and my mom calls me superficial for seeing women this way. Women just don’t fricking get or don’t care about how important it is for a man’s marital happiness that he is proud of his wife for the way she looks. I have a serious girlfriend, and if she ever does that I have no qualms about cheating. Assuming of course I keep myself in shape as well, which I 100% will barring a debilitating injury

    • 9 months ago

      some of us do know that. my boyfriend is insistent i come to work events and whatever to show me off. him being proud of my appearance is a huge motivator to keep it up. i was the good looking sister growing up and my dad liked showing me off which is something i also noticed early. idk my appearance being important has been brainwashed into me for better or worse but i'm glad about it. i look around and can't believe how many people are fine looking like a sack of absolute shit. i don't believe they are happy.

  54. 9 months ago

    Saw this screenshot
    >pic related
    a few years ago. Not sure if it applies now, but it made sense to me at the time. Do with it what you will or don't. Up to you. Haven't read it since then.

    • 9 months ago

      >there are no bad women.
      Stopped reading. Simp shit. Anime pictures. Author of posts has never fricked anybody in his life.

  55. 9 months ago

    Based moronic

    • 9 months ago

      Average Milan girl. In Milan rn. Bros. They're all so fricking hot here and they don't even know it. They all treat themselves as average girls.

      Can my Italian bros confirm my suspicions.

  56. 9 months ago

    Marriage isn't for everyone, but it is for most.
    You knew the risks when you decided to unite with this woman.
    In any event, you did the right thing telling her how you feel about her slothful and gluttonous lifestyle.
    Hope it gets better bro.

  57. 9 months ago

    She's a goblina, isn't she?

  58. 9 months ago

    It's your fault when your wife gets out of shape, not hers.

  59. 9 months ago

    Have you considered taking her to the gym?

  60. 9 months ago

    Imagine being such a beta you blow up your marriage instead of making her get back into shape through gentle psychological manipulation

    The fact that you let it slide this far is proof you're a fricking b***h

    Also, $10 says you're fricking ugly and out of shape too

  61. 9 months ago

    start flirting with other women around her. preferably ones that are younger and hotter. if your relationship is salvageable at all, she'll get the message and get back into shape. but be prepared to have a ROCK SOLID frame because the psycho terror she'll unleash upon you the first few times will be a lot to handle

    the only motivator that women have is competition

  62. 9 months ago

    I love my wife but I'm in a similar boat. She has never been not obese since I've known her but she at least would sometimes try to lose weight. She's at a point now where her obesity is causing constant health issues. I've spent thousands over the last year just keeping her from having a heart attack at the age of 23. What's worse is she keeps insisting BMI isnt real and it's normal for a 5'2" woman to weigh 200+ pounds. It's fricking killing me.

    • 9 months ago

      You married an obese woman? What were you thinking?

      • 9 months ago

        When we were dating she was on a mission to lose weight and got just under obese at one point. But then wedding planning kicked in and she gave up. It was hot watching her work so hard to get in shape ngl

        • 9 months ago

          You are a moron. Hope your wife out lives you so you have to live with your desparate pathetic life choices that only a down syndrome child would take for the rest of your time. Unless you are just a fat-fricker in disguise, in which case you should be burned alive asap.

  63. 9 months ago

    >5' 2" & 165lbs now. Sits on the couch and watches trash reality TV all day.

    You should’a addressed the actual problem rather than the outcome. You fricked up anon.

  64. 9 months ago

    Same problem here man.
    Luckily she still treats me like a king, and is making steps towards losing weight. I just can’t fully explain things to her without her getting emotional and crying.

  65. 9 months ago

    Marrying a woman and her getting fat is nightmare fuel.

  66. 9 months ago

    You let her get out of shape. You're part to blame.

    You're a bad husband.

  67. 9 months ago

    >Wife is getting fat
    >Do nothing
    >Eventually she is a whale

  68. 9 months ago

    I hope for your sake you went about this a better way than the context you provided. I mean it’s already your fault for not saying something to her sooner but there’s a process to this shit.
    >phase 1. Ask her to workout with you/do some kind of physical activity, especially one that she used to enjoy. Start cooking for you both more. Mention feeling like YOU’VE been getting out of shape, or YOU have been having trouble with motivation, make it about yourself. Do not mention her being out of shape or even imply it, simply try to steer her into better habits.
    >phase 2. Sit her down and tell her that you’re beginning worry about her health because she’s becoming out of shape, reassure her that you still love her and she’s still beautiful but don’t want to see her have health issues. In this phase begin telling EVERYONE, friends, family, her friends, EVERYONE that you are concerned for her health. Be sure to offer to help her get back in shape and tell her you miss doing active things with her.
    >phase 3. The Ultimatum. Speak to your lawyer about divorce. Afterwards Sit her down, tell her you’ve tried to talk about this but it’s clearly not going anywhere, tell her the hard truths, you don’t find her attractive anymore, you don’t want to spend your life with someone that’s going to let themselves go, you don’t want someone that’s going to choose a fricking cheeseburger over your marriage. Tell her if she doesn’t fix herself you’re going to leave her.
    >phase 4. After the divorce you find someone new and are sure to establish clear fitness boundaries with them at the start of the relationship because you had to learn the hard way.

  69. 9 months ago

    >with wife for 10 years, married for 6
    5'10, 120 when we started dating
    >a stick with breasts
    >since she's started weightlifting and running
    >now 160
    >athletic with D's, curves and a fat ass
    >sex has only gotten better and more degen
    Get married to a good one boys

  70. 9 months ago

    Some black gentlemen will gladly tell your wife she's fine

  71. 9 months ago


  72. 9 months ago

    you did the right thing anon

  73. 9 months ago

    Damn, IST is fricking mean. Is the male soul even capable of love outside their narcissistic shell? You married... in sickness and in health.

    • 9 months ago

      Getting fat is not the same as getting sick, you're just letting yourself go. Imagine if your husband became a raging alcoholic or stopped taking showers. Would that be acceptable? You'd likely try to get him to fix his behaviour and eventually dump him if he doesn't

    • 9 months ago

      It's a good faith commitment, not a challenge to see how gross you can get before your spouse snaps

  74. 9 months ago

    >fanfiction general
    I'm so tired of this frickin place

  75. 9 months ago

    >5' 2" & 165lbs
    Sorry but this is why you actually avoid short women. They typically get fat and end up looking disgusting when they do. Don't fall for short women meme.

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