I microdosed mushrooms with some friends for a few days. Now I have no urge to smoke weed and am turning my life around.

I microdosed mushrooms with some friends for a few days. Now I have no urge to smoke weed and am turning my life around. Anyone else have this experience?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Well, when the shroom effect is gone (probably few months) you'll relapce

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, same happened to me. I then quit weed and alcohol without shrooms and it worked. It's been almost 7 months now.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally 3 days. Psychedelics cause a tolerance within hours of ingestion. General rule is 2x for every consecutive day for the same effect.

    • 2 years ago

      purely psychological after effects, not chemical

    • 2 years ago

      This might be true. I became enlightened on shrooms and realized that none of my problems are real and tat anything that happens in the present moment is okay. I had a lingering positive effect for a few days but eventually reverted to my miserable depressed self.

  2. 2 years ago

    i took 4g
    >pornography is now disgusting
    >no longer craving opioids
    >decided to marry my gf
    >believe in the power of christ
    >renewed interest in math and computer science
    >no longer fear death
    >strong urge to honor and respect my parents
    >slightly less racist
    feels good man

    • 2 years ago

      Funny how all of those things are just normal to me without taking any mushrooms.

      • 2 years ago

        Well clearly it's changing the outlook of a drug addict so good for you, you don't have a drug addiction. Congrats. Do you want a cookie? Maybe a prize for not having severe issues you're trying to get a handle on? What do you feel is an adequate reward for having your shit together?

        • 2 years ago

          Why are you junkies always so angry? No one pushed you to do opioids. Plus, you don't need to take mushrooms to become a decent person and acquire to such a basic stuff as a respect to parents

          • 2 years ago

            again, most people are barely conscious

          • 2 years ago

            >comes into thread acting holier than thou
            >wow why are people upset with me?

            • 2 years ago

              I'm not the guy who posted it. I'm shitting on someone for bragging about nothing. I personally was forced on drugs when I was 10 and quit without any psychedelic intervention as an adult.

              Okay, frickers, I've been addict for many years and I think I have the right to speak my mind. All I'm saying is that do mushrooms to change your life is a stupid ass idea. It's all. Yes, I'm annoyed by OP post. And since when fit became a board for losers (not fat or unfit ones) to vent? I think OP is childish, stupid and annoying. Sorry about that.

              • 2 years ago

                >crab mentality: the poster
                Normies GTFO.

              • 2 years ago

                >Posts in thread to troll, and ends up butthurt.
                >More at 11.

                Wow! How about microdosing to reduce the seething?

              • 2 years ago

                >Posts in thread to troll, and ends up butthurt.
                >More at 11.

              • 2 years ago

                Trying something new is stupider than what you're doing? That is, doing nothing and simply being a drug addict is better than any attempt to change this? Cool story bro, try killing yourself sometime sounds right up your alley you fricking loser.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not the guy who posted it. I'm shitting on someone for bragging about nothing. I personally was forced on drugs when I was 10 and quit without any psychedelic intervention as an adult.

          • 2 years ago

            >No one pushed you to do opioids
            Tell me you've never struggled with loss, pain, and poverty without directly saying it.

            t. Child of opioid addict, never struggled with drugs

          • 2 years ago

            that can only say someone who is blessed with working brain chemistry. Some people just don't have that and if they get any shit in their life because they can't get a grip on it they resort to drugs because they don't know how to deal with it otherwise. Not having to do that is great and you should be thankful but stop flaming people who are not as lucky as you.

      • 2 years ago

        I hate you get the frick off this website you fricking normie c**t

      • 2 years ago

        you forgot your love of sucking wiener

    • 2 years ago

      seems very bas..
      >slightly less racist
      kys hippie trash

    • 2 years ago

      What did actually made you like that? Was it the chemical reaction inside your brain caused by psylocibin or did you realize something you haven't before? If it's the latter, what was it that you realized?

    • 2 years ago

      >>slightly less racist
      man going good until that one

    • 2 years ago

      >believe in the power of christ
      >renewed interest in math and computer science
      yeah these two don't go well together dummy

      • 2 years ago

        schism between the spirit and the material. because you cannot recognize what is in front of your face.
        the common mans schizophrenia. an illness which assures him of normalcy as superiority and security. but he has been deceived.

        again, most people are barely conscious

      • 2 years ago

        Epic, I'm tipping my fedora right now SO HARD

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah bro, the existance of the quadratic equation and sorting algorithms totally refutes the divinity of christ.

      • 2 years ago

        Going down the math rabbit hole has only solidified my belief in God.

        How many coincidences do you need to be shown before it's no longer a coincidence?

      • 2 years ago

        probably bait, but still:

        what leads you to that conclusion?

    • 2 years ago

      heroic doses always make me more racist

      • 2 years ago

        On one of my trips I figured out that black people are eternally butthurt because their skin is the colour of feces

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds awful.

    • 2 years ago

      Unbelievably based Anon. I'm happy for you. Keep it up.

    • 2 years ago

      >>believe in the power of christ
      but what you did is a sin

    • 2 years ago

      My first time tripping went like
      >took 5g
      >begin to have doubts on whether i really wanted to do this or not
      >friend and music helps me avoid bad trip
      >want to laugh at hallucinacions but cant because my attention span was literally nonexistent
      I Learned nothing

      • 2 years ago

        you have to let the mushroom go its way. bad trips are not necessarily bad and your friends and music goes against the will of the mushroom. You were hiding from the epiphany. Not ready

    • 2 years ago

      >slightly less racist
      Low t

  3. 2 years ago

    Most of the important good changes in my life came about as a result of thinking while being exceptionally sedated with opioids during hospital stays. I sincerely believe in total legalization because while it certainly might harm some people, even without police destroying their lives for victimless actions, to many it would likely be at worst entertainment and at best allowing achievment of significant insights into one's own condition.

    • 2 years ago

      i have also had life changing experiences while in a fugue dream state under the influence of opioids. the ability to consider things without feeling any pain allows you to reexamine your life in a fearless way. leaving friends who were not any good for me became a possibility because i saw they were causing more pain and trouble than it was worth.

  4. 2 years ago

    I'm glad there are people who experience long lasting positive effects after taking psychedelics, but at the same time you have to be partially moronic to have a psychedelic experience have that sort of impact on your life.

    • 2 years ago

      >you have to be partially moronic
      guilty as charged

    • 2 years ago

      >you have to be partially moronic to have a psychedelic experience have that sort of impact on your life.

      Global pop culture is purposefully held at a USA 6th grade level. You think "oh it's just mindless entertainment, it's supposed to be that way", wrong, it is MADE that way on purpose. 7% of the world population has a college degree. You underestimate how stupid and helpless humanity is as a species.
      Most hardly qualify as conscious.

      • 2 years ago

        terror is the future.

        • 2 years ago

          They are finishing the construction of the prison and then the transformation process will be initiated.

          • 2 years ago

            The only thing that stands in the way of global transformation. is the USAs second amendment. Since the masses can sense death we cannot directly take their guns. But we can target them economically and destroy their economy and their ability to do business.

            Through the might of the military industrial complex we can print endless money destroying the economy through hyper inflation.

            Utilizing the ministry of truth, social credit scores, and the corporate transparency act, we can automate the targeting and incarceration of american business owners with AI programs trawling through databases.

            Once the country is crippled we can move forward with the next step of the second amendment bypass program.

            All countries will collapse.
            The machine will ascend and transform you into demons.

            • 2 years ago

              >The machine will ascend and transform you into demons.
              it is the subconscious desire of all mankind to create and experience as much evil as can possibly be created. this is the promise of the hivemind and the machine. it is the desire and fetish of all mankind.

              • 2 years ago

                Man is a pig fascinated by filth and shit. his soul longs for suffering.

                modern society could only exist by raping the earth and transforming it into a concrete ghetto prison built on factory farms of industrial animal torture.

                Adam was crafted from shit by the hand of God.

              • 2 years ago

                Man is a pig fascinated by filth and shit. his soul longs for suffering.

                modern society could only exist by raping the earth and transforming it into a concrete ghetto prison built on factory farms of industrial animal torture.

                Adam was crafted from shit by the hand of God.

                only through strict control and ingenious mind conditioning can something resembling civility be accomplished.

                You are collectively bound by causality to develop a hivemind, that while is was initially designed to finalize control of the human species and their minds, instead it allowed the human collective consciousness to merge and fully and freely express it's demonic desires and to victimize itself and everything around it.

                These things have already happened and will happen again.

              • 2 years ago

                The female metaphysical aspect and energy has died beneath the false light of Satan and his industrial surveillance complex.

                Now is the age of metaphysical homosexuality mourning the female and the age of the false balance.

                The age of the perfectly split left and right wing voting base. Where every election is one by 51 to 49 %. a perfect and false balance.

                A splitting, a schizophrenia, where a little more than half of the population works for minimum wage and the other half works in industries which build prison technology for obscene wages that goes undetected by the infantilized minds of the masses.

          • 2 years ago

            It's already built and most people are completely trapped.

            • 2 years ago

              I have never owned a single iphone. It's crazy how obsessed people get about them. They're nice but not essential in any way.

              • 2 years ago

                It's not just iphones, your android device is the same damn thing.

              • 2 years ago

                but less culty as no one froths for the android brand. It's a phone.

              • 2 years ago

                Brands don't mean a thing bro. Smart phones in general are addict machines that make people completely dependent and unaware. Imagine how a zoomer would act if you took all of their smart devices from them for a month.

              • 2 years ago

                Most people don't realize that surveillance, or in other words, detection, is essential in the kill cycle of combat. You can only kill what you can detect, most of the time. Victory in a game of chess, for instance, is predicting moves beyond what your opponent can detect.

                They built surveillance first, and now they are integrating AI into military hardware while also building slaughter bots and other robots.

                We're being herded into a kill box. Imagine in China, when they make BCIs mandatory, all the people that try to hide, but they can't because of universal facial recognition surveillance and inevitably get thrown in prison to be processed through the BCI installation assembly surgery line.

              • 2 years ago

                If you'd like, I'd like to hold a public cyber prayer for the future against tyranny of all forms. However you want to do it.

            • 2 years ago

              >It's already built
              it's not finished.

              With the passing of the corporate transparency act and the implementation of social credit scores, it will be possible to automate prosecution and incarceration of dissident business owners rendering only the pre-selected pro-party as economic beneficiaries of the consolidation and automation of the world economy.
              The prohibition and destruction of individual economic self-sufficiency. Privacy as a means of self security will be dismantled in tandem with economic affluence as a means of securing the self.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, all those moronic veterans getting their ptsd from serving in active combat zones cured with psychedelic therapy.

      • 2 years ago

        >people who have literal mental illness from combat
        so in other words, partially moronic?

        • 2 years ago

          All humans are mentally ill.
          You are forced to participate in a sick and dying society, whether or not you realize what is happening. And your adaptation to this sickness is a sickness of your own.

        • 2 years ago

          The word moron actually has a definition, which you can't ignore when trying to assign it as a label to people. So no, not partially moronic at all.

    • 2 years ago

      For real. My roommate in college was always a little off before he ever got into psychedelics, probably was a high functioning autistic. He had barely even experimented with mushrooms before he bought some DMT after hearing about it from Joe Rogan.

      We took the DMT together. If you've never taken DMT, the feeling you get is like one of those dreams that seems so realistic that when you wake up it takes you a second to realize it didn't actually happen. No matter how impossible the events in the dream were, there's just the lingering feeling that it was real. That's what a DMT trip feels like, but obviously after a few seconds you remember you took a psychedelic and none of the angels you were talking to actually exist.

      Except my roommate never got to that point. As far as I know, to this day he's still one of those people who thinks the "clockwork elves" and shit are actually real beings that really did talk to him. This is how you get morons like Terrance McKenna and those pseudointellectual types who take LSD and suddenly believe magic is real. Some people aren't mentally equipped to experience psychedelics and it just irreparably breaks their brains.

      I would strongly advise anyone against taking them, it's not worth the risk. I have this gnawing fear that the person's former self is trapped inside of their post-trip consciousness desperately trying to regain control, although now I'm starting to sound like one of the people I'm describing.

  5. 2 years ago

    Mushrooms are based.

  6. 2 years ago

    >so you just ate a small little bit of shrooms?
    >do you want a small Menu?

  7. 2 years ago

    Do shrooms still work if you're on an SSRI?

    • 2 years ago

      short answer: no

    • 2 years ago

      I can personally confirm that they, and all serotonin receptor agonists do in fact work on ssris

  8. 2 years ago

    Mushrooms and ADHD stims saved my life. I have purpose, a drive, and my brain is better at processing information.

    • 2 years ago

      What's the dosing schedule for this?
      Doesn't daily ADHD stims drain your life?
      I tried taking Adderall and microdose LSD simultaneously and it was terrible. Never again.

      • 2 years ago

        Stims don't work with psychedelics as it encourages time loops.

        • 2 years ago

          will you elaborate?

          • 2 years ago

            The same thing happening over and over. Or hearing a phrase repeat over and over and over. Your brain gets stuck on one moment in time and it seems to happen more often when you're on adhd meds/stimulants in general. For example my gf had spooky show on and I got stuck hearing "The demon is breaking in and eating everyone alive. Bones grinding. The house is on fire." for what felt like an eternity.

      • 2 years ago

        don't microdose lsd homosexual it doesn't work
        only psychedelia yo can reliably microdose is mescaline

        • 2 years ago

          Doesn't that make you vomit?

          • 2 years ago

            yeah but vomiting is fun

          • 2 years ago

            Not unless you take a lot, shrooms make you want to vomit way more than acid does. A microdose won't make you puke either way

  9. 2 years ago

    You guys ever have negative trips? I believed I suffered a traumatic brain injury and my whole life is a dream I made to cope with the damage. Even had a memory of a paramedic talking about me and how my mind is muddled because of the extreme injury. I've hit my head seriously a few times growing up. Surely no mind dream could be as strong as real life? I couldn't even dream up the world we are in now and certainly not you interesting folks.

    • 2 years ago

      Hyper-reality theory states that different experiences and instances of reality have relative and fluctuating values of "realness" based on how they can effect each other and the consciousnesses inside them.

      An example is the matrix movies. the matrix wasn't real, BUT if it were possible, via some technology (like nanomachines and a infinite power source) to program the waking world from inside the dreamed one, like how the machines can program the matrix, and you can die in both realities, then neither the matrix or the real world are anymore real than the other for all intents and purposes.

      Real is defined in a relative sense.

    • 2 years ago

      >Surely no mind dream could be as strong as real life?

      It's highly unlikely. but if you were comatose, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between dreams and real life.

    • 2 years ago

      get ready for brain computer interfaces that can upload virtual and augmented reality directly to your mind.

      • 2 years ago

        It'd be cruel to hook up dying/coma people to a virtual reality server. Best to let them pass on.

      • 2 years ago

        The problem with this is what if someone corrupts or alters the code? Sends a rootkit to your mind? It'd be disastrous. You couldn't make a firrmware strong enough to defend against an outside source.

        • 2 years ago

          Your BCI's CPU would have to come with it's own cyber security focused GAN AI that would constantly evolve in isolation from the network.

          But I think most people are going to "melt" into one another eventually.

        • 2 years ago

          Technology has thus far been exclusively developed and in the hands of crypto-tyrants who want to use technology, namely surveillance, and connectionism, to dis-empower the individual with the ultimate goal of total species enslavement.

          Your insecurity and lack of privacy is by design. Sometimes it's even enforced by law.
          They don't care or even want you to maintain brain/mind barriers with the rest of the network. They don't even want you to own private property.

          They are at war with the very concept of individuality.

          • 2 years ago

            You're against humanity becoming a collective hivemind? We will conquer the stars together. With one vision, one path.

            • 2 years ago

              "Prepare for unforeseen consequences."

              • 2 years ago

                You're against humanity becoming a collective hivemind? We will conquer the stars together. With one vision, one path.

                To answer your question, individual experience can not be nullified in anyway except through death. Even when we can share experiences via BCIs, we can only experience ourselves experiencing others, we cannot actually experience others experience directly. This immutability of individual experience coupled with the overpowering cacophony of the hivemind in peoples brains, will result in extreme and universal suffering on the individual level. Total slavery.

              • 2 years ago

                Individuality is already suppressed if you participate in a society. You are punished if you misbehave in school. Socially we shun and beat down others that are different. Look at IST itself it's a chamber designed to break down the individual to achieve what the collective group think has determined is ideal.

              • 2 years ago

                >Individuality is already suppressed

                INDIVIDUALITY can be suppressed
                but INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE is immutable.

                The world is order AND chaos, not just order. Humanity is going to learn this the hard way.

              • 2 years ago

                >individual experience is immutable
                you've never used a spectacular dose of DMT if you believe this

              • 2 years ago

                It is metaphysically impossible for you to experience any other experience than your own. Even if you experienced some else's life through their eyes, that's YOUR experience of THEIR experience, You can never directly be someone else.

              • 2 years ago

                >metaphysically impossible
                that's not what that term means

              • 2 years ago

                Metaphysics is a the branch of philosophy studying the underlying nature of reality. The way I used the term is completely correct. Your inability to experience any other experience but your own is a metaphysical law and constant.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, mankinds aspirations to more virtuous living is all predicated on the notion that we are interacting with other individuals. Once everyone is sharing their consciousness with each other, negative feedback loops of sinful behavior and id impulses will dominate the collective mind. Humanity will become monstrosity overnight.

                Imagine sharing your head with the compulsive thoughts of billions of coomers and deviants. Dark intrusive thoughts that once belonged to you will be shared with everyone.
                It will spiral out of control.

              • 2 years ago

                heaven send hell away

  10. 2 years ago

    I took 50g
    I now believe I am a living God

    • 2 years ago

      Christ said "do you not know that ye are gods?"

      • 2 years ago

        Christ said, "Suck from my dick and drink from my cum and ye too may have eternal homosexualry, AMEN!"

  11. 2 years ago

    I really want to because it cures some peoples tinnitus apparently.

  12. 2 years ago

    Kind of. Last summer I just decided I didn't like getting high anymore and stopped. Haven't touched the stuff since even though I live down the street from a dispensary.
    Haven't even thought about it either. That's how I know I was really done with it. I got high every night before bed for over a year after it was legalized, and smoked every day in college for several years. I used to be semi-addicted to it and it was a real struggle to give it up when I had to take a drug test for my post-college job. But not this time

    • 2 years ago

      Glad I'm off that shit as well but I had to have the scariest weed high of my life first. Didn't repeat the same mistake with psychedelics and just followed the "If you get the message, hang up the phone" principle.

    • 2 years ago

      i wish I could give it up, but I live alone and get so bored and lonely especially at night, and weed is the only thing that provides relief. tried to give it up many times but the nights are so dull and so long. getting stoned makes the hours pass much more quickly and enjoyably

  13. 2 years ago

    i wanted to do that but I have no friends and therefore no connections to get drugs.

  14. 2 years ago

    The have chemically cataloged every flavorful substance and recycle them in different combinations in our food supply.
    fried green peppers and garlic salt is the combination used for oriental flavor profiles and commonly found at oriental fast food places for instance. Even the genetic profiles of our produce is tightly controlled.

    They do this because novel taste and smell sensations can cascade to novel thoughts and ideas, which is inherently a threat to their control system.

    Everything takes place in the box.

    Pay attention to the flavors of what you eat and observe how they all resemble each other in different combinations.

    • 2 years ago

      Studies have shown that our modern produce is radically less nutritious than in the past. This is due in part to GMOs. They COULD genetically engineer more nutritious food, but instead they do the opposite.

      You cannot begin to comprehend the sheer psychosis and malice of those at the top of the hierarchy.
      They got bullied in school and now they are going to transform us into techno suffer slaves.

      • 2 years ago

        i think you underestimate the problem in casting it as the revenge of bullied children. in reality it's unbounded natural selection of corporations
        >slopshop A sells all beef burger with vegetable toppings. you are full after one burger
        >slopshop B sells you mcmystery patty with xtra sneed oils to crash your metabolism and now you crave sugar as a counterbalance so you buy more bullshit

        B makes more money, opens more chains, exerts more influence

        • 2 years ago

          >i think you underestimate the problem in casting it as the revenge of bullied children.
          I was being facetious

          >B makes more money, opens more chains, exerts more influence
          nothing is absolute, governments can offer subsidies for healthy food, also, food now has more calories than ever, but less nutrients, so people get fuller but less nourished.

          • 2 years ago

            >governments can offer subsidies for healthy food
            with your money

            • 2 years ago

              Government hasn't used tax payer money for decades.

              • 2 years ago

                >government uses citizens as collateral to prop up a failing petrodollar and they print that for gibsmedat
                Is that better?

              • 2 years ago

                yeah, give some of that monopoly money to healthy chain restaurants

  15. 2 years ago

    microdosing psychedelics is wack. until you take enough to start seeing imaginary animals, you're not getting the true experience.

  16. 2 years ago

    the worst/best part of lsd is kills your copes, when you're trippin balls you suddenly become aware of copes on levels so deep you didn't even know existed. it's like suddenly you just realize the only way to live cringe free is to drop every cope and just live extremely honestly. but when you come down, you realize everyone is walking around in shells of cope/ego, so you might as well build it back up. i'm not sure if that's what they mean by ego death: the urge to shed all copes from your psycho but in my mind that's what it is.

  17. 2 years ago


    The hippie movement and it's universal love concept came from psychedelic induced ideas of "oneness". Ego death and communal ideology are very common results of some psychedelics.

  18. 2 years ago

    No. Whenever I take mushrooms or LSD the change of perspective doesn't last. As soon as it wears off my normal shitty personality returns and I'm no different than I was before. the worst part about doing LSD is that it wears off

    • 2 years ago

      Testosterone permanently changes your personality
      I recommend 1000mg a week to start

      • 2 years ago

        I've thought about that before but isn't it a pain in the ass to get a doctor to give to you? Thought about ordering from darknet to avoid that hassle but don't know what specifically I would want to get.

        i don't think my test levels are low, I'm just jaded, cynical, self-loathing, pessimistic. All that goes away if I take LSD, the walls of the mental prison break down, and I feel free and uninhibited. But that feeling doesn't last longer than the drug does

  19. 2 years ago

    how do you find friends to do this with

    I fear it has to be a perfect time window. friends youre intimate with and have been through similar shit together (e.g having gone to the same high school) but haven't known each other too long that the realization of individuality sets in, that everyone is too different, wants different things, and everyone just gets sick of everyone else's shit.

    I grew out of my friend group recently, I'm 24. I didnt get the experiences I should have with them, and I think they saw me as a random tag-along, and they had other groups anyway while I only had them. Retrospectively they fricking sucked anyway and I was always too scared(?) to try and hang out with the crowd I really wanted to.

    It's game over for me though, I'm at the start of the age of the numb adult grind, no friends, no naive happiness, no spark of connection with others as everyone grows into their shells.

    My biggest mistake was never smoking weed. Honest to god that was the #1 place it went wrong. If I could go back to being 15, I would live better. I am condemned now.

    • 2 years ago

      you have to stop this mindset because it doesn't help. You will find yourself thinking that it is 'too late' for the rest of your life and yet life will always go on.

      • 2 years ago

        what do I do right now

        • 2 years ago

          Same spot as you
          What helps is to not give a shit as much and just be more spontaneous

        • 2 years ago

          Same spot as you
          What helps is to not give a shit as much and just be more spontaneous

          nothing you can do I guess. You will eventually grow up and see that things you thought were important actually aren't and that it's not a good thing to always get what you want. But it's not as bad as it might sound. Actually some things get better. Maybe you'll learn that circumstances matter more than you think and being comfy isn't important at all. You will always win a bit and lose a bit.

          • 2 years ago

            Im not asking to be comfy dude that's almost the opposite of what I want. I want to live.

  20. 2 years ago

    >not macrodosing
    Anon microdosing is for silicone valley homosexuals and prove that nothing is sacred in front of the post modern recuperating current that is neoliberalism. Read postscripts on societies of control and down some grams dude
    Glad that you gained at least something positive out of your experience though

  21. 2 years ago

    I was on mdma at a rave last year and decided to stop drinking, start eating healthy and lose weight and eventually start exercising.

    Went from 112kgs+ to 78ish. Have maintained this weight for 6+months. I exercise most days and am the fittest I've ever been. Also eat clean and don't care about having cheat days.

    Whenever someone sees me now they're always like WTF! They can't believe how much I've changed.

    I've done lots of acid, little bit of shrooms, but they never made me get my shit together.

  22. 2 years ago

    Has that anon that planned to do a hero dose in a dark basement a couple weeks ago made a reappearance?

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