I love how everyone overthinks nutrition and lifting routine

I love how everyone overthinks nutrition and lifting routine

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  1. 7 months ago

    Tbh i would prefer if people overthink it more. The average person doesn't even know about CICO and it shows.

  2. 7 months ago

    Can't blame them, I was there once.
    That's why it's important to log whatever you're trying to get better at, that's the only way to find out what works.

  3. 7 months ago

    The average gym goer can't even do rpe7 on a lift

    • 7 months ago

      I raped 7 in the squat rack

      • 7 months ago

        You think they woulda stopped squatting after seeing feeling the wiener beneath them the first time but no pains no gains i guess.

        • 7 months ago

          I would actually do squats more often if I got literally fricked in the ass instead of just metaphorically

    • 7 months ago

      Not being able to do rpe7 is a paradox. If rpe7 is impossible to them, then rpe7 isn't rpe7 (but it's more like, rpe11).

      But autism aside, I get what you mean. You were trying to say that most people don't have the mental strength to push themselves anywhere near failure, which is sorta true I guess.

    • 7 months ago

      RPE is a meme anyway.

      You can only truly test RPE on a machine. You'll lose the ability to balance a free-weight long before you hit a very high RPE.

      Example I can do a Incline Dumbbell Press but my Triceps will gas out before my Chest does, so my RPE on Triceps will be 10 but my Chest will be at a 6-7 still. I would need a chest fly or chest press that has a range of motion that is mostly just the chest for me to hit true high RPE on chest.

      The science shit is just moronic for this reason.

  4. 7 months ago

    People like to overthink it because it’s easier to spend the relatively short time it takes to plan out the perfect routine, meal plan, schedule, etc. than it is to just hit the gym regularly for the months/years required for your goal physique.

    Like yeah, IDEALLY you’re getting 1g protein per lb of body weight, and getting 8 hours of sleep a night, and doing compounds into isolation exercises and resting just enough but not too much etc etc etc, but ultimately the best workout plan you can have is the one you’ll stick to and do regularly.

  5. 7 months ago

    Im 36, been lifting since I was 15, so 21 years now. In the 2000s people were making better gains without all the knowledge we have now, by just lifting hard and not eating like a complete moron.

    • 7 months ago

      The test levels are dropping by 1% each year so the average person in the gym in the 00's was a complete Tyrone BBC King compared to the average gym goer now.

    • 7 months ago

      I unironically think the oversaturation of health and wellness knowledge has been a detriment to the average person. I didn’t know about CICO until I was in my 20’s and was convinced I was a fricking “ectomorph” and just magically didn’t gain weight easily.

      • 7 months ago

        The second sentence didn't support the first.

        • 7 months ago

          My point was that I had no idea about the absolute basics of weight gain, so I instead started picking up extraneous stuff like the outdated “ectomorph” shit when I’m reality I’m just 6 1 and I skip breakfast and don’t eat much.

          There’s so much info and misinfo about these foods and that additive and all these things that are ultimately way less important than the basics, which get boxed out because the information is so oversaturated with content. You feel me?

  6. 7 months ago

    None of that is really a burden if you do it routinely except the running. You shouldn't base most your perspective on what's useful for novices because most of them quit anyway.

  7. 7 months ago

    For me it's:
    >Brosplit mon to fri, weekends off
    >Normal diet plus some protein shakes
    >About 2g of gear a week

    • 7 months ago

      this minus the gear and i've made gains easy. I'm 170cm thougheveralbeit so i think i've got them manlet genes to thank

    • 7 months ago

      this minus the gear and i've made gains easy. I'm 170cm thougheveralbeit so i think i've got them manlet genes to thank

      Same but I train on saturday because I do a 2nd leg day

      Monday - Back
      Tuesday - Chest
      Wednesday - Legs
      Thursday - Shoulders
      Friday - Arms
      Saturday - Legs
      Sunday - Off

  8. 7 months ago

    I'm a literal autist and an OCD level perfectionist about everything I do. Breaking things down into specific routines and being as optimal as possible with supplements and stimulants is simply how I do things.

  9. 7 months ago

    it's like that bell curve meme where at one end it's ''just eat and lift hard'', in the middle it's ''noo you have to do all that complicated shit'' and in the end it's again ''just eat and lift hard''

    • 7 months ago

      It would very diffent if the x axis was size/weight lifted.
      Lowest: mitwits who try combining a million things because they dunningkrugered themselves by reading a bunch of Mike Istrael.
      Intermediates: "intuitive eaters" and people who just lift. They got this far because they simply didn't try to frick with things they didn't understand but likely won't go much farther.
      Advanced/elite: an odd blend of mouth breathers who were too dumb to apply what they learned for themselves but could follow routines and advanced programming to the letter without their ego getting in the way. Smart people who actually read all the papers and understood the material enough to apply it to themselves.

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